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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 500x375, 130449040673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3206535 No.3206535 [Reply] [Original]

/sci, through my experiences of porn on the internet I have come to several conclusions about male sexuality.

1. we all have the tendency to go gay. Not actual attraction to men as we are attracted to a beautiful woman, but the taboo nature of homosexuality makes it erotic to violate this principle that society has instilled in us.

2. if you are incredibly horny all the time, don't be surprised if you find yourself getting off to types of porn that are heavily frowned upon by the modern masses. If you like to get off to something new and erotic every now and then, you will start jerking off to everything that you think you shouldn't be beating to, because it is so immensely pleasurable.

3. the only genres of porn that you won't be getting off to is the stuff that simply doesn't get you off. For me this would be scat, femdom, bbw etc.

your thoughts /sci?
tl dr, you will soon become the very people you detest

>> No.3206539

thats all well and good, but why do love netorare so much?

>> No.3206552

1. to a very weak extent. if i ever found myself having sex with another male, it would not take very much at all to put me off (any hint of BO or uncleanliness, any imperfect feature)

2. aw yeah

3. no shit

>> No.3206559

You would not be a very good engineer.

>> No.3206567

But what if it's a boy with a hormonal imbalance who likes to look like a girl.

>> No.3206570

1. OP is a closet fag.
2. Not necessarily. I am horny very often, but i virtually never watch any porn that isn't pretty tame.
3. Wtf? Duh.

>> No.3206575


>> No.3206582

1) a little, i found i enjoi crosdressing hentai if the guy is very feminine.

2) I would say its because its new, not because you know you shouldn't do it, combined with a liitle bit of the taboo feeling

3) i guess thats correct

it seems you have just rediscovered that people want to do things that are taboo, be is sexually or any other thing.

>> No.3206591

I tend to agree.

>> No.3206592
File: 203 KB, 800x847, 1303385774078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find attraction towards the male physique or face as I do towards the physique/looks of a woman.
I suppose futa is the real attraction, the beautiful body of a female with the genitals of a man... if I was full blown gay I would know already. I wouldn't be too torn up about it either, but I would keep it secret as others aren't as enlightened as I am.

I have sympathy for people who can't appreicate the beauty of women, shit's so cash

Androgynous girls with hot faces are also pretty good as well tbh

pic related, if it's good porn then I am keen

>> No.3206607

1. We do, but not because it is taboo. Human sexuality is fairly flexible, and can be strongly influenced by cultural factors.

2. Cognitive dissonance actually isn't pleasurable at all, and undergoing it willingly is a sign of mental illness. Finding things more arousing because they are forbidden is similarly dysfunctional.

3. That's a tautology - of course you won't be aroused by things that don't turn you on.

When you stop vainly attempting to rationalize your psychosexual disorders, please get therapy.

>> No.3206612
File: 1.31 MB, 1729x1996, 1301740241184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all bisexuals deep down? this has got to be some kind of evolutionary jump here, even if it's small.

The ease of access to any type of porn whenever we feel like it is showing us the true nature of the human race. I reckon we'll all be bisexual to some degree in the next few decades, b/c no one will give a fuck.

I used to be homophobic, then I realized that I don't actually give a fuck, and if the sex is great, fuck society's moralistic values.

>> No.3206621

Video to go with OP pic

>> No.3206638

im not gay but i find that arousing, why? by gay i mean I wont have sex with another man or find normal men arousing.

>> No.3206650

I'm still slightly stoned, so apologies for the 3rd point, just realized that it's kinda obvious

>> No.3206655

Their facial features and body structures are quite feminine.

>> No.3206660

ITT completely unsubstantiated speculation

>> No.3206692

its pharmacology, what did you expect?

>> No.3206704

>We are all bisexuals deep down?

I don't know why this belief is getting more common, I certainly don't think it's true. And no it's not because I think I'm a real man or anything. Sure sexuality can be flexible but it's not like everyone feels some attraction to the same sex...

>> No.3206707

but I'm still a virgin :(

>> No.3206709

There is no thing as bi-sexuality.
You're either sexual or a-sexual.

>> No.3206719

>We are all bisexuals deep down?

its more like we are what we chose to be. if you want to be bi, there you go! nothing is stopping you, want to be gay? tada! now you are! people generally underestimate our power to change what we like, sure there is some external effects that may push you towards one preference or another, but we are still in control of it. this is why I believe that people saying its not a choice are retarded.

>> No.3206724


>> No.3206729


I completely disagree.

Most humans have natural attraction to the opposite sex and hardly any or no attraction to the same sex. Some humans are homosexual...With a lot of variance among us.

>> No.3206732
File: 58 KB, 221x320, 1300648126096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's their femininity that attracts you. Boys dressing and acting like girls are girls, as far as your dick is concerned.

