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File: 42 KB, 550x433, doctor-needle-India-birth-control-thumb-550xauto-63492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3194715 No.3194715 [Reply] [Original]


'Radical new birth control for men: 100% effective for 10 years'

It's reversible, takes like 15 mins to do and is basically extremely cheap. Issue being that it won't be mass produced since it wouldn't make that much of a profit for pharma companies.

>> No.3194727

Does something like that syringe need to bee put in to my sack? If so, I'm gonna require sedation.

>> No.3194729

eh, birth control seems to rest with the females and always will.
i dont think i'd be comfortable just presuming that they guy had done this, he could be lying.
and if he WAS lying and i get up the duff because I didn't use contraception and trusted just his, then i would be extremely pissed off and also in the shit.

>> No.3194731

man the fuck up

>> No.3194733

Anesthesia to your sack with a different syringe

>> No.3194734

I place my penis on top of the pizza pie, and thrust it into the gooey, cheesy abyss.

>> No.3194738

>implying girls don't lie and fuck guy's lives up over
>implying that you can't just go ahead and get an abortion whether the male wants you to or not

>> No.3194740

>Implying bitches can be trusted not to lie

But you're right, the real problem in our society is all those wicked men going around making people pregnant against their will

>> No.3194742

>Radical new
>effective for 10 years'
Wouldn't that mean they've been testing it for at least 10 years? Since when was a drug discovered at least 10 years ago new?
If they didn't spend 10 years on it, then they can't say it's 100% effective.

>> No.3194745

I don't understand your logic. Men might lie about having the birth control, therefore they shouldn't have birth control available at all?

>> No.3194746

>Has never heard of an IV

>> No.3194748

i wouldn't want to get an abortion. that immediately singles me out as a careless bitch who needs to sort her fucking life out and stop being a fucking moron when it comes to contraception.
I would consider it an epic failure on my part. i intend to never need one.

oh, the whole child support/you are now my bitch copypasta?
yeh, only like 0.0001% of girls would ever fucking do that, its fucking horrible.
and if you wanna be safe, then both do contraception, and it doesnt matter even if you were unlucky to have netted some gold-digging whore.

>> No.3194749

Would this be less or more painful than a needle in an arm? Also the idea of a polymer gel in my balls sounds freaky as fuck.

>> No.3194750

Abortion, the perfect birth control especially now when we have the first Abortionplex online.

>> No.3194754

no, they can use it if they like, as an etra precaution, but a girl should be using her own as well.

>> No.3194756

Well yeah, nobody's going to take birth control away from women.

>> No.3194763

i know, i didnt say they were.
but seeing as i'd be using contraception anyway, it makes no difference to the guy having this or not. QED, its a waste of money. we wouldnt need it.

>> No.3194767

What, you've never been given needles anywhere other than an arm?

>> No.3194772

The article says it's very cheap and very effective, I think it would be worth the money just for that extra peace of mind

>> No.3194773

I don't think they would have to. You can model how a drug acts over its lifetime with decay functions, etc.

>> No.3194775

meh, fair enough.
but i'm not paying, they can.

>> No.3194780

Under that same logic, guys want that same backup so they're not fucked if the girl they're with isn't on birth control.

>> No.3194783


My GF has blood pressure problems caused by a kidney disorder. We can't even use spermicide due to another intolerance, She's going to get an iud this week (just the basic copper kind, w/o the hormonal protection). It's less effective, and there are chances of infection and headaches with them. Your opinions on this subject aren't worth shit, EK - much like your opinions on many other things.

>> No.3194787

>I don't think they would have to. You can model how a drug acts over its lifetime with decay functions, etc.
That leaves a LOT of room for error. If they tested it that way they can't say it's 100% effective, they have to observe it through it's entire life to say that.

>> No.3194791
File: 2 KB, 126x103, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[sarcasm] yes because asking her if she is on birth control would be out of the question obviously [/sarcasm]

>> No.3194795

Estimation over 10 years, though? That's gotta have a massive potential for error.

>> No.3194796


oh, the hormonal treatments fuck w/ your blood pressure btw.

