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File: 36 KB, 446x282, Salt feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3178730 No.3178730 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I was wondering if you could enlighten me.
I was enjoying dinner with my parents when my dad, who has low blood pressure, initiated this conversation:

>Dad: Did you add any salt to this food, anon's mum?
>Mum: No, I didn't
>Dad: OK, I need to watch out on my high blood pressure!
>Me: You know Dad, adding salt to things isn't bad. It's a complementary thing
>Dad: Silly anon, salt is bad for the body. that's why fat people get fat - it's all their added salt in processed foods. Hell, Even a couple of slices of bread contains nearly enough salt to reach your GDA. Salt is stuffed into things all the time nowadays. Maybe if you were in a jungle and could only survive on fruit, then salt would be important then, but i'm just speculating.
>Mum: Oh, and babies aren't meant to be fed weetabix on its own because it has too much salt.
>Me: Wow, that's weird. And dad, you do know that salt is essential for the body, right?
>Dad: Well it isn't essential, so to speak

So this conversation made me a little angry, and was cut short because arguing with my dad is like arguing with a brick wall.
What I want to know is: Was I wrong to disagree with what my dad was saying? Salt is essential for the body in what way? Could there really be that much salt in food, that adding salt is dangerous? I really don't think it is, because the right amount of salt is sweet, but too much is, well, salty. Do the facts presented by my dad make sense, or do they not?

I welcome your replies, /sci/ducks.

>> No.3178739

He's right, you're wrong.

>> No.3178735

also, *low blood pressure in the greentext.
or high... whichever one is the bad one.

>> No.3178747

care to elaborate?

>> No.3178748

Salt is particularly bad for those with blood pressure problems. Less so for other people. But you get plenty of salt in your veggies and meat. Should only need to add more into diet if particularly active/sweaty

>> No.3178749

For one thing, common salt (NaCl) contains two ions essentials for cells functions (nerve impulse for instance). He was right though when he said salt is overused in packed food.

>> No.3178750

He's right. Salt is terrible for blood pressure.

>> No.3178751

Too much or too little will kill you, but it IS essential. And he is right, it is added to everything now (along with fat).

>> No.3178755

There is tons of salt already in food, and when you add salt it becomes even worse. Also you are kind of an asshole for trying to say your dad is wrong and feed him some bullshit about how the body needs salt.

of course it needs salt but not excessive amounts, which is what you get when you add salt to the already too much salt in most foods.

>> No.3178756

>You know Dad, adding salt to things isn't bad. It's a complementary thing

Can you please expand on your point here. What do you mean by complimentary thing

>> No.3178757


there is enough salt in foods, you dont need to add any. too much salt is bad for you (having no salt at all causes you to die a horrible painful death, but pretty much all food we consume has a little bit of salt, so dont worry about this.)

>> No.3178767

>hey I can read wikipedia I'm so smart, gather round children I will teach you.

Fuck off whorebitchslutface

>> No.3178768

It makes everything taste good though

>> No.3178769

also, this:

>> No.3178770

a couple of potato chips would probably be enough for your daily needs if there's no sodium in any other food you eat. Your dad is more right than you.

>> No.3178775


Wrong. It makes everything taste like salt. I don't get it when people say salt brings out flavour. It doesn't. it just adds the flavour of salt and overwhelms any other flavour.

>> No.3178778

wikipedia is a really good source actually. fuck off with all the 'any one can edit it' crap, it is well moderated.
the articles are very clear and to the point.
and my opologies if you intended to derail this thread and make it an EK hate thread, because i'm going to have to disapoint you as I have to cook food in a minute.

>> No.3178779

OK guys, thanks for the feedback. I wasn't saying that salt was good to add, or that it should be added, its just that adding salt isnt disastrous, and its relatively OK. But then again by dad does have blood pressure problems, so yeah he would have to be careful. I was just tryig to make a general point, not just aimed at my dad.

Also the thing about manufactured foods sounds awful. Is it really as bad as my dad specifically said? Because thats kinda unthinkable.

I meant that it's complementary as in it makes food generally tastier.

>> No.3178784

a little bit of extra salt will probably do no harm, but it isnt necessary. best to avoid it if he already has high blood pressure. just in case.

>> No.3178782

Salt doesn't make you fat however. That just doesn't make sense.

>> No.3178790

>implying I was criticising wikipedia and not you.


>I meant that it's complementary as in it makes food generally tastier.

So you have nothing to say about the health effects of salt. then you'e not even arguing with your dad.

>> No.3178791

And processed food are bad mostly because of the added nitrates, which are carcinogens.

>> No.3178795

i have to disagree. Salt is almost like lighting up a dish for me. It could just be psychologial, but i doubt it.

>> No.3178797

It does compliment other flavors. Particularly sweetness.

>> No.3178798

Wikipedia is a good source only to start off your research and nothing more.d

>> No.3178803

Can you please go into detail about how salt "brings out flavour" as opposed to just adding the flavour of salt. When I put salt on food. I taste salt. I don't taste enhanced existing flavours. Instead I taste flavours clouded by the flavour of salt. Are my tastebuds broken by crappy food?

>> No.3178805

So you're talking about combining different flavours. I'm referring to people who put salt on things that are already savoury or salty.

>> No.3178811

Your body needs salt as it helps your body retain water (yes it initially dehydrates you).