I'm the same way. Traps and crossdressing are two of my big fetishes, but there's barely any IRL males I would want to have sex with. I've never met a trap IRL but I don't think I'd have a problem with it. I find dicks just as arousing as vagina, but for whatever reason the fact that it's probably got a masculine man attached to it totally turns me off.

>> No.3206740

As a straight man, I really don't understand the attraction to males at all. Their bodies are just so boring, and overall they're just so plain.

>> No.3206767


It's because our society is becoming ultra-accepting of everyone. I respect homosexuals and have no problem with them, but I don't feel like homosexuality has to become a part of every aspect of our society. It almost feels like people are trying to push that everyone is a little gay which is pretty ridiculous. I don't feel like it has to be on kids TV shows or anything. I mean it's impossible to criticize how homosexuality is in our society without being considered a bigot.

>> No.3206781
File: 19 KB, 205x300, no homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a straight man, I can understand the attraction.

It's not really sexual, it's more 'mirin' than wanting to fuck that shit. You don't want to fuck a dude that looks like this, you want to BE a dude that looks like this.

I'll see you in /fit/. No gay stuff though.

>> No.3206787

You know how I know you're an engineer?

>> No.3206791


most girls would find that guy too muscular. just saying. or at least, that's what they say.

>> No.3206793

isnt it the same with racism and sexism? there is a very good documentary I saw which name I cant remember that says everyone isnt equal, some are better than others, that basically told of how to much acceptance is a bad thing. like how Muslims can beet their wifes even in the western world because its part of their culture, et cetera.

>> No.3206800

I cant believe no one commented on that, usually sci would start shouting ITS GENETIC! or some shit saying its not a choice.

>> No.3206824

i hate gay porn
i've watched some and it really doesn't work for me...
even more..
there is not a single dick in my porn folder
only lesbians or girls solo

>> No.3206847

Do you hate gays for existing or do you just hate gay porn?

>> No.3206877

gay porn only
i find guys ugly but i don't hate them
also i find very few girl to be attractive
and i hate whores (i think that's the main reason why i don't like straight porn)

>> No.3206886

I hate gays that act like fairies, fluttering around and bothering everyone, I have no problem with who people have sex with, just the way some of them act.

>> No.3206894

Do you hate seeing your own naked body in the mirror or in the shower?

You only notice the gays that act all lispy and fruity. There are plenty of gays that pass as straight because there's nothing about wanting to fuck dudes that gives you that sort of behavior besides subculture.

>> No.3206906

I don't know what it is but lesbo porn is boring to me most of the time.

Not really interested in gay man on man porn either.

But I really like watching a guy give it to a girl. The only problem with this is. If the guy has a small penis or isn't giving it to the girl hard enough then it doesn't turn me on.

Maybe I'm gay or something but I need my porn to have a dick in it. And not a small dick either. And that dick needs to be going in and out of a vagina very hard and fast.

>> No.3206934

i don't like my body i'm too skinny but i can't say i hate it..
but if you're asking if i would change my body so that i could make love to another woman as a lesbian then.. yeah for a while it would be fun
just for a while though
male bodies are better suited for survival so i'd probably stick to my original body afterwards
also if i could get in a mechanical body that is at least as durable and efficient as my current body i'd do it
also it has to resemble a human

>> No.3207033

>As a gay man, I really don't understand the attraction to females at all. Their bodies are just so boring, and overall they're just so plain.

Seriously, are you retarded?

>> No.3207046

Only male feature I like sexually is the dick and balls.
Does that make me gay?

>> No.3207052

Why do people want to do things that are taboo?
Any psychological reasons for this?
Are there people who aren't like this?

>> No.3207056

No that means you're sexually submissive.

>> No.3207077

But I like being both submissive and dominate?

Are you trying to insult me? Are you using psychoanalysis?

>> No.3207080

I can fap to nearly anything vaguely sexual as long as I can imagine it erotically. Through this I can fap to things, sexual ideas, concepts that would make me vomit if I saw actual porn of it.

I don't know what lies in that disconnect but damn I've gotten off to some shameful stuff...

>> No.3207118

like what?

>> No.3207138

A really vanilla example is watersports; swallowing urine; I can find that incredibly sexy in some imagined concept, but if I see it in hentai or in a porno it's an instant turnoff; if it's excessive, it can make me sick.

>> No.3207141

Give me your worst.

>> No.3207149
File: 73 KB, 249x330, Justing bieber female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Biggest and best study on human sexuality that has ever been compiled. If you're really that interested in human sexuality (different studies on male and female), you'll want to read that book.

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.3207153


Gay men and females understand the attraction to females. They know what turns a man on and what men find attractive.

>> No.3207155

I'd rather not. I'm not aroused and I'd prefer not to think of such things when I'm slightly more sane. Rational?

>> No.3207160

goddamn I hate people like you.

just tell me
you already thought about it while writing your post

>> No.3207180

I hate people like me too.

>> No.3207194
