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File: 118 KB, 1333x1153, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3205152 No.3205152 [Reply] [Original]

help me solve this physical problem, choose an answer

>> No.3205170

this isn't serious right?
think about it. what do YOU think will happen.

>> No.3205182

the bullet's going left at 300km/h according to your picture

>> No.3205183

Are your eyes elven (elfin)?

>> No.3205187

bullet falling.

theres a youtube video that proves it but i cant find it.

>> No.3205196

it's fairly simple OP, if the bullet's velocity is relative to the observer then it will appear to travel to the left at 300ms^-1 and fall at 9.8ms^-2. If the bullet's velocity is relative to the car however, then it will have no velocity and fall to the ground at 9.8ms^-2

>> No.3205200

Bullet falls straight down.

>> No.3205203

According to your picture the bullet goes left at 300km/h. But dues to gravity, it will be falling as well. So you'll see bullet falling while going left.

>> No.3205213

mindfuck is that a guy is sitting on the back of a van going 180 miles per hour

>> No.3205220
File: 5 KB, 383x186, wait,what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..why the fuck was it necessary for you to do a random unit conversion?

>> No.3205223

You would see the bullet fly away.
Another problem like this is watching a bird dive straight down from a tree. You might expect that the bird would not fall straight since the Earth is rotating, but since it was already touching the tree it was already traveling at the same speed as the Earth when it left.
You would see the bullet falling if you were moving parallel with the bullet at the same speed.

>> No.3205227

not european


>> No.3205240

it will fall down.
mythbusters did it

>> No.3205242

op has shitty hair. According to your drawing, bullet is moving away from van at 600km/h, and 300km/h to the left form your point of view. If you meant to say the bullet moves at 300hm/h away from the gun and the van, then it will fall straight down.

>> No.3205244

Doesn't matter if you're not European. Don't you the metric system in school for physics?

>> No.3205249

because Ounces are faggy faggot

>> No.3205258

what percent over the speed limit is 300kmph?

i figure 2.5 times speed limit is badass

>> No.3205278
File: 20 KB, 320x281, brian1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this question is extremely ambiguous and impossible to solve without knowing what is relative to what! OP, how old are you?!

>> No.3205293

Isn't this just like if you at the speed of the Earth's rotation, but in the opposite direction? You would maintain your spot relative to an observer in space, but to the others on Earth wouldn't you seem to move at the speed of the Earth's rotation in the opposite direction?
The car would be the Earth, the bullet would be you running, and the observer would be the astronaut.
Is this incorrect?

>> No.3205318


Next time you are driving in your car, toss something out the window backward. IT GOES BACKWARD. WOOOOOOOOO

>> No.3205327
File: 20 KB, 398x343, badumtss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is why nobody is ever killed in drive bys, eh op?

>> No.3205349

If I travel on the light speed, and I light on a torch on the opposite side. the light of the torch will fall ?

>> No.3205356


>implying crazy shit doesn't happen at light (or near light) speed.

>> No.3205381

you: see a bullet flying left at 300km/h

car man: sees a bullet flying away at 600km/h

bullet: sees itself fall at 9.8m/s and the world fly by it at 300km/h

Done no more questions

>> No.3206718


>> No.3208277

After consulting with the interwebs, I have decided that you are seeing both an extremely slow bullet,a rather fast truck, and an incredibly stupid person.

>> No.3208378

if a van driving 300km was driving past with a guy on the back shooting off shots, you'll turn your head to follow the van. it doesn't matter if the bullet falls or keeps going, you won't see it because your concentration will be on the van speeding to the right.

>> No.3208406

nor the rest of the world
americans are the only ones who still uses imperial units

>> No.3208437


Everybody watch this:

>> No.3208467

In reality, even a 9mm bullet has a speed of over 1200km/h.

Since the bullet is fired from the car (which goes at a constant speed of 300km/h), you can place a relative coordinate system in the car. From an observer in that coordinate system, the bullet travels at 300km/h to the left.

However, the observer in OP's pic has a different coordinate system, and the relative coordinate system of the car moves at 300km/h to the right. Therefore, from the point of view of the observer, the bullet would be pulled down by gravity. However, due to air resistance, there's quite a big chance that the bullet would actually go to the right.

(If you can't imagine that: think of the relative coordinate system. Compared to that system the bullet slows down. Therefore, vector addition, the bullet goes to the right from the point of view of the observer.)

>> No.3208481


Lol no, you would see it going backwards because you're moving forwards, to an outside observer it would fall almost straight down.

>> No.3208485

The bullet falls slightly to the right from the observer's point of view (due to the displaced air behind the truck carrying it forward).

>> No.3208498

Better video here (but I found it thanks to your link):
Very impressive

>> No.3208509

One of my favourite things about the internet is that you can think of a question and despite having no prior knowledge of said subject you can find an answer to it