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File: 12 KB, 543x266, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3177829 No.3177829 [Reply] [Original]

if post ends in dubs, i will troll them with quotes from the bible.
anyone know any good ones?

>> No.3178971
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1 Timothy 2:12

%100 garaunteed to cause butthurt

>> No.3179003

>1 Timothy 2:11
Perfect, I went to a Church of England school and the (female) teacher skipped that one when we read it. Butthurt guaranteed.

That said, y'all immature and should be talking about this on /b/, not here.

>> No.3179016


>same trip as EK


Shut up EK.

>> No.3179028
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pay some god-damn attention, you fuck! they are not identical.

>> No.3179035


Shut up faggot, quit trying to impersonate EK

>> No.3179036

Jesus is a Nigger!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3179041

EK, are you against religion?

>> No.3179046

Ezekiel 23:19-20

>> No.3179050

deuteronomy 22:13-21

>> No.3179061
File: 248 KB, 840x1600, owned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. I have an entire folder of anti religion pics.
religion is as true as a belief in santa claus is, and gullible fools who believe it cause havok across the world. Wars, terrorist attacks, and atrocities throughout history done in the names of various gods.
I coudl rant further but ive been procrastinating and i really need to cook food now. we'll save this discussion for another time and in another thread.

>> No.3179071


How were you not banned for ban evasion?

>> No.3179075

How about a quickie?

Do you hate all religions or just Christianity and Islam (the most violent religions, Islam being even more violent)?

>> No.3179076

>ITT EK once again proves how much of a faggot (s)he is
At least you're cooking, you know what you're supposed to be doing.

>> No.3179095

EK is the reason why people hate atheists. Hating religion more than you love science is bad.

>> No.3179100

I made it for him, to demonstrate that he should stop namefagging and just go with a trip. If I were to imitate his name then it would be quite easy for me to masquerade as him the whole time unless my trip was examined closely, whereas if he only used a trip it would be more difficult for me to imitate him.

>> No.3179108
File: 77 KB, 781x418, philopermaban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine very quicky then.
all religions are wrong, but ones like jainism and buddism that do no harm are pretty fine by me. the ones that cause people do say and do horrible things are the ones that piss me off. mainly the big ones, christianity and islam, but yeh, i generally dont like it when people are wrong (so all religion) but its far worse if they are using their ignorance as an excuse to be a dickhead.
i'm not 'supposed' to be doing anything. i'm just hungry and its my turn to cook and if i dont my housemate will get pissy that i've dicked her over.

>> No.3179156

Pantheism, ignosticism, or weak atheism are the best positions.

>> No.3179165




>> No.3179169


Hey EK, how old are you?

>> No.3179190


>> No.3179193


Damn, grandma.

>> No.3179197

Wrong tripcode. Fake EK.

>> No.3179198
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More like 13

>> No.3179203

Thanks EK.

>> No.3179205

I'm Catholic. I go to an extremely respected grad school for microbiology and went to Church today.

u mad bro?

I come here every once and a while when my research schedule lets me and talk about SCIENCE. You sit on 4chan all day discussing scientific knowledge most people have accumulated by age 15 and whining about religion. I think that spending most of your time on the internet whining about what other people do on Sunday mornings and making massive generalizations is woefully worse than someone believing in a religion.

>> No.3179206

Ek's like 23-25. That's why she's mai waifu

>> No.3179215

Just because EK is a worse person than you, it doesn't make your religion any less bullshit.

>> No.3179231

I'm catholic too. I went to mass today but only because I couldn't face my family if I told them I no longer believed in god. You're no better than EK. You're trying to justify your beliefs because EK doesn't believe in them. What kind of reasoning is that?

>> No.3179244

I'm not trying to justify any beliefs here. I'm just trying to justify talking about science on a science based board. I come here to talk about science not to justify or belittle anyone elses' beliefs. What EK does is just a waste of everyone's time.

>> No.3179246

>>3179244 was replying to >>3179231

not sure where that other post number came from

>> No.3179249

Can you justify your beliefs?
the post was deleted and reposted without errors.

>> No.3179256
File: 55 KB, 469x428, 1295442809034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the matter EK? Cat your tongue?

>> No.3179266

Fuck off, I'm making noodles

>> No.3179284

In terms of the scientific method, nope. Not at all. I've had circumstances and personal events in my life lead me to believe in God. I think I'm right but I completely accept the possibility of me being wrong. That's why I don't really go around broadcasting my beliefs- believe me the fundies that do that kind of shit piss off the average Christian just as much (if not more for the bad name they give us all) as they piss you off.

>> No.3179308

I can still see that you arn't really her. I'm paying close attention to the tripcode now because you are a fucking faggot.

>> No.3179329

Thanks for the explanation. Do you mind explaining some of the events, or would that be difficult?

>> No.3179337
File: 59 KB, 448x448, 1304212915103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh hai EK.

It's me.

>> No.3179365

no, it's me
I have a GPCPU cluster available for four hours tomorrow that will apparently give me around 650GFLOP/S. Should I go for an eight character imitation?

>> No.3179371

What personal events? I yearn for some basis for religious thinking other than 'it's what I was brought up with'

>> No.3179383

DO IT FAGGOT!!!! for pissing off EK everything is okay with me.

>> No.3179392
File: 155 KB, 268x266, u srs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


of course

>> No.3179393

How bout not wanting a police state when human security doesn't necessitate invasions of privacy?