>> No.3194802
File: 35 KB, 525x481, 1272575210917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My GF has blood pressure problems caused by a kidney disorder. We can't even use spermicide due to another intolerance
enjoy your fucking beta-class GF, anon.
i bet her parents are brother and sister or something.

>> No.3194801

The sooner both men and women can have control over their reproductive rights, the better.

Nobody wants to have unplanned kids running around, this just lets the guy do something about it.

And I never understand women who find it as an affront. One website even described the male pill as actually infringing on womens reproductive rights, as though they are the sole decision makers when it comes to having a child with whoever they want.

If the man could be lying about it, well, you should be on the pill as well, right?

Pregnancy should be an opt-in outcome of sex, for both men and women.

>> No.3194808


One of my gf's closest friends tried to trap a man like that. Every time she took her pill and flushed it. Now they have a kid and are no longer together. Bitches be crazy, a man needs piece of mind too, you know.

>> No.3194809

>implying im going to have sex anytime soon
haha sage

>> No.3194811


>> No.3194812

are we just all gonna pretend that vasectomy's dont exist or something?

>> No.3194813


Why would any woman have to pay for a mans birth control?

Do men pay for the pill?

>> No.3194814

>Pregnancy should be an opt-in outcome of sex, for both men and women.

I agree, but it sounds weird saying that. I mean it just sounds so...futuristic.

>> No.3194816


Five star post EK! Enjoy your no sex.

>> No.3194821

oh shit...fucking bitch.

fine, peace of mind all round. i aprove of the bollock-gel ;)

(FYI, I rekon law should be changed or something to stop lying bitches being able to fucking do that...)

>> No.3194823


They're expensive and not always reversible.

>> No.3194824

nobody likes the idea of having one useful ball lol
I wouldn't mind though. But if a woman asks for it then she better not complain that one's not good in the sack later.

>> No.3194826

You're right, I should just trust the woman when she says she's on birth control, because no one ever lies, especially random girls that get picked up at clubs. Getting my own birth control would just be silly.

>> No.3194827


>> No.3194833


Vasectomies are different, and obviously so.

And women already have as much reproductive control as they want. The pill is 99% effective. Meaning out of a year of use, it is only likely to fail one in a hundred times. With this, men will have that too.

>> No.3194835

And she couldn't lie about that?

>> No.3194836

I'm pretty sure this is for married couples
condoms are here to stay

>> No.3194838


I should say; would you expect a man to pay for your pill?

>> No.3194839

ahahah! lol, I think i'll be fine...

who cares if there reversible? the point is you dont want kids.

dont fucking try and out sarcasm me, you bitch!
i already said I approve of the bollock gel. peace of mind for everyone. problem?

>> No.3194840

It's "for" men who don't want to impregnate anyone for a while.

>> No.3194849


It's 100% effective, they just say it's less effective to cover their asses. They didn't actually do a study where a properly monitored and tracked dose was ineffective in .01% of women.

>> No.3194856

>the point is you dont want kids.

The point is that you want to have kids when you want to have them. Not run the risk of never having them, as with a vasectomy, or have reproductive control out of your hands, as with a partner who is on birth control herself.

I don't think it needs to be said that if you're fucking randoms you should always use a condom, for many, many more reasons than pregnancy.

>> No.3194858

That was a theory (a geuss). I'm sure the mathematics of drug modelling is much more complex than that, but I can't verify/checkup on it either way since the article doesn't cite the primary research articles that it used.

>> No.3194861

>The pill is 99% effective. Meaning out of a year of use, it is only likely to fail one in a hundred times.
yes thankyou, i fucking know how percentages work!

nah, I usually get it myself. but you'd be suprised how many guys are really fucking uppity about contraception.
if they wanna get it, i'm not gonna complain.

>> No.3194864

well those "men" want to get AIDS apparently

>> No.3194872

>for many, many more reasons than pregnancy.
so, just STI's then?
[sarcasm] many reasons indeed... [/sarcasm]

>> No.3194878

Apparently, the phase 1 and 2 trials have been going on for more than 10 years.

