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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3212837 No.3212837 [Reply] [Original]

For example what happens to heat energy?

What happens to lightning once it's hit the earth?

>> No.3212841

didn't you already make a thread asking this
it. gets. dispersed.

>> No.3212861

dispersed into what?

>> No.3212873

It doesnt change at all faggot.

The heat energy just gets dispersed.

>> No.3212878

Then what happens to it after it's dispersed?

If heat enrgy just get's dispersed wouldn't that make the world increadibly hot?

>> No.3212882

it also goes into space, and iff you go forward in time trillions of years, eventually everything will be the same temperature.

>> No.3212918
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Not if QB can help it.

>> No.3212924

QB ?

>> No.3212927


>> No.3212930

I just want to know what QB is! why don I have to learn entropy? why!

>> No.3212936


QB is a character in an anime called Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
He attempts to counter entropy by using the emotions of little girls as an energy source.

>> No.3212951
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1) Energy is only conserved in a system with homogenity of time

2) Energy can be converted to/from different forms, ie; heat, matter, mechanical, etc.


>> No.3213001

Where can I read more about the dispersion of heat energy?

>> No.3213018

>>3212837 heat energy

For fucks sake. Heat is not energy. Energy is the ability to perform work. Differentials in heat are energy. Saying heat is energy is as dumb as saying height is energy.

>> No.3213024

electrons are energy.

>> No.3213025

height could be said to be directly proportional to gravitational potential energy

You should as fuckin retarded as an engineer

>> No.3213031

The laws of thermodynamics (layman's edition):

1. You can't win.
2. You can't break even.
3. You can't stop playing.

>> No.3213036
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>Energy is the ability to perform work

No. Example, mass is a form of energy.

>> No.3213037

>dumb as saying height is energy

Bad example, as you can exploit height to do work in a gravitational field.

>> No.3213043
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>> No.3213045
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Engineer doesn't even know what energy is. Why am I not fucking suprised!

>> No.3213054

Height is not energy. Matter at differentials in height is energy. A rock cannot perform work by moving from two positions of the same height.

Charge is not energy. Matter at differentials in charge is energy. An electron cannot perform work by moving from two positions of the same charge.

Heat is not energy. Matter at differentials in temperature is energy. An thermocouple cannot perform work between two pieces of matter at of the same temperature.

Is /sci/ full of summerfags even this late at night? Everyone should understand the differences between force, work, matter, and energy before finishing highschool.

>> No.3213067
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>> No.3213069
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God I fucking hate engineers so much they're just so fucking STUPID


>> No.3213068
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>> No.3213074

Because this thread is about Krakengineer/engineers in general:
>Is /sci/ full of summerfags even this late at night?
>Doesn't understand timezones
>For my face refer to the other posts.

>> No.3213075
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>keeps using the shitty concept of work to define energy

Energy is more fundamental then work dumbfuck.


>> No.3213079
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How do you type with your hands full of dicks?

>> No.3213082

>Picture of a physicist calling someone else retarded
You're only one rung higher on the ladder, subhuman.

>> No.3213083


So basically you're arguing semantics after spouting some condescending bullshit and backing yourself into a corner.

You know what was meant, and you know the language is technically acceptable but you just had to be a narcissistic cunt when you saw the opportunity.

>> No.3213084

>Energy is the ability to perform work.

that's so wrong I don't even know where to start.

as an example:
1) energy cant be created or destroyed
2) have system with initial energy
3) at some point the system reaches thermal and other equilibrium
4) no further work can be done in the system
5) now energy = 0
6) all energy was destroyed
7) see point 1

>> No.3213097

Heat is not energy. This isn't semantics any more than cucumbers are not grapes.

Do you know what the SI units for entropy is? Its Joules per Kelvin. This makes no sense to idiots who think Joules and Kelvin are both units of energy.

>> No.3213114

when you work in some natural units, entropy is dimensionless, you know the definition of entropy? its S = k ln(Q) with Q the number of states, ln(Q) is dimensionless and taking k as dimensionless means S is dimensionless, to explain further, T is a measure of the average kinetic energy of all the particles in the system with k relating it to the average energy, so if k is taken as dimensionless T is measured in J, so S is again, dimensionless.

