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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 422 KB, 1407x660, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3179640 No.3179640 [Reply] [Original]

What the fucking fuck.
read the facebook post.

>> No.3179732

fucking rage
did they dox him?

>> No.3179749
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>> No.3179756

the fuck?

>> No.3179758
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Forced sterilization.

I know it sounds harsh but we all know it's the right thing to do.

>> No.3179762

>lots of things emit radiation, tanning beds, microwaves, etc.


>> No.3179794

It's OK, the 98% of human beings that he mentioned are the 98% that will live their lives in blissful ignorance and never care how anything works or appreciate the beauty of science.

>> No.3179812
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>what can i say, "great minds think alike" lol.

>> No.3179813
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Lucky them.
I wish I could return to my blissful ignorance...

>> No.3179863
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Meanwhile, at the meeting of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China...

>> No.3179865
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>> No.3179885
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rage bump

>> No.3179911


>> No.3179916


>> No.3179940

And why is 2012 Hawking's thing?

>> No.3179944

Their ignorance has left me speechless. I'm going to need a minute to recover from it.

>> No.3179954

They are right, the theoretical physics departament are ruining the economy.
They expend a way too much money into their theories.

>> No.3179956

>>and id like to kick stephen hawkings frickin wheelchair over and see how smart he was about that. lol

I particularly enjoy his line of reasoning here

>> No.3179962
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Guy really is obsessed with roasted things.

>> No.3179971

/b/ is in the process of destroying their lives.


>> No.3179972
File: 97 KB, 418x384, 1288916948494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my and my dad's face when

>> No.3179979

Allright, that's that then. Can all scientists please leave america now, we're nuking this shit from orbit.

>> No.3179983

anon should make craigslist contact for them, they deserve it

>> No.3179984

Let me guess, they probably know Stephen Hawking only from Futurama.

>> No.3179985

what the fucking shit. that is just fucking disrespect. I would love to inflict pain upon those imbeciles.


>> No.3179992

I couldn't handle reading through all of it.
I just skimmed it and the rage was still overwhelming.

>> No.3179994

Idiots don't watch Futurama.

>> No.3180000
File: 259 KB, 400x518, haircut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melanie and Kevin will be dead in 7 days.

>> No.3180004

>Idiots watch Futurama, even if they don't understand 99% of the witty jokes and social criticism.
FTFY. The same with The Simpsons I'd say (at least the older seasons).

>> No.3180009

Serious question though, lol. Why is this so importent to us? I can't imagine we'll ever get to travel to black holes haha. I don't agree with those faggots completely, but come on /sci/, they're not completely wrong either.

>> No.3180010

>>Hey /sci/ it's that time again, post your final grades here if you have em.
>>social studies
>>are you in middle school?


did you perhaps intend to link between boards

>> No.3180017

So close, but so far away.

>> No.3180024

He tried to guess his own post number, but missed by one digit. Poor guy.

>> No.3180033

>this thread
My faith in humanity is ebbing.

>> No.3180041
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Ummm I'm going to have to bump. Halp /sci/!

>> No.3180050


Mine was draining fast too, then it went up a bit when I realized the hell these people were about to get from /b/.

Then it went down again when I realized I was actually cheering on /b/.

>> No.3180054

well at least they know him. Nobody, not even the tutors, from my 1st year medicine study group knew him.

>> No.3180059
File: 112 KB, 460x321, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the earth is NOT going to run out of natural resources, we are NOT experiencing "global warming".

>> No.3180072

The fuck are you talking about? Black hole cosmology is one of the newest areas of science there is; there isn't any practical applications yet, but you don't know whats going to happen in a couple hundred years.

They also ragged on quantum mechanics - our understanding of which forms a fundamental foundation on huge portions of modern life, from predicting your weather, to playing music on your iPod. Semiconductors today are manufactured on the scale of 100 nanometers (plus or minus an order of magnitude) - thats the quantum world.

>> No.3180083
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>> No.3180088

Link to the thread on /b/ please?

>> No.3180089

Dunning-Krueger everywhere in this bitch.

>> No.3180112

These people are the kind of ignorant troglodytes who consider The Situation and Snookie to be role models, and their shitting all over someone who has contributed more to humanities total knowledge base than most of the world combined. It wouldn't matter if they were talking about Sagan or Einstein or Dr. King or Gandhi, they would still be an embarrassment to the human race and it would cause just as much rage to see them trying to felate themselves like this.

