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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3189407 No.3189407 [Reply] [Original]

>thinking that there aren't biological advantages to having a cut penis

>> No.3189411
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>thinking about penis

>> No.3189416

>thinking dickcheese isn't disgusting

>> No.3189420

Evolution isn't going to pick up on it if we're cutting them ourselves.

>> No.3189419
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>thinking about thinking about penis

>> No.3189429

>bringing one of the worst cancer threads to /sci/

>> No.3189430

Eww, something's coming out of my own body. It's disgusting, just like my body fluids!

>> No.3189431

evolution isn't going to turn us all into godlike superintelligent transhumans, is it?

>> No.3189440

>having a mutilated kikedick with no sensation

>> No.3189442

I didn't realize we were still waiting for that to happen.

>> No.3189455

>performing ancient Middle Eastern tribal practices in 2011

>> No.3189457

Engineers are the only ones that need be concerned. They're the only ones who get ass, even if it is male ass.

>> No.3189476

cutfags V uncut fags

cancer thread is cancer.

welp, why not poll while were at it? uncut reporting.

>> No.3189534

>mutilating your penis an removing sensation for no other reason than the fact that it's a cultural tradition due to years of religious indoctrination and a way for doctors in countries with private healthcare to milk even more money out of people with supercilious but expensive procedures.

Enjoy your kike dicks amerifats

>> No.3189546

And cut dicks look nicer and are more sanitary.

>> No.3189562


>> No.3189569

feels bad man

>look nicer
are you retarded? looks mutilated to me

youd be the kind of arsehole that would allow female circumcision because because

you sir, need a bullet to the brain

>> No.3189589

>Enjoy your kike dicks amerifats
Btw biggest group that does circumcision on a regular basis are muslims then americans.
I guess that it were the jews who created the tradition in america but still.

Also sage

>> No.3189741

> irrationally attempting to justify circumcision for the sole reason that you happen to have been

>> No.3189760

maybe if you live in a 3rd world mud country with no running water, otherwise how about you wash yourself every now and then instead of mutilating your own dick because you're too lazy, you disgusting American.

>> No.3189790
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>> No.3189810
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>being obsessed with penises

>> No.3189812

Well, it seems that we either have or dont have foreskins. And if you are circumcised, you wont get it back. And if you are not circumcised, you (probably) wont get circumcised. So lets defend our cut/uncut dicks to the death on 4chan.

>> No.3189820

fun fact
The world's IQ average goes up every decade or so

>> No.3189821
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I wish I wasnt circumcised.

>> No.3189828

>it more hygienic

You can get dirt underneath your fingernails. Shall we surgically remove every child's fingernails for convenience, I mean they don't need them, and arguably aren't as important as a foreskin.

Or shall we, you know, teach children the merit of proper washing and hygiene and leave the body as it was intended?

>> No.3189834

>implying we evolved foreskin for no reason

>> No.3189839

whats the reason?

>> No.3189850

>as it was intended

Please. I'm not for genital mutilation, but "intended" is not the right word to use for evolution.

>> No.3189871

Circumcision: Cosmetic surgery performed on infants.

And yet when I want to give my daughter breast implants, FOR THE SAME EXACT REASON, I am arrested. It will be a lot easier if she just gets them now, before she's old enough to remember it.

>> No.3189876


Protection of the glans. It's sensitive because it's meant to be sensitive. All those nerve endings and think skin on the glans are because it's nice when you fuck a girl and can feel it, meaning you're more likely to ejaculate, meaning more likely o pass on your genetic information and have kids.

Circumcision deadens the nerves of the glans and makes sex less pleasureable. You cutfags walk around with your glans touching your boxers all day, rubbing and shot. If an uncircumcised guy pulled back his foreskin and tried to do that they would'nt get ten steps. Would be too uncomfortable and sensitive.

Face it. Your parents decided to have you mutilated for no reason other than they fact the same thing happened to your father. And so on.

Don't get me wrong if an adult decides to get circumcised knowing what it entails then fine, that's their choice. But to force it on your children for no reason other than flawed cultural expectations. Well that's fucking child abuse in my eyes. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.3189887

If I lived in a dirty shithole I would want to have a foreskin protecting my glans and urinal/sperm duct.
You wouldn't wanna wade in shit naked would you? You'd want some kind of protective clothing on you.

>> No.3189890

if you aren't cut you will get foreskin fungus, just warning you, it will start to rot and fall off.

>> No.3189899

I suppose if the parents did it themselves they'd be arrested anyway.

