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File: 31 KB, 300x300, dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3178781 No.3178781 [Reply] [Original]

So why do people still celebrate dubs?

>> No.3178793
File: 14 KB, 252x295, youratroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't
>dat picture
this best be a troll thread

>> No.3178796

That only roughly applies on fast moving boards like /b/

>> No.3178817

the picture is right. you have to be an idiot not see that

>> No.3178825
File: 2 KB, 126x101, srisly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>singles: 1/1

>> No.3178826


EK is quite young. I would put her somewhere like 15-17.

>> No.3178840

and you replied to me and then talked about me in 3rd person... theres a fail in there somewhere.

>> No.3178855

>implying you can have a post number that doesn't end with a number

>> No.3178858


>> No.3178862

Why does EK respond to trolls?

>> No.3178863
File: 5 KB, 158x152, 1293933670618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post was doubles. ergo it was not singles. a post cannot simultaneously be both doubles and singles.

>> No.3178868

There is a difference is reference and address my dear.

You act too childishly to sound 20 yo.

>> No.3178870


>> No.3178872

It's how trolls reproduce. "Trolls trolling trolls" is trollsex, or even a troll orgy depending on the number of trolls involved.

>> No.3178883

>implying 3178855 doesn't have a single 5 at the end

>> No.3178887

>>3178840 20

Happy belated birthday, was it recent?

>> No.3178889

singles is not 1/1

>> No.3178892

Yeah yes it can. 55 is doubles but also a single 5

>> No.3178891

dubz get

>> No.3178895

> My post ended with xywz

There was a chance of 1 to 9999 that I was right.

>> No.3178902

what is it then? doubles is still made up of singles.

>> No.3178908


>> No.3178914

This post is numbered 3178909

>> No.3178917

lol, keeping track are we?
it wasn't that recent. t'was in february.
but thankyou.

shut the fuck up, i am not arguing over this. by your logic if i get quads then the post is simultaneously quads, triples, doubles and singles at the same time.
if you get quads and i comment going "nice trips bro" then it would be perfectly reasonable for someone to go "wtf lol, those are quads not trips" and then being a fucking aspie, you'd be like "ah, but it is both quads and trips! hurr durr!"
no it fucking isnt!
the post is the highest GET denomination it can achieve, it is not all of them put together.
jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3178918

>theres a fail in there somewhere

There is... he paid attention to an attention whore. Unfortunately I'm doing the same thing by replying.

As for your post, there's even more fail in there:
* you failed to understand that he was not replying to your post, only referencing it, you self-centered idiot
* punctuation
* "a fail"... either say "a failure", or use "fail" as a non-countable, e.g. full of fail

btw, it's almost impressive that you even manage to get lurkers to despise you

>> No.3178923


>> No.3178926

Quads has trips in it. Deal with it.

>> No.3178927
File: 25 KB, 472x352, yami_yugi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessing the number on a single post = Saying doubles

If anything, singles > doubles

Also, 5.

>> No.3178935

this post is the age i will die at

>> No.3178932

Actually, the odds of getting singles is 9/10 as 1/1 is practically 100%

>> No.3178930

trips get.

>> No.3178940

doubles is singles. you can't prove me wrong.

>> No.3178942


3178935 years. Nice.

>> No.3178943



>> No.3178944

he's right, you idiot.

>> No.3178945


>> No.3178946

Palindrome gets are my favorite.

>> No.3178951

as i suspected

>dyou can't prove me wrong.

>> No.3178960

dubs get.

>> No.3178965


>> No.3178968

Not keeping track persay, just remembered last time you mentioned age in my presence it was different.

>> No.3178970

Of course I can. Dubs are not singles. Is like saying that 66 = 6, and we know it isn't. Also, if dubs are singles, then trips are dubs; quads are trips; Quints are quads, and so on.

>> No.3178977

Odds of getting just singles and no more is <span class="math">\sum_{n=1}^{7}\frac{9}{10^n}[/spoiler] considering seven digits in the post.

>> No.3178986

Let me explain with the example of this post, EK.

When you are being trolled by the OP, the indignation of being right about any opinion concerning whatever he posts is Childish. Adults don't act like that. Learn to be cool. Learn to ignore. Act your age.

>> No.3178994


If it's not doubles, it's triples, or quads, or whatever

it's always 9/10

>> No.3178990

>implying there is a total probability of 1.1111
yo, that ain't right.
etc, because a triple is no a double, and a double not a single.

>> No.3178989

i get it. you need to take out the occurrence of the other combinations to find the probability of one

>> No.3179006

When you get dubs you are also getting singles. when you get trips you are also getting dubs and singles and so on. the fact that we choose to pay attention to one in particular is irrelevent. Ergo OP's pic is right.

>> No.3179008

Why do you think they call singles, "singles". Because they're not 2 number. Because they're just 1. Ergo, dubs are just dubs as there're 2 numbers. Trips are just trips as there're 3 numbers. And so on.

>> No.3179009

yeh, i realised i did it backwards. you guys aready started replying when i deleted it.
you are correct.

>> No.3179014
File: 74 KB, 400x362, somfin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other words, everytenth post IS SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE MATERIAL.

>just not in the same thread

>> No.3179015


>> No.3179024

Actually, yes. There are not 2 post in the same thread with the same number.

>> No.3179029

>in the same thread
*in the same board

>> No.3179034

>did it backwards
I didn't see that/read the thread, I thought I'd just pop in and argue semantics. It's pretty obvious the only reason people actually find them interesting is due to their improbability despite the fact that everything is improbable, and because of their perceived order being so unusual when post numbers normally seem disordered. I could just as well say oh wow, my post ends in 36! what are the chances! and be just as right.

>> No.3179057
File: 164 KB, 522x337, cordyceps..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you just say yes, without the actually? It makes you sound like you're being smarter than what you're commenting on, when you've done nothing but added supporting evidence and are subjugated.

>> No.3179063

Correct, to clarify:

If a two-digit number is not a singles GET, it's because the digit in the tenths place is the same as the ones place, making it a double. Odds of the tens place being the same as the ones: <span class="math">1/10[/spoiler], leaving <span class="math">9/10[/spoiler] chance of it being singles.

If a three-digit number is not singles, it's either dubs (<span class="math">1/10[/spoiler]) or trips, which adds another digit's odds to the mix, and so the probability of it being trips is <span class="math">1/10 \cdot 1/10 = 1/100[/spoiler]. Add the chance of it being dubs and not trips: <span class="math">1/100 + 9/100 = 10/100 = 1/10[/spoiler], making the chance to be singles <span class="math">9/10[/spoiler] yet again.