'The first clinical trial of RISUG determined that an injection of 60 milligrams is the therapeutic dose (Guha 1993). The men who participated in that first trial have had RISUG implanted for 15 years and counting with no complications. The Phase II clinical trial volunteers have now been using RISUG for more than ten years. '

>> No.3194880


Most people think that the 99% efficacy rating on the pill, or, I think, 97% with condoms, means that out of every 100 sexual encounters, it fails 1 (or 3) times, and results in pregnancy. In fact, the figures are based on a year of regular sexual activity, I think twice a week.

I just stated it to avoid confusion.

>> No.3194894


Well, yeah, just STI's. But it is one hell of a good reason.

>> No.3194901

>implying anybody would fuck EK

>> No.3194910

keep in mind you have to compound the probabilities. with no contraception at all, fertilisation is still very unlikely. at couples can take several months trying to concieve.
take that probability and compund it with the failure of the pill or a condom, the chance of conception is fucking milliscule.


>> No.3194917


>you'd be suprised how many guys are really fucking uppity about contraception.

I don't think I'd be surprised. When something is out of your hands, but could potentially affect your life massively, you will tend to be uppity about it.

>> No.3194920

Another point where EK was wrong: Women apperantly do not lie ever and don't have any control over child birth.

At least she allowed us to give her help this time.

>> No.3194921

>implying you know who i am, what i look like, or how pretty i am
>implying you have an information at all to make a judgement on this, other than a small fraction of my personality which is reflected in my posts
>implying personality is relevant anyway, some guys give zero fucks about anything other than looks when it comes to selecting mating partners.

>> No.3194927

An engineer would probably
Since you know, EK is a guy

>> No.3194929


I would fuck EK. She's hawt and smart.

>> No.3194940

heheh... i could always pretend i took it, go to the toilet and then 2-finger induced throat vomit the pill into the toilet
no fucking peace of mind for you
(loljk, i would never do this, obviously.)

of course women sometimes lie, very few women would lie about something so serious though.

>> No.3194941

>equation mating partner with a slut you'd hit and quit

>> No.3194946


Actually, wikipedia has a good page; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_birth_control_methods

>> No.3194950
File: 57 KB, 840x789, dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really? i thought I was her
<<< make up your fucking minds, conspiracy-fags

>> No.3194951

>extremely cheap
>won't be mass produced since it wouldn't make that much of a profit for pharma companies.
Why do stupid people keep coming in here making claims like this?

If it's extremely cheap, then it won't take such a big investment to bring it to the market, and it'll be easy to slap a huge profit margin on it.

It's like they don't believe there could possibly be such a thing as a start-up in the pharmaceutical industry.

>> No.3194953

Women like to have as much control over pregnancy. You would be surprised at how many thing these lies mean nothing to men.

>> No.3194958


She does have nice, little nips.


>> No.3194959

true, and i'll take the fact that this doesn't happen as a compliment to my personality :)

>> No.3194964

Summarizing the article.
Go take a breather before that blood pressure rises again and kills you.

>> No.3194965

>when sperm (which have a negative charge) pass by, the charge differential from the polymer zaps them. All of them. Every time.
That doesn't sound terribly plausible.

>> No.3194989

I thought so too. Read the wikipedia article on it, it's much more indepth on how the method works.

>> No.3194993

And sure enough:
>The effect the chemical has on sperm is not completely understood.

>> No.3194996



I always watch fact versus religion. I had no idea that EK was supposed to be the same person.

If so, I have to say, this kind of sexism really makes me think.

>> No.3195010
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heheh. nah thats not me. I just like her reaction images.

>> No.3195013



>> No.3195022 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 589x338, nipples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow Im gonna subscribe to her channel

>> No.3195033

lol, i wasn't actually sure if other EK was male or not, but i guess you must be.

>> No.3195041

>There has been only one unplanned pregnancy among partners of the 250 men who have been injected RISUG
You have to wonder how much sex without other birth control these men who were willing to have an experimental scrotum injection had, or how willing they would be to report an unplanned pregnancy if (as people who obviously didn't want children) they quietly had their wives have abortions (which is something people prefer to keep private).

