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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 425x283, fagbags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3199041 No.3199041 [Reply] [Original]

Medfags get the fuck in here.

>> No.3199052

>study all day
>so later you can work all day
>the logic of medfags

>> No.3199053

>thread empty


>> No.3199058

Well, I'm here, now what?

>> No.3199064

i'm too egotistical not to be in this thread.

>> No.3199078

biochem scientist reporting in

hope you enjoy our products

>> No.3199098

>Study all day
>Become dermatologist
>Make 400k a year
>Work 9-5 Monday-Friday

>> No.3199102

i want to be a neurosurgeon.

i've done a healthy 3 terms of neuroscience and am not put off.

is this enough to make a decision or am i still a herp derp foolish newb?

>> No.3199110

Have you done your surgery rotations?

>> No.3199119


nope. done a couple of medical rotations though, and have had a couple of brief flirts with the ot (I like it lots)

>> No.3199120

>implying you could stand all the study required if all you cared about was money

>> No.3199129

"Pre meds" are a fucking cancer to serious science courses. I wish you faggots would drop out earlier.

>> No.3199132

>Implying you couldn't

>> No.3199133

So, is it lupus?

>> No.3199137
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>> No.3199140


>> No.3199142

>implying you could do well in something you don't love
>implying you'll be happy if after your 400K/year and derpy trophy wife

>> No.3199145

>Implying you couldn't

Med school is full of people who are doing shit they don't like, piss off.

>> No.3199153

Pre med =/= med school

>> No.3199155

I had my last day yesterday. Now i just gotta format my thesis. I'll be a doctor in two to three weeks.

Feels strange.

>> No.3199159

>Wear short white coat around
>Bitches everywhere want penis

>> No.3199166


>Imperial hoodie
>Get numbers with inane small talk and eye contact

>> No.3199172

pharmacyfag here

>they actually think Ph.D>M.D

>> No.3199183

After watching house and scrubs I get the impression all medfags are stuck up tools. Is this true?

>> No.3199184

I bet even half of /sci/ doesn't know what an aromatase inhibitor is.

>> No.3199189
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>> No.3199209

Not really.

No shit.

>> No.3199223


>> No.3199232
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>> No.3199234
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Something that prevents the production of oestrogen?

>> No.3199237

I fucking love you. You saved his pictures.

>> No.3199244

1st year US med student here.

Studying GI now.

>> No.3199246
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I want more of that shit

>> No.3199266

Well done. Now, based on your knowledge of aromatase inhibitors, what group of males is Tamofixen most likely used by?

>> No.3199270
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>> No.3199275

If you get this wrong, you have to leave /sci/ forever :/

>> No.3199278


Hahahaha faggot I can just google that.

You can't google how to write an algorithm in 5 minutes motherfucker.

Medfag = hurrmemorizationdurr

Comp sci = skill.

>> No.3199281
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>> No.3199286

also, itt: premedfags

>> No.3199287

yea, lots of pre clin medicine is memorizing loads of shit. but it's hella important to know loads of shit because once you're responsible for a dying old bint, flicking through the cheese and onion while she takes her last breaths is unprofessional.

>> No.3199288
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>> No.3199293
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men with breasts?

>> No.3199303
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>> No.3199314 [DELETED] 

lol this kid surfs bodybuilding websites and thinks he's a doctor now and/or is a neckbeard trying to get rid of his mantits

>brool story co

>> No.3199337


>Hahahaha faggot I can just google that.

You better do that. Oh, and by the way, ask your doctor for some drugs related to it, you already sound like a pussy.

>> No.3199346
File: 31 KB, 406x404, mainstreamwhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3199350 [DELETED] 

>medfags = walking wikipedias
>implying they won't be the first profession to die off when the singularity strikes

Well, at least you guys have 34 years left. After that, you better have plans.

>> No.3199360
File: 77 KB, 385x240, bitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: tons of jelly from scrubs who couldn't get past the easy pre-med curriculum.

y'all mad.

>> No.3199367
File: 10 KB, 251x188, 1304800264233s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get entherocolitis
>you start bawwing like a bitch to the hospital
such is life

>> No.3199384

when the singularity strikes everyone becomes useless bro. that's the definition of technological singularity.

>> No.3199387 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 338x429, feelwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've never gone to a hospital or a doctor for anything in my life
>except once where I broke my leg (but all the fag did was put a retarded paper mache-like cast on that I could have bought and done myself for less than $20)

yfw doctors are completely useless and will be replaced by machines and nanoengineers

>> No.3199394
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1281992444703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You get testicular torsion
>You start bawwing like a bitch to me
>I let your testicle die.
Such is life

>> No.3199404


>yfw you imagine small homosexual fairies performing an endoscopy

>> No.3199406

>yfw you aren't dead because of herd immunity and vaccinations
>yfw doctors will be more and more necessary because everyone gets older
>yfw you need a doctor to set you up with augmentations
>yfw it will take a doctor of medicine to create the first cyborg

>> No.3199401 [DELETED] 

>yfw the only useful thing that doctors do is prescribe drugs
>yfw the people who deserve the credit are chemists

>> No.3199409

>He couldn't get into med school


>> No.3199426 [DELETED] 

>yfw I am in grad school for physical chemistry
>yfw I took the MCAT and had a higher MCAT score than 99% of premed kids (got a 41L)
>yfw I TA an organic chem class
>yfw I fail little premed shits everyday
>yfw you medfags are despicable, insufferable memorization machines

>> No.3199432

How do you pay for medschool? Rich parents?

