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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3225234 No.3225234 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /sci/
I think it's about time we should learn about ourselves;

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

What are your parents like?

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

Thanks /sci/, I think this will be quite interesting, hopefully if enough people answer we can get a good picture of the /sci/ board and what makes us tick.

>> No.3225243

The field of science that interests you the most?
>physics, mainly theoretical.
What stage of education are you in?
>first year college.
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>yes, warmahordes, played pokemon as a child.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>yes, starcraft II, age of empires, empire total war, also like zelda and final fantasy.
What are your parents like?
>pretty chill, dad is an engineer and mother works at a bank. liberal outlook and always encouraged my to read and pursue education, lucky :)
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>everything, honestly, prog rock, rap, metal, drum and bass
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225255

Physics in general, but I love Astrophysics.

I'm doing my third year of engineering school next year ( my last year before my PhD to give an idea ) but studying astrophysics

Not really. But who knows ?



I don't have a specific kind of music. I usually love music i can dance on my chair to.

I tried to learn guitar, but I quit.

A bit bullied, nothing really serious, I eventually turned a bully myself. But I'm a better person now, well, i hope so.

>> No.3225311

The field of science that interests you the most?
>physics, and maths if that counts
What stage of education are you in?
>year 12 (I am 18 though)
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>no, except pokemon trading cards in primary school if that counts?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
What are your parents like?
>nice people, smart and hard working
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>'indie', metal, electronic, classical (I like alot of stuff, /mu/ is my 'homeboard' or whatever)
Do you play an instrument?
>piano, trumpet
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225348
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>>mfw we will never have islands floating in the air

>> No.3225373

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
Some college year. 18 years old in Norway; whatever that puts me in where ever you're from.

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I do. I like strategy, puzzle-games, shooters.. pretty much everything if it's fun.

What are your parents like?
Mother: Controlling and manipulating.
Father: Cold, distant, depressed dude.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
I love anything with calm piano-tunes. So I tend to like classical, alà Chopin. Best modern band has to be Pink Floyd.

Do you play an instrument?
Unfortunately not.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not really, but I've always been perceived as "that weird kid".

>> No.3225376
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The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
Second year of university
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
No, none
What are your parents like?
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225383

The field of science that interests you the most?
>That would be condensed matter physics, specifically quantum Hall systems at the moment.
What stage of education are you in?
>PhD student
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>I have played M:tG and Battletech, but that was in high school. Would like to play Battletech again though...
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes: Dwarf Fortress, RTS, TBS
What are your parents like?
>They are nice? I don't know how to answer these types of questions...
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Various types of rock
Do you play an instrument?
>I know how to play one, but I haven't played it in a long time.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>No, there weren't really bullies so far as I could tell.

>> No.3225403

The field of science that interests you the most?
> neuroscience, artificial intelligence, statistics
What stage of education are you in?
> first master year.
Do you believe in a god?
> never have
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
> played warmahordes, warhammer (wargame and rp) and MtG. Haven't played any of it for quite a few years now, except for rp.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
> generally games that require some strategy and have a good learning curve, I don't like fps. Examples of games I like: baldur's gate 2, planescape torment, SotC, chrono trigger, ff-tactics, total war series, demon's souls, etc.
What are your parents like?
> I've got really great parents, none of them show any interest in science though, I got that from my grandfather.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
> I listen to just about everything, the things I most enjoy though are OST's of games and films.
Do you play an instrument?
> No.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
> No.

>> No.3225433
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The field of science that interests you the most?
>Materials science and statics
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>I only play total war games
What are your parents like?
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Electronic, ambient, black metal, romantic classical, classic rock/prog.
Do you play an instrument?
>Guitar, can program synths/drums
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225453 [DELETED] 
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Greetings /sci/
I think it's about time we should learn about ourselves;

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Genetics Undergrad, so Genetics
What stage of education are you in?
>About to start 4th year (Scotland)
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
What are your parents like?
>Dad: A Drunk
>Mum: Sick of Dad being a drunk
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Dubstep, Hip Hop, Synthpop
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Kind of (Shortfag)

>> No.3225454 [DELETED] 

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

What are your parents like?
>Working class.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225449

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Probably cosmology or astrophysics, though I'm studying mechanical engineering
What stage of education are you in?
>ending my master's degree this summer
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>I used to play Counter Strike a bunch, but other than that I usually just play old SNES/NES games emulated on my computer (just recently got done with Soul Blazer and ActRaiser... great games)
What are your parents like?
>Pretty strict, but kind. Both are teachers, but my dad used to be a cartographer.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>indie rock, classical (in the general sense, not the specific period), some kinds of metal
Do you play an instrument?
>clarinet, saxophone, piano
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225459

The field of science that interests you the most?
all of them
What stage of education are you in?
very high

Do you believe in a god?
don't know whats that

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
fps racing strategy flight simulator miniclip games like 8 ball
What are your parents like?
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Nathan Fake recently
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?


>> No.3225469

Nice thread idea, OP.

The field of science that interests you the most?
---[Mathematics (specifically, number theory, complex analysis, combinatorics, logic, and geometries)]---

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?
---[I'm going to leave this one blank.]---

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
---[My roommate and I play WoW. I enjoy DDR and all word/letter/number social games.]---

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
---[I do not play video games if that's what this means.]---

What are your parents like?
---[I haven't seen my father since I was 12 by choice (drug abuse). My mother is disabled, lives in fixed-income housing.]---

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
---[I dislike country, most rap, and mainstream radio music. I enjoy classical, ambient theatrical, and most music without words. Trance, techno, electronic, and most upbeat genres are worthy of my attention as well.]---

Do you play an instrument?
---[Yes. Piano, guitar, and drums.]----

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
---[Yes. I was morbidly obese until the age of 22. I was properly bullied.]---

>> No.3225483

I like chemistry because it provides an amazingly general explanation of damn near all the interactions of the world around us, how matter works.I learned basic stuff about ionic compounds.

I also like physics for its mathematical beauty, potential for a theory of everything, and particle zoo. Oh, and celestial mechanics.

I'm freshman year uni student, computer science so I can into videogame industry.

Atheist all the way.

I've played tabletop RPGs, I'm usually the most involved player but I can rarely get games. CCGs don't have the strategic depth I'm after and warhammer is too expensive. Thinking of designing my own combat system after the exams.

Love vidya. I detest MMOs. The realistic Red Orchestra is one of my favourite games, but then again so is UT2004. I enjoyed Ratchet and Clank and Legend of Zelda as well, and also a few indie games like Cave Story and Nethack - but always hardcore games, with substance and challenge. I can't stand things like angry birds or wii sports. Looking forward to Skyrim.

Parents are cool, used to be restrictive as fuck but they loosened up.

I can play keyboard to a basic level, but I suck at reading music; prefer to improvise. Especially like using a sampler or synthesizer.

Bullied in primary school by pretty much everyone, eventually got some friends. I held up pretty well, learned to be alone, got into books, vidya.

>> No.3225492

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>I play pokemon, YuGiOh and Warhammer
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
WOW mostly
What are your parents like?
>Mother is a bitch and Dad beats me
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Katy Perry, Beyonce, Lady Gaga
Do you play an instrument?
>Not allowed
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>I have been bullied every year since I was 10

>> No.3225497

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
Going to be a junior in highschool.

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I played yugioh and magic in elementary school.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I like open world RPGs like the elder scrolls series.

What are your parents like?
Nice and pretty intelligent considering they're christians.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Progressive metal like mastodon, and I used to love black metal, but now I only like a few black metal bands.

Do you play an instrument?
No, I try to play bass, but I suck, my brother on the other hand is a musical genius.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
No, but there were some skater kids in 6th grade that hung out with my friends and occasionally told me that they didnt like me.

>> No.3225503
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i feel you bro ;__;

>> No.3225543

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>1st year ChemE
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Mostly rts games: starcraft, total war series etc.
What are your parents like?
>Typical middle class parents
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Mostly classical music
Do you play an instrument?
>Used to
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225563
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Pt: 1
>The Field of Science that interests you the most.

What ever is most beneficial to the long term survival and progression of mankind. So I suppose all of it, I don't really know which field in particular.

>What stage of education are you in?
Working towards an associates in science. I am really lost in terms of where I actually want to go with my education, though.

>Do you believe in a god.
Frankly, I can't make claims one way or the other. I don't believe in any gods proposed by the organized religions of humanity. If there is a "god" or creator, we know nothing of it but its creation.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I'm a huge fan of Warhammer fluff and spend a pretty significant amount of time on /tg/. I've also played YuGiOh but spend most of my time on vidya.

>> No.3225575
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Pt: 2
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
As previously mentioned I do play vidya. My favorite genres would be Real Time Strategy, First Person Shooters (although I'm understandably picky about these, with the current market trend), Tactics RPGs, and Action RPGs.

>What are your parents like?
My father is a hydrologist and my mother is a hydrochemist. My father works for a large engineering corporation and my Mother works for a profitable ground water consultant firm. I was mostly raised by my mother on account that she worked part time and my father worked full time.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Hiphop, instrumental hiphop, electronic (although I hate that genre label), classical, folk, reggae, bluegrass, jazz (of multiple assortments), and Latin influenced Ska.

>Do you play an instrument?
Growing up I played jazz alto-saxophone, I no longer play any instruments though.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Certainly, I was also guilty of having been a bully on a few occasions, though I have personally apologized to anyone who I bullied and still have contact with.

Any feedback would be great. I don't mean to sound petty or seeking of approval, just would be interesting to hear some thoughts.

>> No.3225610

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Casual gamer, FPS and sandbox games
What are your parents like?
>Dads an asshole, mothers all right
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Mainly Rock, Some Dub-step and the odd rap song
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Primary - Yes, Secondary - I was quite popular

>> No.3225617

I can see why you're bullied, you seem like an insufferable cunt

>> No.3225624

The field of science that interests you the most?
> Math and physics (mostly theoric)

What stage of education are you in?
> Undergrad

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>YuGiOh when I was in year 5, pokemon before that

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
> Many genres : FPS, RPG, Puzzles,...

What are your parents like?
> Father : total mindfreak, smart though, but really annoying, mythomaniac...
> Mother : doesn't give a shit about her children (we're 3), she's a doctor.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
> Almost any ! Rock, Metal, Jazz, Blues, Classical, but very few Rap...

Do you play an instrument?
> Yes : drums and guitar, for several years now.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
> Not really, no. I was only made fun of (a little) in year 9...

>> No.3225637

The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics and astrophysics, although i have recently become interested in computer science and AI.

What stage of education are you in?
First year eng/sci uni student
Do you believe in a god?

I did until about 2 years ago when i actually started to think about it.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Played yugioh and pokemon cards and the sort in primary school if that counts.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Pretty much everything, been playing half life, morrowind, minecraft and diablo recently, plan on getting into starcraft soon. Pumped for skyrim and bf3

What are your parents like?
Religious but nice and not too strict.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Metal, hardcore, some indie rock.

Do you play an instrument?
Used to play guitar but havent touched in in months.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not properly.

>> No.3225681

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Maths, physics, biology and chemistry
What stage of education are you in?
>18 years young in Finland, whatever that corresponds in other countries
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Used to play MMORPG's, got bored of them
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>RTS and RPG games
What are your parents like?
>Workaholics. Nice but I've never really talked with them a whole lot
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Prog rock/metal, jazz, trance
Do you play an instrument?
>Unfortunately no
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>A bit for being short and silent

>> No.3225706

>>The field of science that interests you the most?
Chemistry and Computer Science
>>What stage of education are you in?
freshman in college
>>Do you believe in a god?
no, but i'm not exactly an atheist. I just accept that i can't know
>>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
i'm into starcraft right now. loved zelda. shadow of the colossus. assassin's creed. I like games with huge areas to roam
>>What are your parents like?
Both pretty intelligent. I think they're pretty good parents.
>>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Mostly punk. Bad Religion, Minor threat. that general genre
>>Do you play an instrument?
I drum and play guitar
>>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Barely. I was mildly bullied from about when i was 9 to 12. nothing serious at all though.

>> No.3225827

>>The field of science that interests you the most?
Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Geology (mineralogy), Materials Science
>>What stage of education are you in?
2nd Year Uni
>>Do you believe in a god?
>>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
very rarely
>>What are your parents like?
my mother is a saint, my dad is a top bloke
>>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
punk, rock, hardcore, oz hip hop, etc
>>Do you play an instrument?
not really - teaching myself piano kinda
>>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225847

Zoology and Psychology
Yu-Gi-Oh was my life at one point. I still maintain a great deal of nostalgia for it too.
No, not really.
Helpful but impossible.
Classical. Only Classical.

>> No.3225848

ARE YOU ME ??????

>> No.3225864

>The field of science that interests you the most?

>What stage of education are you in?
2nd year at university

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
yes, anything with a good storyline, but i'm not really fussy.

>What are your parents like?
both hard working and intelligent, and also very liberal and easy going. they pretty much let me do whatever i like, which suits me nicely.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
anything that isn't shit. dance music, pop music, rock music, trance, techno. not so much rap...

>Do you play an instrument?

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225876

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Evolutionary biology, biopharmaceuticals
What stage of education are you in?
>BS Biochem- complete, 2nd year JD student
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Yes, Babylon 5 Wars, Naval Plan Orange, Jutland
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes. Strategy, overwhelmingly
What are your parents like?
>Nice enough people but I generally avoid their company these days. Profoundly intelligent in some ways, moronic in others.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Classical, French House, Opera
Do you play an instrument?
>Nope, I was a bronze medalist in music at the national academic decathlon though, so I like to think I know music pretty well.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Yes, but I stopped being so bookish and introverted by HS. Nerdy gamer into Fraternity boy scientist.