>> No.3213117


You're still trying to dictate to people which definition of heat they're using and then presuming to argue with them based upon that assumption. That is the very essence of what it is to argue semantics.

Check out some of the ones in common use:

When someone talks about using heat to do work it should not take a great feat of mental fortitude to determine their meaning.

>> No.3213121

>Heat is not energy.

>> No.3213129

That's statistical entropy. Thermodynamic entropy has the dimension of energy divided by temperature.

>> No.3213132
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Why the fuck are you talking about entropy now? Does your fail Know no bounds?

As a form of energy heat has the unit joule (J) in the International System of Units (SI).

>> No.3213139

>>3213117 When someone talks about using heat to do work it should not take a great feat of mental fortitude to determine their meaning.

And yet everyone posting in this thread before me was offering a shotty explanation because they were confusing the two concepts.

>> No.3213140
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Please go fucking kill yourself. You are the reason society thinks so little of engineers.

>> No.3213142

are you fucking retarded? its the same fucking entropy you dumbass

>> No.3213144
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Why should we listen to a homosexual?

>> No.3213145

o, and why are you talking about temperature? temp is not heat.

>> No.3213146


I really don't see it. Perhaps you're allowing yourself to fall victim to confirmation bias?

>> No.3213149
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>> No.3213155

>>3213142 its the same fucking entropy you dumbass

>> No.3213152
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gay troll is gay

>> No.3213162
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>> No.3213173
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>engineer learns a very very narrow definition (approximation) of a physics concept, that only applies to one shitty field of engineering

>thinks it works for all physics


>> No.3213177

>The statistical definition was developed by Ludwig Boltzmann in the 1870s by analyzing the statistical behavior of the microscopic components of the system. Boltzmann went on to show that this definition of entropy was equivalent to the thermodynamic entropy to within a constant number which has since been known as Boltzmann's constant.

>The statistical definition... this definition of entropy was equivalent to the thermodynamic entropy to within a constant number.


>> No.3213181

I understand statistical and thermodynamic entropy. I brought up the thermodynamic definition because it is a real stumbling block for people who get heat confused with energy.

>> No.3213194

I will never take a guy who doesn't know how to initialize for loops seriously.

>> No.3213201

>>3213177 this definition of entropy was equivalent to the thermodynamic entropy to within a constant number.

The Boltzmann constant has units bro.

>> No.3213205
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Who the fuck is even talking about entropy here?


"heat has the unit joule (J) in the International System of Units (SI)"

The joule is a unit of energy. Heat is a type of energy...DURRRR.

Trollin? or just retarded (engineer)?

>> No.3213210
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What the fuck does entropy have to do with anything?

>> No.3213213

Dude I'm an Engineer too

Just stop you're embarassing us.

Of course heat is fucking energy. What do you think happens when you hit a nail with a hammer.

All that Kinetic energy of the particles moving down in a straight line. When you hit the nail it looks like everything stops but all that motion is still there. The Kinetic energy is just in all directions now we call it heat.

Herp derp.

>> No.3213218

it all started with him mistaking temperature and heat and then using the defoliation of entropy to say heat is measured in K and I was showing him that even on that he was wrong.

>> No.3213227

>This makes no sense to idiots who think Joules and Kelvin are both units of energy.

>Implying they aren't

If they aren't both energy. Explain this. I'll use an Engineering example to get this through your thick skull

A heat engine. Q in, Q out, W out. We take heat from one source, extract usefull work and reject the rest to a low temperature TER.


Heat goes in, Work comes out, less heat is rejected than goes on.

If heat is not energy then we have just CREATED enegry out of fucking nothing and some heat has vanished somehow because if its not energy, then where is it. Its just gone.

ANswer: Energy is conserved Heat and Work are both energy and you are a fucking moron.

If they're different things explain the work and energy balance used to evaluate heat engines? According to you its like comparing apples and oranges.

>> No.3213243
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>Heat is not energy

You are fucking stupid!

>> No.3213248

They become different forms of energy, or perhaps matter depending on the conversion process.

>> No.3213264

I'm having a hard time telling who says what and how wrong it is, would you mind getting tripcodes? So far only Krakengineer is identifiable.

