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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3214351 No.3214351 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we imagine how advanced aliens must be

ill start:

a lot weaker physically than humans

>> No.3214358

a lot gayer than OP

>> No.3214369

not possible

>> No.3214379

That means ....
we have proven that aliens don't exist.
Now let's try the same thing with god.

>> No.3214392


What...every single alien species in the universe is weaker than us?


>> No.3214396

huge heads

>> No.3214403

They like have already examined each of OP's orifices with an anal probe.

>> No.3214410

First: Let's assume god doesn't exist.
Second: God doesn't exist.
Third: Proven.

No but seriously. Who cares? - no one!

Aliens, you mean physically or technologically? (bio thread or physics/eng thread)?

>> No.3214415

>implying aliens have engineers too

>> No.3214439
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hardcore engineers: UFO Engineers.

>> No.3214442

they are white

>> No.3214456

Why does everyone assume aliens must be physically weak?

We humans are pretty weak as things go.

>> No.3214460
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Aliens is way too general of a term.
There are some that are weaker
There are some that are stronger
It depends on gravity

There could be Aliens with 20 tentacles and an inability to produce organized thought

There could be aliens the size of fruit flies that could break down trigonometric equations as soon as they're "born".

It all depends on where they come from. Anything is possible, really

>> No.3214468


What if earth was the only habitable planet left in the universe?

What if we are... truly alone?

>> No.3214476

>advanced aliens
>not humanoid

>> No.3214483

Of little variance. Bipedal form is most practical and such is by far the most common shape for beings capable of technological civilization.

Each species would be physically relatively weak compared to majority of the fauna found on their home worlds, thus had to rely more on their minds when it comes to hunting and surviving.

And they would most certainly NOT be homogenous, like in Star-Trek. They would all be individuals like humans and other more advanced creatures.

>> No.3214486
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NA, universe is too big

>> No.3214488

>has sexual fantasies about tentacle rape

>> No.3214491
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>> No.3214492


That is what makes it so scary.

>> No.3214496

Like an ugly life size praying mantis

>> No.3214508


>life size
>implying praying mantis is never alive

>> No.3214509

brb imagining how something i've never seen looks like

>> No.3214515

they could be made of water man... WATER you heard the man.. WATER!


>> No.3214518
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>> No.3214519

your penis bro?

>> No.3214525

that's right i've never seen it because i do not have one ;)

>> No.3214532


>> No.3214538

definately green

>> No.3214539
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gtfo my 4chan

>> No.3214544

No... don't do this to this thread... please

>> No.3214545

lol america

ashaming the world since 1776

>> No.3214549

>ashaming the world


>> No.3214559
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>> No.3214562

all of you should feel bad for ruining this thread

>> No.3214566



silly american doesn't even know his own language.

>> No.3214570

ITT: The british, the stupidest and most inbred of the Europeans, who come to our country by the thousands to recieve a better higher education, call us dumb on an american website

>> No.3214572

are you really applying the 'hes ripped so he must be a retard' stereotype to alien life?

>> No.3214575

wikipedia is an American website, stop using our own innovation and intelligence against us

>> No.3214576
File: 16 KB, 200x217, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone on this board always talks about the more advanced species rather than the less.

Hell, for all we know we could be the beacon of technology is this sector.

>> No.3214583

>ruining the thread
>implying it was any good

>> No.3214587

>wikipedia is an American website


the servers may be located in the U.S. but that doesn't make it an american website

>> No.3214592

>implying anyone asked your opinion

>> No.3214593

Well since the only example of advanced life we have is humans. It's most logical to start from humans and then adjust parameters according to different imaginable types of aliums.

So start by going to:
http://www.futuretimeline[dot]net/index.htm (you have to replace the [dot] with an actual dot). Decide how much more advanced than us they would be, and then adjust for the limitations/strengths of your imagines species.

>> No.3214595

just show how imature men are

>> No.3214600

The internet is a British invention, stop using our own inventions against us

>who come to our country by the thousands to recieve a better higher education,

Because Americas education system is so well regarded, right?

>> No.3214615


>> No.3214627


yeah like not a single american comes to oxford and cambridge to learn from the master race

shut your mouth and know your place you silly yankee. you're nothing but a colonist

>> No.3214629

The World Wide Web is a British invention, the Internet was created by DARPA.

What's that? You don't know the difference? Oh Britfags.

>> No.3214641

>alien thread turns into male vs females and USA vs europe
stay classy homo sapiens

>> No.3214646

sure, whatever makes you sleep at night, al gore, an american.created the internet

>> No.3214648

oh i'm sorry mr brown, please do not give me an F on my english paper!

>> No.3214651
File: 32 KB, 238x400, Kit+Fisto+-+Kneeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw every colony britain had has rejected their tallywhackers.