>> No.3225888

The field of science that interests you the most?
>social sciences

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?
>no, but i believe in a spiritual realm that is parallel with the physical world

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

What are your parents like?
>average, nothing special about them

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>underground stuff by bands who havent yet sold out and gone overly commercial by producting shitty autotuned music

Do you play an instrument?
>flute, ukulele, guitar

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3225896

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>Junior in undergrad
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Pokemon when it came out, Yugioh when it came out, then I grew up and played magic the gathering but stopped after time spiral
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
What are your parents like?
>Pretty cool, my dad's a professor and my mom's a Spanish teacher, they were strict but linient at the same time.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
> punk rock, techno, classical, indie rock
Do you play an instrument?
>nope i'm musically challenged, can't keep a constant beat and am a bit tone deaf.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Uh not really, my dad is a second dan black belt in Judo, so he kind of thought me how to fight for myself. I only got bullied once by each bully.

>> No.3225914

The field of science that interests you the most?
chemistry and biology

What stage of education are you in?
2nd year university, just got accepted into biochemistry specialization

there is an entity which created all this, im sure.

ive played yugioh and collected cards.

my parents are friendly but strict

my taste in music is weird, i like hardcore metal AND hardcore rap. example: SOAD and NWA

i do not play an instrument

I was bullied verbally alot as a child T_T , but no one would dare bully now! Muhahahaha!

>> No.3225922
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>> No.3225929

The field of science that interests you the most?

>Mathematics and chemistry

What stage of education are you in?

>2nd year engineering student.

Do you believe in a god?

>Yes, but I'm not too fond of organized religions.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

>I played tabletop Warhammer, 40K, and Mordheim. I tried playing Magic, but I didn't like it.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

>Yes. I like RPGs and FPS games the most.

What are your parents like?

>My father is an industrial engineer that manufactures flanges in a forge. My mother is a nurse. They are both in their 50s

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

>I enjoy (although I am somewhat picky) classical music, specifically overtures and operas. I also like some punk, rock, and ska.

Do you play an instrument?

>Yes, I've been playing the trumpet for 8 years now. Back in high school I made it to the State level of trumpet performance. Now I volunteer at an intermediate school's band to teach kids how to play.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>No I was not.

>> No.3225963

>What stage of education are you in?
First year in university, studying Maths and Physics.

>Do you believe in a god?
Not since the 9th grade.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I play all sorts of board games and roleplaying games. I frequently lurk /tg/. I don't play any wargames or CCGs, though.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I stopped playing vidya when the PS3 came out. I've been occasionally reliving my carefree middle school days through the power of PS1 emulators. The only vidya I play more than occasionally now is TF2.

>What are your parents like?
Both have nothing to do with science. They studied civil studies or something like that. My father is absolutely horrid at mathematics and excellent at history, yet still ended up as an accountant. My mother is good with arithmetic and is very practically minded. She is a civil servant. They are exceedingly cool, except for when my father does not understand how the scientific method works.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
A lot of things. I can listen to classical and then industrial hardcore. I can't, however, stand overly sentimental songs, and that's not due to their lyrics, it's due to the music that usually accompanies them.

>Do you play an instrument?
The harmonica, very, very little. I do things on FL Studio for shits and giggles, though, quite frequently.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
I don't know what "properly" means here, but I was never beaten up. I was harassed by some blokes quite a lot, though.

>> No.3226084

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics, astronomy and cosmology as well.

>What stage of education are you in?
Halfway through an undergraduate electronic engineering and computer science degree.

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Pokeymans TCG several years ago.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yes, mainly FPS, RPG and RTS

>What are your parents like?
Not scientifically minded, but caring and hard-working.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Almost anything that isn't hip hop I don't mind; prog rock/metal and classical in particular.

>Do you play an instrument?
Used to play clarinet, currently trying to muster the motivation to learn piano.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not physically, but some psychological harassment during high school.

>> No.3226093

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
Master's degree
Do you believe in a god?
What is a god? Probably no.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Many games. Mostly strategy but also fps and flash games.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
See previous answer.
What are your parents like?
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Electronic, but also some hiphop
Do you play an instrument?
I used to play guitar and drums.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Only once seriously. But I've gotten a lot of snide when I was a kid. But so did others. Some kids who were tougher than me even got beat up, I didn't. So I guess I was lucky.

>> No.3226113

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Finance, Management
>What stage of education are you in?
Finishing up 1st year university International Business Administration
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
YuGiOh card game as a child.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yes, RPG is probably my all-time favourite

>What are your parents like?
Decent people, dad works in the public sector, mom works at Oxfam. Must be why I want to work in the private sector so badly.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Differs, I can listen and enjoy most types of music

>Do you play an instrument?
No I do not

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not really, had the occasional bullying of course, but who didn't?

>> No.3226130

>The field of science that interests you the most?


>What stage of education are you in?

Going to be a freshman in college the coming semester

>Do you believe in a god?

No, maybe as a description for the complexity of the universe but not in the supernatural sense.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Pokemon and Yugioh as a kid. I've tried DnD a year or two ago.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

I use to play 8-12 hours a day consistently. Anything from counter strike to world of warcraft. I do not play video games anymore, at most an hour every 1-2 weeks. Most of my time is spent reading and writing now.

>What are your parents like?

Had a shitty relationship with my father all of my life and eventually became disabled after drinking and driving. My mother is a crazy bitch like most of them are. I just try to not be like them in hopes that their anger and insecurities don't rub off on me and sit in my room and read all day.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Classical, House, Drum and Bass, Chillout and Trip Hop

>Do you play an instrument?

I use to play a trumpet in middle school, and have attempted to get into the electric bass.

>> No.3226134

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Pretty much all, but Neuroscience and Physics are top two

What stage of education are you in?
>About to begin college

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>I used to be pretty dang good at YuGiOh...

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes. Action adventure and RTS.

What are your parents like?
>One is a complete retard fundie, the other is a semi-retard religious person

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Do you play an instrument?
>no, but I'd like to

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226138


>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

I was bullied a lot in middle school.

>> No.3226143

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics, astronomy. More recently health (because of /fit/)

>What stage of education are you in?
Finished master's in astronomy. Going on to PhD soon

>Do you believe in a god?
Define what a god is. But more than likely, no.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Like tabletop RPG like games that may or may not involve cards? A little. Too lazy to remember specifics.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I'm phasing out. I used to play WoW and saw the toll it took on my education. After quitting, I've been slowly phasing out of the vidya. Still have a soft spot for Pokemon though.

>What are your parents like?
Cool people. Dad is a contractor, mom works with special needs people. They're the kind of parents who will laugh at something I show them on 4chan.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Metal, ambient, anything with a unique sound

>Do you play an instrument?
Saxophone, drums

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Sort of. I had a friend who was a dick and NO ONE in the school liked him. He would just take shit from me and not return it because "it was so funny how badly I wanted it back." So I just ignored him for 3 years until he realized I wasn't his friend anymore.

>> No.3226147

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Physics, theoretical and quantum, and computer sciences.
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>I've played/play YuGiOh. I would like to play Warhammer.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>JRPG, Fighter, old FPS, platformer
What are your parents like?
>My Dad is a nuclear engineer. He's pretty derp most of the time. He was also working over seas a lot when I was little. My mom is very friendly and nice.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Hard to describe it. http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/album/homestuck-vol-5
Do you play an instrument?
>I play the piano/synthesizer, and I can sort of play the saxophone.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>No. I went to a really nice school as a kid.

>> No.3226161

>The field of science that interests you the most?
>What stage of education are you in?
three PhDs, unemployed though
>Do you believe in a god?
language can't describe the reality of the situation
>Do you play an instrument?
I play the balalaika

>> No.3226166
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>> No.3226167
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>> No.3226172

>The field of science that interests you the most?
CS, Neuroscience, its all good.
>What stage of education are you in?
Second year (21)
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
YuGiOh when i was younger
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Oblivion, GTA, CIV that kind of stuff
>What are your parents like?
Single mom, kinda bitchy.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Extreme Metal subgenres, Classical, Prog and Post Rock,trance
>Do you play an instrument?
Am struggling lately with guitar and piano
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Alot, fuck, but in junior high it was over.

>> No.3226176

also: answered all the questions in reverse order.

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
started A2 on monday
Do you believe in a god?
define god
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
nope, couldnt give a fuck
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
used to play everything all the time, now only ocassionally
What are your parents like?
dad knows a lot of facts, but is still quite ignorant, mum knows some things, but is very gullible(or however you spell that)
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
power metal
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226181

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads
What stage of education are you in?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads
Do you believe in a god?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads
What are your parents like?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads
Do you play an instrument?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Everyone posts, nobody reads

>> No.3226182

>dad is engineer.

Someone gotta tell your mom what he was doing overseas with other men.

>> No.3226185

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Language, biology, astronomy.
>What stage of education are you in?
I'm in college.
>Do you believe in a god?
Course not, bro.
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Not at all, bro.
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I usually don't, but I used to play a lot. Megaman, Pokemon, Mario, Shadow of the Colossus, Roller Coaster Tycoon.
>What are your parents like?
Nice. Father loves science, mother not so much. We all enjoy art.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Blues, jazz, progressive rock, classical.
>Do you play an instrument?
The guitar. Not so good at it though.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
As a child I was a bully, then puberty hit me and I was bullied throughout my adolescence.

>> No.3226186

The one where i learn to forget
Lots of them but never all at once

I never played them despite spending much money on games like this, because i was afraid to make the necessary social contact

Space games, mmos of all types, sandbox games, games that require work to become good at.

My father is dead and my mother needs to learn how to relax.

70's metal, tuvan throat singing, the entire baroque period, opera, various types of techno, finnish polka, zydeco, russian romance particularaly played on guitar or russian balalaika orchestras, waltzes of all types.


I don't believe so

>> No.3226190

The field of science that interests you the most?
> physics
What stage of education are you in?
> sophomore, university
Do you believe in a god?
> agnosticismfag here
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
> played some Yu-gi-oh when i was 8 or 9
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
> RPG, adventure, puzzle, whatever allows me to travel around the in-game world and discover stuff.
What are your parents like?
> doctors
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
> Most of rock/metal, can't really into psychedelic stuff though. Also like classical and classical-influenced stuff. Would like to know more about jazz and blue.
Do you play an instrument?
> guitar
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
> I fought back.

>> No.3226199

Hmm most of you here have parents of high class jobs.
I have one parent and she is a nurse.

>> No.3226203

The field of science that interests you the most?
>philosophy of science, genetics
What stage of education are you in?
>Last semester undergrad
Do you believe in a god?
>no, but i believe in God
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Played wow for a while on and off
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Not so much anymore, but FPS and RTS
What are your parents like?
>Nice, lax, Dad is an engineer and Mom works for the government
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Metal, trance, classical, Christian
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226204
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The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>Ending college (electronics)
Do you believe in a god?
>I don't really know if there is a god or not. But I pray to the old gods (pic related)
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Warhammer fantasy. Love those figures.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
What are your parents like?
>Normal parents :3
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Fucking beatles! And loreena mckennit :D
Do you play an instrument?
>Nope. I wish i could.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Not really

>> No.3226205

The field of science that interests you the most?
Computational and evolutionary biology

What stage of education are you in?
1st year of PhD

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I used to, don't have the time any more. It was mainly turn based strategies and shooters

What are your parents like?
Well educated, encouraging, supportive in every way imaginable. Warm.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Post rock, punk, jazz, d&b

Do you play an instrument?
Used to- guitar. But I sucked.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
There were a couple of sporadic incidents, but nothing perpetual. I was quite aggressive as a kid, so most people avoided me.

>> No.3226210

>i fought back.

Oh the myth of "fighting back".

If you managed to fight back then they weren't real bullies.
I had a literal gang of bullies in my school, if you fought back they would broke your soul.

>> No.3226236 [DELETED] 

Biology - neuroscience
2nd year English med student
There is no reason to believe there is a god. Theists don't belong on /sci/
My father beat my mother. Now he doesn't
At the moment I like trip hop, IDM, chilleddddd hip hop, a bit of dubstep, a few post and maths rock band and erm, the White stripes.
I don't play video games. Addictive personality. Don't give myself an excuse.
I was bullied

>> No.3226241

>oh yeah. I read every single one.

>> No.3226254

you seem like a terrible person.

>> No.3226343
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>neuro major
>liking shit music

>> No.3226360

Holy crap, you do? Play the balalaika?

Do you know how i can obtain one? Its impossible to find them online other than custom made ones, and they do not sell such things in local music shops. I found a website that apparently used to sell some, but demand was not high enough so they stopped ;_;

>> No.3226390

Yes. Although I won't be of much help because I bought mine while giving lectures in Kharkov a few decades back. I took a number of classes for the months that I was living in Ukraine. From there, I continued on my own.

