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3174930 No.3174930 [Reply] [Original]

You. Yes, you. The ones who think science will save you, make you immortal, etc., quit living in a fantasy world. Just because your generation understands computers better than the last does not imply you will become the elders of the human race.

You will die.

That is all.

>> No.3174938


>> No.3174934

All humans die, but that does not mean everything dies.

>> No.3174948

So which is it?

Is being rich and white awesome, or does it make your life crushingly vacuous?

>> No.3174952

Someone is mad that they live in Somalia.

Seriously though, fuck you and your negative attitude. People said we'd never get to the moon either, ya fuck.

>> No.3174961

We die. But we don't even entirely understand what that means.

>> No.3174964

Butthurt PeterPan

>> No.3174980

This would be better placed in a transhumanism thread. They're the ones who need to hear it.

>> No.3174999

Anybody who claims to know what will happen in the future is full of shit, that includes the op.

>> No.3175000

If you accept that there ever will be 'elders of the human race' then we have just as much chance as our children.

Bear in mind that you're posting that from a device created by a plethora of disciplines over less than 3 consecutive average lifetimes. Then look at how quickly we progressed from standalone computers to networked. I remember begging my parents not to use the phone so I could spend 10 minutes downloading a photo to my 1gb disk - now I have a 50mb broadband connection and I'm only 22.

You know shit all about the future so stop pretending that you do - it may suit your world view if everyone gets upset and dies but your world view means sweet feck all on the scheme of things.

My grandparents died but their genes live on - their survival and effort towards it lies within me as living proof of our immortality. I shall live forever.

>> No.3175016

The ironic thing is, this generation will probably have a shorter lifespan since everyone is so out of shape, lazy, dumb and dependent on the Internet

>> No.3175021

lol. people also said humans couldn't fly unaided. by your logic, it's just a matter of time.

of course we do. your organs stop working. there's nothing mysterious about death. you're just scared of it.

>> No.3175030

You have to doublethink it.

Whatever "privileged group" you're trying to denigrate has to both be unfairly receiving, and in fact maliciously denying to others, important and desirable advantages, but at the same time (and in fact because of their privilege) their lives are hollow and hardly worth living compared to the "authentic group" you're comparing them to. They need to give up their privileges to become authentic people with soulful lives: both they and others should want this outcome.

It doesn't matter whether it's plain-vanilla-white-people vs. fascinating-and-rich-cultured-ethnics, rich first-world corporate drones vs. plucky third-worlders cheerfully facing a living hell, technocrats vs. liberal arts coffee-servers, or boys vs. girls.

>> No.3175040


No one knows what happens to your sentience, though.

>> No.3175041

We're either going to be taken over by artificial intelligence or blow ourselves to a post-apocalypse before that happens.

>> No.3175066

Sure we do. Seeing as to how we only experience sentience when we finish developing our body, then we can say it is a consequence of having a body, and it seems only logical that it stops existing once said body is no longer working.

>> No.3175081


You have no proof that sentience is a result of possessing a body.

I don't remember when I was two nor before I was born. I could have existed or not existed at either time.

>> No.3175086

1/3 of the world not having electricity has no impact on the development of electronic

That's like saying few people have nuclear power so there's no way we'd be destroyed by a war with them (Cold War)

ITT: Fucking retards

>> No.3175098

No, your wrong, I won't even explain because of the pure idiocy of that comment

>> No.3175100

OP is quite obviously trolling. xD

>> No.3175124

>You have no proof that sentience is a result of possessing a body.

Sure I do. Only people who have bodies have shown signs of sentience.

>I don't remember when I was two nor before I was born. I could have existed or not existed at either time.

Oh, so your argument is that you could have existed before you were born, but for some reason, at some point, you coalesced into a human and, for some, only while in this period you can remember things?

Sure is not grasping at straws here.

>> No.3175128


How do you know you were not sentient before your body developed.

Perhaps you simply don't remember.

>> No.3175150
File: 146 KB, 649x1698, 130662631028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a good post, but then you got pathetic at the end.