>> No.3179400


The only would that I could explain in any reasonable amount of time would be a hospitalization I had once. I was raised in a moderately Catholic household. We went to Church pretty much weekly and said Grace before dinner but that was the extent. I became progressively atheist (apatheist perhaps being the best term) in high school and my parents didnt really care. Anyway I did not know I was allergic to bees until I was 18 and got stung by like 15 of them playing outfield one day in baseball. I had a severe anaphylactic shock and was unconscious when I got to the hospital. By the time I regained consciousness they had basically declared me dying and asked if I would like to see a priest in what they told me would be my last 20 or so minutes alive.

My opinion was pretty much "they might be right, might as well" and I received my Last Rights.

Long story short, I'm 24 now and didn't die that day =D They didn't give me any type of medicine other than what had already not been working after that point and apparently they noticed an improvement a few minutes later. I later learned from my priest (same guy who came to the hospital) that the doctor, who was basically in the same boat as me religion-wise "re-converted" after that as well.

^ That was the most concrete thing that happened and like I said, the only one I could actually explain to another person.

>> No.3179406

bEKFQOBPN6 <= #S'gT\G*`
VEKFQOBUp2 <= #*Ubl6btE
kr3EKFQOBU <= #zORt~84H
0EKFQOBhmU <= #B,dHczS.
EEKFQOBtDc <= #mH@r}$0c
my feeble 8M/S is no match for it. assuming I can run mty (which I can) what should I go for other than the first eight?

>> No.3179410



>> No.3179415

>>3179108 but its far worse if they are using their ignorance as an excuse to be a dickhead.

And you can't go around using your retardedness as an excuse for being a useless, annoying cuntface.

>> No.3179416


Testing again

>> No.3179417

ah, that sounds fairly convincing. Do you think you can talk with god, and to what extent do you follow the bible?
darn. Sorry.

>> No.3179422


No I'm testing some of my own

>> No.3179428


Are you making sure to have the characters aligned to the right?

>> No.3179439

I'm using tripcode explorer, because I assumed (wrongly) that having a CUDA card would be more useful than an ATI card. The result is poor performance generating bitcoins (which are worthless anyway) and no GPU tripping

>> No.3179449

what has that got to do with this?

>> No.3179455

I consider talking to God to be more of a one way thing. More of a "just please provide for me" type thing than a "Hey God it's me again thanks for this thanks for that could you make this happen tomorrow" but I feel like all prayers are answered, just that the answer is occasionally "no."

I took some religious history classes in undergrad just for out of department requirement. I think there is divine background to the Bible (particularly the NT) however, I do believe it to be written by humans. There are certain parts that I have come to consider to be more political or functional than anything. The example I usually give is homosexuality. Considering the fact that Jerusalem was basically a steak between two lions (Egypt and Persia) when a good portion of the OT was written, it makes a lot of sense that wasting your man slime on anything that wouldn't produce a future soldier would be "sinful" in ancient Israel. Me myself and I agree that God's nature would make him love homosexual and heterosexual couples equally.

>> No.3179481



But yeah, there is a way to align the characters to the left ( I mistakenly said 'right' before). I think you put an upwards carat ( ^ ) to the left.

>> No.3179482

>implying any of that is justification for belief in a christian God.

It's so obviously justification for belief in celestial dragon emperor who takes pity on the victims of his mortal enemy: the bumblebee. Do no continue to betray the true God, you fucking heathen

>> No.3179488
File: 238 KB, 546x531, 1306618902254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best scr: Ez 25:17

>> No.3179508

Got that shit memorized

>> No.3179518

i prefer Ezekiel 34:29

>> No.3179520

what's the point in valuing the bible as a source of moral teachings when you're just going to disregard it at your whim.

The bible may have served a purpose at one point. but no it's nothing more than a story and not even a very good one at that because it's so jumbled. Norse mythology is so much cooler.

The people who wrote the bible were basing morality on what felt right at the time based on their understanding of reality and their own common sense. We should do exactly the same as them. that is not to say we follow their bible. Instead we write our own bible based on our understanding of reality (through rational scientific enquiry) and wider common sense. And amend it where necessary. I think we already have something like this. It's called the constitution. Secularism FTW.

>> No.3179521

...What the fuck kind of reasoning is this?

>Get stung by bees
>Have allergic reaction
>Don't die
>Well, guess Catholicism is legitimate

Reasonable Person:
>Get stung by bees
>Have allergic reaction
>Don't die

>> No.3179532

>implying bumblebees sting

And it was a Christian sacrament, that's why I didn't start practicing Zen afterwards, I started practicing Christianity.

>> No.3179540
File: 3 KB, 126x124, zb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your fucking jew on a stick gibberish out of here.
also, stop fucking lying about zoology you cunt!
bumble bees fucking can sting!

>> No.3179546

Nice cherry picking

>Get stung by bees
>Have allergic reaction
>Told probably going to die
>Doctors administer several doses of medicines that dont work
>Told going to die
>Have Catholic sacrament performed on me
>Don't die
>Well, guess Catholicism is legitimate
>Doctor becomes Christian also

Is a more appropriate synopsis

>> No.3179554

>>implying bumblebees sting

>implying that has anything to do with what we're talking about
>implying you've adequately addressed my enquiry.