>> No.3226410

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>High School
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Does Pokemon count?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>RPG, Platformers, Action Adventure
What are your parents like?
>Pretty cool
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Classical, Rock, anything really just as long as it's good
Do you play an instrument?
>Piano, Saxamaphone
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226415
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*The field of science that interests you the most?
*What stage of education are you in?
--Medical school
*Do you believe in a god?
*Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
--When I was a youngfag I played both Warhammer and Yugioh
*Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
--I rarely play vidya anymore.
*What are your parents like?
--Divorced. Mom cares enough about me to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on my education. Dad doesn't really contribute shit to my life (typical black father amirite?)
*What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
--My favorite genre of music is apparently called "Twinklecore". As of now, I can't stop listening to Jóhann Jóhannsson.
*Do you play an instrument?
--I played guitar for 8 years but haven't touched one in ages.
*Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226425

The field of science that interests you the most?
>I like evolutionary biology
What stage of education are you in?
>Junior in college, just finished my second year. I'm taking summer classes and I'm not sure if I should refer to myself as "third year" now or in the fall.
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>I like everything provided it's actually fun (and good); i.e. shooters are fine, but I could do without another CoD remake/clone
What are your parents like?
>dad is kind of a lazy asshole
>mom is more chill than she used to be, she's really involved in me since I'm her only child
>as a result, I'm kind of a momma's boy. I am worried about what she'll do when I'm gone and she doesn't have a project anymore.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>backpacker rap, generic indie?
Do you play an instrument?
>nope, but I started learning guitar a few weeks ago, then I cut my finger, then summer class started. So it will probably remain nope.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226433

The field of science that interests you the most?
Theoretical physics
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Yes, played a little bit Magic the Gathering.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
RPGs and RTS
What are your parents like?
Cool, well educated people.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Classical, metal
Do you play an instrument?
Yes, violin. Played since an early age.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226458

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
>just finished first year of university

Do you believe in a god?
>Yes, I love debating with my other friends that are interested in sciences that are atheists

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>No, only little games on my iphone

What are your parents like?
>Abusive, alcoholic father, overly controlling and overbearing mother. I got over it

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>"Indie" crap, classical

Do you play an instrument?
>Guitar, but who doesn't?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Yes, I used to be fat until the eleventh grade

>> No.3226460

University undergrad.
No God.
Yes, I have played Warhammer, I have also played Magic: The Gathering, YuGiOh, and of course Pokemon.
I enjoy all PC vidya: RPGs, RTS's, and FPS's. Favorites from each genre would be Diablo II, Starcraft, and a tie between half-life and team fortress 2.
I have a good relationship with my parents. My mom is batshit insane, but my dad is a total badass.
I listen to primarily classic rock, but also some metal especially when gaming or driving.
No I do not play an instrument.
I was not bullied.

>> No.3226473

The field of science that interests you the most?
>computer science

What stage of education are you in?
>elementary school (I know I'm underaged)

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Yeah, I had a lot of YuGiOh cards.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Not now.

What are your parents like?
>I live in a islam country but my father and mother converted to Evangelistic. They are very supportive. My father is a manager of the most popular restaurant in the city, and mother is a teacher.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Alternative rock.

Do you play an instrument?
>A little bit of guitar.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Not really

>> No.3226487

>The field of science that interests you the most?
I can't really say. I think it's always the one you are not currently studying
What stage of education are you in?
University, 2nd year
Do you believe in a god?
Kind of. I don't think conciousness or free will exist but I like the idea of a... err... creator.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Well, I played M:TG. I was shocked to find out it's seen as a nerd-thing in the rest of the world, pretty much half the boys in our grade school played it
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Of course. And because 'everything as long as it's fun' is boring, I guess RPGs, RTS and fighters
What are your parents like?
Loving and smart for their education - but they both went to school until they were about 16 and then began to work, so parential wisdom or whatever you might call it pretty soon was no reliable source anymore
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Alternative, Jazz. No, I actually like jazz.
Do you play an instrument?
Piano, Guitar, Bass.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not at all. Didn't bully others either... I was pretty popular I guess

>> No.3226497

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>Going to uni in September
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes. FPS, RTS
What are your parents like?
>Not normal at all
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226528

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
Freshman in college
Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Yes. Yugioh pokemon mtg warhammer warhammer 40k

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Adventure rpg

What are your parents like?
Uneducated assjoles

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Electronic nerdcore

Do you play an instrument?
Piano guitar trombone

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes still am to this day

>> No.3226573

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
>Secondary school (Irishfaghere) basically stage before uni.

Do you believe in a god?
>No, never have.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>not since I was 8 or 9

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

What are your parents like?
>Catholic, old fashioned.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Classicial mostly

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3226607

The field of science that interests you the most?
Discrete Mathematics
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Pokemon, Warhammer, YuGiOh etc.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
What are your parents like?
Lower class though value education
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Copped a bit more than the average kid in highschool and primary school but it didn't really do anything.

>> No.3226625

The field of science that interests you the most?
- Artificial intelligence.

What stage of education are you in?
- I graduated years ago with a PhD.

Do you believe in a god?
- I'm agnostic. A metaphysical God could easily exist, but we can never definitively know.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
- I regularly play Go. It's excellent for keeping your mind clear and sharp.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
- Strategy and puzzle games.

What are your parents like?
- Strict (but not harsh), and intelligent. They practically retired to focus on educating me, so I'm very grateful.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
- I rarely listen to any but if I do I prefer art music from the late 19th century on, especially that of the serialists.

Do you play an instrument?
- No.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
- No.

>> No.3226640

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, and Math (if CS and math count)

What stage of education are you in?
>High School

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Minecraft. I enjoy sandbox-type games.

What are your parents like?
>Extremely conservative and religious :(

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Classical, Electronic

Do you play an instrument?
>A little piano

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Oh yes.

>> No.3226641

I love portal/portal 2. I hate cake.
Liberal, cool as fuck.
I love everything, seriously, except rap and heavy techno.
Piano and Accordion, for years now.

>> No.3226642

Not true.

>> No.3226648

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Mathematical biology and biogerontology

>What stage of education are you in?

>Do you believe in a god?
My cock

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do I look like a faggot?

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Do I look like a faggot?

>What are your parents like
Normal. No divorce, fighting, etc. Best you could hope for.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Classical (inb4 faggot)

>Do you play an instrument?

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes (feelsbadman.jpg)

>> No.3226655

What stage of education are you in?

- BA

Do you believe in a god?

- No

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

- Warhammer

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

- Yes. free roam. adventure. 3rd person.

What are your parents like?

- professional upper-working/lower-middle class. Catholic.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

- Indie. Electronic. Classical.

Do you play an instrument?

- Not anymore

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

- Occasionally tormented, but not bullied

>> No.3226687 [DELETED] 

Physics. Just generally physics, not really an specific field (yet)
First year of GCSE
Of course not.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
FPS's are good. I like RPGs and RTS too, as well as adventure things such as Minecraft.
Incredibly supportive.
Electronic, some dubstep, 90s/80s rock

>> No.3226684

>The field that interests you the most?
>What stage of education are you in?
3rd year undergrad.
>Do you believe in a god?
Haven't met him.
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I still play dnd (or equivalents) occassionally, but it's getting pretty rare. I just don't have the time for that kind of thing anymore, and I already wasted too much time.
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Similarly, I don't play games as much as I used to. I'll play a good puzzle game or platformer.
>What are your parents like?
Never around, physically or emotionally.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Love it all.
>Do you play an instrument?
In order of skill: violin, guitar, piano
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes. Now those people live bleak, minimum wage lives, so I'm not too bitter.

>> No.3226694

Missed one:

The field of science that interests you the most?

- haha this is a hard one. i did social sciences because it seemed logical judging from my high school grades. But my course was a general geographical one mostly concerned with size, distribution of populations and urban centres. but more traditional scientific earth sciences like geology as well other natural sciences like ecology, biology and zoology.

>> No.3226705
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>they believe in god


>> No.3226710

>First year of GCSE
That was 13 for me — are you that young?

>> No.3226729


>> No.3226740

he field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
---Second year bachelor of engineering
Do you believe in a god?
---Absolutely not
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
---Warhammer40K for a week I hated it.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
---Used to play lots now only occasional.
What are your parents like?
---My dad highly educated, my mum not so much both loving.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
---J-pop ....
Do you play an instrument?
---Not anymore.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
---A little but not that much.

>> No.3226753

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Astronomy and Astro-Physics
What stage of education are you in?
> Sophomore in college
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
> In my childhood I played YuGiOh and Pokemon
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
> I no longer play video games, except chess online every now and then
What are your parents like?
> My parents divorced when I was 7, my father had been in the Air Force and my mother never finished college, I've been living with my mother my entire life and became estranged from my father. My father is now going for his PhD in some type of world studies and my mother still has no college education. I don't like either of them very much.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
> I enjoy mellow music the most, but sometimes classical and pop-punk take the top slot.
Do you play an instrument?
> I play piano and the drums
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
> I've had my moments with bullies, but they weren't too often

>> No.3226794

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
>Uni graduate

Do you believe in a god?
>I don't think about it too much, if i had to answer, no.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes, mostly shooters, RTS and RPG.

What are your parents like?
>Nice, normal people.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>That's a long list.

Do you play an instrument?
>No, i was told several times i had an ear for music, never followed it up.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>No, some slagging but it was an all boy school, everyone was treated the same (mostly)

>> No.3226822

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics and astonomy, though biology and the prospect of immortality is fascinating
>What stage of education are you in?
UK college

Do you believe in a god?
Don't be ridiculous. Of course not.
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I played yu-gi-oh a bit as a kid, once walked into a warhammer shop and was almost indoctrinated by a neckbeard warhammer nerd.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
First person shooters, dry and apparently uninteresting but I do love them.
>What are your parents like?
They're together, bit hypocritical sometimes but they're very loving. I ignore them most of the time because I have such familiar contempt for them.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Alternative rock, and electronica. All sorts, though I tend to dislike mainstream music for some reason.
>Do you play an instrument?
No, used to play guitar, gave up. Regret it badly.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Nope. I'm too friendly.

>> No.3227101
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The field of science that interests you the most?
>Every field. Studying Chem Eng. I want to take everything apart to the most basic level and rebuild it as something else.
What stage of education are you in?
>2nd year Uni
Do you believe in a god?
>I believe in a greater being/power.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Played YuGiOh as a kid, play MTG now.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
> RPG's and Platformers are my shit. Anything that is highly acrobatic or something that takes me out of this world.
What are your parents like?
>They're from Europe, not that educated. Somewhat biased due to upbringing. They aren't bad people.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Love all music. Tend to strive more towards ambient, jazz, classical, instrumental, and blues.
Do you play an instrument?
>Used to play three. Piano, Clarinet, and Tenor Sax. Piano not in my residence anymore, Clarinet and Sax broke. Haven't played for a year or so now...
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
> I can't say physically, but as an only child, parents decided to move. The new area was a trash-hole filled with guido shitheads. Was ostracized for being fat and a foreigner. Didn't have a friend for most of my Grammer school years.

>> No.3227209

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Mathematics, though I am a physicist.

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?
>Why not?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Total war/ Victoria

What are your parents like?
>Both in commerce/economics

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Western Classical

Do you play an instrument?
>Learning to play the Violin

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>I was the bully.

>> No.3227234
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The field of science that interests you the most?
Biochemistry FTW!

What stage of education are you in?
First year University

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Can't say that I have.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yup, RTS mostly, and the few good FPS's our their, e.g. Half Life.

What are your parents like?
Pretty damn good to be honest, I never went through the "I hate my parents, they are so stupid" teenage stage.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Alternative rock and country.

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
No, a few tried, but I stood up for myself, and managed to talk my way out of it.

>> No.3227239

>The field of science that interests you the most?

I'm not sure, but it'll be between Chemistry and Physics

What stage of education are you in?

>Do you believe in a god?


>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Warhammer, DnD etc

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

All genres as long as the game is done properly.

>What are your parents like?

Mother is not very strict but can be pretty harsh if I begin to slack. Overprotective and likes to nag.

Father was strict and extremely reserved, especially when it came to academics. He hated seeing me play videogames, which confuses me since my mom says he used to be a Pacman addict. Loved literature and classic movies.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Anything but rap.

>Do you play an instrument?

I used to (flute) never bothered to practice

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

Nope, usually did the bullying myself

>> No.3227246

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
>Second year college

Do you believe in a god?
>Too much evidence pointing to him, too much evidence debunking evolution, so yeah, gladly

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Magic: The Gathering was popular in grade school

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>FPS, the more freedom, the better i.e. Far Cry 2

What are your parents like?
>Loving, clever, communicative

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Strangely enough, mostly soundtracks

Do you play an instrument?
>Piano, poorly

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>By a kid in 2nd & 3rd grade. He had issues, grew up without a father figure

>> No.3227247

>The field of science that interests you the most?
>What stage of education are you in?
High school.
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Also nope.
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I play CoD, but it's like every two months or so. Maybe less often??
>What are your parents like?
Very intelligent people.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Kraftwerk, mainly. Also industrial. I would like to enjoy Jazz and Classical, but I'm not there yet.
>Do you play an instrument?
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3227253 [DELETED] 

The field of science that interests you the most?
Almost everything but I like to learn about social behavior
What stage of education are you in?
High School
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
played yugioh when I was in elementary school
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I love the vidya, I like just about every genre except for RPG's.
What are your parents like?
From a psychological point of view they are Authoritative
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
I love everything except country (lol stereotype) but I really like Rap and Hip Hop as well as Techno, Trance, Dubstep, most EDM in general, rock, and classic rock especially.
Do you play an instrument?
Used to play the drums
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Bullied like a motherfucker but I never gave a shit, it might have fucked me up a bit though but I like how I am. Elementary school was the worst experience of my life, so life keeps getting better and better.

>> No.3227255

>The field of science that interests you the most?

>What stage of education are you in?
First Year University

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

>What are your parents like?
Good parents

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

>Do you play an instrument?
Yes, guitar

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3227266

>The field of science that interests you the most?

>What stage of education are you in?

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I was a pretty big YuGiOh Nerd until I pulled the plug and sold all of my cards at a local flee market.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I used to play a lot, not so much lately. I've enjoyed RPGs and RTS the most.

>What are your parents like?
My father is a hardware programmer who raised me and my sisters alone. My parents divoreced when I was five.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Rock, Hard Rock or classical music.