>> No.3180125

I think I undersand a little more why Socrates didn't approved of sophists...

>We will not run out of ressources
What's Eastearn Island Alex?
>98% of people won't hear of that
How the fuck does that means it's not important?
>Why don't they try to solve the economy?
Yeah, politicans and corporations listen all the time to scientists not going their way

So much things... Must relax... 1...2...3........4 .......5.......

>> No.3180132
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>kevmo terms

>> No.3180157

It sure is refreshing to see /b/ fighting for a fair cause.

>> No.3180164

I can't even get mad at this, I just get sad. Why don't people want to reach their true potential? Why do they not want to progress? Why?
Oh Carl, soothe my pain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY59wZdCDo0&feature=feedf

>> No.3180169


>> No.3180175
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>> No.3180176
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>mfw i actually agree with them
They've been playing too much fallout though.

>> No.3180179


>> No.3180203



>> No.3180213
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I second this notion.

>> No.3180255
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Stand back.

Melanie and Kevin will be dead in 7 days.


>> No.3180277


>> No.3180302

great job, now the police will be on to us

wait, this is /sci/, we're not /x/, we're supposed to be rational 20 year old nerds!

>> No.3180317

new thread

>> No.3180333

oh nigga please, that's not even impressive
trips, and you're a fag
fucking kids these days

>> No.3180354
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>it's fucking beautiful

>> No.3180355
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Melanie and Kevin will be scientifically proven idiots in 7 days?


>> No.3180374

/sci/ moves slow enough that these feats aren't that impressive.


>> No.3180379

how? why? whaaaaat?

>> No.3180386

>he actually managed to fail at this shit

>>3180444 here
you're a fag

>> No.3180390

Do you have so little self esteem that you have to derive self worth from looking down on other people?

>> No.3180404
File: 2 KB, 121x127, 1300820819543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have any friends on facebook say something as fucking batshit retarded as OP's image EVER

>> No.3180409

can't even properly articulate my hate for these people


also the fact that they end up complimenting each other makes me nauseous

>> No.3180410
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>> No.3180411


>> No.3180444

damn straight, nigga

>> No.3180525

is any progress whatsoever made here?

>> No.3180537

>forgot he was on 4chan
>confuses idleness with idolatry

>> No.3180555


>> No.3180566

Some one should shoop this so that they're talking about Einstein, relativity, and how his "theories" have nothing to do with life in the year 1916.

>> No.3180612
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Captcha: Möbius Pople,

>> No.3180827

Anyone up to date with this? Would love to see what the consequences of such retardation

>> No.3180848

Consequences? They will just have retarded offspring in about 10 years from now. You know, more retarded than them.

>> No.3180871

bump for consequences

>> No.3180872
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not if i get my wish

>> No.3180887
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>> No.3180890

/b/ seemed to be handling things well in their original thread - it went downhill from there because summerfags gonna summerfag?

PMs to Melanie Baker's Facebook profile seem least effective and it will be a couple days until she gets all the boxes/etc.

>> No.3180891
File: 28 KB, 720x480, 1291764473249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got that right..............ULTIMATE POWAR

>> No.3180894


Found the new thread


>> No.3180900
File: 32 KB, 800x600, 1307319293118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image from /b/

>> No.3180904
File: 73 KB, 600x800, 1305351658613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw melanie becomes a CC student and struggles to pass the algebra requirements

>> No.3180910

Hey guys, we should go /b/ on them

And hunt them down and sterilize them.

>> No.3180918

you do that

take pictures
since, you know, anon is legion and all that

>> No.3180923

Wait... I saw this on /sci/ about 12 hours ago.
Are you telling me that it got posted here, was raged over, then got posted on /b/, got raged over, and is now on /sci/ and being considered OC?

>> No.3180926


>> No.3180962

She does have a point.

Theoretical physics really have no practical application. Having a few fancy equations is fine but does nothing to better the condition of the public.

>> No.3180974


>> No.3180976


Don't be a fucking retard, that logic implies never trying to improve and search for answers.

We have absolutely no idea and cannot predict the implications of discoveries. By finding out such knowledge the possibilities for advancement and improvement to society is unmeasurable (could be little, could be immense).

I know it's hard for bad science/math students to imagine how certain possibilities or discoveries could potentially revolutionize the world, but proper con/sci/entious people do.

>> No.3180980

You couldn't be more wrong.
Without them we wouldn't have things like MRI machines

>> No.3180989

hahaha well.

