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3232587 No.3232587 [Reply] [Original]

how come no one attack others with weapons of mass destructions / atomic bombs, etc anymore? im not talking about some faggot planes crashing into buildings, real heavy stuff

>> No.3232597

because if you use them on any country they will nuke you back.

>> No.3232595

how hard are they to make/get and how expensive?

>> No.3232601

what do you mean "anymore"? Are you implying that dropping atomic bombs on each other has ever been a regular occurrence?

>> No.3232616

japan got nuked...

>> No.3232618

there is always risk i guess, what if you one can keep it a secret and no one finds out
around 50-70 years yes, most of them not very powerfull enough to say atomic but still there was nuking going on

>> No.3232622


>> No.3232625

thank you for the information, captain obvious. I said REGULAR OCCURRENCE. not twice in the entire history of man.

>> No.3232627

twice in one week then nothing for 65 years is hardly a regular occurrence

>> No.3232633

>huge nuclear explosion

also nuclear weapons have got less powerful recently as their acuuracy increased

>> No.3232636

Illuminati obv

>> No.3232640
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>> No.3232644

this shit belongs on /news/ ...

>> No.3232646
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>around 50-70 years yes, most of them not very powerfull enough to say atomic but still there was nuking going on

>> No.3232676
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>> No.3232689

what is this I don't even...

>> No.3232691

i think you didnt get the point, lets say you are the president of a country, the main city gets nuked, now what do you do to find out who did it?

>> No.3232699

There's generally no need for it. Conventional explosives fill the tactical niche without all the fallout, both in the political and environmental sense. Conventional explosives can't compete with nuclear weapons in higher yields, but, then again, strategic warheads are unnecessary except as a deterrent. Any actual use of a city-destroying hydrogen bomb in combat would result in very unpleasant consequences for everyone.

Plus, you know, treaties.

>> No.3232714

Are you talking about a suitcase nuke?

>> No.3232721

Ok... what's your point? this has never happened. Are you trying to ask why this never happens?

>> No.3233198

Nukes have become so infamous that they have become useless. The first country to launch a nuke at any one else is the first country to elect a truly insane person to lead it.

>> No.3233210
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Here's your answer OP:


>> No.3233549

From the trace isotopes in the air, you can figure out where the uranium came from. They're traceable.

>> No.3233580

MAD ?, brb use simple words, its not fare!, picture you're the president of fuckitan, you're annoyed at america and their sexy miniskirts, woman cant wear miniskirts in your country, so why do their should ?, so you go onto a camara and say "hey america, we hate you im making war to you", 5 seconds later you're the dead president of radioactivancrateristan and 120000 citizens died without a warning,

funny thing is that, when some country goes to war, they army and their institutions go to war not really often guerrillas/anarchist groups and armed citizens get in the way, but still most of the country is still inhabited by unaware and uncaring citizens,

well, until the day someone develops a nuke that can selectively kill armies and armed non-neutral civilians, there wont be any nuke detonations trololol

>> No.3233581


Do you want us to just destroy the planet?

If WWII would've occurred with today's technology, we would have all been fucked.

>> No.3233612

I don`t think you are very smart...

Sure is MAD. (see, I made a cleaver joke)

>> No.3233615

Two nuclear weapons have been used against nations as a military asset. It's not quite that easy to get nuked or order use of nuclear ordinance. Due to the radioactive and international fallout that would immediately result from any above-ground use of nuclear weapons for any reason, no one wants to.

>>3232587 [OP]
Look at Eastern Europe during the Cold War. Despite the extensive nuclear stockpiling by the United States, the most powerful objects on the planet were too powerful to stop the formation of communist "buffer states."
>Don't use a sledgehammer to perform brain surgery.

>> No.3233650

Quite simple really, as already mentioned,MAD , or

"mutually assured destruction"

Basically means, if say Russia launch's all its nukes at the USA, the USA will have enough time while Russias are in flight to launch all THEIRS back. its a lose-lose situation, everybody dies.

With the exception terrorists getting a hold of one and blowing it up somewhere, using it in actual country vs country wars, it likely wont ever happen again.

>> No.3233670


A vid to back up this good anon's post


>> No.3233676

Well OP, herein lies your problem. Since the beginning of time, a breed of lemurs known as Sugar Bitches have been developing methods of advancements in medicine and technology. To our misfortune, they have fucked more than a horny rabbit on a rainy day. There. Are. Thousands. If we are to blow each other to dust with our A-Bombs, if you will, we will have no chance against this retched species.
We must also smoke less meth, that will solve global warming. I hope i was to some assistance

>> No.3233681

"Long time ago when we was MAD."

Awesome song.

>> No.3233742
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>> No.3233820

>your filename: Kirk holds invisible shit.jpg

I don't fucking think so, Tim

>> No.3233837
File: 32 KB, 318x472, 1307428239093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global supply chains, how do they work?
The age of war is coming to an end.