>Do you play an instrument?
No, I've always wanted to learn one but never actually went trough with it.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3227306

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?
>For He Is Our Lord & Savior, The Light That Guides My Thumb

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>I Might As Well Worship A Pagan Lord

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>I Love Them Final Fantasy Tactics

What are your parents like?
>Musicians. Father Is A Drunk And Was Incarcerated Most Of My Childhood.
>Mother Is A Saint. Love Her Eternally.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Big Band, Doo Wop, Old School Classics

Do you play an instrument?
>The Organ And The Flute

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>I Did Most Of The Bullying Thank You Very Much ;)
That Was Fun Thanks For The Survey OP

>> No.3227322

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

What are your parents like?

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Classic rock

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3227323 [DELETED] 

The field of science that interests you the most?
>mechanical engineering.
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>no, nut i would love to play wh40k
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>strategy, simulation and RTS
What are your parents like?
>nice, giving
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>dubstep, techno, trance, hardstyle
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>nope :D

>> No.3227329

The field of science that interests you the most?
Computer Science, specifically machine learning

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?
I am my own god. What other god do I need.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I used to play MtG

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
When I was a child.

What are your parents like?
My father is intelligent and quiet. My mother is obnoxious and dumber than a brick.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
progressive rock. stravinsky

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
I was made to feel inferior enough to make me a social outcast.

>> No.3227342

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Electrical and Aerospace engineering
>What stage of education are you in?
very early stages; just been going to Community College for a while now but i just recently started taking my math and science classes
>Do you believe in a god?
Hell no
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Hell yeah; back in middleschool and highschool i used to play all that crap: yugioh, pokemon tcg, ect...
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I stopped playing vidya when i started getting serious about my education and future but i will still log onto WoW ever once in a while... my fav. genre is RPG
>What are your parents like?
not like me at all. i am the only person in my family who reads for leisure. i have no idea why or how i turned out the way i did.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
not a big music fan but i can say with certainty that Incubus is my all time fav. band
>Do you play an instrument?
no but i keep trying to figure out how to try and fit piano classes into my already packed school coursework
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
I don't know what you mean by (properly) but hell yeah... from middleschool to highschool

>> No.3227574

>even though I'm a physics student, I never understood the hate against engineers when they are total bros
>used to consider engineering in high school myself
>wanted to play games when I was in high school, never got around to it
>totally want to brofist younger version of myself

>> No.3227720

its actually quite interesting to see the kind of people on here.from me taking a quick glance through i can see a few people here might have been that " werid guy" at school until you realized " fuck them im a talented bastered" and then went on to make something out of yourself

>> No.3227883

>The field of science that interests you the most?
physics, deciding what field interests me the most (currently astrophysics is pretty interesting to me)

>What stage of education are you in?
10th grade, yes I know, underage b&

>Do you believe in a god?
there could be one, but I do not

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
used to play yugioh a lot

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
yes, mostly action/adventure and wrpg's

>What are your parents like?
mother is nice, she is a teacher, father is pretty funny, works in a factory

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

>Do you play an instrument?
used to play drums

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3227909


Actually, if we could artificially manufacture large pieces of Earth with a high enough magnetism, we could hold them in place using ridiculously powerful magnets. Of course there is the Die Glocke experiments too.

>> No.3227993

The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics and Astronomy

What stage of education are you in?
>GED, should be starting college courses next month

Do you believe in a god?
>I believe in the possibility of god.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Pencil and Paper Dungeons & Dragons (2nd Edition only)

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>RPGs and Shooters

What are your parents like?
>Mom: Obsessed with black culture, haven't seen her in 10 years
>Dad: Hipster. Unfortunately, I'm not kidding.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Punk Rock, Metal, Ska, Reggae, Old Country, Rockabilly/Psychobilly, and just about everything else.

Do you play an instrument?
>I can play just about anything I pick up. Give me a week with a new instrument and I can start writing songs.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>When I was obese, finally stuck up for myself and got my ass beat. Learned how to throw a punch and just out bluffed anyone who messed with me.

>> No.3228011

Physics and maths
First year uni
Reasonable people; pretty cool in fact.
Classical and progressive metal
Violin and Piano. In symphonic orchestra.
I'm from Québec, Canada, and speak french.

>> No.3228016

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
>Finishing off my A-levels (18)
Do you believe in a god?
>No. I'm a staunch atheist. My parents are vaguely religious, but I had problems with it from a young age. I think the way people are indoctrinated into their religion is sickening. I won't say that to people's faces though, unless they ask my opinion.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes a lot, I've been playing mmorpgs for a good 7 years now, and played a lot of PS2 as a kid. Games turned out to be good escapism from my social inadequacies.
What are your parents like?
>Pretty good, always really encouraging and open although their extroversion could get tiring sometimes.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Trance. But into whatever sounds good, I will happily listen to pretty much anything except screamo, and heavy metal.
Do you play an instrument?
>My mother, who is a musician, encouraged me but I never had the motivation to put a whole lot of effort into it. Used to play the piano for a while and guitar for a short time.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Not properly bullied. But I was certainly subject to the odd taunting or name calling. I was quite weak, physically and mentally, so didn't react well to it. Most people just stayed away from me. I found this frustrating, but it never bothered me too much,

>> No.3228021

Hey, do you go to McGill? I think we might be in the same program...

>> No.3228042

The field of science that interests you the most?


What stage of education are you in?

>just finished 1st year of BSc

Do you believe in a god?


Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?


Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

>rpg and tbs

What are your parents like?


What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?


Do you play an instrument?

>used to play clarinet

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>i guess so

>> No.3228047 [DELETED] 

I think it's about time we should learn about ourselves;

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
Year one
Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
YuGiOh grades 6-8. Always that fat loser kid who played cards in the games room

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I quit and focus my time to reserach/studying

What are your parents like?
Poor, less than 1.5k a month, always fighting, dad left before i was born and he died 4 years ago

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Dubstep, classical, symphonies, jazz

Do you play an instrument?
I wish, no.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
All the time

>> No.3228051

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
What are your parents like?
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Alternative Rock
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3228126


>> No.3228190

science that interests the most
>physics, chemistry, nanotech, robotics, astronomy, AI, genetics
stage of education
>first year
do you believe in god?
>never have never will
have you ever played warhammer/similar?
>warhammer, yougayhoe, pokemans, magic the gathering, ogre, risk, dungeons and dragons, battletech
do you the vidya?
rts, rpg, rts
what are parents like?
nice, hardworking, intelligent
what kind of music do you enjoy the most?
classical, metal, trance, jazz, indie in that order
do you play an instrument?
trumpet, baritone, drums, piano, guitar, bass guitar, violin (skill in that order)
bullied as a child?
once they tried once, they stopped. always was known as the nerd tho

>> No.3228199

The field of science that interests you the most?
Psychology, or the science of the human mind. Medicine as well.

What stage of education are you in?
Medical Student.

Do you believe in a god?
Not right now.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Magic the Gathering if that counts.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

What are your parents like?
My dad is a phsyician and extremely smart. Quite frankly an awesome guy all around. Mom is alright. No complaints.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed everything from classical to rap that I actually think is good. So anything that isn't country or shitty rap.

Do you play an instrument?
Cello, Violin, and Viola.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3228205

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
HS Senior
Do you believe in a god?
Not a monotheistic god. Unsure about others.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
DnD, MtG
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Lots o' vidya. RPG is my fav, but I'll play everything now and again.
What are your parents like?
Pretty chill. Still together.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Most everything except for rap. Also, very very little country.
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yeah, I got my fair share.

>> No.3228220
File: 46 KB, 600x488, FuckingHumanHoofHorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics, Chemistry, Quantum stuff
>What stage of education are you in?
I'm about to be a Senior in High School
>Do you believe in a god?
No, not anymore.
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Used to play YuGiOh, and Pokemon. Still play pokemon from time to time though.
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I haven't play vidya's in a while, but FPS are my main favorite. (TF2, Portal, Duke Nukem, Halo, Turok, etc)
>What are your parents like?
My mother's kind and sometimes conservative, and my dad's goofy, quick-witted, and religious. Good people.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Rock, Experimental, Jazz, Electronic, Acoustic, Metal, Classical/Baroque, Blues, and
>Do you play an instrument?
Guitar and soon Mandolin.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
What do you mean by properly? Anyways, to an extent I was bullied. When I was a little fatty, I used to get picked most of the time, but other than that and in 1st grade for having a female friend I haven't been bullied that much.

>> No.3228253
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>The field of science that interests you the most?
Cartography, Geology
>What stage of education are you in?
Post graduate school
>Do you believe in a god?
Never did
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yes puzzle games and rts
>What are your parents like?
My mom is a bisexual hippy pothead with anger problems my Dad is basically Hank Hill with less hair and not southern I love them both.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
A bit of anything I tend to just leave pandora on and listen to what plays but I prefer stuff like ska,jazz, and classical, and metal
>Do you play an instrument?
Piano and guitar I'm not terribly good at either but I like practicing new songs when I'm bored.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes I actually contributed to the arrest of one of them when he attempted to run me over with his dad's camero.

>> No.3228257

The field of science that interests you the most?
Well, they all fascinate me but I guess the most would be physics.

What stage of education are you in?
Finishing up highschool (I am 18, my grad is this week :D.) and taking university courses.

Do you believe in a god?
No, why would I?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Yes, Yugioh and Magic The Gathering.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Vidya? If you mean videogames then yes. FPS and Sandbox games are the best.

What are your parents like?
Mother: smart but a Christian
Father: Autistic and Atheist

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Soft rock (The Beatles)

Do you play an instrument?
Yes, piano.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes :(

>> No.3228273

Magnetic fields that powerful could rip the hemoglobin out of your blood.

>> No.3228276

>The field of science that interests you the most?
>What stage of education are you in?
Bumming around for ages after high school
>Do you believe in a god?
Of course, no rational man can deny it.
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
No, I only play hardcore games like WoW or Quake.
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I don't really like shooters or MMOs but I really enjoy RPGs and action adventure games.
>What are your parents like?
Hyperliberal pinkos
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Do you play an instrument?
I can play Piano with one hand while wanking with the other. That sounds more impressive than playing one handed.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Emotionally tormented, got in one fight, it made me stronger.

>> No.3228308 [DELETED] 

>The field of science that interests you the most?


>What stage of education are you in?

High School

>Do you believe in a god?


>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Yes, I played Yu-Gi-Oh once upon a time.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

Yes. First person shooters, indie games, puzzle games, anything made by Valve.

>What are your parents like?

They are very nice and open minded. Both have degrees in their respective study.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Classical, Indie Rock, House, Techno, Dubstep

>Do you play an instrument?

I used to play the saxophone.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

No, in fact, I played the role of bully quite often.

>> No.3228321

/sci/ confirmed for mostly underage lol

I'd like to see a lot of these kids age and political views.

>> No.3228329

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Computer Science
>What stage of education are you in?
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I've played yu-gi-oh, pokemon, duel masters, and magic.
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yes. Platformers and rpgs
>What are your parents like?
They are very religious.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Rock. I know that's vague, but I like general rock(just not metal)
>Do you play an instrument?
I sing and play drum set.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Middle school was shit for me.

>> No.3228330

>The field of science that interests you the most?


>Do you believe in a god?

I consider myself a kind of Christian universalist

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?


>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

Platformers and the occasional sports sim.

>What are your parents like?

My dad is an electronics engineer.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Anything that sounds good really.

>Do you play an instrument?


>Were you (properly) bullied as a child

Not really.

>> No.3228358

>The field of science that interests you the most?

Astronomy/Physics. I really, really love space.

>What stage of education are you in?

Entering university in the fall.

>Do you believe in a god?

I'm agnostic with some underlying Buddhist beliefs.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Haha no.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

I love vidyagaems. I play everything from FPS to Puzzle games. I specifically love Sci-Fi and Post-Apocalyptic games.

>What are your parents like?

My Dad loved science, that's how I got into it. I hate my Mother and refuse to associate myself with her.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

I love every genre, but mostly listen to Jazz and Hip-Hop.

>Do you play an instrument?

Flute. I'm a band geek.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

Eh, it wasn't too bad. It stopped once high school came around.

>> No.3228361

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Mathematics, pure math and quantum physics.
What stage of education are you in?
>Second year of university.
Do you believe in a god?
>Not really, I guess I'm a pantheist though.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>I've played Yugioh, Pokemon, Digimon, Beyblades and I guess that's it as a kid.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>I play vidya. Don't have a favourite genre, my favourite game of all time is starcraft but I don't play any other RTS. Half-life series is also fav.
What are your parents like?
>They're from a third world country so they don't know math once algebra starts. My dad finished high school and thats it. Mom never finished. Pretty alright though.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Post-rock, indie pop, post-punk, indie folk, etc.
Do you play an instrument?
>Piano, guitar and flute.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Was not bullied. Got acne though and it was bad for a while.

>> No.3228375

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Psychology> Evolutionary Biology>Chem/Pysics
>What stage of education are you in?
Sophomore in college
>Do you believe in a god?
I did until I gained a coherent understanding of evolution and human psychology
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
MtG and D&D 3.5 and 4.0, I spend ridiculous amount of time making deck and character builds
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
MMORPGs, RPGs and Adventure; the FF series, Guildwars, Dragon Age
What are your parents like?
Successful Type-A father, Obsessive and Paranoid mother; father is a know it all hard to deal with as everything must be "the correct (his) way"; mother believes she is above the law, encourages reckless behavior. Father is a strong teacher of independence and hard work; mother is a good example of pursuing self-interest
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
mostly trip-hop and folk; but i am willing to listen to anything so long as you are not repetitive (same artist/genre)
>Do you play an instrument?
played the drums, gave it up after not seeing progress
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes, I got into several physical fights, my best friend left me to hang with the popular crowd, all the girls hated me (including the nerdy ones) and I was known by the principal in both my daycare and elementary school as a trouble maker. There was only one kid (also a nerd, I befriended him) more unpopular than me in my school of 250 students.