So you're justification is I was Christian therefore christianity is right and it was christianity that saved me. that's weak, dawg..

>> No.3179555

I stand corrected, everyone I had ever talked to told me they couldn't. Obviously I bolt if I see a bee now and anyone who had ever been with me when I saw a bumblebee assured me they don't sting.

>> No.3179561

you'll notice my earlier posts say i was not a christian in high school

>> No.3179562

What about the idea that you weren't going to die in the first place? Or what about the idea that the medicine did work and the doctor's just didn't know which one or how it did because they were fallible and clutching at straws.

>implying someone else's conversion is justification for your own.

>> No.3179563


>Doctors administer several doses of medicines that don't have an immediate effect


>> No.3179564

...Clearly the medicine worked if you're still fucking breathing. I can understand believing in some sort of god, but believing in a god that created the universe and every human being to have ever walked a planet that, for some reason, would save your dumb ass from some bee stings while other people live without the most basic necessities of life is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.3179565

>that dont work

>implying thats what he said
>implying he didnt say they might or might not work but its looking rather grim atm

>why does god save rich kids like you who have had a good life and not those starving children in africa and other places in the world?
>god is an asshole who picks favorites

>> No.3179567

I was hit by a semi, and the semi was damaged worse than my hospital bills cost.

You need to stop using God as your excuse.

>> No.3179573

>Biology major at a "reputable" school
>Doesn't know basic, everyday zoology

>> No.3179578

If your fucking cunt of a god was real, why the fuck did he make bees/wasps etcthat fucking sting people?? hmm?
why the fuck has he made bacteria and viruses?
he made everything right? thats what you fucking believe, yeh?

>> No.3179581
File: 49 KB, 446x400, laughingirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3179585

They were giving me epinephrine injections (one of the most widely used drugs in the world, emergency room doctors are well acquainted with it) and told me that it was not having an effect about an hour later.

>> No.3179590

So your only justification for christianity is that that's what you were practising. You said yourself, if you'd been practising zen buddhism that correlated with your revival you'd be a buddhist. Your justification for God remains weak.

You survived, therefore God.

Countless others don't survive, well let's just conveniently forget about them.

>> No.3179592

Would you like to acknowledge this:

>> No.3179594

No, I believe in evolution. Would be pretty dumb not to. Not many Ivy League PhD program biologists who dont.

>> No.3179601

I doubt there are many that don't know that bumblebees sting, either.

>> No.3179603

For someone to be a Christian, you have to take everything literal in the Bible, otherwise you're just cherry picking your own beliefsystem, agree?

>> No.3179604

What does evolution have to do with anything we're talking about right now?

>> No.3179607

>this isn't even me trolling
You're much better than me at this. Good show.

>> No.3179609

Clearly it worked, you're right. The doctor was at a loss to explain why epinephrine would not aide my symptoms. It wasn't working when I had the anointing done and it worked after.

>> No.3179613

Evolution is satanic.

>> No.3179615

Who's cherrypicking now?

Why would a god who created the universe and every living thing on the planet save YOU and not any of the hundreds of thousands who died that day?

>> No.3179618

So God is a thing that can command epinephrine to work . That's not christianity, bro. That's like .... that's not even a thing. A scientist would look at this situation and say 'what can we learn about epinephrine from this' not 'wow god made epinephrine make me better'

>> No.3179620
File: 85 KB, 757x737, informational1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh really?
well click on this pic, and read it very carefully. don't just shrug it off, actually re-read it, and think long and hard about what this means about your entire way of life. ignoring the issue won't help.
can you respond to it?

>> No.3179622

>inb4 "GOD WERKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS!!!!!!111111111111111"

>> No.3179627

For someone with a dangerous health risk from bug bites, you sure don't know how antihistamines work

>> No.3179628

EK what the fuck?

>> No.3179632

Well EK said I believe that God created every organism. I don't. That would go against evolution.

>Oh shit a bee, just in case you don't remember I'm allergic and carry this epipen in my bag blah blah...

>Dude it's a bumblebee, calm down

Almost a daily conversation for me at school.

I'm going back to my science only policy on this board. Someone asked me why I believe in something and I told them why. From here on out I'm only going to post about science. I feel bad that what started out as me whining about the amount of religion posting on this board turned into this.

>> No.3179635

Hahaha, get a question you can't answer and just end the conversation.

Typical Christian.

>> No.3179637

For someone who knows how antihistamines work, the doctor was mighty impressed by what happened. That is as far as I am going into the matter from here on out.

>> No.3179639

If God didn't create every organism, then who did? Satan?

>> No.3179645

so we exposed your belief as lying on very shaky ground. Instead of trying to prove your point, or re-evaluating your stance, you'll just pretend it didn't happen. You'll make a great scientist, son.

>> No.3179648


>> No.3179651


>> No.3179652

when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much

>> No.3179654

Still you're only justification is someone else is a christian, so it must be right. that's weak.

>> No.3179657


Why is your explination weighted more towards "God saved me specifically out of all the world" than "My Doctor was a moron, and I got lucky"

In that scenario, the fact that your doctor was ignorant is much simpler than an omnipotent being who exists outside of time choosing to save you specifically. Occam's Razor would seem to apply.

>> No.3179660

>the doctor was mighty thankful he didn't get sued for malpractice

Fixed for the truth. The first shots probably missed the vein.

