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3208574 No.3208574 [Reply] [Original]

>Believing in evolution, but thinking all human races are equal.

Please tell me you guys don't do this.

>> No.3208577

am i a nigger? -no.

>> No.3208578

Troll /b/ or something

>> No.3208580

pfft. more like. "believing in evolution, but thinking that the term 'race' means shit."

>> No.3208579

We are equals in the universe. It is only petty human affairs that bring forth the illusion of separation.

>> No.3208582

I don't believe all races are equal, but I also believe that the variation in every race is so massive that treating the fact that -for example- on average blacks have lower IQs as relevant to any one black person is ridiculous.

>> No.3208587

>Having a basic science education, but willfully misunderstanding that different sub-clades of human have had too little time to diverge in a way that could have a significant impact on intelligence.
Pleas tell me you guys don't do this.

>Acting as if you have some degree of skepticism, but allowing your own thinking errors to become tools to feed your pathetic emotional deficits.

>> No.3208594


>too little time
nope. However as >>3208582
says, believing it means anything practically is retarded.

>> No.3208597

>Not reading Guns, Germs and Steel

>> No.3208609

You know, it used to be thought that the Germans were too undisciplined and laid-back to ever be economically successful. Same applies to the Japanese. It wasn't long ago that South Korea was one of the poorest nations in the world, with very poor education standards.

Do you think that the ideas and stereotypes we have about different races today are any more valid than the ones we had 50 years ago?

>> No.3208615
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>> No.3208618

You do understand IQ is bound by culture and means little.

>> No.3208623

You do understand that the link shows that blacks living in the US score lower than whites living in the US?

>> No.3208628

Yep. And conditions are uniform in communities throughout the United States. It's not like there's a huge difference between the opportunities someone from the Bronx will get and the opportunities someone from Queens will get.

>> No.3208630

Its like i'm at /new/

>> No.3208633

guess there's less opportunity to get educated in bronx than there is in suburbs where middle class hangs out.

>> No.3208634

In that case, the difference is due to the culture of races surely?

>> No.3208636

What the FUCK is under their crotch? Did they do some sort of weird ceremonial thing do increase their ball size? PLEASE tell me that isn't true. Is that even physically posible?

>> No.3208639

That's exactly what I was implying with my sarcasm, yes. My point was that saying that "the US" is just one place with uniform conditions is not accurate.

>> No.3208640

Beliving all humans of equal value and beliving that all humans are equal is not the same thing...

>> No.3208641
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relevant to topic

>> No.3208643

I agree with you that there are differences. What I don't agree with is that the people in these social groups aren't as a whole at least partially responsible for being in their position.

>> No.3208654

I think I heard they drink goat semen or something like that.

>> No.3208657
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>goatse men

>> No.3208659

But cultural differences between races have historical roots. Blacks in the United States were stripped of pretty much all their heritage, kept as slaves for a few generations, then it was a long time before they were treated as equals. The fact that they live in ghettos, have limited opportunities, poor access to educational resources is hardly their fault, though I can't think of any real solutions unfortunately.

>> No.3208666

I accept that the whites did a lot to put blacks in their position, but the continuation of the poverty now that racism has been vastly reduced suggests there is a cultural element whites aren't responsible for.

>> No.3208669

This is stupid on so many levels. It's based on selfishness. So we have something they don't and we're immediately better for it? This also implies we're somehow better than animals as well.

Here's a news flash, humans owe their very existence to the animals and plants around them. Also, whites evolved from blacks, dummy.

Racist people are so terribly closed minded. It's hard to even discuss anything with them. They're all like "hurr durr this is like I say" and then I go "well maybe it's not" and then they threaten to beat the shit out of me.

tldr racists are idiots

>> No.3208671
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>> No.3208672
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>> No.3208674


>> No.3208676
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>> No.3208679
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God damn you

>> No.3208683
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>> No.3208684

>actually posting costanza

>> No.3208690


cannot unsee

>> No.3208691
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>Not posting costanza

>> No.3208697

>capitalising letters

>> No.3208707

There are at least SOME smart and civilised black people.

But just look at the fucking Aboriginees. They are truly subhumans.

>> No.3208709
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>> No.3208713

uh, no. Try living on a desertified island for a year and see if you can develop advanced technology.

>> No.3208716
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>rotating Costanza

>> No.3208719

All those "some" have white genetics to make them less subhuman.

>> No.3208725
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>> No.3208748

>variation exists at 0.1% of human loci
>90% of that is within-population variation
why do i bother coming to sci?

>> No.3208751


It's not even wrong.

>Neil deGrasse Tyson.
>Jesse E. Wilkins.
>David Blackwell.
>Elbert Frank Cox.
>Dudley Weldon Woodard.
>Arlie Petters.
>etc, etc.

You can be racist all you want, but attempting to discount an entire race without even giving proper prestige to some individuals is moronic. It would be equivalent to me saying 'all jews are dirty filthy subhumans,' but completely ignoring the accomplishments of Einstein and other Jewish people who were extremely brilliant.

Get your facts straight. Not everyone needs our blood to be *good.* Not even the Chinese need our blood.