>> No.3228381

well okay
I wrote this one
I'm 22
I'm not very interested in politics but I'm not terribly fond of either of the two major parties (or any of the third parties for that matter) but if I had to choose one I'd lean more to the democrats than the republicans (with a few exceptions)
Also neither of my parents is religious so my atheism had nothing to do with rebelling or anything.

>> No.3228387

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Chemistry, Organic
What stage of education are you in?
>Third Year, University
Do you believe in a god?
>Irrelevant, apatheist.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Yes, happy to have taken part in Pokeman, Digimon, Yu-gi-Oh and beyblades as a child.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes, MMOs like League of Legends, also Guild Wars, and most Rockstar Games
What are your parents like?
>Concerned parents, expected a top quality performance and school, but relaxed when I grew up. We're fairly strict on alcohol and strict on drugs. I feel like I'm a smart, sociable and happy person because of them, thanks guys.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Most type, specifically alt rock.
Do you play an instrument?
>Not yet.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3228392 [DELETED] 

>pre-high school (I don't know how you call it in the US, I'm 2 years away from high school)
>Magic the gathering... but I was a stupid 12 y/o back then
>What the fuck is vidya?
>My mother is an academic who in her time was liberal socialist hippie and now believes TV wisdom as ultimate truth and my father is a crazy artist whom I haven't met
>The good one, preferably the one that overwhelms me, gypsy violins or perhaps um venetian snares I wouldn't know how to describe that, just listen to him
>Not really

How about OP?

>> No.3228406

>The field of science that interests you the most?
>What stage of education are you in?
Freshman next year at Berkeley.
>Do you believe in a god?
Define "god". Also, no.
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I tried to play with Pokemon cards when I was little, but it was too boring and I just wanted to play my gameboy.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Online FPS
What are your parents like?
Mom is caring and supportive, but fairly dull and is hard to talk to. Dad is intelligent, but has never applied himself academically. Both of them have been hugely supportive in my life, though neither of them pushes me into math or science.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Indie/Electronic/Psychedelic (MGMT, Flaming Lips, of Montreal, etc.)
>Do you play an instrument?
Nope, never had the willpower as a kid.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes, however I bullied back. We were all just generally dicks to each-other back then.

>> No.3228418

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Foundations of mathematics (which isn't really science, but whatever).

>What stage of education are you in?
Third year undergraduate in computer science.

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I played W40K and MtG in high school; I haven't done much of either since.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I like RPGs and RollerCoaster Tycoon.

>What are your parents like?
Pretty boring, I guess. My dad's an engineer, my mom's a statistician, and overall we're just another middle class family from the suburbs.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
I don't pay much attention to genre labels, but I think most of what I listen too would be classified as indie or folk rock.

>Do you play an instrument?
I play the piano. I took lessons for years when I was younger and then when I stopped taking lessons I started actually enjoying it.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3228419

The field of science that interests you the most?


What stage of education are you in?


Do you believe in a god?

Not in a religious sense. I do believe in something bigger, although my mind changes randomly through the day. Reality is a very strange thing. I do believe in something out there, but it is really hard to put it into words.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?


Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy simple Mario games

What are your parents like?

Amazing. The kindest people you could meet. Insanely selfless. Told me to love everyone for who they are, and best of all, told me to judge each person as an individual, instead of as part of a group. Best advice I have ever received.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Different types of Rock (catchy Prog-rock, some classic, new alternative songs), and Gangster Rap (I know). Indie can be fun too

Do you play an instrument?

Yes! Guitar, and I play with a band on the side :)

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

I was bulled in elementary school for being a nerd (I was a stuck up prick with my head in my ass). In highschool, I pretty much changed that and became an asshole. but I learned to grow out of all of that.

>> No.3228425


I like you.

>> No.3228444

16, somewhat center views, would vote NDP (yes, Canadafag)

>> No.3228447

and apparently sage

>> No.3228470

>I think it's about time we should learn about ourselves;

All your questions don't suggest insight, its stuff you already know about yourself.

My point being you're a fucking moron and I'm not answering your faggy questions. gb2 ur psychology class, you feeble minded plebe.

>> No.3228474
File: 260 KB, 261x586, crawling chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemistry particularly the formation and development of polymers.
Bachelors degree: Bioresource Science and Engineering
It is foolish not to; so yeah I do.
I play Yugioh and D&D.
I love dance games like DDR and fighting games like smash bros, but Katamari Damacy is my favorite.
Nice folks that are fairly conservative, very generous, helpful, and intelligent.
I like trance music most; I also like Lady Gaga.
Fuck no; I am an alpha.

>> No.3228481

The field of science that interests you the most?
Computer Science, neuroscience, psychology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, meteorology, and biology, to name a few. Mathematics, but that isn't science.

Do you believe in a god? No.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what? Yu Gi Oh!

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most? Not much. RPG and strategy primarily.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most? Classical and electronic.

Do you play an instrument?

I removed the boring ones.

>> No.3228491


16, think that capitalism has caused us to be conditioned into prioritizing money over environment and other clearly, more important things. Canadafag here, I'd vote NDP because they appear to be willing in making those sacrifices for renewable energy and an investment into a self-sustainable Canada.

>> No.3228619

>The field of science that interests you the most?
I can't choose one.
>What stage of education are you in?
post high-school, pre Reed College (assuming I force my way in)
>Do you believe in a god?
Define 'god'.
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I used to. I'm quite good at FPS games due to very high visuospatial intelligence. Puzzle games are okay, but too easy. Other games are just time wasters.
>What are your parents like?
I'm not commenting on this ._.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
ambient/progressive electronica (Absys Records type stuff), Bach
>Do you play an instrument?
Not yet.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes, but there was nothing "proper" about it.

>> No.3228652

>expert opinions about capitalism

loser detected

>> No.3228764

>The field of science that interests you the most?

>What stage of education are you in?
1st year of college

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Yes. Yugioh, Pokemon TCG, and MTG.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
RPG, ORPG/MMO, Bethesta's FPRPG, Survival, RTS, and Physics

>What are your parents like?
Moderately Religious, like any generic working class.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Rap, Soul, House, Electronic, Jazz

>Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3230230

get off /sci/ faggot

>> No.3230745
File: 9 KB, 394x480, abbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chemistry; because Protons, Electrons, Atoms Cause Explosions ;)

I'm mostly self-educated; When I was eleven years old, three major changes hit me: 1) I found knowledge of Self; 2) I lost my virginity; 3) I learned to play chess.

I'm not a Muslim. I'm not a Buddhist. I'm not a soldier of any one religious sect. I realized you can never put a circle around the truth and say that it belongs to one sect. I'm a student. Like Solomon said, 'He sought wisdom out from the cradle to the grave.' I would say the only religion I practice now is universal love. People fight and kill each other and say they have the proper remedy to give to you, but nobody can GIVE it to you. You have to recognize it within yourself. My way of life is Islam. I Stimulate Light And Matter. You have to realize that YOU stimulate everything around you. Everything else is only a reflection.

Haha, Witty Unpredictable Talent And Natural Game.

>> No.3230746

Not really, but to me Dragon Ball Z also represents the journey of the black man in America.

Dear Parents: Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinnochio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party. You can"t blame us. We were taught to rebel since a young age.


I play my 'liquid sword'. Instruments are an expression of yourself. Every pianist touches the keys differently, every violinist bows based on the strength of their arm, the structure of their hand. That’s why Miles Davis is one of the greatest players, because of the spirit that he blows through the trumpet. It’s his. Creativity is always unique, because it’s you. It’s the same thing with producing - you have to sit there, find yourself in the sound.

We Usually Take Another Niggas Garments.

>> No.3230761

>The field of science that interests you the most?

Nuclear energy and alternate fuels.

>What stage of education are you in?

Finished university last year with a MSc in Advanced Engineering.

>Do you believe in a god?

Not really, but I don't have a problem with those that do.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Played the original Warhammer when I was a kid.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

FIFA and anything by Valve. I'm a fan of Final Fantasy and Gran Turismo and all.

>What are your parents like?

They're alright. I get on with them fairly well but I don't see them as much as I'd like to.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Anything, really. I'm a big fan of the Black Keys at the moment and since I'm getting on a bit I've started listening to BBC Radio 4.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

Regrettably, I was often the one doing the bullying.

>> No.3230774

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Fluid-structure interactions and aeroelasticity

>What stage of education are you in?
Just beginning my M.Sc.

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Played WoW for a number of years. Guild peaked at 24th worldwide. Quit shortly after BC hit.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Right now I play a few FPS.

>What are your parents like?
One died of cancer when I was very young (my father). My mother is a retiree/millionaire who lives hours away from anything in the middle of the Canadian rockies.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Blues, country, and rock are probably close to the top. Although its varied, and I like a lot of music that is completely unrelated to those three. Right now I'm listening to dub, for example.

>Do you play an instrument?

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3230779

Not anymore

>> No.3230801

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>2nd year uni. i'm taking EE.
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Warhammer: not so good; Yu Gi Oh: in PSP
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>yes, Portal (the first), Hitman, Star Wars games, i kinda llike strategy too
What are your parents like?
>Dad: works at my national telecommunication company; Mom: not working; Education is their first priority
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>"They" respected me.

>> No.3230807

I see what you're doing there.

>> No.3230833 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 272x400, RZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was worried for a sec :)

Witty Unpredictable Talent And Natural Game
We Usually Take Another Niggas Garments
We Usually Take All Niggas Garments
Wisdom of the Universe and the Truth of Allah for the Nation of the Gods
Wisdom Unlocks Taught Ambitions, Nurturing Gods

Killa Bees on the swarm.

>> No.3230894

The field of science that interests you the most?
>engineering, physics, astronomy, machining(yes it is a science)
What stage of education are you in?
>junior in college. 19 years old (amerifag)
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
> pokemon, if that counts
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>mostly shooters and racing
What are your parents like?
>live with mom. she's very lenient when it comes to "rules." pretty chill. dad was in jail most of my life. see him all the time. he's like the opposite of me but we get along fine.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>house(most types), rock
Do you play an instrument?
>used to play the drums in school
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3230946

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>just finished sophomore year of college
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>fuck that shit
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>yes, I play mostly FPS's
What are your parents like?
>fine I guess
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>electronic, rock, metal
Do you play an instrument?
>used to play guitar

>> No.3231074

>The field of science that interests you the most?
>What stage of education are you in?
Undergrad, 3rd year
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yeah. RPGs and FPS mainly, with a smattering of RTS.
>What are your parents like?
Supportive. Mum teaches disabled kids, dad's a surveyor
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Metal, vidya music, orchestra, latin
>Do you play an instrument?
Nope, though I know the basics about keyboards / pianos and can still sorta read music
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Define properly, and not before I was about 12. After 12 I moved and gained weight. Never physical asides from a few cockfaces in high school, because of my weight., almost always verbal from a certain few asshats, because of my weight.

>> No.3231786
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The field of science that interests you the most?
> physics

What stage of education are you in?
> Gymnasium

Do you believe in a god?
> .. Not really, no. Not in the traditional sense. I do pray sometimes, but It really is more of a way to trick myself. I don't actually believe it works, but it makes me feel better so why not.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
> Nope.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
> Yes, mmorpgs. Not very often nowadays, though.

What are your parents like?
> Uhm, Okey I guess. Me and my mother get along quite well, me and my father not so much. I am a man of thought, he is a man of action.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
> Different kinds of rock, I guess. Mostly Ozzy.

Do you play an instrument?
> Nope, almost tone deaf.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
> More of an outcast, I think. Sometimes It were something similiar to being bullied, other times I chose to not be with them. I believe there was a difference in intelligence, but who the fuck knows. Lots of racism in my town aswell, something I wouldn't support.

>> No.3231863

>The field of science that interests you the most?
evolutionary biology
>What stage of education are you in?
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>What are your parents like?
my mom was a neurotic religious control freak, dad was reasonably laid back and normal
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Anything good
>Do you play an instrument?
Yes. Guitar, piano and drums quite well. some others to an ok level....
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
yes, being bullied wherever i went was a fact of life up untill about the age of 15/16.

>> No.3231894

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Played Pokemon when I was really young

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>FPS's mostly, but I loved me some Portal/Portal 2.

What are your parents like?
>Mother: Really nice and always willing to help out, but she is a gullible fool who buys into religion and pseudoscience
>Father: Business executive. Smart guy, and great with people.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Progressive rock/metal, Jazz, and (of course) The Doors

Do you play an instrument?
>Drums, for over 7 years.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>I WAS the bully

>> No.3231981

Greetings /sci/
I think it's about time we should learn about ourselves;

The field of science that interests you the most?
Astrophysics, or Cosmology...sometimes I feel Theortical Physics..I just want to the know the rules of the game we live
What stage of education are you in?
I offically Graduated High School as of June 14th, 2011
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Yes. I have played Yu-Gi-Oh, and I play Magic competetivily, Yu-G-Oh was just something me and my friends did as a child.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy Starcraft 2, Halo,
I like RTS and FPS games... I also really love role playing games...the Fable series were my life.
What are your parents like?
Loving but most of the time they do not understand. My father really underestimates me, they set high expectations for me, and they beileve that just because the grade says F or D I am going to fail my life. I am the first generation child, and I will be the first person in my family to go to college.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy almost everything but: Country
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not really, made fun of...but no weggies or that serious stuff

>> No.3232020

The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics and maybe Chemistry

What stage of education are you in?