>15 of these men received the injection more than 10 years ago.
That isn't a big pool of test subjects.

>> No.3195045

EK=impersonating trolls who looked up the tripcode

>> No.3195063


You two should fuck. Seriously.

>> No.3195069


Ultimate narcissism?

>> No.3195072

>dem nips

>> No.3195094

2 pokes for 10 years? and low cost?
sign me up

>> No.3195125

as much as I like looking at nerdy girl's boobs on youtube she is doing a disservice to non religious people by arguing with religious people
They want you to argue with them so they can portray you as a communist bogyman that wants convert religious people into people without values
The best thing is to do is be the better person and tolerate their intolerance

>> No.3195134


True, but those are some succulent titties. She can go on youtube without a bra whenever she wants, so for as I am concerned.

>> No.3195156

>yeh, only like 0.0001% of girls would ever fucking do that
>[citation needed]

>> No.3195275

>birth control seems to rest with the females and always will.
It only worked out that way because several cheap, effective, non-intrusive methods of birth control were discovered while for men the only options are:
a) permanent surgical sterilization (painful and with serious and emasculating side-effects), or
b) a fragile, costly, and uncomfortable barrier which must be readily to hand at the time of intercourse, which you have to interrupt foreplay in an extremely mood-killing way to apply, and which significantly reduces sexual pleasure.

Especially with modern paternity and child support law, I think that if men had anything like the range of convenient options available to women, there would be almost no unplanned pregnancies.

Men aren't the ones who use pregnancy as a relationship tool or means of securing financial support. It's brutally unfair that, despite all of the options of a woman for preventing or aborting a pregnancy, only men are held legally responsible for unplanned pregnancies (women can give up an infant for adoption, either through official channels or by abandoning it at certain places, for any reason, without any possibility of legal repercussions).

You can bet in such a legal environment, men would jump at any improved male-available method to prevent pregancies.

>> No.3195298

>legit reply
>thread dies
Typical /sci/.

>> No.3195332
File: 134 KB, 333x500, needle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this from back in 2006. I hope they've reduced the dosage by now.

>> No.3195333

>spend half an hour typing up careful post
>conversation has already moved on by the time it's done
I do this IRL, too.

"Hey, remember that thing we were talking about an hour ago?"
"uh... yeah?"
"I figured out what I want to say about it!"
"we're talking about youtube monkey videos now"

>> No.3195351

>needle in my balls
no thanks

>> No.3195372 [DELETED] 

lol i do that too!! I end up not saying anything :( i have the dumb

>> No.3195380

It's not actually into the testicles, just into the vas deferens -- little tubes in your scrotum.

If it was proven safe, effective, and reversible, and was reasonably priced I'd get it.

>> No.3195455

It's funny, because that's actually not what the 99% success rate means.

>> No.3195468
File: 4 KB, 126x114, badumtsss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh you fucker! how could you confuse them? theres a vas differns between your testicle and your scrotum.

>> No.3195485

>zoology major
>can't spell biological terms for shit
EK being a retard as usual, carry on.

>> No.3195490


Considering the low sensitivity of the skin of the scrotum it'll just be a small prick.

>> No.3195500

This injection will henceforth feature in my fantasies of a group of attractive young women ceremonially and against my will making me into and marking me as their little shared whore, along with laser hair removal, tattooing, piercings, and installation of a piercing-secured chastity device.

>> No.3195524

well then i guess youll already be used to it

>> No.3195534

>Issue being that it has almost no research behind it, whereas contraceptive hormone methods have few long term health drawbacks and are easier to administer and reverse

fixed and saged

>> No.3195553

>i intend to never need one.
Exactly. The male has entirely no say. So he not only has to trust you to tell the truth about your birth control, but he's entirely at your mercy.

This is wrong. Male birth control is the only realistic solution to this problem.

>> No.3195560

no, fuck you, it is entirely within your power 100% of the time to put on a fucking condom, it sucks but fuck you for seriously trying to act like that isnt an option

>> No.3195574

>implying that condoms are infallible

>> No.3195587

they pretty much are unless youre too fucking retarded to use them right
>implying female birth control is infallible

>> No.3195604

>implying condoms are infallible when they are used right
>implying female contraceptives are not almost infallible when used right

Yes because a man can control when a condom slips or breaks.

