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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3228642 No.3228642 [Reply] [Original]

>Lab class
>Professor doesn't have a fucking clue how to set up the labs
>Everyone just dicks around for the first half hour
>Check the time on my cellphone
>See the note "cellphone" on my Blackboard grade
>Whatever, cunt
>End the class with an 80%
>Posted grade: C-

>> No.3228654

>old professor
>study for test
>study harder for another test
>friend just copies all answers
>gets a B
>copy answers perfectly
>get D
>spend a whole week preparing for another test, learning everything almost by heart
>get a D

Bullshit general.

>> No.3228651

>End the class with an 80%
>Posted grade: C-


>> No.3228655

>getting a C- in any class

>> No.3228668
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What, the lab wasn't equipped with a clock on the wall?

And just what did you need to check the time for, you got a date? Something you couldn't schedule around your already mandated class schedule?

>> No.3228670


It means my actual score in the class is 80/100 for all assignments. The grade that they actually gave me was around 70/100.

>> No.3228676

I'm not OP, but all of that aside, it still shouldn't be an issue for someone to check the time on their cellphone.

>> No.3228685


Brandishing your cell phone in class has always been a rude gesture to your professor, doesn't matter what school. I recommend you write him an apology card.

>> No.3228689

If your getting a C in any class that isn't like AP level then gtfo of /sci

>> No.3228692


It was a woman professor at a state technical college. She only acted like a cunt out of her own rage at the world.

>> No.3228694
File: 2 KB, 107x126, iserio11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw 70% is a distinction at my university

school in america must be so fucking easy.

>> No.3228697

>AP level courses

2/10, summerfriend.

>> No.3228699

Nice troll.

Yeah, I don't know what it is with old people, figuring everyone should have wristwatches and calculators and wired phones when they've already got perfectly good all-purpose information processing devices in their pockets.

>> No.3228711 [DELETED] 

OP if you want to get shit done in life you need to learn to suck on cocks. It's just the way shit be.

Look at it this way, you are born highly intelligent yet surrounded by retards. What would a highly intelligent person do upon realizing the dunning-kruger effect? Would he wail and gnash his teeth like a primitive ape overcome with emotion? Or would he manipulate reality to his benefit?

>> No.3228719


It took less than a century to invent cell phones and other miscellaneous pocket devices.

It took us millions of years to evolve necks we could rotate our heads on, let alone the other amount of time needed for functional eyes and clock-detecting skills.


>> No.3228730

Why the fuck did you sign up for a /sci/ related lab with a female professor? If it didn't just say "STAFF" when you signed up for it you are retarded.

>> No.3228757

There was no clock on the wall as I do not attend high school, you shitty underaged troll.

Unavoidable. She's the only person who teaches Hydrology, the flaming homosexual of engineering.

>> No.3228759

fucking this

>> No.3228775

>Linear Algebra
>easiest math course
>Professor explaining inner product spaces
>taking far too long
>someone asks why the brackets are pointed
>He starts over

>> No.3228826
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>Course is over at 3:50
>Another one across campus at 4:00
>"Oops, time to go, but not before I go over this..."

>> No.3228831


Haha, are female professors inept at the sciences? I'm taking an Anatomy class with one in the fall.

>> No.3228843

>70% is a distinction
sounds like you're school is the easy one

>> No.3228851

>community college fag

>> No.3228878


atleast he goes to one

>> No.3228902
File: 100 KB, 250x250, 1307729127676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're taking the final exams early but you still have to show up the last two days of class even though we don't be doing anything. I still have to take attendance

>> No.3228975

>Take Calc 1
>Easy modo
>Take Calc 2
>Get a 10% on first test
>"I don't give credit if you don't use proper notation."

>> No.3228992

>"I don't give credit if you don't use proper notation."

and you shouldn't get credit if you don't use proper notation. mathematics academics get off on notation, use it.

>> No.3229001


The problem is that 99% of people who have to take Calc don't give a flying fuck about notation.

>> No.3229002

It's like whining that you wrote a perfect essay without punctuation.

>> No.3229016


Punctuation makes reading more understandable.
Math notation lets you taste your own dick.

>> No.3229022

what did you do integrals without using the integral sign?

>> No.3229031


Left out the "dx"s at the end of integrals.

>> No.3229036

...seriously...you don't think math notation doesn't make your answer more understandable?

>> No.3229045

So I suppose you don't know what 6/3(2+3) is eh?

>> No.3229046

>>3228831Haha, are female professors inept at the sciences?

Females are inept at teaching and more likely to assign faggot group projects than actually teach anything.

>> No.3229039
File: 84 KB, 274x286, WoW thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best definition of notation yet.

>> No.3229051
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>didn't define what he was integrating with respect to
>expects credit of any kind

>> No.3229052


Math notation is for people who still take classes that don't require calculators or software.

>> No.3229059

If that's how you gave the answers, you deserved it.

If that's just how you showed your work, he was being a dick about it. He could have just docked you a few percent for sloppiness.

>> No.3229070

you don't solve for anything that requires answers with dx/dy in any calc class. it must've just been the work.

>> No.3229071

Kinda unrelated but in lab class today (geology 101) my lab partner thought "show your work" means using long division. I almost loled out of my chair.

>> No.3229076


Congrats on retard mode there. Not sure if you've taken calc 3 by this point but that shit actually matters.

>> No.3229093

English is for 90 year olds who don't txt lk chldrn

>> No.3229094

It was the first test. It wasn't necessarily solving for anything in every problem.

>> No.3229151
File: 53 KB, 785x546, notation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but I fucking laughed for like 5 minutes after reading >>3229016

had to cap it, thanks for that