I tried explaining to my old roommate why research is the most important function of our university. He was very incredulous.
what can you do

>> No.3180990


I don't mind research if it means better medicine or better cell phones. Theoretical physics however, is just a curiosity with no real direction or purpose.

The public at large shouldn't be forced to subsidize scientific curiosities for the satisfaction of a few.

>> No.3180993


They're right you know. At least study in fields that will be useful for humanity like chemistry or biology. Or pick a field of physics that isnt completely fucking useless.

>> No.3181001

You're an idiot. Plain and simple.
The discoveries made in those "useless" fields are used as the basis for our greatest technology.

>> No.3181009


Do you not understand how the answers theoretical physicists are trying to find directly correlate to every area you want improvements?

Do i really have to think of an example and how it could potentially revolutionize the world?

Is the origins of life really that irrelevant? Is the explanation of reality just stupid?

Think about how particle knowledge could have direct implications for chemistry and in turn medicine.
Just because you cannot see the utility behind something doesn't mean there isn't any...

>> No.3181014

>satisfaction of a few
You mean humanity from Day 1? I could say the exact same thing about video games, since they're a giant waste of time and money. However, the development of GPUs have helped my research in a tremendous way. If every scientific endeavor was required to have some foreseeable usefulness for the masses, we'd be horribly stunted technologically.

>> No.3181031

The NSF is poorly funded anyway. Relocating that money to ease the debt crisis would do nothing.
Take it out on the defense budget instead.

>> No.3181034

jesus christ you neckbeards be more mad

>> No.3181052

>try to make an argument
>get torn apart
>"uh....you guise mad. jokes on you!"

>> No.3181058


Then look into fields relating to everyday activity then. If your idea of research is gambling with talent and resources, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


Wow, all that "knowledge" and no common sense. Research is expensive and drains needed talent from other more practical fields. If you don't understand that, you have no right to talk about "utility".


I don't advocate public funding for video games. If you want so spend time on hobbies, don't use other people's money.

>> No.3181060

more please, not enough mad just yet

>> No.3181068

guys, you should stop rubbing those sticks together, nothing valuable to human progress will come of it
go catch a mammoth instead, come on

>> No.3181075


I'm publicly funded (NSF grant) to do research in math that has absolutely no connection to a real world problem. U MAD?

>> No.3181077

What will rubbing sticks together be useful for? I'd rather you spend your time doing something useful like figuring out ways to make them pointier.
Waste of time

>> No.3181082

This is what you guys look like when you shit on other people's choice of study and other's ignorance in science. Same shit, different faggots.

>> No.3181085

Wow, way to nitpick the thing that WASN'T the point I was trying to make.

>> No.3181089

does she even realize she's trolling?

>> No.3181102

You won't be saying that when the large hadron collider recreates the first billionths of a second of the big bang theory. That'll sure as hell change things, you fuckstain.

>> No.3181116


They spell better than most of the usual idiots, so I'm OK with them.

>> No.3181125
File: 165 KB, 1024x768, melanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, faggots, I'm working on hacking Melanie's email account right now.

>> No.3181286
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>> No.3181365

>Script kiddy

>> No.3181944

So... what happened?

>> No.3181956


yeah... that should work...


>> No.3182010

>unnatural looking hair

ugly bitch detected

>> No.3182450

bump for interest

>> No.3182455

sage for disinterest

>> No.3182969


>> No.3182997
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>> No.3183052

lol, that's what /b/ has been become.
In the old days, she'd be experiencing something quite different.

>> No.3183072

>this thread.

This is why I am a historyfag.
Humanity just repeats itself and all of its stupidity, just in different forms.

No one looks to the future, or to the past. They always think of the present, forgetting the past and repeating mistakes or not thinking ahead and failing in the future.

Learning more and more about history just makes me hate humanity even more, and laugh at it.
It's going to be even more worse now because geniuses are allowing retards to live longer and breed safely and as long as that can happen they will outweigh intellectuals.

Stupid people will end humanity, not smart people.

>> No.3183076

Faggot detected.

>> No.3183295

Well, she certainly wouldn't be in need of pizza, right? Christ, like /b/ was ever THE FINAL ULTIMATE BOSS OF TEH INTERNETS LOL XD SO RANDUMB. /b/ is kids, and has always been kids.

>> No.3183308

I was a /b/tard about 4 years ago. They were just as childish then as they are now

>> No.3183316


Then stop thinking for a bit and lets start making babies!