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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3176879 No.3176879 [Reply] [Original]

Information Library thread

>> No.3176886

Awesome and saved.

>> No.3176890

This probably kills you.

>> No.3176896

Chlorine + Alcohol = Explosion retard.


>> No.3176899

only if you forget to run.

>> No.3176901

Enjoy your "glowstick".

>> No.3176948

Never make anything you find the recipe for on 4chan

>> No.3177047


What about the delicious muffin recipe that uses tree bark and glue?

>> No.3177138

Do you have that awesome one for making crystals?

>> No.3177143
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>> No.3177145

Does anyone have anything like OP but it works and doesn't kill you?
Glow-stuff is awesome

>> No.3177146
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>> No.3177150

I have heard of that one. It makes chlorine gas, not crystals. It kills you.

>> No.3177156
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>> No.3177161

>>>/b/ is that way

>> No.3177160
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>> No.3177167
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>> No.3177173

I was taught NEVER to mix bleach and ammonia in middle school.
Am I the only one?

>> No.3177179

It is sickening that people are so horrible that they make such images to try to trick people into seriously injuring themselves, or commiting suicide.

>> No.3177181

Weed out the weak and stupid.

>> No.3177182
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You're new to 4chan, aren't you?

>> No.3177201

Fairly new. Is this kind of thing common?

>> No.3177204

anyone has the picture depicting the recipe to make 'crystals' with copper coins
you know the one were you actually make small amount of phosgene

>> No.3177208

Haha, this is 4chan being nice.
You seriously haven't seen anything like this yet?
Puppies being thrown into rivers, rabbits being sat on, all kinds of depravity imaginable.
It is known as the asshole of the internet for a reason.

>> No.3177212
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>> No.3177220

Does anyone have the nitroglycerin/banana cookie recipe?

>> No.3177224

Spoon explodes right?
Or did the duct tape just melt and burn him?
I did similar with a plate once, accidentally turned the hob on when a plate was on top. It got red hot so my immediate reaction was to turn hob off and put the plate under the tap.
Shards of porcelain everywhere.

>> No.3177233

its archived, but 4chanarchive is down it seems

>> No.3177234

If you do it 'right' the spoon turns into a shrapnel grenade.
If you do it 'wrong' you'd likely have welts because of the heat.

>> No.3177238


the cameraman is a fucktard and doesnt show the outcome, but it seems legit

>> No.3177242

I tend to stay away from the boards that are disgusting. This board never has that kind of material on it.

>> No.3177246

You weren't there for that huge furry shit dump?

>> No.3177250

No. When was it? What is furry?

>> No.3177252
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>What is furry?
Oh jesus

>> No.3177255

u best be trollin, tripfag

>> No.3177254

I smith metal as a hobby. I don't see what the hell would happen, the process seems like tempering steel.

>> No.3177262

Furry is soft hair I think. Like furry animals, like rabbits and things.

>> No.3177267
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>> No.3177268
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Boy are you in for a rude awakening

>> No.3177272

Picture fat greasy people that dress up like stuffed animals for sex, mostly men.

>> No.3177273

What the hell is that?

>> No.3177276

Dress as animals for sex? Why?

>> No.3177277
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'That' is furry.

>> No.3177280

We don't want to know.

Why do you want to know more?

>> No.3177283

This webpage has a pretty good explanation.

>> No.3177282

wellcome to the internet

>> No.3177286

Not animals, stuffed toys, like the toys you would win from a crane machine.

It's sort of like using Disney characters for a bestiality session, however bestiality probably is cleaner and smells better.

>> No.3177287

Fine, nevermind. Some people are just wierd I guess.

>> No.3177291

Sauce on this?

>> No.3177293

This sh*t belongs to /b/...

where you might actually get someone stupid (or sick) enough to try this stuff...

>> No.3177295

It was on that wierd website that the guy posted here, with the African american guy who drinks a lot of milk.

>> No.3177297

>implying /sci/ is better than /b/

>> No.3177299


omg, lol
this site is so epic
i'm gonna have to spread it

>> No.3177300
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Welcome to the internet. I will be your instructor this afternoon.

Our first lesson will be to scroll to the bottom of this page while keeping your eyes on it at all times. Report back what you see.


>> No.3177306

Oh my god! What the hell is wrong with you!?? There was just animals and girls and stuff, and then loads of smaller images with loads of absolutely disgusting things on it. I am not scrolling any further!

>> No.3177307
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>>3177234If you do it 'right' the spoon turns into a shrapnel grenade.
>>3177234If you do it 'wrong' you'd likely have welts because of the heat.

If you do it at all you get splashed with water.

Nothing more.

I'm fucking disappointed you actually think a spoon will explode.

>> No.3177308


Harriet = underage troll

>> No.3177309
File: 38 KB, 591x346, 1276511841633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You decided to browse 4chan.

Realize that this universe is not a kind place.

>> No.3177311


Depending on the quality of the metal, it actually could for much the same reason glass does when subjected to sudden temperature changes. At the very least someone is getting steam burns.

>> No.3177312

well, I suppose with all of the attempts by /b/ to get somebody to do that, it would work eventually

>> No.3177314

>implying Harriet isn't EK
>implying you're not being trolled hard

>> No.3177315

I scrolled all the way down, it was so much fun.
Thank you, anon.
You just made my day.

>> No.3177316

Oh my god! That is awful. Why did he not just delete his Bebo page?

>> No.3177317


>> No.3177318

No but she is my housemate. I am not trolling, that genuinly is disgusting. There is something wrong with you if you find that kind of thing acceptable.

>> No.3177320
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It's painfully obvious that you're a troll.

And most likely you're just EK.

>> No.3177321

If you post any personal information on the internet, it's forever.

>> No.3177323

You... probably shouldn't be here.

>> No.3177324

How am I the troll? Is Inurdaes not the troll for posting links to disgusting content?

>> No.3177326

Ok, here are your choices:


Pick one.

>> No.3177327
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I'm not even reading your posts anymoar.


>> No.3177329

We have all seen the disgusting content before, and we've seen it so often we can scroll softly down the entire page.

>> No.3177330

Disliking gruesome images does not make me stupid.

>> No.3177331

I can fap to this.

>> No.3177332


So you're EK then.

>> No.3177335

Maybe I'm not informed about the tripfags,
but could anyone please explain, why you assume that
Harriet and EK are the same person?

>> No.3177337

No. In fact she is probably the type of person to troll other people by posting similar images herself.

>> No.3177338

No, but coming to 4chan and getting offended by anything pretty much does make you stupid, like constantly sticking a fork into an electric outlet.

>> No.3177343

If you don't know how to check the IP address for every post, you need to lurk moar.

>> No.3177352

Lurking moar is what makes me become a mod?

>> No.3177358

No, but if you lurked more, you would know why you don't need to be a mod.

>> No.3177359

Ok, what's my IP?

>> No.3177360


>implying you need to do a lookup to spot EK

>implying EK is a whale

>> No.3177362

How do you check IP addresses?

>> No.3177363

>not getting banned today

>> No.3177365

I got b& yesterday

>> No.3177371

We don't see your address, we can get a code that looks like "3ef5f678tg23h67d4590" and whenever "3ef5f678tg23h67d4590" comes up, we know it's samefag no matter what trips you use.

It fails when you can change your I.P., unless you use a trip.

>> No.3177391


Oh EKarriet, you so silly.

>> No.3177398

Hello guys <3

>> No.3177402

We are not the same person. There was a thread a couple of days ago which I have now read all of. It proves we are not the same person. It was the one about the human breast milk I think.