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3204175 No.3204175 [Reply] [Original]

Since graduating HS, I've been determined to do better in college than I ever dreamed of doing in high school, this includes eating right, working out, and maximizing my thinking abilities.

I started taking Omega 3,6 and 9 gels to help with the latter-most, and I recently experimented with adderrall when I fell behind on homework. It was a huge help, and while I will probably look into getting more at some point, I would like to know if there are any other brain drugs/supplements /sci/ like to use?

There's a nootropics table in the sticky, so I figured some of you guys might have some valuable input on the subject. It'd be a good topic for discussion foiled against the recent "NIGGERS R DUMMBER THEN WHITE PPL" and "ATHEISTS: X RELIGION: Y"

I'm particularly interested in some of the more accessible nootropics, like Piracetam and Choline supplements. Any input on this sci?

>> No.3204224 [DELETED] 

I do fine with caffeine pills every now and then and time management. Never been pressured enough to the point where I thought I might need anything harder than that.

>> No.3204367


Unfortunately for me, caffeine has little to no effect anymore after 12 years of soda.

And I have used time management, to some progress and success, but it still feels like an epic uphill battle for me sometimes.

>> No.3206546

<span class="math">exists[/spoiler]

>> No.3206578

Modafinil works as a pretty good alternative to caffeine in my experience. Very consistent, not addictive, and kept me awake without feeling methy.

>> No.3208523

>>3204175 dreamed of doing in high school, this includes eating right, working out, and maximizing my thinking abilities

You forgot to study.

Stop wasting your time on shit.

>> No.3208541

This relevant to my interest.

>> No.3208564

1200mg Pramiracetam + 800mg Alpha GPC + 12mg Galantamine

>> No.3209367

>implying i don't do 2 hours of homework and pre-reading the next days lecture before bed.

>> No.3209373

working on this, would like to avoid shipping if it all possible, does nutrition depot +/ GNC carry these?

>> No.3209375


The only way we can get it in the US is through the alternative form that fucks your liver.

>> No.3209395
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>ITT: future coke/meth heads

>> No.3209415

Old 3 threads: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EYGJBE6V

I’ll keep track of this one and add it to the archive.

>> No.3209425
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> I recently experimented with adderrall when I fell behind on homework

Man up and stop playing with that middle-school crap.
> pic related

>> No.3209453

/fit/ here

drink nothing but water
get 8 hours of sleep every night
good diet (ie you cook 90% of your food and it is not shitty food w/ bad stuff like trans fats/hfcs/msg/etc)
regular cardio
weight lifting
a good multivitamin (such as optimen)
a good fish oil (spoiler: if you live in a westernized country, 6 and 9 are useless to supplement; you get enough of those. all you need is a quality omega 3 (fish oil))

now that you have a solid base, here's what you were really looking for:
energy drinks when you need a pick me up (even those things are like gasoline). opt for coffee if you prefer it.
adderall XR when you need to pull a last minute cram session. this can be averted by simply not procrastinating and perfecting time management, but it's always an option.
nothing else will really keep your brain operating at maximum capacity without taking a stimulant every day (meth), in which case, the cons outweigh the pros, so don't do it.

>> No.3209461

You have no idea what you are talking about regarding nootropics. Rest is good, though.

>> No.3209470

i have no idea what a 'nootropic' is but i'm assuming it's some corny supplement like jack3d except advertized towards academic slackers?

i'm gonna go ahead and assume it's a scam and continue without further investigation

>> No.3209477

I find oxiracetam works well for me.

>> No.3209480


>> No.3209492


you forgot SQUATZ AN OATZ

Weightlifting isn't gonna do a lot if he's already doing cardio. As for the Omega-3, you wont need it if you include enough fish in your good diet. Multivits neither.

Nootropics are memory enhancers. Obviously people argue over how much they work.

>> No.3209494

>implying nootropics are a gateway drugs

>> No.3209505

You don’t /fit/ in well here. This is /sci/. Here, we aren’t faggots.

Pubmed would like to have a word with you.

Alpha-GPC: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1916007
CDP vs GPC: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1319912
CDP-choline: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15846601
CDP for cognitive and behavioural disturbances associated with chronic cerebral disorders in the elderly: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12389156
Oxiracetam: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7870912 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8134347
Effects memory-enhancing drugs: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3594453
Bacopa: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20590480 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18683852
Idebenone A powerful nootropic: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19430983 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15374363
Aniracetam: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17609677 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1611039
Pramiracetam: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15374306 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1786500

>inb4 but no double blind tests on HEALTHY individuals?
No, none yet. What effects, long term and short, it has on healthy individuals is up in the air. Do nootropics at your own risk.

>> No.3209511


>i'm gonna go ahead and assume it's a scam and continue without further investigation

Ladies and gentlemen...welcome to /sci/

>> No.3209524

He’s already admitted he is from /fit/. Don’t judge everyone on /sci/ based on a visitor from another board.

That said, we do have way too many trolls and newfags here…

>> No.3209545

Green tea and maté. All you'll ever need.