>> No.3179661


>selfpromotion FTW

>> No.3179667

That doesn't explain your parents.

>> No.3179673

you clearly don't know what your talking about
or you're most definately trolling
also op
/b/ is that way I think you clicked on the wrong link..../sci/ doesn't need your shitty pretentious rants
apatheism ftw

>> No.3179677

Sorry, don't see every post in between the ones i make...I actually can't because the pic isn't loading for me. If you write it out I'll take a look, Nevermind it just loaded

Anyway. I've long considered Adam and Eve to be a myth, or a metaphor really. I don't take the Bible literally. I think a more cogent argument against the creation story is that Adam and Eve had two sons who managed to create 6B more people in 6,000 years.

>> No.3179678

lol at the atheists getting mad at the beauty of God's saving grace

>> No.3179680

>mfw this
you really are a dumb shit.
I'm actively going to annoy you now.

>> No.3179682
File: 128 KB, 640x524, trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3179683

That's why God protects serial-killers, child-pornographers, and despots.


>> No.3179684

>im catholic
then what do you take literally?
was jesus crucified? if so why?
was it part of gods plan? if not, why didnt he use his gnarly magical powers to macgyver his escape?
did he not die for everyones 'sins' then? was he just some fucking blastpheming jew who got pwnt by romans for not STFU-ing when ordered to?

>> No.3179685

Well they had mommies and daddies too so it actually does.

But if you're talking about going all the way back, you might wanna google "abiogenesis" to get an idea of what I believe brought about life.

>> No.3179686


So... if you don't believe in Christ, how exactly are you a Christian?

Because the whole point of the Christ story was to fix original sin, caused by Eve.

>> No.3179690

LOL I love the way you chose to respond to the easiest possible argument. I'lla dmit EK isn't very good at the argument thing. it's very easy for Christians to take genesis as an allegory instead of a literal truth. Almost all christians do.

Why don't you have some courage and respond to :

>>3179615 >>3179615 >>3179615 >>3179615 >>3179615

>> No.3179698

It's totally summer. I'm not even going to dare going back on /b/.

>> No.3179708

There is no original sin. It is just allegory. Christians believe jesus died for everybody's sins, but it is their own sins that they aquire through life. Sin is not inheritable.

>> No.3179713
File: 15 KB, 489x358, 13635649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except for the fact that isnt christian dogma, nor is it in the bible, nor is it scientifically verifyable. that isnt anything, that is just you talking out of your arse once again.

>> No.3179716


So, if original sin is allegory, why is normal sin not allegory?

>> No.3179718

No, I meant the "love each other" part.

>> No.3179719

>presuming that humans can understand the motivations of god
seriously, im not even religious but you are incredibly fucking retarded

>> No.3179723

Normal sin can be taxed.

>> No.3179728

I'm honestly just responding to the ones I see. You can at least sympathize that I'm outnumbered here and there are several replies to everything I post. I'm working on some other shit and this isn't exactly a priority for me. I'll take a look.

Okay, I'll genuinely admit that I don't know. Believe me when I say I've been pondering this since that day and it has brought about so much survivor's guilt for me. Even disregarding the existence of God, this is a more taxing question for me than you could possibly imagine. I'm sorry I just honestly cannot say why and I don't really feel wrong admitting that. I'd rather give you that than make up an answer on the fly.

>> No.3179729



>> No.3179733

If Saving Private Ryan was just a movie, why wasn't World War II just a movie?

>> No.3179735

Hit the nail on the head for what I was trying to say.

>> No.3179736

>>presuming that humans can understand the motivations of god

if we can't, then why bother with religious belief? if we can't understand the basis of God then it doesn't have any implications for us, it doesn't affect us, it's not meaningful to us. Belief in God is completely unnecessary

>> No.3179738

So... why do you believe in electromagnetism, if it's just a theory, a gauss?

On a more serious note, why u hate religion, EKs? It did a lot of good in the world. More good than evil the religious people have committed. On the other hand, you have french and russian revolutions, which were horribly violent, and you certainly cannot accuse those of being religious. You have Hitler and Stalin, neither of which had religious motives. Face it - you are wrong.

>> No.3179739

sure is summer here

>> No.3179742

However inclination to sin is inherited, which is why God had to be born of a human woman, so he could be tempted and overcome it.

>> No.3179743


This is fine, I fully support this answer, as it indicates critical thinking and not just blind acceptance.

As long as you can still think rationally and not just select what you want to believe and assume it to be true. That is incorrect no matter who you are or what you believe.

>> No.3179745

lol, good one.

>> No.3179746

looks like you arnt alone, harriet has arrived to fag up the thread even further. takes the pressre of you a bit.

...you're still dead wrong though.
listen to this song about the pope.

>> No.3179751

Do you not think it makes sense that there probably is no God as you've conceived of him (infinitely loving) and that the reason you survive and other don't are to do with processes of biology and not the divine? You said "disregarding God" but you haven't done that even for a second although you've tried hard to convince yourself that you have.

>> No.3179753

This, exactly. If you're going to use the idea of humans not being able to comprehend god's motivation, you're undermining the entirety of religious belief and the Bible in particular (which you have admitted was written by men).

>> No.3179754

It's flagged as inappropriate and i never bothered making a Youtube account.

I'd at least appreciate it if you could cut out the "Fag this fuck that" stuff if you guys insist on having this discussion.