>> No.3195615

>implying that female birth control isn't better than condoms statistically when used right

>> No.3195626

Fuck you, just fuck you, so theres a 1 in 1000 chance of the fucking condom breaking, waaah waaah women are bad and oppressing men and have all these rights and shit that youre jealous of, youre a poor poor victim and its not your fault at all that you got a girl pregnant fucking her bareback when she said she was on the pill and forgot to take it, taking the pill fucks girls up hormonally and usually physically and you wearing a condom fucking makes sex feel less good, any new non-hormonal birth control treatment is great but shut the fuck up and stop whining like youre a helpless little bitch in a society that only cares about women.

>> No.3195635

Some statistics here for you all to decide how to play it safe :).

>> No.3195638


They have an 85% actual prevention rate, which is no where close to 100%.

They are much better for STD prevention than pregnancy prevention.

>> No.3195640

Anyway, condoms suck.

You have to put them on at the worst possible time to depend on responsible thinking and discipline, and then they reduce your pleasure.

Besides, I've had a girl sneak a condom off me under the pretense of giving me a little manual stimulation and then climb back on me twice in one night, and I haven't even been with many women nor am I good prospect for paying lots of child support!

I've heard other guys tell of girls tearing them with their nails or teeth, puncturing them with needles beforehand, and even inseminating themselves with sperm from a used condom or blow job.

Women can be 100% in control of whether they have a child, men can never have 100% control, and what control they do have costs them much more.

>> No.3195644
File: 10 KB, 125x125, 1257083735289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres a 1 in 1000 chance of the fucking condom breaking
Oh boy. You are badly, badly misinformed.

You are also very mad. And projecting.

>> No.3195655

> Yes because a man can control when a condom slips or breaks.
He could start by buying correctly sized condoms and keeping his dick hard.

>> No.3195659

so i see EK is still around and he still can't spell for shit

>> No.3195669

You fucking retard, there is a 0% failure rate of condoms used properly, the 15% comes from the people with 5 inch dicks buying magnums or shitty cheap ultra-thins or retards who wrap the thing around their balls instead of putting it on, yes theres a small chance of some sperm leaking out if you use it with some degree of competence but thats abso fucking lutely nothing like having
>entirely no say
or being
>entirely at [the girl's] mercy

>> No.3195684

Yeah, ok, psycho bitches can get themselves pregnant even if you try to wear a condom, easy fix: don't fuck psycho bitches. And yeah, I know it's not convenient to put one on most of the time but for fucks sake the guy is almost always the one who wants to have sex more and for that reason alone it isnt some terrible fucking injustice that your method of birth control is less convenient than for chicks.

>> No.3195685


You don't seem to understand what failure rates are. But keep using a condom, and we'll all laugh at you when you still get someone pregnant.

>> No.3195686

Your argument is a strawman.

>there is a 0% failure rate of condoms used properly
I repeat: yes because a man can control when a condom slips or breaks.

>the 15% comes from the people with 5 inch dicks buying magnums or shitty cheap ultra-thins or retards who wrap the thing blah blah blah
And the ~1% failure rate of the pill also comes from user error. Which is the bigger failure rate?

>> No.3195695

>the guy is almost always the one who wants to have sex more
[proof needed]

>> No.3195700

>don't fuck psycho bitches
Okay, so now you don't just need the iron discipline to always carefully apply a contraceptive at your moment of strongest passion, you also need to be a mind reader.

These are acceptable requirements for you, and you don't see any problem with holding every man to them.

>> No.3195711

I agree with your reasons for failure of products, I really do, but nothing is 100% all the time. The physical world we live in just doesn't work like that.

>> No.3195722

My argument never was that condoms are divine fucking flawless birth control or that they're even as good as the pill. The pill has the drawback of fucking you up physically and emotionally, a condom has the drawback of sex feeling less good, I think a little higher failure rate is worth it. My point was you were sitting there bawwwing like a little bitch about how guys are absolutely and completely helpless when it comes to birth control when using a mother fucking condom is neither expensive nor difficult.
You keep on bitching about how the reason you never have sex is because you have absolutely no control whatsoever over whether or not the girl gets pregnant and you're so scared of her demanding you pay child support.