Do you believe in a god?
The god who gave birth to a man who could turn water into wine and is supposedly related to the end of the world? Not really, but I won't doubt that there may be a higher force at work around us.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I could never get into tabletop games/FCG.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yes, and many genres, really. I don't like FPS games all that much, but I'm partial to pretty much everything else.

What are your parents like?
Mom is a bro, dad doesn't really care much.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Video game music can be pretty nice to listen to sometimes.

Do you play an instrument?
I used to play the violin, but my playing was horrible.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
One guy kept shoving me around for a month or so in middle school, I remember, but a trip to the counseling office fixed that up pretty quickly.

>> No.3232042

>The field of science that interests you the most?
>What stage of education are you in?
High School Graduate
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
RPGs, Platformers
>What are your parents like?
They're pretty cool
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Dadrock, Power Metal
>Do you play an instrument?
Bass Guitar
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3232066

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Physics, mainly astrophysics, will do engineering at uni though for career prospects

What stage of education are you in?
>UK College (not sure if that's called high school in the US, basically the one you do between 16 and 18)

Do you believe in a god?
>Nope, raised very catholic, did not even know atheism existed until told about it in religion classes at about 14. Mind blown, life changed.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>No, never played anything like that

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes, xbox live with friends, CoD, Halo etc

What are your parents like?
>Dad is a big executive, good at maths, funny guy
>Mum reads the Daily Mail like it's the fucking bible
>Both rely on me for tech support

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Indie and hip-hop

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Nope, I've always been popular

>> No.3232073

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
Have Bachelors in electrical/computer engineering. Grad school soon probably.

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Retro arcade games. Something I can have fun with for a few minutes that's not "casual" crap.

What are your parents like?
Mentally imbalanced. Difficult to be around.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Do you play an instrument?
I call it the Krametar. Its three looping tape mixers, a keytar, turntable, and drum sequencer all stuck together in a guitar like shape.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3232215 [DELETED] 

The field of science that interests you the most? Computational mathematics

What stage of education are you in? 16-18 college in the UK (basically the last 2 years of High School in America, just harder)

Do you believe in a god? No

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what? Used to play YuGiOh a bit,

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most? No

What are your parents like? Mum dead, Dad is uneducated fuck who takes no interest in my work

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most? Metal/Dubstep/DnB

Do you play an instrument? Drums

Were you (properly) bullied as a child? No

>> No.3232243

The field of science that interests you the most?
I'm interested on everything, as vague as it sounds.

What stage of education are you in?
1st year of university.

Do you believe in a god?
I'm agnostic. Humans (by themselves) will never be able to proof its existence (or its non-existence), so the entire topic is a waste of time. I live my life respecting others and doing what I like.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I've played YGO, oh, middle school.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I have a DS. I mostly play Pokemon a TLoZ.

What are your parents like?

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Pop, electropop.

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
No, but I was once a bully.

>> No.3233998

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Mathematics (Astronomy if that doesn't count)
What stage of education are you in?
>High School
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Yes. Pokemon as a child, and Magic nowadays
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes. Whatever my friends are into. Playing with friends improves the experience tenfold
What are your parents like?
>My dad is a physicist, very similar to me, but with some anger problems. My mom is a speech-language pathologist. Always encouraged my education etc.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Classic Rock
Do you play an instrument?
Xylophone, bells, etc.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3234014

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Mathematics & Astrophysics
What stage of education are you in?
>High School
Do you believe in a god?
>No. Was raised Lutheran.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Yes. Played Pokemon as a kid, MtG now.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes. Whatever my friends are playing.
What are your parents like?
>Dad is an optical physicist. Mom is a speech-language pathologist. Always encouraged my intellectual pursuits, etc.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Classic rock
Do you play an instrument?
>Xylophone, marimba etc.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Nope. I've been in "gifted" programs since the 3rd grade.

>> No.3234071

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Biology, esp. Evolutionary Biology

>What stage of education are you in?
College (aka University)

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I played Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering when I was younger... Are those similar?

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yes, I mainly like RPG's (Legend of Zelda, Mario, Fable, etc). I play Sims the most, though.

>What are your parents like?
They're okay. I don't think either of them are as smart as I am, but they're both atheist and fairly liberal. They screwed up in some ways, but overall they are good parents. They've always been very lenient, e.g. letting my siblings and I watch R rated movies at any age and never giving me a curfew, which I like. Well, obviously I would like that, but even now that I'm older I don't think it was a mistake.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Indie, folk, rock... I think I have hipster taste.

>Do you play an instrument?
No, but I wish I did. I think I would pick up piano fairly quickly, although I definitely don't have piano fingers. I already know how to read music a little.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not in a physical sense. Girls tend not to bully each other that way. I was made fun of a bit in elementary school for my weight, and I know that some people in middle school made fun of me because of how pale I am, but other than that there wasn't really any bullying.

>> No.3234085

>I was morbidly obese until the age of 22. I was properly bullied.

>I enjoy DDR and all word/letter/number social games.


>> No.3234090

The field of science that interests you the most?
Pharmacology,Genetics,Evo Biology
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

What are your parents like?
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3234096

The field of science that interests you the most?
>astronomy and astrophysics
What stage of education are you in?
>just finished freshman year of high school
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Magic the gathering, Pokemon, etc.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>oh yes. Platformers and anything mario I guess, but I enjoy lots of random stuff
What are your parents like?
>they're good. wtf is this question
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>video game music and trance
Do you play an instrument?
>nah but I played piano for a while and didn't like it
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>nope, i have a lot of friends

>> No.3234126

watched the video
lol'd at

*COUGH* "EXCUSE ME! -you can cut that right?-" *continues on like nothing happened*

>> No.3234135

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Pure Mathematics.
>What stage of education are you in?
Senior in University.
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
No. However, I do play Poker on an almost-daily basis.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yep. I mostly enjoy fighting games(i.e., Tekken) and FPS based games. I despise RPGs.
>What are your parents like?
Father wasn't there to raise me, but my mother was. She was an English and Philosophy double-major major, whilst my father did architecture. My mother is the most beautiful person I have ever met in regards to her personality and her nurturing spirit; however, she is also extremely bitter by the card life has dealt her in certain circumstances. Regardless, she's a source of constant inspiration for me.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Hip-Hop, Jazz, Punk and Classical -- those aforementioned four are at the top. However, I'm inclined to listen to all type of music as long as the sound is not generic, something unique and great. I've been listening to Frank Zappa recently, and although it's a new 'flavor' for me, I like some of his stuff.
>Do you play an instrument?
Dabbled in guitar playing and piano, but no.
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

I was harassed constantly and despised it.

>> No.3234166

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Biology. Mostly medical stuff.

What stage of education are you in?
>Starting my freshman year of college this fall.

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Tried to get into YuGiOh like my friends. I found it boring as fuck.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes. RTS, FPS, Action/adventure.

What are your parents like?
>Mom's pretty cool. Not very strict, fairly intelligent, sees eye-to-eye with me on most things. Dad's been dead for 6 years. He was a total bro. They're both ex military. Mom was in the army and used to be a cop. Dad used to be a tanker pilot in the air force.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>I like lots of genres, but I mostly like laid back music. Stuff I can just chill to. Like:

Do you play an instrument?
>I play saxophone. Played alto in marching and symphonic bands. Bari sax in jazz. Used to know how to play piano (forgot everything I knew) and I want to start learning the guitar.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>No. Some kids teased me for being fat occasionally back in middle school, but it rarely phased me.

>> No.3234200

OP should've asked for gender and location as well. Age can be guessed from schooling level, but knowing the other two would've given a better picture of the /sci/ board.

>> No.3234220

>The field of science that interests you the most?
>What stage of education are you in?
Sophomore (underageb&, but not a summerfag)
>Do you believe in a god?
No, but I'm open to new evidence
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
MTG, Warhammer 40k
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>What are your parents like?
My mom is very religious but doesn't bother me about it very often, and she tends to be pretty cool about things in general. My dad is a bro and I'm pretty sure he's a closet agnostic.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Hard rock/metal and modern classical
>Do you play an instrument?
I'm a percussionist, so I play every percussion instrument (snare, bass, timpani, keyboards,cymbals, auxiliary instruments, etc), as well as piano and drum set
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3234221

>The field of science that interests you the most?

>What stage of education are you in?
Gradute, only an Associates. Marine Corps is going to make me take 6 damn years worth of college to get me at least multiple Masters.

>Do you believe in a god?
Yes. I fear only one. Through Its strength I shall personally slay the rest where-ever they show their faces.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Used to play the Pokemon TCG.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I play them all.

>What are your parents like?
Marines. Both of them. Musicians. Both of them.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Most music. 90% of everything is garbage so I say I like the good 10% of all of it.

>Do you play an instrument?

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
There is no such thing as a proper bully. Only a bully put in his place.

>> No.3234225

>The field of science that interests you the most?
computer science and psychology

>What stage of education are you in?

>Do you believe in a god?
i hate god, whoever or whatever he/she/it is.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
WH40K: Dawn of War I/II

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
real-time/turn-based strategy, logic/puzzle, RPG, space shooter

>What are your parents like?
they're good people

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
pop music

>Do you play an instrument?

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3234229

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>Starting college next year
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Play pencil-and-paper RPGs, if they count
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Occasionally I will play Dwarf Fortress or similar
What are your parents like?
>Great parents, both college educated. Dad a lawyer, making bank.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Classical periods (Baroque my favorite), also Pink Floyd
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Not at all. I was pretty popular back in the day

>> No.3234237

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Exercise Physiology
>What stage of education are you in?
2nd year undergrad
>Do you believe in a god?
no, but my opinion doesn't matter
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
RTS, simulation, RPG, boxing
>What are your parents like?
good i guess.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Reggae, Dancehall, Soca, Calypso, Reggaeton
>Do you play an instrument?
Bass guitar
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3234270
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The field of science that interests you the most?

Physics and Computer Programming

>What stage of education are you in?

Gonna start my senior year

>Do you believe in a god?

I have no clue, I really dont think about it

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar
games? If so, what?

I've played the Yu Gi Oh Card Game but there were tomany cards for my budget :(

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

I used to play pokemon(red-black) and WoW

>What are your parents like?

Fuck them

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Progressive metal because its basically everything with a distorted guitar(Dream theater?)

>Do you play an instrument?
I play guitar and I know my way around a piano

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Eh good life up to 5th grade

On a extra note im very curious about the future, hope the human race makes it :l

>> No.3234274

Cosmology, Astrology, and the study of the incredibly big.


I'm entirely agnostic as to its existence


Yes, Strategy and/or good FPS. Also minecraft.

Mother is polite, has a PhD in computer simulation but got it more than 20 years ago and therefore it's of little use.

Father is also polite, has a masters in EE, and is rather good at DIY. Is a programmer.

Jazz, classical, interesting in terms of tune

I play the piano, and the trombone


>> No.3234282

>What are your parents like?
>Fuck them
are you living with them right now?

>> No.3234287 [DELETED] 

Yea lol shit i should get a username so im not seen as an anon but yea they can live together for a week or so then argue like bitches. My lifes been fucked cause of that

>> No.3234294 [DELETED] 

What im saying is I dont trust my parents...i guess i see them ass tools :l

>> No.3234302


>The field of science that interests you the most?
I rather enjoy cosmology, although my heart is inextricably tied to mathematics, particularly pure math.

>What stage of education are you in?
I have a Bachelor of Mathematics and I recently failed the CFA Level 1 exam.

>Do you believe in a god?
No. But certain popular atheists as of late have led me to have to qualify this statement by saying I am not against theism in all forms, or even most forms.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
No. This is a weird question as I've never seen anyone play either of these games and I have no idea what constitutes a similar game. I do enjoy German board games if that is similar.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I do play video games. I guess lately I've been into RPGs. Although I also enjoy platformers, but I cannot get into shooters (aside from the Metal Gear Series)

>What are your parents like?
Well, I think everyone has a "complicated" relationship with their parents. In general they are really good people, but I find conversation with them difficult as my father has a (verbal) temper which rears its ugly head every time we disagree, and my mother has the ethics of a hippie without the drug use and metaphysical mumbo-jumbo. My father thinks university brain-washed me. Serious discussions with them are really of no interest to me.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Rock music. Classic, "alternative", and "indie" rock music primarily.

>> No.3234306


>Do you play an instrument?
I'd call myself a bass player, but I also play guitar. Recently I picked up a sweet flute from a Mexican cheap-wares dealer which I'm learning how to fiddle around with.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yes. Through to about grade 10, but through the through the rest of high school I would say that I was still picked on, but not seriously bullied. The earliest thing I can remember was being thrown down on the ground in elementary school by the swing set while 4 or 5 guys crowded and mercilessly kicked me. The latest I can remember was in grade 10, some kid snuck up behind me while I was deciding what I wanted from the vending machine and bashed my head into the glass, breaking both my nose and the glass.

>extra info
Two years ago my girlfriend and I started taking dance lessons, and we both absolutely love it and will likely continue until we're confined to wheelchairs. In fact, even then we might still work something out.

>> No.3234310

Yes...but eh after my AA buhbiye!

>> No.3234311

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics and Engineering
>What stage of education are you in?
2/3 through my Bachelors (Double major in Physics and Engineering)
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Yes, I play D&D alot, as well as Warhammer 40K, used to play MTG
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yes, mostly action and RPG games, don't play as much now as I used to due to lack of any real difficulty in modern games
>What are your parents like?
Great, both university educated, Mum is HR manager, and Dad is CEO/owner of several IT companies
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Everything except Hip-Hop, its generic shit and lack of meaning in songs makes me rage
>Do you play an instrument?
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3234318
File: 26 KB, 384x288, courage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck parents
>they let you live with them while you receive treatment for alcoholism

>> No.3234339

what i dont even understand, deep down they are useless for anything other than money

>> No.3234345

You're not even useful for that. You're the most pathetic person I have seen this year, and one of the most undeserving.