>> No.3179761

It's like a woman. Now I know this isn't going to make sense to you as you've probably never had a relationship in your life, but for those who have. You're never gonna fully understand your girl's motivation, she's a fucking woman, forget about it. That doesn't mean you can't do your best to make her happy and enjoy the relationship and appreciate it when she has sex with you. You know the general things she likes and doesn't like and you try to act based on that. Perhaps if you didn't have the attitude of "I can't fully understand it and predict what's going to happen, I'm not going to bother at all" you wouldn't be forever alone.

>> No.3179768


That or if God's morality is so vastly different from ours that to him, allowing people to suffer and die and condemning them to eternal pain when he has the power to prevent is is morally right, I would choose not to worship such a being even if I had proof of his existence.


I would like to take this opportunity to distance myself from this argument. There are debates and then there are insults.

>> No.3179774

I think it makes sense there might not be a God like the one I believe in. Anyway, you'll notice I said there was a long line of things that made me come to believe in a God. I remained sort of skeptical after this took place.

>> No.3179778

You are not missing out on anything particularly good. The song is intended to offend catholics.

>> No.3179783

Insulting a dumb cunt who blames society to protect child-molesting priests is perfectly alright if you ask me.

>> No.3179785

You are diverging from this discussion. Your relationship with your girlfriend is no analogous to your relationship to God. You CAN fully understand your girl's motivations. The fact that you can't, speaks volumes about your success with women.

>> No.3179790

Although we disagree, I'll have you know that I can at least respect you. I feel EK has finally proven in my eyes that he, she or it is simply not a human being

inb4 EK is God

>> No.3179803

You're trying to impose the morality of beings who are trapped in a unidirectional flow of time with limited lifespans and no knowledge beyond their immediate point in time onto a being that is omniscient and eternal. In the same sense that it's impossible to explain calculus to someone who immediately just says "I'm no good at math" and gives up when faced with anything more complicated than arithmetic, it's impossible to explain this to you when your understanding is thus limited. I'm not even religious, I'm just capable of understanding their logic rather than going LOL RELIGIOUS LOGIC JUST MEANS SAYING AN INVISIBLE SKY WIZARD DID IT.

>> No.3179804

I notice you haven't mentioned any of these reasons and I suspect that it's because we'll tear it apart like we have with this one.Why do you persist? It;s fruitless.

>> No.3179809
File: 501 KB, 640x639, godadvicedog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, not a human being?
if you are stable with your faith then you are either not asking the right questions or you are too unobservant and stupid to realise how many fucking wholes are in the entire fucking ideology.

>> No.3179810

Damn it bastards.

Enter JamesBond. Defender of faith.

Guys. People can't live without faith. When you walk out of your home to buy something you do that in the faith that random people won't often mug you and steal your money. That the vendor will actually sell you the goods and not keep your money and tell you to GTFO.

The religion vs science debates are for trolls and gays.

People need religion and you can't question them why if they don't harass you first. Faith is a private matter for every individual. Just get over it!

>> No.3179817

>I feel EK has finally proven in my eyes that he, she or it is simply not a human being.

More proof that shows you Christians can't believe their own eyes, never mind reality.

>> No.3179818


I have no problem with criticizing people like the Pope.

At all. Trust me.

But that video was made specifically to be offensive. If it had an actual argument to it, I would have no problem with it, but it's straight up emotional manipulation.


That argument doesn't fly when the omniscient being is the one who created us. To do so, he would know how our natural moral codes would operate, and if he created a group which he knew would adopt a moral code specifically contrary to his, or who would be so far removed and ignorant of his to be unable to judge his as valid, and then punishes them for it, he isn't moral by any standard of morality.

>> No.3179819
File: 10 KB, 376x327, 13645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"its here in the colombian thread or its in no thread at all"

i wondered when you might show up.

>> No.3179821

You literally typed one line and couldn't edit out any of the four errors it contained? As I said, I wouldn't even be able to explain the situations. You would have had to have grown up with me and known the same people I did, felt the same way about things/people that I did, had the same experiences that I did. I don't think things I struggled to explain to my family or closest friends could be understood in text to strangers.

>> No.3179823

if god exists outside the "unidirectional flow of time" he has no implications for any of us. If we are not or cannot be made given at least a portion of his infinite knowledge and version of morality that is external to us then we cannot be judged by him for acting in ways that we deem right based on our limited scope of morality.

>> No.3179828

It's not the same kind of faith.

>> No.3179832

Get thee hence you faithless, and accursed wretch.

You'll not dirty God with your falsehoods.

>> No.3179833

No, you can never fully understand another person's motivations unless you know absolutely everything about them that will affect how they address a given issue, you're a fool if you think you can. I was trying to frame an analogy you could understand but you're apparently too autistic, I doubt if you're even aware of your own fallibility. It's impossible for humans to know everything god knows; thus, it is utterly impossible to understand his motivations. This is not a difficult concept to most of us with some degree of intellectual humility, it's only conceited autists like yourself that have serious problems with it.

>> No.3179835

I correct it, reread it. I'm trying to keep up with the pace of discussion here. Give me a break. That isn't an argument against me so stop using as such

>> No.3179838

It is spelled 'holes'
The swearing is not helping your case. Argue politely please.