>> No.3209584

bitches don't know bout my GABA blockers

>> No.3209603
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Using drugs to focus is probably a bad idea, just limit outside stimulants and don't procrastinate.

>> No.3209610

OP here, just ordered oxiracetam capsules, a little expensive and hard to find but if it works well i'll probably just switch to powders or back down to piracetam and increase the dose.
Also, will obv post with results.

I can't afford the Alpha GPC, but that's really only to increase choline to reduce side effects. I can supplement with lots of eggs as well i suppose.

>> No.3209620



Pramiracetam confirmed for win.

>> No.3209636

What about Ginkgo biloba?

>> No.3209639


I've taken gingko biloba before, and did not notice anything significant. It's possible it has protecting effects or subtle effects over long term, but been there, done that.

>> No.3209640

According to people at http://tnation.t-nation.com/free_online_forum/diet_performance_nutrition_supplements/brain_function_
boosters_20;jsessionid=A0C93E4E0D5C9686EE9D2C54E666801D-mcd01.hydra?id=3078783&pageNo=2 (somewhere on this page):

> Note any headaches you had and describe them, such as a tension headache in back of neck (too much acetylcholine), or one in front(more choline needed with your 'racetams).

Yes, choline is necessary with large doses. Small doses will give less noticeable effects, but what you want may be different from what I want. So far, I am looking at the 4chan god tier combination (pramiracetam, alpha GPC, and galantamine), but I have more secondary research to do before attempting it.

>> No.3209641

I can't take piracetram because the pills are too large

i heard oxiracetram and other -racetrams are more potent anwyay, which one(s) should i look to take?

>> No.3209654


Or maybe because your mouth is too full with cocks.

Seriously, dude MTFU and swallow a goodamn pill.
If it is really that hard, chop the bitch in two and swallow them in parts.

Either way quit being a bitch nigga.

>> No.3209655


>>Using drugs to focus is probably a bad idea...

hoe, exactly, do you think the brain works? do you belive a person's head is full of chips, circuitboards, and wires?

it's all done with CHEMISTRY............

>> No.3209660

fuck off like 50% of people can't swallow a pill that size easily

>> No.3209666
File: 40 KB, 374x456, Al Pacino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all done with CHEMISTRY............

nah, it's all will-power;
will-power trumps chemistry any day.

>> No.3209667


>Pramiracetam confirmed for win.

If you have a habit of giving yourself chemically induced amnesia, then yeah. Read the whole story, srsly

>> No.3209668


I dont like to swallow big pills too, just chew them, they dissolve in your stomach anyway.

>> No.3209672

>I can't take piracetram because the pills are too large
From what I have heard: Powder and precise scales. Find out if the chemical you want to take is water or fat soluable. Take it with that.

>> No.3209680

Get the fuck out of /sci/. /sci/entists, trolls, and babby /sci/entists are talking.

>> No.3209687

the powder tastes horrible

>> No.3209685


>implying the mechanisms of neuroprotective memory enhancement are isolated solely to chemically induced amnesia

>> No.3209701

Take it with something to mask the taste and brush your teeth afterwards.

>> No.3209704

No, but that was the methodology of the cited experiment. Any generalizations beyond that is pure speculation.

>> No.3209710
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>pure speculation

>trying to devalue a well supported hypothesis by an equivocation fallacy

I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.3209727

Be careful with Choline, I read on imminst that it's been associated in studies with cardiovascular disease and something else I can't remember.

>> No.3209731

I don't.
The logical error isn't in the experiment, but in the conclusions drawn from it, i.e.
>Pramiracetam confirmed for win.
The experiment, as far as I can tell, is consistent with it's own assumptions and result. No conflict or devaluing necessary.


>> No.3209746


I can tell you right now, this is the last I'm going to say on this topic, as your.... 'viewpoint' isn't....optimal.

You're taking a very ambiguous statement and being pedantic for psychological masturbation.

I'd go on, but I really don't see a positive end here.

>inb4 massive butthurt

>> No.3209757


"Choline is a water-soluble essential nutrient.[1][2][3][4][5] It is usually grouped within the B-complex vitamins. Choline generally refers to the various quaternary ammonium salts containing the N,N,N-trimethylethanolammonium cation."

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.3209779

I don't want to ruin any dreams here, but in general our body (neurons in particular) adapt. Stimulants or re-uptake inhibitors simulate- or (as the name would imply) inhibit the re-uptake of neurotransmitters respectively. Receptors of neurotransmitters and transporter protein complexes adapt to baseline neurotransmitter function, which means the receptors retract and transporters increase in activity.

After prolonged use of nootropics, the net result in system function will be zero. Because the system adapts. If you want to increase cognitive function in a durable way, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and exercise. A healthy brain is a well-functioning brain and glucose helps it do its job.

>> No.3209832

>needing nootropics for anything


>> No.3209839

inafter /fit/ is for mindless fags

>> No.3209843

so switching choice of nootropics every 2 months would get around this, no?