>> No.3213272
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>different forms of energy

No. Heat and Work are the same form of energy. They even have the same fucking fundamental units. No conversion is needed.

Things like mass and temperture represent forms of energy too, but they are DIFFERENT FORMS, as conversion is needed to express mass or temperture in Joules (or eV).


>> No.3213279
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krankengineer is a fucking moron.


>> No.3213292

Krakengineer's tripcode is ##daisy
Now no one is identifiable.

>> No.3213297

>>3213227 Kelvin is a unit of energy.

I can't be the only one who sees the problem with this statement.

>> No.3213306

Well, Kelvin *is* a unit of energy. That the Boltzmann constant has units is entirely for historical reasons. (It's also common to set the Boltzmann constant to 1 in solid state physics.)

>> No.3213310


>> No.3213350

thankyou, i never learned that but it made sense to me that temperature has units energy and that k =1 can be used in some situations, now I know im not crazy. (because no one ever agrees with me)

>> No.3213361
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>> No.3213362

Temperature is simply a measure of the energy of a system per degree of freedom. It's pretty natural to associate it with energy directly. Just have a look at all the thermodynamical formulas, most of them involve <span class="math">k_BT[/spoiler], not only k or T alone, anyway.

>> No.3213381

>mfw Kraken is actually right and the dumb part of /sci/ is just trolling

>> No.3213578


dimensional analysis of your expresion in SI units

<span class="math">k_B T[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\left( \frac{J}{K} \right) K [/spoiler]


<span class="math">U = \frac{\eta}{2}N k_B T[/spoiler]

Or in other words,

Energy = Joules.


>> No.3213579

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

>> No.3213581

Yes, energy is measured in Joules. Well done.

>> No.3213588

I'm trying to say this

>Well, Kelvin *is* a unit of energy.

That is a misconception, Kelvin is NOT a unit of Energy, yes, while Energy CAN be directly associated with temperature, e.g., by the internal energy (U) of a gas

<span class="math">U = \frac{\eta}{2}N k_B T[/spoiler],


Your argument is extremely misleading, even though both quantities (Energy and Temperature) are directly correlated, their units are not the same as shown in the dimensional analysis in my previous post.

Was that clearer?

>> No.3213590
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Next you'll be saying that MeV is not a measure of mass.

>> No.3213591

>>3213588 Was that clearer?
Yes, it's more obvious that you're wrong now. Also lol at using the ideal gas law to derive a general statement from it.

>> No.3213597

>Yes, it's more obvious that you're wrong now.

Loved it when you pointed out how and where.

>> No.3213605

>>3213597 Also lol at using the ideal gas law to derive a general statement from it.
My first advice would be studying thermodynamics before trying to discuss it. A good indicator would be being able to derive the ideal gas law from statistical physics.

>> No.3213631

>A good indicator would be being able to derive the ideal gas law from statistical physics

ahahaha you really think i'm gonna go into statistical mechanics here?

>> No.3213634

I don't think you can, no.

>> No.3213637

Josef it's not so hard to say "OK I was mistaken" you know..

>> No.3213640

sure you can say that, because you know my background right?

>> No.3213660

wow, this thread is still going? just let it die Josef, you (and some others (me(the guy posting (this))))know you are right.

>> No.3213668

The Kelvin discussion told me you don't know what temperature is, and your examples thought to be general statements using <span class="math">\frac f2Nk_BT[/spoiler] told me you haven't studied basic thermodynamics.

Anyway, here's the microcanonical partition function of the ideal gas at energy E in a volume V with N particles in 3 dimensions (with Stirling implied),
<div class="math">\Omega(E,V,N)=\frac{V^N}{(2\pi\hbar)^{3N}}\left(\frac{4\pi emE}{3N}\right)^{\frac{3N}2}</div>a) What's missing to solve Gibbs paradox
b) Derive the ideal gas law

a) is a few signs long, b) can take up to two lines if you're extremely extensive.

Have fun.

>> No.3213966
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What is the symbol for heat anyway??

>> No.3213974


>> No.3213979

But there is no function Q!

>> No.3214067

partially derivate --> done

>> No.3214091

Fuck you, without Q, Bond would be nothing.

>> No.3214113

oops, typo:
I ment to say Bonds, as in Chemical Bonds