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3207373 No.3207373 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to be asexual. Sexual thoughts and fantasies just distract from productive work...

Is there a safe way to remove my sexuality?

>> No.3207379


There is this urban legend that Japanese women gave their husbands tofu to make them less horny

Soy actually does contain estrogen mimickers, so there must be something to it

>> No.3207377

Fap, after you're done fapping your mind won't think about fantasies anymore...

>> No.3207382


Take testosterone-lowering medication.

Your first step is to google "drugs that lower libido"

>> No.3207410


Not op but would there by any side-effects they wouldn't inclined to mention?

>> No.3207659

Hey OP, you really want to decrease your sex drive? The only safe way is to lower your testosterone production, and the cheapest and probably safest way to do this? Peppermint.

Peppermint candy, peppermint tea, etc. As long as it has actual natural peppermint in it, ingest that shit like it's candy-coated crack, all day, every day.

You will notice differences. Your sex drive and natural aggression will diminish. You will probably be more "stable", in that you are calmer and able to think more rationally.

There are other, more drastic measure, but they require a certain familiarity with your own body and its chemistry, as well as a willingness to venture into grey-markets to get what you need.

If you're really that interested, go look into Hormone Replacement medication. Transsexuals use this stuff to trick their bodies into acting more like their preferred gender. MtF (male to female) transsexuals use a combination of testerone-blockers and female hormones to achieve feminine bodies.

What you need are the anti-androgens

This little pill right here will effectively stop testosterone production in your body.

Warning: I don't know which ones but some of the medications used for MtF hormone replacement happens to shrink your dick as well. As long as you don't care (and hey, you probably don't since you're not gonna be using it) then I guess it's not a problem, but do your research and find out for certain what effects you're going to be affecting on yourself.

>> No.3207672



>> No.3207678
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why do you know all this :|

>> No.3207689

Anti-androgens would work

Long term anti-androgen use without a sex hormone of some time does lead to osteoporosis as I understand it.

Spironolactone is also a diuretic so you will pee a lot. Drink plenty of water

The dick shrinking is a combination of things, partly lack of erections stretching the skin causing it to get tighter, partly other stuff. Just remember to fap occasionally and you'll be fine

Oh, also it will probably make you sterile. That may or may not be reversible after long term use

>> No.3207715

Is there...something that would increase sex drive? something as inconspicuous as peppermint?

>> No.3207721

Oh christ, loads, dude. Look into some basic aphrodesiacs or those pills that you can get at the gas station that make you hard for 8 hours. See what's in those, see what other foods have similar properties. I'm not as experienced with that as I am with decreasing it, but I'm sure it's just as easy.

>> No.3207725

fucking awesome, thanks. long distance girlfriend is coming over for a couple of weeks, so you can see why i would want them.

>> No.3207732
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Have fun, and remember, if you have an erection lasting more than 4 hours, you should see a doctor immediately.

>> No.3207768


Hell no!

>> No.3207776

Cut off your testicles.

>> No.3207781
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lol enjoy ur dick turning purple and falling off

>> No.3207838

This thread is funny.

First, why were all extraordinary people (say Einstein, Hilbert, Turing, Feynman) basically sexual monsters that hit some of dat ass at least once per day?

Secondly, you are a man and NEED testosterone. Side-effects of taking testosterone will be that your body produces less of it naturally (shrinking balls, see for example body builders), which will be a big problem if you stop taking the pills. You will also be prone to ostheoporosis (glass bones), heart diseases and other shit.

My advice to you is JUST FUCKING CONCENTRATE. That helped me the most. I am a very productive member of society and get some of dem hot bitches. Never fuck around with your body, it will backfire.

>> No.3207853

I'm really not trying to sound like a troll, but you will probably think I am.
The most likely way for you to be asexual is to continue with life how you live it. Chances are, you've never had sex. Unless you make a dramatic change in the near future, your chances will dwindle. Sure you may reply with your sexual adventures listed, complete with apparent confidence of this "truth." But we will know. The doubt will always be there. Your reputation will never recover.

>> No.3207907

Fap. I just got finished fapping actually, because I ran into this same problem. Now I'm not even thinking about sex.
Either that or cut off your balls. Your choice

>> No.3207920
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5 star post!

>> No.3207969

Tesla had virtually no love-life, and very little sex drive of any sort.

Hell, he might be a minority in that case, but it shows you don't need to be horny to be a genius

>> No.3208007

Well, I can get horse pussy (live by farm).

How do I get love>?

>> No.3208016

>Your sex drive and natural aggression will diminish. You will probably be more "stable", in that you are calmer and able to think more rationally.

Too bad women aren't like this.
lol aggression, talk about holding us down (primitive men)

>> No.3208048


Sure, wasn't implying that.

Just mean that it doesn't matter how huge your sex-drive is.