>> No.3199439
File: 17 KB, 300x143, SallieMae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3199459

I'm in holland, how is medschool expensive? Sure there's some books, but I pay less than 2k a full year.
Sure you need decent grades to win your spot but hey, it's not like you need to go to Oxford or Yale or something.

>> No.3199460
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>implying writing like a monkey bodes well for interviews
>implying med schools don't reject anyone in the 40s

i love chem but you're more so jelly you're jam.

>> No.3199463


>yfw you should go see a doctor, your case of massive butthurt could be dangerous

>> No.3199474
File: 88 KB, 596x940, hmsure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3199472

>bragging about scoring higher than premed kids as a grad student

>> No.3199527 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw I could have easily gotten into Harvard med school if I wanted
>and still could right now
>but I want to be a scientist instead of some "durr let me check your heart beat hurr let me memorize the names of these bones durr i put on this white lab coat so people think i smart scientist, when i'm really just a wannabe walking wikipedia who only exists because of the public's retarded glorification of doctors..."

Nothing that doctors use have been discovered or invented by doctors. MRI? Physicists. All medications and drugs? Chemists. X-rays? Physicists.

>deal with it

>> No.3199536
File: 64 KB, 191x209, 1300474168075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have hypospadia
>mfw it's the reason I got circumcised at 3 because of it

>> No.3199544


>doesn't realize doctors will be earning 4x more than him anyway

>> No.3199545
File: 95 KB, 450x326, shawn white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying MDs can't do research
>implying you couldn't do an MD/PhD
>implying just because MDs didn't invent the few things you happened to select means that they never can

methinks you need to reevaluate your conception of what a doctor is/does. it's suddenly clear why you chose an easier route.

>> No.3199553

implying you guys aren't fucking retarded having these arguments.

>> No.3199559 [DELETED] 

>durr physical chemistry is easier than memorizing the names of muscles

>> No.3199565

Tell me more. First degree I'm assuming?

>> No.3199568
File: 48 KB, 480x360, STFU-Stop_Posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3199572


>durr consolidating a person's entire physical/mental state in a concise manner is easier than putting numbers into a computer and waiting for it to do the work

See? I can do it too!

>> No.3199583


Have you read these posts and you single out mine as the annoying one? wut is wrong wit you

>> No.3199586
File: 4 KB, 174x150, download..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i just google imaged that. I didn't know you could end up peeing into yourself XD

>> No.3199591


>> No.3199598

Anything a doctor can tell me I could have wikipedia'd or Google'd in 2 minutes.

Doctors are useless.

>> No.3199606


>Implying anyone from those professions would be able for example to perform an operation. Implying you can just use wikipedia to integrate a solution to dynamically changing situation during emergency, so "walking wikipedias" would be unnecessary.

>> No.3199615

>he can wiki how to give himself surgery

>> No.3199621
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>> No.3199620 [DELETED] 

>EK enters thread
>says something extremely retarded

just another day on /sci/

>> No.3199629

Anything /sci/ can tell me is way to stupid that I would ever have thought of it.

/sci/ is useful.

>> No.3199657
File: 108 KB, 362x348, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad. i read the diagram wrong

>> No.3199665 [DELETED] 

>yfw I'm a chemist and could probably come up with original solutions to medical problems if someone described exactly what was going on chemically
>yfw a medfag can't do this
>yfw the system is failing because glorified wikipedias are in charge of healing people

>> No.3199676


i don't understand why you're so stupid

>> No.3199731

>Special physics classes at my university that are designed for "pre-health" students
>No calculus
>They still complain

I feel bad for people who actually have a genuine interest in biology or chemistry. Your classes are full of annoying pre-meds and the professors are probably extremely wary of you if you try to ask for a recommendation or a lab position.

>> No.3199747

Currently I am enrolled in med school, but I am going to study mathematics next semester, because I want to do real science.

>> No.3199757 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 588x473, smokeweedeveryday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukken brofist

>> No.3199787
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>> No.3199809
File: 145 KB, 640x502, stepsucksballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya'll niggas need to stop hatin on medfags

>> No.3199859

Good option if you can not do real science.

>> No.3199913

Pre-meds are the students that ask the prof for a formula sheet in a calculus exam.

they are the student who whine when the exam isn't an exact clone of the assignment/practice problems
>this wasn't on our assignment, I don't know how to apply concepts I learn, I just memorize facts herp derp

>> No.3199933

This. So much this.
I am lucky we do not have pre med courses here, so I do not need to hear all of this again. There are enough dumb people in math courses already, but they all fail the first semester.

>> No.3199949
File: 17 KB, 394x315, -3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-meds are the worst.

But they get weeded out and those of us who destroy your classes wind up as MDs.

I say this as a med student who took chemistry classes alongside, among some others, both Cornell and a U Chicago chemistry PhD candiates. I got higher grades in every chem class we took together.

Y'all perturbed?

>> No.3200328

oh ho ho

>> No.3200365

I cured lupus

>> No.3201203

oh hey guys