>> No.3179843

apatheist master race here
I hope that everyone does realise while they're having
their little debate that they all sound like pretentious youtube vloggers.
No one gives a shit about what you believe so keep it to yourselves

>> No.3179844

The problem isn't your words, or your ability to convey them.

The problem is that you're delusional.

>> No.3179848

It does have an argument. If you protect child molesters or protect those who do protect child molesters, you're as bad as the rapists themselves.

You are a motherfucker.

>> No.3179850

>The religion vs science debates are for trolls and gays.
Fuck off then.

>Faith is a private matter for every individual. Just get over it!
Not sure what kind of reality you live in, but in mine, religion has a pretty hefty impact on politics.

>> No.3179851

We can't be judged by him for acting in the ways we do because we we never even had a chance.

And thanks for proving exactly what kind of person you are with your insults against both and the autistic. if that's an example of religious morality, I don't want a part of it.

>> No.3179855

"oh wah wah wah! the peoples is saying bad words to me!"
grow up!

>> No.3179857

No, but we can be punished by him for doing things that seem wrong within our limited sense of morality. If what you're doing is acceptable to the code of morality you follow, it's not a sin. Christians merely accept Christian morality as the only true morality, thus people who violate it are either doing so knowingly or rejecting true morality.
See, this is a different argument. You're not saying "HERP DERP WE DONT KNOW WHAT GOD IS DOING SO HE CANT BE REAL", you're saying the idea of a god that creates beings he knows will sin and then punish them is absurd, which is a significant part of why I'm not Christian.

>> No.3179862

I don't understand what happened there that made you believe..
Do you think God saved you from the bee stings, or could it have been the medicine that was currently not working began to take effect?

>> No.3179864

>Not sure what kind of reality you live in, but in mine, religion has a pretty hefty impact on politics.

and you're doing.....what about it?
Remember to pat yourself on the shoulder about
the huge impact your little bitch fit is having on politics and religion in the world

>> No.3179867
File: 110 KB, 500x688, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unable to make a cogent and convincing argument
>get mad and start swearing and insulting the people who are arguing with you
>tell them to grow up when they object

>> No.3179869


Huh. Why are we arguing then? We have the same viewpoint.

>> No.3179872

(another catholicfag here)

I imagined it would be a consequence of free will. If the God came in and saved every single being from everything bad, where would be room for free will?

in other news:
>why u allow WW2 so much evil why u not stop
who would know? Free will - of german people, and unwillingness of other nations to stop him in time. Or maybe if there was no hitler, there would be an even worse war - like a nuclear slugfest, for instance.

>all priests are pedophiles hurr
no, they are not. There are less pedophiles among priests than among males in general.

>but priests are supposed to be examples hurr hypocrisy hurr
yes, yes, that's sadly true. I want all priests and people in general were paragons in virtue. Too bad we're just weak mortals. If you think you're better than your fellow man, you are deluding yourself.

also, saging for non-science, ffs...

>> No.3179874

Fuck that. Humans are pretty awesome, we already do what God does by punishing our own kind for acting in a wrongful manner within our limited scope of moral vision.

if God has with wider all encompassing view of morality so that he can allow some bad things because they'll eventually lead to good things that only he is aware of then he can't judge us for acting in a way that can only take into account the initial thing.

>> No.3179880

Well, you seemed to have an issue with the idea that, given the existence of a god, humans would not be able to fully understand his motivations, and there's kind of a shitstorm going on.

>> No.3179881
File: 183 KB, 750x578, 1289341552863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a convincing argument. christianity and evolution are NOT compatible.

>> No.3179898


>> No.3179900


Oh, no, sorry, I must have been misunderstood. What I meant to say was that regardless of whether we understood his intentions or not, the whole story of God as an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being who can but chooses not to effect a world like ours plays him in an objectively immoral light, and even if he could be proven to exist, worship of him would basically be a "Do this or else" scenario and therefore not moral.

We can talk about God's unknown morality till we are blue in the face, but the only moralities we can make judgements on are ones we know. So whatever his is, we can only analyse his actions in terms of moralities we understand.

Therefore, God's morality is irrelevant.

>> No.3179909


Fundamentalist Christianity and evolution are incompatible.

But yeah, you're right. What with being an atheist and all you would know all about the incompatibility between Christianity and evolution. The opinion of the overwhelming majority of Christians who believe in evolution probably doesn't matter much here.

>> No.3179914

>neither had religious motives
Nor were they secular motives.
Hitler wanted a racist utopia
Stalin wanted a socialist utopia.

>> No.3179925


You're the one who has to burn in hell. Don't blame others for your conflicting religions when God has given you a chance to repent your sins in this life.

>> No.3179933
File: 73 KB, 811x350, hitlerchristfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to wipe out an entire opposing religious group off the face of the earth
>not religious motives

>> No.3179936


I don't know about you, but I don't find it a big deal whether God made man out of dirt or a monkey. As an additional benefit, Bible would bloat terribly if the Almighty decided to explain to all those scholars what he did step by step, not to mention that these scholars might find it difficult to comprehend AND it would take away from mankind all the fun of discovering how universe works. Spoilers everywhere!

Admit it... would you like to read a book that started:
In the beginning, I had to set up some constants. Here's a list:...

>> No.3179938

the holocaust never happened
my dad showed me this video on youtube that explains the whole conspiracy

>> No.3179939
File: 87 KB, 1280x800, bibledoublethink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is because they doublethink. they are too fucking stupid to realise when they hold beliefs and ideas that conflict with each other.