(also, protip: if your condom breaks, you should probably notice, in which case there's a neat little thing called the morning after pill)

>> No.3195736

Are you actually that retarded? Like, seriously, are you actually fucking retarded and socially blind enough to realize that men generally want to have sex more than women? Really?
You're so hopelessly intent on portraying yourself as a victim that I'm not gonna try to talk to you any more. You're just being paranoid to the point of idiocy. If you're so scared of condom failure or being sabotaged by a psycho bitch that you actually avoid having sex, you're either just pathetic or making up excuses.

>> No.3195747

>Your argument is a strawman.
No, it's particularly valid. Condom slippage and breakage are over 99% due to improper use, such as wrong size, wrong application, dry fucking or not taking your dick out once it's gone limp.

If you've ever had a condom break or slip, there's a good chance you were using in wrong. If you've ever had two break or slip- you're using it wrong.

>> No.3195750

>The pill has the drawback of fucking you up physically and emotionally
Oh fuck it's this argument again. Go on a different fucking pill. The doctors start you out on the worst ones because they are cheaper.

>if your condom breaks, you should probably notice, in which case there's a neat little thing called the morning after pill
That's a terrible thing to recommend to anyone. The morning after pill is really a horribly aggressive chemical that doesn't do the human body any favours. I sincerely hope you never have children to empart this "wisdom" on to.

>> No.3195768

>mfw male ejaculate contains hormones which improve a woman's mood, if it ends up in her vagina

Looks like some bitchy women ITT cause use a good insemination.

>> No.3195769

So let me get this straight, your argument is that 1. the pill is completely and perfectly side effect free and has absolutely no drawbacks due to this and 2. the morning after pill is a horrible, horrible thing that fucks with the body and mind in awful ways. Nice cognitive dissonance brah.

>> No.3195773

>if your condom breaks, you should probably notice, in which case there's a neat little thing called the morning after pill
Those things fuck girls up. Like... worst hangover in your life on crack. So yeah- better than an abortion or unwanted child, but not something to be casually relied upon.

>> No.3195774

>don't fuck psycho bitches
How many people wouldn't steal a million dollars if they knew they could get away with it? How do you recognize them.

That is about the amount of support a girl could expect to receive in her life if she manages to pressure a man into marrying her with a pregnancy, and that's just the material support, let alone the emotional support and being able to have the child of the man she wants.

On top of that, they so easily believe that you will be happier as a father and a husband. They rationalize that it's for your own good.

You can NOT trust a woman not to get pregnant off you by hook or by crook, if she wants to keep you and especially if she thinks you're the honorable type or on the fence about whether to commit to her.

>> No.3195781

>strawman argument

I'm out of this thread. I hope you are a troll. If not, please have youself sterilised.

>> No.3195799

Which is why you don't casually rely on it, you use a fucking condom and use it correctly and in the event that it does end up breaking which is not a common occurrence unless you're doing it wrong you rely on the morning after pill as a backup plan.
Whatever, bro, if you're too scared of a girl deliberately getting herself pregnant to fuck you over to have sex with her there's some chance you're actually that pathetic but you're almost definitely just making excuses.
The first part of your post implied that taking the pill typically causes no ill effects. The second was that the morning after pill is horrible because of the bad effects it has on the body. What part of this is a strawman? Or are you just trying to come up with a less shitty argument now?

And no thanks on the sterilization, I'll just keep using condoms when I have to, thanks.

>> No.3195804


trollan all the way to the bank

>> No.3195808

Don't mind me, just being in a stable 6 year relationship, child-free, while only ever using a condom once.

>> No.3195812
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>> No.3195817

Do you not read WIRED; OLD!

>> No.3195822

Then why the fuck are you bitching? Do you seriously not trust your girl to take the pill? Or are you just trying to be a victim?