>> No.3208756

You do realise they survived for 50 000 years completely isolated from the rest of the world, living entirely off the land without any form of governement or power hungry oppressive regime dictating them.
They could go anywhere and do anything they wanted; they were quite literally died-in-the-wool free.
Until the white man came.

You think african-americans were treated badly, dude they were at least treated that way by somewhat educated people. Australia was a fucking convict island for the better part of its history.
Imagine having your entire race treated as sub-human dogs by convicted uneducated criminals for a century.

>> No.3208763

woops forgot to cross-link.

>> No.3208776

I'm an Aussie and this is true.

The culture clash makes it a really difficult to even know what to do with them - some want nothing to do with the white man, some want our standards of living but not our culture, some want both. "Representatives" of their people often have little to nothing to do with their ancestral culture and are just as bad as the whitefellas who think they can come up with a one-size-fits-all solution to an undefined problem. Some of those shits even exploit their position to make deals with mining companies and sell out their kin.

The few people out there really trying to learn about them and improve their lot, where it's wanted, receive little to no support from the government and wider Australian community alike. For the most part, Aboriginal Australians are treated like dirt. They're heirs the most ancient and one of the richest indigenous cultures in the world and most people here think they're filth to be thrown out or swept under the proverbial rug, it's really sad.

>> No.3208787

I have nothing to say but I liked this post.

>> No.3208793

This isn't facebook faggot, don't bring that shit here.

>> No.3208797


Like this.

>> No.3208804

The human race went through an evolutionary bottleneck approx 100,000 years ago. As a species we are more genetically identical than almost any other species on the planet.

>> No.3208827


I can't say Fucking this, because I'm not australian, and yet I don't want to post nothing, because I agree with what he says.

>> No.3208838

this is supposedly /sci/ence.
Not objecting is apparently agreeing.

>> No.3208857
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>> No.3208873
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>implying those statistics weren't crafted by /new/.
>implying cross-cultural IQ-tests.

>> No.3208881

lol @ font from ms paint

>> No.3208886

Who are the mongs in South Africa or whewreabouts? Not the proud zoolus?

>> No.3209011

> thinking all human races are equal.
If we grant the proposition that America IS a "Christian Nation" then that makes a nationality. So no, the Christian race is obviously inferior.

>> No.3209020

Is that why back then the British were still hardcore Christians they dominated the world then America?

It seems like god likes the most powerful nation in the world.

>> No.3209147

Why is everyone so ignorant about adopt children/pre-education IQ tests and countless other things.
They have the same pattern, blacks having lower scores, its on wiki too.
Where do you attribute that?
And don't go starting that IQ doesnt measure intelligence, it certainly doesnt measure every aspect, but as long as it reflects things like academic success there is obviously a good base.
I mean people use Feynman as proof that IQ doesnt mean anything, but in truth it is just confirming IQ, having ~125 IQ is very much above the average, the average is 100, do you know great scientists below 100? If IQ didn't measured intelligence then scientists would have the same distribution as the normal people from 90-110, which is not the case, while education can indeed change the score considerately compared an educated with a non educated, the preschool IQ score reflects school grades, academic performance. scientific discoveries and g. You must be riding the short bus to believe that IQ doesnt measure at least a good aspect of intelligence, obviously its not very reliable for individuals, but it is very for averages of the same culture and class.
True all nations were poor, and then became glorious(cultural/technological) and back to poor and back again.
But africans stayed pretty much the way they are now, excluding the couple of kingdoms they had, and the reason for that it is because they weren't really pure sub-saharan africans, dna testing show those areas was mixed with north africans and middle easterns.

>> No.3209154



>> No.3209173

evolution thrives at short lifespan, many offspring and no hinderance in natural selection. Consequences?
Western civilization: Long lifespans due to collective resource use :: sewersystems for example.
low birthrate :: personal preference
no gene elimination :: fictional idea of morality --> keeps bad genes alive.

africa: shorter lifespans :: no collective resources used --> strongest genes will survive.
high birthrate due to high infant mortality :: strongest genes will survive.
gene elimination :: weaker genes will survive, not because of fictional ideas of morality but because of lack of resources.

In short: in wealthy regions collective progress thrives due to economic position. However, genetic progress is at a standstill.
in poor regions collective progress is slow but genetic progress thrives.

As a result the richer parts of the world are less evolved than the poorer regions.

Funny, huh?

>> No.3209177

I consider all LIFE equal, motherfucker. No quality can put one being over another.

>> No.3209181

liberalism is just a new type of religion, consisted of atheists

>> No.3209182


Also in the western world there is no selection based of IQ. It seems the opposite is true. Very smart is usually associated with very nerdy which makes for bad sexual selection.

IQ comparison tests between continents are invalid unless we have 2 test groups which are fed the exact same knowledge through a number of years starting from early infancy then compared at different points in their lives. As of right now it is impossible to compare intelligence between continents where information is not equally distributed. The only thing an IQ test will show when 2 persons of the exact same intelligence in 2 regions (lets say Nigeria and Germany) is that the person in Germany has been fed more information.

>> No.3209197
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This is the most highly evolved being on the planet. All of you are worthless bags of flesh compared to it.