>> No.3214659

No, no, you're right, Britain. The World Wide Web is the only application of the Internet and HTTP is its holy protocol. Nothing else exists.

>> No.3214667

If the rest of the world can't use the "american" internet. Americans need to stop using the English language, it was invented by the English. Also please refrain from using any units, maths, medicine or anything else that comes from other countries.

So yeah, I guess you will all have to live in pink, plastic, Disney castles from now on. Oh noes, you can't even do that, because we invented fucking houses also.

>> No.3214674
File: 101 KB, 535x432, 4CH4NVOL5UTION4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You surendered the english language during the revolution. You now pay royalty fees.

>> No.3214685

That's not what I was saying. I'm not samefag with the guy who said "Don't use the Internet against us" and I don't think he was serious.

I'm not even American. I'm Spanish. I have no horse in this race, but I do like historical correctness.

>> No.3214720

ok advanced aliens.. physically weaker? you are mentally retarded.
we humans in 20 years will probably have a way to genetically engineer our selves to be stronger and smarter in about 20 years..
in about the same time as well we will probably have mechanical body parts you know to replace arms and legs and shit.
fuck the Japanese already have a suit that allows you to lift half a ton.
shit if advanced aliens can traveler large distance in space they probably can brake your fucking body with no problem at all.
they might have started as a specie weaker then us but technology .. advanced technology that they developed probably made them waaaaay stronger then us.

>> No.3214737

this assuming they are more advance then us

>> No.3214748
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ITT: Anthropocentrism

>> No.3214760

They are bacteria

>> No.3214776

half a ton... shit man, there are people that can lift that without a suit. look at the world record for squats.

>> No.3214874

70 years old guy in a wheelchair can operate the suit

>> No.3214936

>you are mentally retarded
stopped reading right there

>> No.3214951
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>still reads thread about aliens on /sci/

>> No.3214970

>implying life exists outside of earth
>no evidence for belief
Stay classy, /sci/.

>> No.3214989


We only believe in the possibility, not a certainty.

>> No.3214991

>There could be aliens the size of fruit flies that could break down trigonometric equations as soon as they're "born".
Humans can do some trig approximation subconsciously.
Mammalian (probably even insect) brain approximates distances with basic trigonometry.
>It all depends on where they come from. Anything is possible, really
Of course not.
You won't have, for example, plutonium aliens. Or aliens with no methods of reproduction. Or active aliens deriving most of their energy from photosynthesis.
Also, OP is only considering intelligent aliens.

Advanced aliens will eventually reach the point where everything can be done by machines. Locomotion, organ functions, manufacture, later also design, decision making and finally all the thinking.
Above a certain point, there are just differently designed computers and their differently designed (although all very efficient and devoid of anything resembling culture or art) extensions in the form of spacecraft, vehicles and factories.
Before that, the aliens will probably shed their primitive bodies and embrace genetic modification.
Natural forms are pretty shitty. Look at humans - apes are FAR stronger than us, our genetic codes are constantly degenerating due to lack of meaningful selection, instincts still heavily influence our behavior...

>> No.3215005
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They probably wouldn't look like anything we could immediately think up. They could have developed completely differently than life on Earth had over the billions of years. I wonder if they even have DNA or something remotely close.

>everchi voice

>> No.3215053

>Or active aliens deriving most of their energy from photosynthesis.
We have these already:
Don't underestimate evolution, it can pull off some crazy shit.

>> No.3215692

At first I wanted to add something to my post to cover leaf-like sea slugs, but then I got lazy.
By "active" I meant "capable of actually influencing anything" or at least "moving quickly". Flat, leaf-like sea slugs are neither.
Using photosynthesis to power something that's using a lot of energy is a bad idea, unless you can cover a huge area. Brains use a lot of energy.

>> No.3215835
File: 256 KB, 900x675, transhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably post-human (or post-Gizblorp or whatever they call themselves) immortal machines storing the memories and thought patterns (or actual, still-living organic brains, or parts of their brains) of the now-extinct (by choice) organic species that created them. Why bother trying to perfect a system created by millions of years of evolution-a system designed to "just work well enough" that some individuals could live long enough to reproduce and keep the species going-when you could design from scratch a system designed to last forever, repair any damage, and be under complete conscious control of your brain?! A body designed not for hunter-gathering on the Savannah, but one capable of that, farming, modern industrial urban life, and exploring the galaxy!

At that point, why not just upload the mind and replace the hardware of the brain itself with something that can't forget, can't be impaired by lack of sleep or low blood sugar, something that isn't made of cells that accumulate DNA damage, get shorter and shorter telomeres, and can generate cancer? Why not replace it with an incredibly fast multi-core optic/quantum computer which is periodically back-ed up so that, even if your spaceship gets blasted to bits, you can be rebuilt on your home planet at lose, at most, a day?!