If you are doing a strenuous task for a long period of time and you don't have enough salt, "staying hydrated" is significantly more difficult than if you have salt. Your sweat has salt in it for a reason.

Show your dad this:

Salt is not bad for you in the right amounts, instead it's a requirement.

>> No.3178816

Adding salt to highlight other flavors probably works similarly to increasing contrast to notice nipples better, or adding base to add body to a guitar riff.

>> No.3178819

He is right, and you are quite wrong when it comes to your questions.

>> No.3178821

it absorbs moisture. therefore making the food more flavorful. however, adding, lots of salt to dry foods will just make it taste salty. actually, eating food late at night makes food taste better also, because you produce less salvia then. most simply, "watered down" food doesnt taste as good.

>> No.3178827

Yes, your tastebuds suck.

>> No.3178832

>eating food late at night makes food taste better also, because you produce less salvia then.
holy shit this might be part of the reason eating food when youre high is so awesome

>> No.3178845

Weed has a chemical (I think THC?) that blocks hormones/whatever tells your body that youre hungry. So you just eat shitloads. That also goes towards it.

>> No.3178859
File: 15 KB, 210x227, 1304622276693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK thanks guys, I guess it's concluded that I'm in the wrong here. I suck.

>> No.3178878

But the amount of moisture it absorbs is negligible to affect the taste. You have to add substantial amounts and that's when you just get the taste of salt.

>> No.3178873

The problem is that many people think that there is a correlation between blood pressure and dietary salt intake for healthy human beings, which is false. Salt is known to have raised blood pressure in some individuals who already have a cardiovascular problem, though, and that is why your father shouldn't eat excessive amounts of salt.

>> No.3178880

intelligent input

>> No.3178881
File: 18 KB, 359x316, 1301084817997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, go back to /b/ please.
your 12 and I don't like you.

>> No.3178897
File: 59 KB, 755x308, grammarnaziyouryoure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3178898
File: 17 KB, 203x300, 1307277125011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It answered the question-

no wait, i see your point.

>> No.3178906

I love you.

>> No.3178916

imply people don't make mistakes even when they know what is right.

>> No.3178929


Strictly speaking, low blood pressure or high blood pressure is bad.

But if live somewhere like america, high blood pressure is astronomically more prevalent than low.

Salt raises your blood pressure. If his blood pressure is low, then it's "okay".

>> No.3178936
File: 70 KB, 407x405, 1296249207357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(used informally to indicate all members of a group, occupation, etc., or things of a particular type): Take your factory worker, for instance. Your power brakes don't need that much servicing.


So, come at me bro?

>> No.3178937

in the non sarcastic way, or in the 'this is a daily reminder' kind of way?

>> No.3178948
File: 87 KB, 600x600, fuckingretarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fucking idiot. shut the fuck up.

>> No.3178959

Daily reminder/I sniff your used semen tissues.

>> No.3178962

Will EK meet someone who loves her on the Internet? Will EK try to stop acting as if threads are proper form of interactions with other human beings? Find out in the next thread that EK will spam!

Let this thread die, several answers have been given.

>> No.3178966

you know what table salt is NaCl

thats right sodium a thing that catches fire when put in water and chlorine the main component of mustard gas a chemical neurotoxin released in WW 1. which retard would ever claim that this could be good for the body.

>> No.3178974

EK's ass is mine!

>> No.3178972

>>Me: Wow, that's weird. And dad, you do know that salt is essential for the body, right?
>>Dad: Well it isn't essential, so to speak

if your dad said this he was being pretty dumb

>>sweat: full of salt
>>urine: full of salt

so where exactly does your dad think you'd get all this salt from if not for your diet...?

salt acts as a buffer, keeps your bodily fluids from becoming too acidic or too basic

not to mention both sodium and potassium have important roles in muscle function and cellular chemical transport

>> No.3178976

Pottassiumchloride tastes better

>> No.3178988

>>which retard would ever claim that this could be good for the body.

I assume you're just joking
the ocean is full of salt and so is everything that lives there or ever lived there

>> No.3178995


>> No.3179000
File: 1 KB, 126x126, 1288648399562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, he's a girl.

>> No.3179021

No no, he's a thing.

>> No.3179027

My dad is quite old, and doesn't have a full understanding of the biological 'give and take' business, so he hasn't fully gripped the concept of it being essential. I don't blame him, he isn't naturally studious. He's a fucking god when it comes to understanding practical stuff like building and plumbing systems though.

>> No.3179052


When somebody points out EKs grammar mistakes in an argument with her it slips by, but when EK points out a grammar error in a post that gives nothing to the discussion it's a big no-no?

Grow up, and don't just hate EK because the big boys do so.

>> No.3179122

If EK is hated, then why is she Namefag?

>> No.3179151

maybe she doesn't want to stop just because of some immature idiots?

also, learn to sage

>> No.3179177

It's aledged that it's female, but it talks like a man. Besides, there's no internet in the kitchen.

>> No.3179212

gone anonymous, have we, EK?

>> No.3179216

What do you mean talks like a man they talk the same.

>> No.3179234

Nope. There's a definite difference that you can gauge as time goes by between men and women.

>> No.3179324

She's a self confessed tomboy. But i agree that she isnt particularly lady-like.

>> No.3179347

Sodium and chloride are both electrolytes, without which your body would cease to function. Both of these electrolytes are ingested in the form of common table salt. Your dad is a fucktard who argues without having all the facts.