>> No.3179941

Laughing faggots indeed.

Hitler did not kill Jews because of of their religious inclinations but because of their financial ones.

>> No.3179942

would I have read it

would I have trusted it more than a book where plants, which are dependent on light, are created before light?

>> No.3179943

>>3179874 >>3179874
>>3179874 >>3179874

No one responded to this :(

>> No.3179945


Yes, because I'd be reading it on Mars in my own personal castle, being waited on by robots.

Some of those constants too centuries to refine. I would like to get a head start.

>> No.3179948


how is hating an ethnicity or a religion in any way religious motive? You mean, like you hate religious people? Does that mean YOU have a religious motive?

Hey, do you have an urge to gas me?


>> No.3179953

how is hating a country which is predominantly a different religion a religious motive?
I mean, like you hate other religious people?
Does that mean YOU have a religious motive?

Hey, do you have an urge to FLY PLANES INTO BUILDINGS?

fullretard is a you, sir

>> No.3179957
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1289417261462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even read the fucking quote?
hitler was catholic, to him jews are 'christ killers'
his motive was religious.
My motive isn't. i just cant stand stupid gullible people who talk shit and yet somehow manage to be able to gain political power and win popular support.

>> No.3179960


>implying most atheists didn't used to be theists

12 years of catholic schooling here, bitch. Christianity and evolution *are* compatible, you just have to make up a bunch of bullshit to continue justifying the belief, since most Christians nowadays disregard 3/4 of the bible and 'interpret' the rest however they want to.

>> No.3179970

well consider the implications. There would be no science. At all. No progression, since everyone would already know everything.
No challenges. No struggles. No tests.
No fun.

>> No.3179974


During the last year of the war, Germany was in short supply of EVERYTHING.

How did they run the ovens?

>> No.3179975

it's still better than people getting killed because some faggot 2000 years ago didn't like homos, you fucking retard

>> No.3179977
File: 157 KB, 640x742, ygAft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cherrypickers gonna cherrypick.
I like how they just randomly do it on their own feelings and own natural sense of evolved morality.
If god did exist he would fuck them over in the afterlife for not doing as they were fucking told. And these morons still think they are 'saved'

>> No.3179980


Sure there would. No book could hold everything that ever was or will be.

It would be like playing a game. We'd know the basic rules, but knowing how to play is far removed from being a master.

We'd just be playing at a higher level. There would still be lots to explore.

>> No.3179988
File: 41 KB, 799x626, sciencevsfaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...thats what heaven is going to be like?
yeh, count me out.

>> No.3179991

Yeah, I see your point.
I mean, God couldn't just put in ONLY facts, not necessarily ALL THE FACTS, and I dunno
Not blatantly lie

There wouldn't be any fun if He who cannot lie didn't lie.

fuck you

>> No.3180007

>Christianity and evolution *are* compatible,

No they are not.

Catholicism and evolution are compatible, Christianity is for the corrupt and insane.

>> No.3180011

>Implying catholicism is not a subset of christianity
I think your internal database on religion is corrupted

>> No.3180013

>religion is for the insane

>> No.3180015


the rest of my post there was meant to convey that they are if you're a fucking moron.

>> No.3180018
File: 15 KB, 476x485, dontfeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did fucking well walking into that one, brah.
have you considered a career in landmine detection with the military?

>> No.3180020

I don't hate religious people in general, only those who want to kill me. Where did you get a different idea?

that's like your opinion, man. For being a catholic, hitler had an awful lot of people killed, including catholics. That makes him a non-catholic in my book.

also, I'd rather be gullible fool, than foam-at-mouth hater like you seem to be. Do you even see how you picked one single trait in people and give it absolute importance? Do you really think it was religion that caused all the bloody fights throghout the europe's history? Do you really think kings and clergymen and commanders sent their followers to death because they believed their God ordered them to and not because of their personal ambition?

>> No.3180028

>That makes him a non-catholic in my book.
so YOU decide what he believed or not?


>> No.3180036
File: 115 KB, 421x700, tumblr_l6vc8uEcAB1qd317yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you EK. But I was waiting for ages to post this.

So sorry.

>> No.3180039

You're a complete idiot and I hope you die soon and/or grow up

there's no reason for you to swear, and there's no reason for you to get angry. Nobody gives a damn what you think. The Biologist contributes far more here than you do with your banal mockery and total lack of rationality.

>> No.3180045
File: 13 KB, 424x351, 13635748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are supposed to post that when i am the one trolling, not when i recommend others to not feed trolls.

>> No.3180051


No, that's the way they think of it in Baptist America, not the rest of the world. Christians are the people that will come in the name of the Christ, who deceive many.

Calling yourself a Christian is like wearing a "proud to worship Satan" t-shirt.

>> No.3180061

No, your strawman version of Christianity is incompatible with evolution, which is completely unrelated to the fact that you are arguing like a high schooler who gets mad and starts cursing and insulting your opponents.

>> No.3180067

but we love gays. We just don't want them to fuck.

>> No.3180068

it states in the first fucking chapters that god created every creature by themselves, and man from clay

thus, if you believe the bible to true, you CAN NOT accept evolution
they are incompatible

unless you cherry pick, in which case you're fucking retarded anyway

>> No.3180073
File: 14 KB, 478x357, 126549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"grow up"
>"excuse me while i childishly impersonate you for a couple of days, mmmkay?"