>> No.3234354

Orly? How so?

>> No.3234366

The field of science that interests you the most?
>molevular genetics
What stage of education are you in?
>3rd year undergrad
Do you believe in a god?
>lol religion
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>no, i played sports.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>havent played a game, apart from crappy flash games on facebook, for two years. I was in the best halo2 team in australia though and won a good amount of money from it when i was 16
What are your parents like?
>awesome parents. funny, cool, relaxed, do what you want, never been hit, and both pretty smart
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>electro dance rock pop or whatever
Do you play an instrument?
>guitar, and started trying to learn keyboard and ableton
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>nope. too big, athletic and popular

>> No.3234370

You're to weak to avoid drinking alcohol, and your parents still put up with you. You stay with them free of charge, and yet you say they're good for nothing other than money.

The fact you try to suck money out of your parents says that you don't have money. Along with the fact you're a homeless alcoholic, this essentially makes you worthless. Your attitude of blaming your parents just makes you look even more pathetic.

Learn skills, take tests, and get a job. Stop relying on others.

>> No.3234388

The field of science that interests you the most?
>All branches of Physics and Chemistry +technology +mathemtics
What stage of education are you in?
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Nope, I play DROD (google it)
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
> Games similar to chess.
What are your parents like?
>Great, My father is an electrical engineer and my mother a software programmer.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3234396

>The field of science that interests you the most?

Neuroscience, Theoretical Computer Science

>What stage of education are you in?


>Do you believe in a god?


>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If >so, what?

Not really

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

Racing Sims, RPGs, Survival Horror

>What are your parents like?

Brilliant wonderful people

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?


>Do you play an instrument?


>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

Perhaps not properly, but I was exposed to psychological bullying that has left me with severe problems with emotional regulation.

>> No.3234417

> The field of science that interests you the most?
Mathematics - Abstract Algebra in particular.

What stage of education are you in?
Third year at university.

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
FPS and RPGs.

>What are your parents like?
Mum is lovely, dad is cool, smokes too much marijuana though.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Blues, rock'n'roll.

>Do you play an instrument?

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Nope, though I could be said to have been something of a bully at times.

>> No.3234422
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The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>highschool graduate
Do you believe in magical sky wizards?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>FPS,RTS,RPG Mostly competitive (6v6) TF2, and Clan arena in Quake.
What are your parents like?
>christ fags but chill
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>I kept to myself.

>> No.3234451

I think it's about time we should learn about ourselves;
The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>BA (+senior in highschool)
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>i've played yugioh, but wasnt really serious about it.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>unfortunately, no. but im going to buy a console sometime soon and make some amends.
What are your parents like?
>they're smart people
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>classical, really old rock but really i just enjoy good songs (uncommon valor was neat shit for instance)
Do you play an instrument?
>piano (and a bit of harmonica)
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>i was almost put in a trash can once, jokingly... i hope??

>> No.3234533

The field of science that interests you the most?
">" Hm, at present, neuroscience. Kind of alternates frequently.

What stage of education are you in?
">" Finished high school last year, currently having a gap year before turning my chaos wreaking skills to university.

Do you believe in a god?
">" I do not.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
">" Having no comprehension of what these games are, I would say no.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
">" Haha occasionally, mostly killing orientated games such as Call of Duty.

What are your parents like?
">" Mother: Unintelligent, ruled by her impulses, acts without reason, easily manipulated, submissive etc.
Father: Potential intelligence, Dominant, Unethical.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
">" Quite a broad spectrum, mainly composed of Alternative, Folk, Hardcore, Post-hardcore, Rap, Rock and so on.

Do you play an instrument?
">" Used to play the bugal haha, nothing at the moment though.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
">" A little in primary school I guess, nothing severe.

>> No.3236198

well im still in high school so i dont know where u got alcoholic from

>> No.3236220

>but eh after my AA buhbiye!
>Alcoholics Anonymous

>> No.3236266
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The field of science that interests you the most?
>most subfields of physics
What stage of education are you in?
>just starting my bachelor's
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>not sure what you mean, are they card games?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>hell yes. "esport"-games and paradox interactive strategy
What are your parents like?
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>hiphop, post-rock and black metal
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>no, I bullied (and I am very ashamed)

>> No.3236290

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>>finishing Highschool
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Yu-gi-oh, when i was around 10 years of age.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Strategy and occasionally RPG
What are your parents like?
>>Mother-Dumb as a rock.
>>Dad-borderline genius
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>>almost everyday from grade 7. to 9.

>> No.3236299

>The field of science that interests you the most?
pharmacology, medicine, neuroscience, chemistry, computer science, biology

Fuck you I like to learn.
>What stage of education are you in?
Highschool dropout but I'm going to back in September.
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
yu-gi-oh and pokemon, shit was so cash
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
First person shooters and role playing games.
>What are your parents like?
They're like parents.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Ambient, metal, trance, and classical.
>Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Properly? I was teased for being an aspie but that was it.

>> No.3236308


>pharmacology, medicine, neuroscience, chemistry, computer science, biology

All of that and throw in some psychology. I completely forgot about it.

>> No.3236354

>The field of science that interests you the most?
ooooooooooh, toughie. Probably Astrophysics, love learning about our progress in knowledge of the universe.
>What stage of education are you in?
Going into A-Levels.
>Do you believe in a god?
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
DnD. Shit was alllllllright.
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yeah, mostly nintendo. Just got an xbox 360. Portal 2 is my current obsession.
>What are your parents like?
Dad is a bit of a dick, quite wise in a racist sort of way.
Mum is nice, I get along well.
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Electronic. Specifically Calmer electronic like some Daft Punk and Owl City. But I also enjoy the likes of Hoobastank, Green Day etc
>Do you play an instrument?
Nope. Was never given the opportunity as a child ;_;
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
I was bullied, but it was more me being a faggot.

>> No.3236381

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>Finishing my degree
Do you believe in a god?
>God lives within all of us
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
What are your parents like?
>Educated, but they lack faith.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>I don't listen to music
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

The fact my parents are going to hell when they die torture me every day.

>> No.3236387

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Mechanics, Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, shit like that

What stage of education are you in?
>3rd year Engineer

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>I play PnP almost every week, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, World of Darkness, Mutant and DnD

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Played more likely, I hang around /v/ too much to actually enjoy games. RPGs mostly

What are your parents like?
>They're nice and successful, I've got nothing against them

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Industrial rock and Black Metal

Do you play an instrument?
>I play the guitar and the bass

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Not really, I was alway the tallest one in my class and I've never really been the skinny type

>> No.3237940

The field of science that interests you the most?
marine bio, maybe chemistry, mathematics, neuroscience
What stage of education are you in?
12th grade, finish high school 2012
Do you believe in a god?
until a week ago actually, suddenly it all just seemed very dumb

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
None at all, although i did watch pokemon as a kid

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
last console i bought was a ps2 and i barely play that maybe twice a month tops for 1 to 2 hours

What are your parents like?
pretty cool people, kinda bitchy and hypocritical at times but what parents aren't, if you paying for my college, i'm cool with you
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
hardcore punk, that was mostly middle, 9th 10th grade, lately classic rock, and golden era rap
Do you play an instrument?
bass, guitar, drums, and trumpet though i havent touched it since middle school, would like to learn the sax

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Never, strangely enough i had glasses, acne, overweight, braces, yet no one ever bullied me, maybe i just wasn't annoying

>> No.3237978

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Genetics, virology, biology

>What stage of education are you in?
High School Senior (deal with it)

>Do you believe in a god?
Not even a little bit

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Warhammer 40K, Yu-Gi-Oh, MTG, D&D

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Fallout is pretty much the only vidya game I play

>What are your parents like?

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Classical (as in Beethoven)

>Do you play an instrument?
Guitar, piano

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
They've tried

>> No.3238003
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The field of science that interests you the most?
>economic sciences
What stage of education are you in?
>through graduation
Do you believe in a god?
>i don't care if he exists or not
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>no. closer was pokemon when i was a kid
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>lately haven't really played anything, just fifa 11 with friends. btw it's the best game ever.
>played minecraft constantly few months ago
What are your parents like?
>supportive. dad loves his job and uses it to forget his emotional problems. mom is needy as fuck, the biggest victim in the world.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>third eye blind, few recent hits (OMG, dynamite, etc), kings of convenience, ska in general
Do you play an instrument?
>guitar, acoustic and electric (yes, it's different)
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>not really. just went through some shit everyone goes.

>> No.3238023
File: 55 KB, 492x500, seaking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fuck you I like to learn.
>Highschool dropout

if you like to learn i guess you can see what's inconsistent here...

captcha: seKingl dwelling

omg FUCK YEAH SEAKING dwelling in /sci/!

>> No.3238026

>The field of science that interests you the most?

math if that counts, otherwise cosmology

>What stage of education are you in?

about to start my freshman year of college

>Do you believe in a god?


>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

I play magic the gathering and I played yugioh and pokemon when I was younger.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?


>What are your parents like?

fairly smart and nice, unfortunately religious.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

some country and some rock

>Do you play an instrument?

no, I used to play the baritone but quit after middle school

>were you (properly) bullied as a child?


>> No.3238052 [DELETED] 

>The field of science that interests you the most?
physics, especifically particle physics and cosmology
>What stage of education are you in?
entering 3rd year of university
>Do you believe in a god?
i dont know and i dont care, i just hope theres something after death
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
no but i had a bunch of pokemon cards when i was 12
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
mostly FPS, ive tried so hard to get into RTS but im just not cut out for it. ive become addicted to minecraft since some guys in the physics department set up a private multiplayer server
>What are your parents like?
mother is loving, caring, but hopelessly naive. i love her though. father has no education beyond fixing and building things but is a neverending fountain of wisdom about life
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
drum and bass, dubstep
>Do you play an instrument?
played the trombone in middle school and most of high school

>> No.3238063

The field of science that interests you the most?

What stage of education are you in?
>College Sophomore

Do you believe in a god?
>I believe in something.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Pokemon TCG, Magic

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>RTS, Civilization type games, Simulations, MMORPG's

What are your parents like?
>Dad is a cop, Mom is a teacher. Mother abusive as fuck, dad uninvolved and an alcoholic

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Grunge, post-grunge, alternative rock, club music, some techno, etc.

Do you play an instrument?
>Yes, flute.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>Yes, but never by the same person twice. I always fought back.

>> No.3238082 [DELETED] 

> The field of science that interests you the most?

Particle physics

> What stage of education are you in?

End of first year at cambridge (not studying a science)

> Do you believe in a god?


> Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?


> Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

Yes, strategy (AoE, SC 2) and RPGs (The Witcher, Morrowind, Fallout 1, 2, NV).

> What are your parents like?

Mother is a former communist government adviser from Hungary and Russian teacher, father is a university dropout who works at an optician's.

> What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?


> Do you play an instrument?

Yes, 2: Piano and clarinet.

> Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

A little when I was in a state school, but not after I got a scholarship and changed school (when I was about 10).

>> No.3238104


Wow, what are you fucking stupid? It took me 10 seconds.


>> No.3238117

The field of science that interests you the most?
>Quantum Physics. Theoretical all the way.
What stage of education are you in?
>Middle of Highschool.
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Played YGH when I was little. Nostalgia.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>I like sandbox and rpg games a lot. I was able to get into the Killzone franchise and Uncharted somehow despite my distaste for FPS games. I'm selling all of my games to help me focus so that's going to be gone soon.
What are your parents like?
>Dad grew up in a very poor village in Uganda. Got out at around 20 because he was very bright and became a very educated food scientist. Mom grew up in a small U.S. town and is now an economist. Both liberal and well-read with emphasis on education. I'm pretty lucky.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>All except for country and most of the pop music today...that stuff is vapid ringtone factory garbage.
Do you play an instrument?
>Yes.. two.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>I had good social skills for my age. So no, I was properly never bullied.

>> No.3238133

1. Physics - Astronomy, Astrophysics, Quantum Mechanics
2. High School
3. I believe in something that began the universe, but not necessarily a god.
4. No
5. No?
6. Sometimes overbearing, constantly nagging
7. I listen and enjoy almost all types, but I have a particular fancy for classical (Paganini especially), Blues, Classic Rock, and '20s-'40s Jazz.
8. Yes, euphonium, baritone, trombone, trumpet, piano
9. Yes, mentally and physically. Put down constantly, made to feel worthless and compromise my own abilities to fit in. Natural middle-class white tendencies at such a young age.

>> No.3238209

The field of science that interests you the most?
>I love nature but couldn't study biology. Themodynamics and Physics interest me the most.

What stage of education are you in?
Junior year in college pursuing a BS in ME

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Played Magic the Gathering in like 6th grade but got bored quick and stopped

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yes. RPG's like morrowind not final fantasy. Red Dead Redemption was one of my favorite games ever.

What are your parents like?
My father is a commercial fisherman and my mother works as a guest service agent at a inn for rich people. Only my mother graduated high school so they are very blue collar.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Everything but country, but mostly depending on my mood. I have a special place in my heart for metal.

Do you play an instrument?
Played bass but got bored so no.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
No not really. Came from a small, rural elementary/middle school and knew everyone so there wasn't much of a problem. Played football in HS and made some big and intimidating friends who tended to be the bullies themselves.

>> No.3238278

>The field of science that interests you the most?

>What stage of education are you in?
PhD student

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

>What are your parents like?
Successful and hardworking

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Extreme metal with lots of keys, symphonic black metal is a real favorite.

>Do you play an instrument?
I consider myself to be quite the professional pianoplayer.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3238363

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Physics. Lots of physicists in here.

