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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3189950 No.3189950 [Reply] [Original]

What is nothing, /sci/ ?

>> No.3189952

not a thing

>> No.3189958

Which is heavier, Tuesday or Wednesday?

>> No.3189964

which is heavier, two pounds of tuesday, or two pounds of wednesday?

>> No.3189963
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Our concept of nothing is a misconception from a cosmic perspective.

>> No.3189969

Wednesday is hump day. Obviously gravity has less effect on it then Tuesday allowing it to form that hump.

>> No.3189979

No, what is not nothing. What is something.

>> No.3189988

Tuesday is more firmly bound to the week than wednesday is, thus has less less mass due to mass defect.

>> No.3189990

Which is heavier, Dying Fetus or Suffocation?

>> No.3189994

Nothing isn't.


>> No.3189995
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Mass effect huh?

>> No.3189997


Nothing is an acceptable answer to a question that begins with a what, e.g. "what are you doing - nothing". Nothing can therefore be what, and if it holds the other way around, what is nothing.

>> No.3190001

What if the fetus is dying from suffocation?

>> No.3190000 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3190002

What is... is?!? MY BRAIN!

>> No.3190003

Nothing is the absence of anything. It is a non-state that doesn't exist within the universe.

>> No.3190010

Absence is something.

>> No.3190017

What if nothing hides outside the universe? Am I on to something here...?

>> No.3190021

*They are both death metal bands.

>> No.3190026

is what waht i hav in my hed

>> No.3190032

If the only observation of these bands is that I have heard their music via the radio. Then they weigh as much as the air the sound waves traveled through when produced by the radio.

>> No.3190041
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Material wormhole is made of. Imagine two points that are at distance of one light year in perfect vacuum. It takes specaship traveling from point A at speed of light one year to reach the point B and fire laser bact to point A, guy who stayed at point A will have to wait two years of in his perspective till he observes the laser from point be.

Now if you put one light year long pole made from nothing between points A and B and guy at A would observe the laser fired from B as soon as the rocked is launched because nothibng must have all it's proporties be zero, including permitivity therefore lightspeed in nothing is infinite.

>> No.3190048

Nothing is a context dependent phrase.

>> No.3190050


An absence is not something. To say something is absent means it is not there. An absence of anything is to say that nothing is there.

>> No.3190051
File: 42 KB, 330x300, 1305313462881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're onto nothing.

>> No.3190059
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What you didn't do there was not seen.

>> No.3190851

watch everything and nothing its a 2 part documentary
thats link to the nothing part. google is your best friend, asspie.

>> No.3190863

The overall value of your life, OP.

>> No.3190867 [DELETED] 
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it's so transparent it's amazing

>> No.3190869

Fantastic documentary watcher detected.

>> No.3191205

something u cant see/smell/feel/hear/taste
or make visible
> i would say its dark matter... but if we humans have a name for it, it becomes something... WTF

>> No.3191214

summerfag detected

>> No.3191216

#define NULL

>> No.3191230


>> No.3191241

#undef thing

>> No.3191257

EK::~EK() { char *buffer = (char*) malloc (9999999); cout << "fuck you"; }

>> No.3191286

nothing is the lack of something

>> No.3191319
File: 4 KB, 127x125, Photo Jan 07&#44; 4 02 41 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3191323

dammit im not in b/