>> No.3209850

>implying that if you're right, the system doesn't just adapt to the healthy food, sleep exercise etc
>implying you can't cycle through nootropics, avoiding a tolerance
>implying even if you couldn't, that it is impossible to derive net gains
>implying that there is some real, physical law that prevents us from making our brains work net better in the long run

>> No.3209911


>> No.3209926

lol stupid people

>> No.3209933

They hail from /fit/ and don’t pubmed.

>> No.3209937

>maximizing my thinking abilities
>I recently experimented with adderrall

Op, you just completely fucked yourself.
You will never reach your maximum mental state because you have fried your serotonin receptors.
No point in taking omega-3 and shit anymore.
You are retarded for taking adderall.
Every time you take it you are damaging your brain and you wont even notice because it is subtle.

>> No.3209959





tl;dr caps was needed because you're an ignorant fuck
ps. your body removes the toxins and it doesn't leave an "impact crater" or "damage" as you "believe". faggot

>> No.3209957

So I guess the 8 years I was on it as a kid have fucked me for life?
Nice try.

>> No.3209963

Yes it has.
You will forever be at a dumber state then you would have been. ESPECIALLY if you took it during development as a kid. I feel really sorry for people like you.

>> No.3209969

Ya, but this isnt about toxins.

He has fried his serotonin receptors. Which means he will experience less motivation and well being then a normal person. (if any)

>> No.3209975

[citation needed]

>> No.3209988

[citation needed]
[citation needed]
[citation needed]

For your 50 year study of adderall on atleast 100 humans.

O wait.

Btw, I think you are INSANE if you would willingly take a drug just because you cant pay attention. I wouldnt go near the shit if it wasnt tested for like 100+ years. I think its incredible that people are willing to ruin their consciousness and the 1 body you have been given. HuRrr I want to PASS TEST IN COLEGE!


>> No.3209990

>it's impossible to damage your brain with drugs

cool CNS pharmacology bro

>> No.3210012

1590k = ln(1/2) = -ln(2)

Why is this so?

>> No.3210016


Fwiw, I feel more motivation than any of my friends, hence, why I am in calculus courses trying to learn everything I can, and I have a good, steady job.
Where as pretty much everyone else I know my age, either doesn't have a job or has a shitty job, and doesn't really have any plans for the future.

As for my wellbeing, that's a little hard to measure, and the only real thing I need to make me feel any better than I do already is some ol fashioned poon tang.

Your posts (will make me wary of future use, but as far as I've seen, the substances mentioned above like piracetam and choline supps have little to no negative effects, at least not like adderall would.

>> No.3210032

Its ridiculous if you dont already know about the negative effects... Look it up.

Adderall fucks you

The effects are subjective however...
You can do cocaine and still be a rocket scientist

Doesnt mean it wont fuck you though

>> No.3210037

/sci/entists: adderall vs. lisdexamfetamine (vyvance)? health degradation in terms of both?

>> No.3210041

Your reaction to being asked for proof is to flip out.


Anyway, as you brought up using any chemicals, not all nootropics are even reuptake inhibitors.

Sounds like U JELLY and U MAD.

>> No.3210044


Basic log law

ln (1/2)=ln (2^-1)=-1*ln(2)= ln(2)

>> No.3210048

-ln (2)

>> No.3210047

Screw them both and go with: 1200mg Pramiracetam + 800mg Alpha GPC + 12mg Galantamine

>> No.3210058


Just study harder, faggot. Drugs or "supplements" will fuck you up WAY more than they help you.
That being said, I'm pretty fucking high right now. But I'm on break and still studying calculus...

>> No.3210061
File: 81 KB, 407x405, scienceisforfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't Galantamine used for AD?

>> No.3210073


Thanks so much, I knew it was something simple I was missing.

>> No.3210079

>Drugs or "supplements" will fuck you up WAY more than they help you.

>hurd it on a pbs speshul in 1993, must b tru

>> No.3210095

When you take them for any reason other that to get fucked up, yes they do harm more than help.

Just study harder. You can't be doped up the rest of your life. Just do problems from the book til you can do them in your sleep.

Quit being a pussy and just study.

>> No.3210113

>You can't be doped up the rest of your life.
Yes, you can. This isn’t even dope, though. Stop confusing completely different classes of drugs, dumbass.

>implying that even eggs don't have extremely mild effects on cognitive function
>implying that brain is magic

>> No.3210138

Do you mean in treating Alzheimer's disease? Yes, it is. Treating cognitive diseases is where lots of nootropics originate/found use. See pubmed articles way above. Supposing that nootropics work on healthy individuals is an extrapolation of this knowledge. We don’t know for sure how well they work on healthy individuals or if there are any hidden side effects, but it would seem (from anecdotal evidence) that they provide benefits, depending on what you use and how much. Side effects can include headaches (seem to be related to an imbalance of choline and something else that I can’t remember) or building a tolerance. Thus, use at your own risk. I am an anon who is looking into nootropics and debating using them.

>> No.3210162

Do eggs have a negative effect on cognitive ability?

>> No.3210185

No experiments to confirm either way, but it seems they do not or have a negligible negative effect.

Pramiracetam, and many nootropics, is in the same boat, actually. Except it has a more significant positive effect.