>"there's no reason for you to get angry."
>"I hope you die soon"

>"Nobody gives a damn what you think."
>*lengthy angry response*

cool story bro.

>> No.3180075

>feeds trolls for 200 posts
>claims to be telling others not to feed them

Honestly, EK, it's not your pretentiousness, your self-righteousness or your just being a dumb cunt that makes me dislike you so much, it's your hypocrisy, because I know being over the internet you'll probably never be made to understand how much of a blatant hypocrite you're being and you're far too unintelligent to ever realize it yourself.

>> No.3180090

I don't find significant difference between creating a man from dirt or from a monkey. Problem?

yeah, you got me man, I have no idea. Maybe you can ask Him when you meet him? Was just a wild guess on my part anyway.

>> No.3180094

>childish impersonation
nope, proving a point. People keep thinking I'm you, while you claim that isn't possible if you're tripping. If you just used a new trip every day or just didn't use your name it wouldn't matter
>anger is wishing you die
nope. You're just a problem I would like to go away. You don't add anything, and give scepticism a bad image.

>implying that caring what you think is tantamount to caring that you post it here
I do not care whether you believe what you believe
I do care if you fag up my lovely board with it.

>> No.3180098

Many Christians treat the Bible as a guide using metaphor and allegory. Others do not. Those who do not are significantly more retarded than those who do.

Besides, what do you believe man evolved from, if not clay?

>> No.3180101

the fact is that they are incompatible
you thinking they are makes you an idiot, whether you take that as an insult or not is up to you

>> No.3180103
File: 46 KB, 310x386, tahdah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, im not feeding trolls. unless 'thebiologist' is a troll in which case 10/10 but trying)too_hard.jpg.

i'm no hypocrite, i just know religion is wrong. refute my points or STFU. there is a lot of points made in some of the images ive posted that are yet to be addressed.

>> No.3180104

>Calling yourself a Christian is like wearing a "proud to worship Satan" t-shirt.

I giggled.

>> No.3180106

Because it was too retarded to dignify a proper response.

>> No.3180115

And here I thought atheists were the non-dogmatic ones.

>> No.3180116

No, you dumb cunt, posting retarded image macros designed to be insulting is not the same thing as presenting an argument. If you would make one post summing up the most relevant points you think you made rather than telling me "LOL YOU CANT ARGUE WITH ME CUZ YOU DONT WANNA WADE THROUGH A SEA OF BULLSHIT" I would be happy to refute them.

>> No.3180120
File: 39 KB, 319x331, 1306954912262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in religion vs science thread. Not being a troll or feeding them.

>implying implications

>> No.3180122
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proving a point
the only point you are proving is that you are an insufferable little cunt. merely an irritating mosquito next to the awesomeness that is me, but slightly irritating nontheless.

>You're just a problem I would like to go away
give me a sec while i add that to the list of things i give zero fucks about.

>> No.3180127

which part of what I've said has been even remotely translateable to me being an atheist?

>> No.3180130


And all along, the holy spirit was just a big glob of god sperm. (Cuz, you know, mary had to get impregnated in a way that makes sense evolutionarily for your beliefs to be even remotely justified)

>> No.3180134

> i just know religion is wrong.
Just feel the need to point out how retarded this statement is. You don't know religion is wrong, you believe religion is wrong. If you "know" religion is wrong, your knowledge is just as pathetically dogmatic and unscientific as that of any Christian.

>> No.3180144

Do you mean to say that you aren't an atheist? If so, lol gtfo theist fucktard. If not, you're just too fucking retarded to understand that other people's beliefs are not exactly what you think they are, and that because you misunderstand their beliefs in a manner that makes them impossible does not mean they themselves believe such an impossibility.

>> No.3180147
File: 256 KB, 630x470, sciencevscreationism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am almost certain. as certain as I am that santa claus and the tooth fairy do not exist.

>> No.3180151

Insane Baptists Christianity: the earth IS 7000 years old.

Catholicism: "Oh look, a new metaphor. Whatever. We're a church."

>> No.3180161

Well, that's really stupid, as santa claus has been conclusively proven to not be real by the very perpetrators of the myth admitting so, whereas religion is still supported by those behind it and merely lacking proof in some areas. Still waiting on >>3180116 btw, although I'm sure you aren't going to respond because you know damn well you've just been spamming shitty image macros and haven't presented anything resembling an argument.

>> No.3180162

that image is funny in it that its "confirmation" panel applies probably to more scientists than you might think. Like you, for instance, if you were a scientists.

anyway, this thread was fun but I need to sleep. God bless you, brothers!

>> No.3180170

>Catholicism: "Oh look, a new metaphor. Whatever. We're a business."

>> No.3180177

EVERY western religion is a business.

>> No.3180178
File: 2.35 MB, 2736x3648, ST_NICHOLAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck you, this guy is fucking awesome.

>> No.3180182


>> No.3180188

and that makes it less despicable?
nigga please

>> No.3180243

That includes Muslims and the Jewish.

>> No.3180250

again, my question was
does that make it less despicable?

protip: it doesn't
a defense of "but they are doing it, too D:" is childish at best

>> No.3180372

Besides, that really wasn't the point I was trying to make. "They are all structured to be a business" was what I was trying to imply, not just "they do it too."