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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 40 KB, 417x307, professions_iq_graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3195057 No.3195057 [Reply] [Original]

My IQ is 102.

Am I fucked? Does IQ score really determine one ability to learn?

Does this mean that no matter how many books I read, I'm bound to be stupid?

pic related

>> No.3195070


Your IQ is average OP, it don't mean shit. Although, my IQ is 135. u jelly?

>> No.3195077



bump = (

>> No.3195080

INTJ master race equipped with an IQ of 140 reporting in, you fucking jelly?

>> No.3195091

Be content. If anything your average IQ should motivate you, and with a little work you'll surpass alot of these people with somewhat higher IQs who linger in complacency. You needn't be proficient at finding patterns in sequences to be an intelligent and valuable person.

And if you're a woman, you're fucking useless regardless of IQ. But we forgive you. If you're attractive.

>> No.3195093


>States that IQ is bullshit
>Brags about IQ

>> No.3195096

IQ of 130 here. It actually doesn't matter for shit. IQ is flawed, as everyone knows. Still, it does give a clear, general idea of intelligence. My advice: Don't give a shit. If you have ambition, you will succeed. In most cases, anyway.

>> No.3195098


funny how EVERYONE on 4chan have IQs in the the 130s-150s

>> No.3195105

138 here.
I believe IQ only shows your deductive and learning capabilities. You can still gain the same amount of knowledge and get to the same intellectual/skill level as someone with a higher IQ could, it just takes a little more effort.

There are plenty of people with high IQs that are lazy fucks and don't know shit because of it.

>> No.3195106
File: 31 KB, 588x473, smokeweedeveryday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was an online test, subtract about 25 points. So you're at 77.

But skills + work ethic > intelligence, in terms of success in life. You'll be fine. Just won't ever be a successful theoretical physicist, but you can certainly be a dentist, engineer, attorney, or accountant. Don't worry, bro. Just work hard.

>> No.3195115


I was trollin, although the IQ is real.

>> No.3195116

And everyone on fox.com has IQs between 60 - 90.
Generally people of like minds are attracted to similar things.

>> No.3195120


>> No.3195135

Having general knowledge is a part of being intelligent. Also, don't worry OP, IQ doesn't mean shit.

>> No.3195138


4chan is full of weirdos, I highly doubt that the average IQ of 4chan is 130s, probably around 95.

>> No.3195142
File: 14 KB, 145x145, 1307234440041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks IQ is a legitimate expression of cognitive aptitude

>> No.3195146

I'll just leave this here.


Don't worry about it too much, IQ has literally no bearing on one's success level or ability to learn. Put in the hours, do the studying and ask for help when you need it. You'll get far.

>> No.3195147


You're mistaken /b/ with /sci/ my friend.

>> No.3195150


People with higher IQs probably have difficulty fitting in with the average Joe, so they become reclusive and spend their time on the internet where other reclusive intelligent people spend their time. Though I may be wrong, because these people have all probably taken internet IQ tests to determine their intelligence.

>> No.3195158
File: 14 KB, 250x243, Feels-Bad-Man-Frog-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol same shit! 4chan are full of potheads and social outcast. i'm not implying that i'm any different.

>> No.3195162

>implying that people with high IQs can't be weirdos.
>implying weirdos can't have high IQs.
>implying people with high IQs are normal.

>> No.3195164
File: 44 KB, 446x400, girlslaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinks Myers-Briggs isn't pseudoscientific bullshit.

>> No.3195174


Most people with high IQ doesn't really fit the social norm and some can come off as weird. Nicolas Tesla is a good example and he was a fucking genius!

>> No.3195181


Not me. My IQ is 155.

>> No.3195193
File: 31 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> rejects useful dichotomies

>> No.3195215


im a 122 psychologist confirmed after6 fun filled hours of testing

also have "ODD" aka madeupbullshit

highest sub score was 144 reading if that matters


>> No.3195221

IQ of 102 isn't shit. Get on and do some work, and forget about it. I've got 136 and a friend with 150+ who regularly does worse than me in exams because he never puts any effort into college work.

>> No.3195241

Average 4chan IQ: 135
Average 4chan penis length: 9 inches

>> No.3195245

You can also do a bunch of online tests. I did like 6 or so, and they all were pretty varied and from different sites. I got around 130 on each and every one of them

I don't really feel that smarter than anybody else.

Richard Feynman had 125, and he mastered calculus by 15. Won all kinds of math competitions and stuff, and I've met people who supposedly had 150 IQ who were complete idiots

So no. IQ tests don't measure how "smart" you are, they just measure how well you do at IQ tests

>> No.3195259


>> No.3195278


Also, meet Chris Langan, measured at around 200 IQ, bar bouncer.

Also bonus points for the complete retard asking the questions and the parts where somebody probably asked him to "say something smart" and he babbled some nonsense about crap dicks

>> No.3195280


herp derp, forgot the video

>> No.3195288

you don't feel that much smarter than everybody else because 130 on an online IQ test is the equivalent of 14 on a real IQ test

>> No.3195301

OP: IQ is less important than how hard you work. I've got ~140 going, but I'm a lazy fuck, earn $35k, and need to go back to college to finish a Bachelor's degree.


You obviously don't have >110.

>> No.3195305


I guess you got 100 on an online one, got butthurt, but claims you're "too lazy" to go take the 6 hour ones, right?

>> No.3195323

>calling people butthurt
>claiming a high IQ

>> No.3195331


>> No.3195339

>thinking IQ means anything

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

also I got 148 (on a proper test, not online) but couldn't give a fuck, since it means shit all except i'm good at noticing the stupid patterns they give

>> No.3195346

>implying I haven't consistently scored over 150 in online IQ tests
>implying I would want to go have a proper IQ test so I can waste time on something that doesn't make any difference to anything
>implying I'm not much better at everything than you

>> No.3195388

>yfw your "IQ score" went up dramatically after you learned how to model arithmetic and geometric sequences

>> No.3195477

Don't pay any attention to it OP, just do the best you can. The only thing that will come of obsessing over an IQ of 102 will be automatically assuming that you are incapable of certain things. You should focus on enjoying the process of learning rather than setting up boundaries for yourself. If things are too hard you will not enjoy them and move onto other things, then perhaps when you are more mature in your thinking about a subject you will find the more complex parts surprisingly easy to comprehend.

The main thing is this: Newton had an IQ higher than all of us here and yet he can never learn some of the things about this universe that all of us learn. He never knew about protons, electrons, and the big bang. We are in a privileged position as we are able to know much about the laws that govern our universe. Just make the best use of it you can. Even if we cannot become the next Einstein we can enjoy what the Einsteins of this world have discovered and share their discoveries with others.

Good luck with learning.

>> No.3195545

I have an IQ of 240. You don't see me bragging about it on 4chan do you?

>> No.3195620

Legit 133 here.
Have done research on intelligence.
IQ...is... weird, in the sense its not really something straightforward, they are many variables to consider.

It is predictive, it is correlated with intelligence, but not directly and not accurately.

Its tricky, i would need hours to explain.

First you CAN raise your IQ, that is 100% proven, not that raising IQ would solve anything.
Second, success and academics are 80% about work and 20% about actual intelligence.

There are MILLIONS with above 130 IQ in the world of academics, why do you think it is only a handful of those people that lead great academic success?
Because of their persistence and hard work.
All great scientists were obsessed with their research, all their life was about their research, all hours of the day were about the research.
Anyone with average intelligence so dedicated can manage to pull off great things.