>What stage of education are you in?
Second year at a two-year institution, transferring to four year soon.

>Do you believe in a god?
Agnostic Atheist here

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I played Yu-Gi-Oh in high school.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yup. Platformers and Simulators were a big part of my childhood and I still enjoy them. I've added RPGs and FPSs in adulthood.

>What are your parents like?
Upperish middle class. Father is an electrical engineer. Mother manages a credit union. Mother made a point of using a diverse vocabulary around her children, so I acquired a college level vocabulary via context clues by the time I was in middle school. Father tends to tease and joke a lot. Mother tries to help with anything and everything.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Pretty much anything with passion or intelligent usage of musical mechanics. I love chiptunes, jazz, classic rock, and various eras of piano.

>Do you play an instrument?
I've been teaching myself electric bass for a year and a half, and began learning piano this year (took a class at college, and am continuing).

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Somewhat. Called names in elementary school (hilariously stupid twistings of actual name put into song form) and annoyed in middle school. High school was relatively uneventful.

>> No.3238371

I feel the need to tack funk and soul onto the music.

>> No.3238394

Many people on /sci/ are interested in physics, but most of them aren't majoring in it.

>> No.3238431

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>Fourth year BSc Computer Science Linguistics double
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Played a few CCGs in high school. Magic and VS System IIRC
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>RTS. Play me some Starcraft II
What are your parents like?
>Father is a very hard working programmer with an education in math, physics, and computer science. Mother is a daycare teacher who ended up working for the union
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Folk, country, classical, progressive rock
Do you play an instrument?
>Yes. Piano, trumpet, tin whistle
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3238509

>The field of science that interests you the most?

Ecology or Evolutionary Biology.

>What stage of education are you in?

College for B.S. in Wildlife Biology

>Do you believe in a god?

No, but I do not claim to know whether or not god exists.

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Played MtG and Pokemon when I was younger, now I play Warhammer 40k and Fantasy.

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

RTS and RPG, some simulations.

>What are your parents like?

I think they have done a good job and I appreciate everything they have done.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

Heavy Metal. I pick and choose based on different things. There are at least one or two bands that I specifically like in each genre.

>Do you play an instrument?

Most percussion except for drum set.

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

Thankfully no.

>> No.3238516

I love me some astrophysics.

Just out of high school, going to college.


Yes, I've played YGO and I'm familiar with 40k.

Yes, though I don't really have a favorite genre.

Dad's alright, musician at night, delivers drugs by day. Mom's insane, suffers from migraines, and works as a corporate cog/songwriter/poet.

I don't really listen to music.

Used to play bass in middle school, but I act, if that counts.

Yes, until I snapped and threw a kid off a balcony.

>> No.3238526

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Theoretical physics
>What stage of education are you in?
Soon-to-be senior in high school...
>Do you believe in god?
I'm a Deist
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
I played YuGiOh back when it first came out. I still play MTG every once and a while.
>Do you play vidya? If so, what genres do you most enjoy?
RPGs, adventure
>What are your parents like?
Mom eloped with an abusive man; I haven't seen her in years. My dad is currently in jail.
>What kind(s) of music do you most enjoy?
Pretty much anything, save hip-hop/rap
>Do you play an instrument?
Guitar and violin
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3238565
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I think it's about time we should learn about ourselves;

The field of science that interests you the most?
Clinical Medicine

What stage of education are you in?
have EMT-I, former IDMT in the USAF, currently a Sophomore going for my degree in Biochemistry.

Do you believe in a god?
I believe in a power greater than myself.

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Fuck, and no.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
What the fuck is this shit...I don't even...

What are your parents like?
Father was a marine, said I should of stayed in the military.
Mother middle class, very much out for her best interest, more supportive of my younger sister who's pregant at the age for 20 (i'm 25), than me. Haven't heard from her in 6 months (except for when I called on mothers day).

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Rock, Classical, Alternative, some hip-hop (rarely)

Do you play an instrument?
Saxophone when i was in the middle school.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
eh probably.

what the fuck is up with these questions: pic fucking related.

>> No.3238587


The Deism you learn about in your English class is truly not Deism. I made the very same mistake.

>> No.3238597

The field of science that interests you the most?
-Quantum Physics

What stage of education are you in?
Pursuing a Bachelor of Sciences in Mathematics

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
WoW, Runescape.. Mostly MMORPG based things.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

What are your parents like?
Father is a materialistic elitist who will never value anything more than money.
Mother is an overworked woman, though she milks that excuse to look out only for herself. Communication has been lax.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Classical, anything that puts me in a good mood.

Do you play an instrument?

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3238605 [DELETED] 


About to enter university

Only as far as thinking "god" is the 10th dimension

Magic, Yugioh, Warhammer



Metal, classical


>> No.3238609

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
3 year of Math major.
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Yu-Gi-Oh when I was younger.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
I like RPGs for single player and FPS for multiplayer.
What are your parents like?
Dad is modest introvert. Mother an alcoholic mess.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Classic Rock/Psychedelic rock.
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3238610

physics, most branches but not so much optics, if i had to pick id say QM

finished year 1 of college for math/econ

only when im high

used to play pokemon, would play dnd but dont want to totally rule out ever getting laid

i play wow every day, all i play is that and epic strategy though and mindless multiplayer with friends


rock, i like artists from all kinds of genres but the only one i consistently like is rock

used to play piano, tried to take up guitar but never got very far

nah everyone liked me, that and my best friend in middle-high school was this huge fucker who was 6'2 200 in 6th grade and kept growing

>> No.3238616

The field of science that interests you the most?
Environmental Science

What stage of education are you in?
1st year B.S. for Resource and Environmental Studies

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Street Fighter, the occasional sidescroller and RPG, also retro gaming

What are your parents like?
Father - retired Master Electrician
Mother - Geneologist
not perfect, but not awful

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
broad range:classical (one radio tuned to KMFA 24/7),jazz,metal,hair bands, 80's, classic rock, old skool hip hop

Do you play an instrument?
used to. Several Variants on Saxophone , Clarinet

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
if by 'properly' you mean, "persecuted for being from somewhere else until i learned to stand up for myself."then yes

>> No.3238618


About to enter university

Only as far as thinking "god" is the 10th dimension

Magic, Yugioh, Warhammer



Metal, classical



>> No.3238622

>What stage of education are you in?
failed/dropped out of university due to severe adhd-pi, bipolar disorder, and social anxiety.
>Do you believe in a god?
no, but i'm not a militant atheist who can't understand the symbolism and metaphors of religion and god and takes everything literally
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
was never allowed to play video games as a child, so no
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
i guess platformers or rpg, not sure
>What are your parents like?
horribly strict and controlling. I was never allowed to play video games, and if I was allowed to watch TV it was only PBS, was never allowed out of the house, and was beaten if I got below an A. My father was very controlling and psychologically manipulative. As a teenager I rebelled against them and was put in boot camps/military schools for most of my adolescent years. I finally got into university and never left my dorm and was always threatened by my father to have my money cut. I ended up failing out due to never going to class/severe adhd-pi as stated before, and living with my parents who make me want to kill myself
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
I was really into pink floyd, bob dylan, etc, and post-rock recently, but i love all types of music
>Do you play an instrument?
started piano and guitar but stopped early
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not sure what properly means, but yes, very much so. I was ridiculed for not knowing anything about culture, movies, shows, video games, etc. as I wasn't allowed to watch tv or play vidya. My parents forced me to dress like a nerd which got me bullied and beaten up. And my own father ridiculed me for not having any friends. His control and manipulation over me was similar to that of kids indoctrinated by extreme religion.

>> No.3238630

I didn't learn about Deism in English class; I live in a southern state, so parents would shit bricks if we mentioned any religion save Christianity. I became a Deist through reading the works of Thomas Paine and a lot of introspection.

>> No.3238639

The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
>Getting a BA in Poli Sci/Edu and maybe a minor in something /sci/ related
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>WoW, MtG, YuGioh in like 5th grade
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Games with replay value/large amount of content
What are your parents like?
>Dad's a USCGA/Yale Grad and my mom's a teacher so strict but not Full Metal Jacket bad.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Mostly alt rock but I have started to stray into more actual "listen and mood" type music like jazz, dub step, and classical
Do you play an instrument?
>Played like 6, don't remember much
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>> No.3238642
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The field of science that interests you the most?
Medicine, Physics.

What stage of education are you in?
1st year University - Med Sci. I might try for medical school after completion.

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
Sadly no.

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
Yep. RPGs, grand strategy games, RTS, hack and slash, fightan gaems, anything really. Though I won't claim to be good at any of them.

What are your parents like?
Pretty cool but can be strict when needed. They're both in the design industry though. Dad's an architect and mom's an optometrist-turned-interior designer.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Anything that has a nice tune to it. I do enjoy a lot of old music though, particularly 50s jazz.

Do you play an instrument?
A bit of piano. Guitar and trumpet at one point.

Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Yeah. Once because I was wearing funny shoes and the other time because well, because I was just there.

>> No.3238992

bump...just cause

>> No.3239148
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>The field of science that interests you the most?
number theory/math
>What stage of education are you in?
>Do you believe in a god?
i probably would if these pushers would just stop bothering me
>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
nah, im cool with other people playin them though
>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
i like rts. its like chess except i dont get bored as easy
>What are your parents like?
we dont talk much anymore. happy fathers day
>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
basically everything. i cant understand why people keep trying to put labels on things...
>Do you play an instrument?
bass, guitar, piano, etc.. been writing music for a while but its just cuz its what makes me happy
>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
yeah, but i probably deserved it.

>> No.3239180
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>I had a literal gang of bullies in my school, if you fought back they would broke your soul.


>> No.3239198

>The field of science that interests you the most?
Physical chemistry
For homosexual fields, Electrical Engineering

>What stage of education are you in?
3rd year bachelors

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
RPG anything, mostly Black Isle

>What are your parents like?

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
Anything that's not relaxing

>Do you play an instrument?

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Not much

>> No.3239372

The field of science that interests you the most?
>neuroscience, physics
What stage of education are you in?
>college 3rd year
Do you believe in a god?
>them's fairytales.
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>some yugioh, mostly pokemon though.
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>tons of vidya. again, pokemon, then a lot of RPGs, FPSs, and horror. also I must say I have a major weakness for some iphone games.
What are your parents like?
>both educated. dad's a drunk, mom insults me a lot, but otherwise pretty ok.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>don't like opera usually, hate country, but open to most else. especially like techno and trip-hop and weird things. also a weakness for kpop.
Do you play an instrument?
>piano and xylophone and a little bit of guitar but string instruments confuse me to no end (if we're not counting piano as string).
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>no not really, just socially awkward as fuck, insulted a lot and beat up sometimes but I'm hard to upset.

>> No.3241317
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The field of science that interests you the most?
>Psychology, sociology, Political science, bio-engineering, Biology, Computer science
What stage of education are you in?
>freshman college
Do you believe in a god?
>I believe in a malicious presence
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>WH40k, RTS/Turn based Computer games
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>RTS, Turn Based, Strategy, horror, action
What are your parents like?
>Dad was a Vietnam war vet, afflicted with Parkinson's disease for all of my childhood, but a very nice man. My mom was very nice also.
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Every kind there is, from Deathcore to rap to classical
Do you play an instrument?
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>yup, I was isolated from everyone. I was known as "Loner", even though they imposed my exile.

>> No.3243442

post pics of your mom, she sounds hot

>> No.3243467

>Physical chemistry


I bet you cant fuck with me tho. I'll throw down wit my P-chem skillz.

>> No.3243469

>The field of science that interests you the most?
psychology, psychiatry, neurology

>What stage of education are you in?
2nd year of university

>Do you believe in a god?

>Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?

>Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?

>What are your parents like?
They can't stand the fact that i am smarter than them in most of the aspects of life, you can not have a rational argument with them. they are overall nice tho.

>What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?

>Do you play an instrument?
not really, but i taught myself the piano pretty well

>Were you (properly) bullied as a child?

>Thanks /sci/, I think this will be quite interesting, hopefully if enough people answer we can get a good picture of the /sci/ board and what makes us tick.

>> No.3243477

This thread is still alive?

>> No.3243517
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The field of science that interests you the most?
What stage of education are you in?
> Last year of sixth form, going into uni by August to study Physics.
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
> A little pokemon
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Fighting games/FPS (SSF4:AE/Halo, Half-life ect..)
What are your parents like?
>They are ok
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Metal, Rock, Alternative, but i like alot of stuff
Do you play an instrument?
Yes, guitar.
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
Eh, kinda.

>> No.3245013

i don't get it

>> No.3245040

The field of science that interests you the most?
>I'm a philosopher, but one of the good guys laying down a conceptual framework for science (my field is philosophy of language). I like reading about cosmology and general physics. I'm a good logician, I did my masters on 3-valued logics. I'm alright at math.

What stage of education are you in?
>PhD in philosophy

Do you believe in a god?

Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>Yes, W40K, MTG

Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>Yes, strategy and RPG

What are your parents like?
>Dead, so they're really agreeable and easy to get along with.

What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>Classical, jazz, rock

Do you play an instrument?

>> No.3245050

What stage of education are you in?
>>High school(grade 11)
Do you believe in a god?
Have you ever played Warhammer/YuGiOh or similar games? If so, what?
>>YuGiOh, War hammer
Do you play vidya? if so what genres do you enjoy the most?
>>Ofcourse, fighter arcade and rpg
What are your parents like?
>>EXTREMELY UNFIT TO PARENT stoner and medicated physcopath
What kind(s) of music do you enjoy the most?
>>Rock n Roll and Punk
Do you play an instrument?
>>I'm a vocalist and xylophonist
Were you (properly) bullied as a child?
>>still bullied properly