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3187296 No.3187296 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best board to talk about this.

I really always neglected my addiction to video games. I recently had a lasik operation for my eyes, and that basically screwed me over from playing my favorite game, Heroes of Newerth. The nature of this game is extremely competitive, and ask for quick reaction time. So, over the last 6 months, I almost totally stopped playing video games altogether.

I tried and played about 3 games with my old buddies. At first, I was fuzzy, like it should be when you come back to an old video game that ask for such deep knowledge of the game mechanics and reaction time. I suddenly noticed that I was shaking a shitload and I asked my team for a pause. I realized that my heart was beating faster than when I usually jog, I was dizzy and I was sweating/shaking. But again, I never stopped, and I asked for more after even if I should have stopped due to my eye condition.

In conclusion, I am asking to you /sci/entist, is video gaming(in a competition setup) that much of a drug? It really felt like I was on heavy drug use. I had to take a shower to cool down after, I thought I was going to faint.

>> No.3187326

There are two main types of addiction: behavioral and chemical. Drugs are chemical, things that you feel addicted to due to you conciously or subconciously wanting it due to your behavior is behavioral. Therefore, technically you cannot even consider VGs drugs.

>> No.3187343

then how do you explain my whole story? I just felt like it?

>> No.3187348

drug =/= addiction
You may be addicted. Video games are not drugs.

>> No.3187354

behavioral addiction

not chemical
yes you are addicted
/adv/ can help you get out of that habit but you really don't want /sci/'s help with that

god speed

>> No.3187362

inplying only addiction possible is addiction to drugs

>> No.3187386
File: 122 KB, 800x600, 3dfx_Voodoo2_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heroes of Newerth
Fucking tryhard newb, jesus can't even fucking deny properly cause "you're eyes hurt?" Fuck off pussy, and man the fuck up, god so bad.

Seriously though, it was most likely a parasympathetic backlash from the adrenaline rush involved in actually trying hard and being fearful that you might lose a match for not bringing your A-game.

>> No.3187396

OP here,
>mfw that videocard.

That might be something like this. I am a 1800 and was playing with 1600, and my ass was getting raped. Still finished 19-4 wretched hag, but it was a nightmare to play through shaking like a leaf.

>> No.3187406

Adrenalin? I guess if you really get into it you could experience some convulsions.

What drug experience do you have? Are convulsions usually part of it?

>> No.3188264

I explained both types of addiction you derp!

>> No.3188268

You should only play single player games.
Online multiplayer ruins lives.

>> No.3188271

What made you come to that ridiculous conclusion?

>> No.3188273


Be sure to include a face if you use mfw... >_>

>> No.3188279

OP did you have a blacksmith on your team?
Might have been a Bloodlust buff on you.
Maybe Eldar Parasite?
Basically, stay away from those noob heroes and playing something more easy, like deadwood.
No matter what you get kills!

>> No.3188294

The fact that online gamers over the age of 20 are almost always sad pathetic losers who care waaay to much about kill ratios or guild raids, etc.

>> No.3188737

OP here,
>mfw this thread is still up

I am currently 20, always said my whole life gaming was something normal even past 25 etc... I don't think so anymore, at all.

>> No.3188738


>>mfw you are a fag

>> No.3188939
File: 12 KB, 297x298, retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3188943

>mfw >_>

>> No.3188969


All I know about Heroes of Newerth is this awesome rap.

And to OP congratulations your brain is forever -ok maybe not- altered by this silly game.

I had a similar experience after quitting CS and getting back to it a couple months later many years ago. If you're really unlucky you can get heart problems from it.