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3180163 No.3180163 [Reply] [Original]

Hey sci/

Do you think something like Gattaca will happen?

I think it will. If you look at the history of racisms. However, racisms in the past didn't have that much scientific evidence as the variance between races isn't that big. However, assuming you can control genes to get rid off all hereditary disease, than in a sense you would be superior to a normal person.

I think everything will slowly start with getting rid of big disorders like Down symdrome, but then spiral into small stuff like eye colour. As it stands the technology exists such that you can choose the eye colour of your child, however it is outlawed. However, I think in countries like china it won't be outlawed and so people will just move to china to have it done.

But, imagine every small male going to geneticist to make sure their children are over 6ft. Or every ugly couple making sure their children has high cheek bones.

>> No.3180183

it will most definitely happen, there is nothing stopping genetic modification to perfection from happening.

this is weird cos i watched gattaca just yesterday...

>> No.3180187

How exactly is that a bad thing?

Humans will have more brainpower as "gifted" is the new normal. This will lead to more advances in science and technology.

There will be less disease as everyone has a strong immune system.

No one will ever feel outcasted because of their looks.

>> No.3180192

My friend had to write a paper about this for a philosophy class about a month ago. He argued that it would result in a utopian society, which I insisted was fucking retarded because having a breed of inferior humans to live in their own shit and never be able to advance too far seems a lot better than having everyone be superior ubermensch and have that further divided into social classes including poor losers.

>> No.3180195


Lol I watched Gattaca yesterday aswell.


Hawking is a good example. His genes will have been erased if Gattaca happened as he wouldn't have been chosen.

Not only that but genetic discrimination. In the past blacks where consider subhuman and inferior. If you have a bunch of people with genetics gifts and poorer people who can't afford the genetic boosts than you will get a very big inequality.

You would have a elite class of people.

>> No.3180202

An elite class, and a poor class to do what the elite class doesn't want to do/ is too intelligent to do (IE would get bored/ lose interest easier).

>> No.3180206

>If you look at the history of racism
Actually, racism as an ideology is quite new since the differences purely racial weren't as important as the social rank or religion for instance.

Plus, the things that might be dangerous with this shit is that, assuming that Nature always holds more "secret" that the ones we can know (although we might know a fuckton about genetics and human anatomy and physiology), genetic modification might bring people to modify their children in ways that we might suppress genes that are usefull although we didn't know.

What I mean is that biodiversity sometimes assure an equilibrium if something goes wrong.

>> No.3180211

once the technology becomes available to everyone, everyone will have the "best" children. I dont think the gattaca thing will happen where there's a large group of people who arent the "best" and basically get shat on by society. it might be like that for the first generation, when the technology is expensive and whatnot, but by the second generation, everyone in first world countries will have access to and be using the technology. then it becomes a process of moving the technology worldwide. the thing that concerns me is the shrinking of genetic variation in the species. it'll be important to make sure there is still a variety of alleles in the gene pool when everyone is creating children with the same image of perfection in mind

>> No.3180212

Well, one could easily argue that these "superior" people would have respect for those less fortunate, if anything, they would not contribute anything to society but live a life of leisure
>Hawking is a good example. His genes will have been erased if Gattaca happened as he wouldn't have been chosen.
>His genes will have been erased
No. His genes would be modified to prevent his disease, probably extending his life in the process.

>> No.3180232

Yeah but the "superior" people aren't gods or anything, they're just humans with very high intelligence, physical attractiveness and physical ability, as someone who's known many smart people they're no less selfish than dumb people, and there's no reason to do anything more than keep the shitty gene pool consuming minimal resources to survive and propagate itself while doing the shitty simple manual labor that's not worth wasting intelligent or educated people on.

Also going to mention that I was writing a paper bitching about capitalism that night and we both stayed up all night and were stoned.

>> No.3180234

Brave New World, etc.

>> No.3180259

So what you're saying is that the rich will either: never let gene selection happen or keep it only to themselves.

This will never work. It is the illusion the lower class has that through hard work they can one day join the high class that keeps them in line. The minute you make it apparent that the poor will forever be below you, they will revolt.

>> No.3180273
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>Do you think something like Gattaca will happen?

>Furries designing children with ears, tail, covered in fur, etc

>> No.3180288

Those children will eventually kill themselves once they've realized what their parents made them.

>> No.3180289

Not if you design them to like it.

The future!

>> No.3180299
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>> No.3180311

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Genetic engineering has some troubling implications, because it can not only help people reach certain goals or ideals, it fundamentally changes the *source* of our goals and ideals. One generation creates their conceptions of ideal, but THOSE children have NEW conceptions of ideal. Where is the stable point? How many are there?

>> No.3180320

they won't get employed anywhere, they won't benefit society at all. They will be shunned for being inhuman, laughed at like jews and niggers and they'll learn not to create children like themselves.

eventually after a few generations everyone will be perfect and as a race we'll develop into bigger stronger humans.