>> No.3189895

Fact: If the first circumcision was performed this year, the parent would be arrested for child abuse, and the child placed into care.

>> No.3189909
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Isn't the average always 100?

>> No.3189913

i was circumcised when i was eleven. i fucking hate my parents for doing that. seriously it bothers me, every time i stare at my dick it always brings me back

i honestly think uncut looks better...and i can confirm it was more sensitive as well

>> No.3189916

The median is defined to be 100.

>> No.3189926
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>mutilating newborns

>> No.3191967

Circumcision for medical reasons: fine

Circumcision for cultural/religious reasons: pig disgusting

>> No.3192297

ITT: kikes try to defend their broken penises

>> No.3192507

The Amerifat butt devastation in this thread is beautiful

>> No.3192510

A closer comparison would be getting your daughter circumcised also. I mean, who really needs their labia any way? It's just a useless piece of skin which can get infected later in life if she doesn't bathe as often as she should.

>> No.3192520

Yeah, not to mention increased surface area subject to the evil scourge of herpes.

>> No.3192529


Female circumcision removes the clitoris, brah.

I feel sorry for the guys who've been cut. I'm uncut, and I have the option to get cut if I thought it was superior (it isn't), it just sucks that cutfags defend circumcision so much. It's clearly because subconciously they know they're stuck with a mutilated penis, and getting butthurt about it is just like a defence mechanism.

I guess it's a bit like the huge portion of homophobes who are repressed homosexuals.

>> No.3192536
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Pic related, it's the majority of American males.

>> No.3192537
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Jesus god man, what the fuck? Infant genital mutilation is one thing, they have a few years for it to heal before it starts to develop, but at the beginning of puberty? I was getting daily wood regular enough to set a clock by at age eleven (9:15, math class) and I cringe at the though of a ring of scab behind the head of my dick and what would happen to it if the dick underneath it doubled its circumference. I mean, did it need stitches?

>> No.3192541


Exactly, if circumcision WAS superior there wouldn't be a debate. Everyone would just get circumcised when they were old enough to decide for themselves.

But they don't, their parents decide it for them and then when they are old enough to realize what they were robbed of they go on the defensive and start mentioning hygiene and looks and other stupid fucking arguments.

It's like every cutfag is a 12 year old boy who wanted a games console for Christmas, and then when Christmas rolled around they opened their box an found a NES. And then because they have no way of defending their shitty console they go and try and show how superior it is to people that have a 360 or something "oh graphics take away from gameplay and it'll over heat, I've got Mario and contra and I'll be enjoying them for years after your shitbox RRoD's"

Pathetic cutfags are pathetic.

>> No.3192580


Hey leave NES alone!

>> No.3192584
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If a penis is comparable to a NES where it has to be blown into to make it work, then I prefer the NES, as opposed to a 360 that fails to work when it is most required in the heat of battle.

>> No.3192603

>has to be blown into to make it work
you know that isn't actually how a blowjob works, right?

>> No.3192613


>implying a cutfag from /sci/ has ever done anything sexual with a woman

>> No.3192625

true dat. cutfags are fuckin' nasty.

>> No.3192629
File: 93 KB, 360x241, Dont-worry-guys-This-looks-legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP starts thread defending the state of his multilated penis

>> No.3192630

I don't recall ever sucking on a NES cartridge and a light breeze from her lips works to acquire said pleasure

>> No.3192638

No-one cares about your penis, cut or uncut as long as you're disease free and wash yourself you're fine

>> No.3192642

Graphics are over rated to the point of them making the game shitty.

use them when it counts.

>> No.3192643

>come to /sci/ looking for intelligent conversation about something other than sex
>Thread about penii on first page
come on guys, you're getting as bad as /soc/-at least there you know what you're in for

>> No.3192644

saging as this is not a scientific debate on the merits of circumcision but instead "HURR DURR MY P3N15 IS BETTA DAN URS"

>> No.3192645


>> No.3192647


By any chance are you circumcised and now butt devastated after reading how disgusting normal people find your genital mutilation?

>> No.3192662
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>> No.3192674
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>Virgins fighting over skin on an organ they never use or is seen by anyone else

>> No.3192722

You guys know you can grow the skin back, right?

>> No.3192725
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>> No.3192727


If you're a lizard maybe.

>> No.3192730


With what, willpower?

Then why aren't cutfags foreskins growing back all over the place?

>> No.3192783

It's called foreskin restoration, you stimulate mitosis of the remaining skin by tugging (not wanking, actually pulling it and holding it there) at it 10-15 mins a day. In about 3 months, it will be the same as an uncutfag.