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File: 19 KB, 388x326, rumplestiltskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3184032 No.3184032 [Reply] [Original]

This whole fight is ridiculous. Everyone should know the only reason we label ourselves is because of religion. If it wasn't because of religion, we would never even think about our belief in gods. Both of us don't believe in religion and that's where the whole argument belongs. With religion. Not with undefined gods that may or may not exist. That is besides the main point.

I class myself as an atheist. I believe that science has disproved all religions with a defined god/gods, eg. Christianity and it's interfering miracle producing God. If you see it as a possibility then you obviously deny science and logic.

As for undefined and deistic gods, I am agnostic/atheist. These gods really do not matter though as they have no effect on this universe or us. I see their possibility as low; just as low as the infinite amount of invisible creatures running around my house.

tl;dr? Then don't bother posting.

>> No.3184037
File: 556 KB, 1052x1921, fuckingagostics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commencing agnostic hate thread

>> No.3184036


You and me both, cousin. Atheist to any god in particular, agnostic to any god at all. If I were more whimsical, perhaps I could be a deist, but they are practically atheists/agnostics anyway.

>> No.3184048
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>> No.3184043
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>> No.3184051
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i can haz agnostic hate thread?

>> No.3184058
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>> No.3184064
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>> No.3184065
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>mfw EK

>> No.3184066
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>> No.3184077

But Sam Harris is a buddhist. What's the point of having an atheist religion? It's like having a veggie hamburger .. soybeans pretending to be meat.

>> No.3184088

Being agnostic is just about not giving a fuck.

I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.3184090


Too bad you're wrong.

An agnostic atheist doesn't believe in a god but doesn't believe that there is any way to prove that no god exists.

An agnostic theist believes that this is a god but does not believe that there is any way to prove that one exists.

If you're going to try to educate people about gnosticism/agnosticism and theism/atheism, at least get it right. The first only describes one's epistemological standpoint.

Sure, most of the fucktards who claim to be "agnostics" mean "agnostic atheiests", but not all of them.

Now kindly correct your images.

>> No.3184096

No, that's apatheism. Agnosticism is an "unsure" position, as in you're not (yet) sure on the issue, nothing more. If you treat it like an actual philosophy of belief to live by, everybody loses.

>> No.3184097
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no one cares
so fuck off

>> No.3184101


Except that at a certain point, the meaning of the word, as used colloquially, must change to fit with it's real world application.

Self proclaimed agnostics in real life are people who share almost every position with self proclaimed atheists. They don't believe in god, they don't claim to know for sure there is no god, but they do think that none of the gods yet proposed exist as described.

But agnostics choose the label politically. At worst, they want to troll fellow atheists or pander to theists. At best, they want to emphasise that part of their position which seems the least forceful. As for atheists, they choose the title politically as well, as a statement about their feelings for religions as poisonous ideologies or nonsense superstition.

But, like Sam Harris says, they are both fairly silly labels. I, personally, only describe myself as 'none' when quizzed on my religion, and I simply answer 'no' when asked if I believe in god. It may seem like I am avoiding the issue in a manner even more confounding than agnostics, but I disagree. Refusing to play by silly rules is acceptable to me.

Besides, the only salient metric is secular/non-secular.

>> No.3184106


citation needed

>> No.3184108
File: 12 KB, 400x271, ben-harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he isn't
"While I consider Buddhism almost unique among the world’s religions as a repository of contemplative wisdom, I do not consider myself a Buddhist. My criticism of Buddhism as a faith has been published, to the consternation of many Buddhists."

>> No.3184112

Harris is not a Buddhist. He has something experience with buddhism and hinduism.

Atheist spirituality is ultimately a feeling of embeddedness within nature. (as opposed to the supernatural)

>implying it's wrong to have a veggie burger.

>> No.3184116

▲ ▲
u mad?

>> No.3184123


>> No.3184117

thats apatheist

>> No.3184124


Buddhism almost gets it right. It really does veer very close to an almost Hellenic or Confucian style dialectic. And then it goes and ruins it by adding a load of superstitious nonsense on top.

Even the words of Jesus, or Mohammed, could be considered awe inspiring, if it weren't wedded to such absurd ideas as they being absolutely correct at all times and also a mouthpiece for god and having superpowers.

>> No.3184137

that's called "apathetic agnosticism" or "pragmatic agnosticism"

>> No.3184138

I have nothing to argue with you. Agnosticism is commonly emphasis of weak atheism as opposed to strong atheism. This is a good approach. But agnostics are still atheists.

>> No.3184143
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>> No.3184145

He practices buddhism but isn't a buddhist. Veggie burger in denial of being a veggie burger.

>> No.3184152


Would you consider someone who went to church every week, took communion, made all the sacraments, and so on, to be a Christian? What if they never, in their own hearts, accepted Jesus as God?

>> No.3184151
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>> No.3184154

Science vs religion. This whole fight is ridiculous and in fact reeks of practices atheists so despise - forcing one's beliefs onto other people.

It is false that science has disproved everything religion states. There are still events and situations when scientist will shrug, or have to say "what a bizzarre coincidence". Not to mention, that in presence of omnipotent beings trying to prove anything by rigid adherence to natural laws is a weak argument in itself. If there is indeed a God with unlimited power, there is no reason why He shouldn't take a dead person and make it alive again even long after brain activity was supposed to recede under normal circumstances.

Claiming moral superiority on the grounds of reasonably accurate understanding on how the world generally tends to operate is plain retarded, especially when even said understanding is still uncomplete. It's like saying: I know that your intestines are likely to contain two kilograms of waste and therefore declare you to be full of shit.

>> No.3184159


>arguing on the internet; trying to protect everyone's right to freedom of religion

>just as bad as forcing people to follow another faiths religious laws



>> No.3184162

forcing one's beliefs onto other people is different from getting people to think critically about their own beliefs. I'm an atheist and I do think critically about atheism. I looked at a number of approaches christian, ignostic, agnostic, buddhist etc. Atheism makes most sense since at its heart its just skepticism.

>> No.3184164
File: 25 KB, 423x403, umadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, were u waiting for an animation?
lol. i didnt make it i just stole it. it was already a gif.

>> No.3184165

I'd say they were not christian but living a lie for whatever reason, social benefit, tradition, etc.

That being said, does anyone believe meditation produces supernatural and magical powers of consciousness? It's a religion and it's a crock of shit.

>> No.3184173

What about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignosticism

>> No.3184179


Harris just thinks meditation is useful in a purely materialistic sense. It is good for you to calm down and think about yourself and your place in the universe.

Unlike the false Christian I described earlier, his practice of 'Buddhism' is pragmatic, and earnest. He never claims to be a Buddhist, never claims to buy into any of the superstitions, never lies about the nature of his endeavor, he just takes the sensible and leaves the nonsensical.

>> No.3184181


Also under the aegis of 'general atheism'. Meaning, a position far closer to atheism than to any particular theism.