>> No.3180322
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>Furries designing children with ears, tail, covered in fur, etc

The body is just life support for the brain, which is in itself hardware for the software of the mind.

>> No.3180330

>they won't get employed anywhere
Anti-discrimination lawsuits, bitch. It's the LAW.

>they won't benefit society at all
Furry people can have jobs too.

>They will be shunned for being inhuman, laughed at like jews and niggers
By now the irony should be obvious.

You think that when black people have access to extensive genetic engineering, they'll choose to have white children? Get real.

>eventually after a few generations everyone will be perfect
Naive, there is no objective ideal. Racist detected.

>> No.3180341

I respectfully disagree with this mode of thinking. The body isn't a life support for the brain [and the mind]. We need our sense to extract information from our envirionement. The structure of the brain doesn't allow that and I'm pretty sure we'll never reach a stade where we'll be an intelligent cloud. Plus, it is assumed, through evolution, that it's the modifications of the environement that initiated the modification to our brains and its ability: we started to eat cooked food, we started to walk on our two feet, ...

Anyway, I don't agree with this form of dualism

>> No.3180376
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The future will be nothing like Gattace because gene therapy and cybernetics will work on everybody. It takes years for designer babies to impact society even slightly. In the future adults will modify themselves.

>> No.3180381

>gene therapy and cybernetics will work on everybody.

except the religious

which is what happens in gattaca

>> No.3180385


>We need our sense to extract information from our envirionement.

Virtual input/output, basically convert video and audio and other data from other sensors to something the brain can compute.

>> No.3180392

...if we blow right past the period where extensive germ-line engineering is feasible but somatic-cell (adult) engineering is not. We'll see.

>> No.3180402
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Well fuck them honestly. If they want to eat shit let them. They will be the niggers of the future. They can stay in the 20th century and live off welfare.

>> No.3180416


I'm not sure what you are tying to say.

Are you saying that cybernetic implants may be more prevalent than bioengineering?

>> No.3180422

No. I'm just saying that Gattaca is based on germline engineering being easy but somatic-cell engineering being hard. If we quickly get straight to somatic-cell engineering also being easy, everyone can have whatever genes they want.

>> No.3180423

Is magic more preveland than fantastical thinking?

>> No.3180430

I would like to travel to this ''preveland'' where can one locate it on a map?

>> No.3180433

next to prevalent.

>> No.3180459


-> transpose one letter right then diagonal up.

Perfect explanation of typos are rare.

>> No.3180467
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I think germline engineering being easy, while cybernetic implants and somatic-cell engineering being way behind is not realistic.

The effects of germline engineering would take years while cybernetic implants and somatic-cell engineering will have immediate impacts on society. So there is more incentive to develop these technologies.

>> No.3180473

>Do you think something like Gattaca will happen?
Didn't it already almost happen once with Nazi Germany?

>> No.3180489

>The effects of germline engineering would take years while cybernetic implants and somatic-cell engineering will have immediate impacts on society. So there is more incentive to develop these technologies.
It seems to me that one technology is a necessary subset of the other. If you can modify adult cells, surely you can do undifferentiated stem cells.

>> No.3180512
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Exactly that is why I think they can't develop far apart.

>> No.3180521

No, no, the adult cell modification is MUCH HARDER, and it's impossible to develop the adult cell techniques without getting the germline techniques as a freebie. THAT is what I'm saying.

>> No.3180557
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I think we are well in our way.



>> No.3180585

I hope so.

>> No.3180618

>In the past blacks where consider subhuman and inferior
Blacks are subhuman and inferior.

>> No.3180648
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If blacks are inferior why is the white race imploding? I mean half of the white race seems to want to join in a kill the white race.

>> No.3180664

and kill the white race.*

>> No.3180704

Nah, that's just because all the hip hop stars and such are black so it's become a, "BLACKS ARE SO COOL!" thing.

I'd normally disagree with pop culture being set on race but it seems like there are some things that white people just can't pull off. Try to look gangster as a white guy and you'll still look douchier than a black guy doing the same thing.

>> No.3180745
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Huh, thats not what I am talking about. Niggers are breeding like rats while half of whites are trying to make it illegal to be white.

At the rate things are going in 20 years niggers will be able to break into you house and rape your wife and daughters. By then they might be full of so much white guilt they might be glad to give birth to the half nigglet abomination, which you will be forced to raise.

>> No.3180761

When did this start happening?

I don't get it unless you're just racist.

But back on subject, I believe that we could actually get gene-modification to work without major social ramifications.

>> No.3180768


Oh lord are Goyims ignorant.

>> No.3181685

OP, realize this.

The people who think gattaca will happen in the next 100 years or ever are simply popsci faggots.

don't listen to them.

AND! if this ever happens there will be death and revolution.
i hope they kill the transhumanists first