>> No.3195829

>I smoked all my life and never got cancer!
I didn't say every woman wants kids, or is willing to get pregnant to obligate a man to stay with her or to extract child support payments.

I only said you can't trust women with contraception, and especially if you're a good catch.

>> No.3195834


I'm not that guy but I wouldn't trust any woman, anywhere in any situation.

That's just my entire lifetime of experience with women telling me that tho.

>> No.3195838

>six years and only fucked once
Man, that is friend-zoned hardcore.

>> No.3195839

I'm not. Just merely pointing out that his last paragraph is a giant scare tactic. See this post >>3195829 for further examples of last paragraph scare tactics.

>> No.3195983

This whole thread:

>hey, now men can have the pill too!

This is fucking retarded, why don't they just use a condom?!?!

>well, now they have both, just like women.

Typical man, wanting to have control over a womans reproductive rights. Typical man, wanting to avoid responsibility for children. Typical man, wanting to impregnate women without their permission.

>> No.3196010

I really don't why anyone would protest to a married couple using a 100% effective contraceptive that doesn't shit up sex like condoms

>> No.3196018

Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>Typical man, wanting to have control over a womans reproductive rights.
No, we want more control over our own.

>Typical man, wanting to avoid responsibility for children.
What, so it's our responsibility to have children whenever we have sex?

>Typical man, wanting to impregnate women without their permission.

>> No.3196029


I don't understand why some people have a problem with men having control of their reproductive capacity either.

>> No.3196066


Those are all arguments used in this thread, more or less.

I'm not saying I agree with them, I'm just pointing out that for such a no-brainer there's a lot of weird arguments against it.

Imagine if only men had reproductive control, and there was no pill. Would women just trust the men to use it? It should be obvious that both having it would be the best solution.

>> No.3196073

Finally. I fucking hate condoms.

>> No.3196085

You guys are forgetting about STI's

>> No.3196101


Well, no. In the context of a committed relationship, contraceptives like the pill or this new shot allow both partners to opt-out of pregnancy. So allowing both to have top-tier condomless sex without worries.

When fucking strangers or fuck-buddies you should still use physical protection, and this is just a useful backup.

>> No.3196116

Yeah but if your in a committed relationship why is there all this talk of distrust?
and bitch trying to get me pregnant?

>> No.3196133


It's not really about distrust, so much as being about security. Both partners agree that they don't want children yet, or one states that they don't and the other agrees. If either partner objects to the other using contraception, it is their motives which must be questioned, not the partner who wants to continue using contraception.

Ideally, my contraception is my business, yours is your business. Now, barring the use of a condom, which is equally the responsibility of both partners, only the woman can say she has reproductive agency.

>> No.3196146

Someday, perhaps, you will learn that not everybody named "Anonymous" is the same person.

>> No.3196161

Every time contraception technology gets better, it lowers the maximum combined levels of intelligence, discipline, and forethought beyond which people do not breed at replacement or above.

>> No.3196205

Wow, you really are retarded. (Referring to all your posts in this thread, not that one specifically.)

>> No.3196246

Well obviously it comes down to personal responsibility. Don't want to have children? Take control of your own reproductive organs, and trust nobody else.

Or don't have sex, but of course it's a gamble, like everything in life.

>> No.3196260

>doesnt know what an IV is for

>> No.3196263


Naturally. I am puzzled by the attitude of some people in response to this development. As though male reproductive liberation was some sort of affront.

>> No.3196295

>men have birth control
>"baww baww they could lie about taking it!"

Let's say that, for whatever reason, a man in a relationship does lie about having birth control. What sort of repercussions could this entail?

>the woman's period is missed
>she now has a baby on the way
>he may be liable to pay child support, marry, etc.

Clearly it is not of any advantage for the man to lie about taking birth control, so why would he? No sane man would lie about it, and thus EK, you are a bimbo.

>> No.3196321

>As though male reproductive liberation was some sort of affront.
It is an affront to the Lord our God, and to the inalienable right of every girl to guilt a man into marrying her.

>> No.3196799

Wonderful how many people criticized without actually reading the article. There's a link to the original right at the bottom of the OP one.


>> No.3196806