>> No.3175181

There is a lot of talk in here, but no proof.

You will die. Accept it.

>> No.3175215

but! Maybe not!
ahhh probably but I'm allowed to have my pathetic nerd religion regardless,
I'm not that hung up on it I just hope we'll get there eventually

>> No.3175219

any reason why memory only works when we have a body?

why wouldn't I remember this?

maybe because it's just wishful thinking from idiots!

>> No.3175223

that .gif was a bit interested in the begining. got retarded toward the end.

>> No.3175234

Granted, but then I am pretty drunk and tend to get dramatic. I had a whole visual scene in my head for the last bit that didn't quite play out in text.

Regardless, the rate of progess of humanity is astonishing and unpredictable. A single lifetime could see us transition from the first powered flight to the first man in space. A half-lifetime could see us transition from punchcards to smartphones. A lifetime started now could and probably will see unimaginable things (apart from flying cars, obviously).

>> No.3175254

Thank you for your post. I agree with you. Life is an asymptote. It knows where it wants to go, but it will forever be an infinite amount of points away from it.

>> No.3175257


Well, seeing as you could have been created this morning or two seconds ago, all your current memories implanted into you without your knowledge, your past is pretty silly to consider anyways.

How do you know you've existed since you were born. Maybe you came into existence only last Tuesday.

>> No.3175292

you know thats a nice argument, until its proven to be utter nonsense when the facts start to corroborate the transies and its shown to be exactly the same pretentious bullshit that gets thrown at anybody advocating radical change in the history of ever.
The nerds are always a sad lot, they are also invariably right.

>> No.3175305
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You do know I'm trolling, right?

The technology exists to keep Moore's, law in affect for a minimum of 50 years. I'm drunk too, rock on broski. Op out. I can't bother to keep the facade up.

>> No.3175336

I'm disappointed that this image doesn't include the conclusion to that arc. I liked the punchline.

>> No.3175346

>Well, seeing as you could have been created this morning or two seconds ago, all your current memories implanted into you without your knowledge, your past is pretty silly to consider anyways.

There is no logical reason to imagine it might be the case. I hold that my past is what happened, maybe not exactly how I remember it but close enough. My evidence is that I remember it and, AFAIK, nothing short of an omnipotent being can insert artificial memories in my head. What evidence do you have to counter my claim?

>How do you know you've existed since you were born.

Because I remember it so. Is there any reason to doubt my memories other than because you can?

>Maybe you came into existence only last Tuesday.

Yes, maybe, but that isn't an argument, just a deflection from a teenager who browses wikipedia and thinks it makes him deep.

Doubting the validity of memories in general is not an argument that supports your stance, dumbfuck.

>> No.3175404

Wow, the whole comic is even more stupid than the snippet at the top.

If ever there has been an envious rant by the guy pouring the coffee at Starbucks directed toward the people spending $5 for coffee and showing off their expensive toys, this is it.

>> No.3175416

What comic is it from?

>> No.3175426

Paul the Ghost is a bit of an asshole, that's just in character for him. The irony of the situation is not lost on the author; the title for that comic is "Drawn on a Cintiq".

>> No.3175430

Pictures For Sad Children

>> No.3175445

>The ones who think science will save you, make you immortal
If you really think that, you're worse than a creationist. I don't mind hoping to live longer than the previous generation, though. Like, 110 years would be nice.

>> No.3175449

"Romanticist Cynics". We can form satisfying boxes for all types of people to drop in to make us feel a bit more superior.


>> No.3175456

>The technology exists to keep Moore's, law in affect for a minimum of 50 years.
That's a bit of an odd claim, when Moore's Law predicts that we'll hit atom-sized chip features in under a decade.

>> No.3175457

And so am I.

>> No.3175459
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>> No.3175467


Moore's Law:
> The number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years.

We'll just make bigger chips once we get to the atom level!

>> No.3175472

I normally like the comic but I think this uh.. 'arc?' or whatever is pretty stupid.

Even if he notices the irony it doesn't help his argument at all.

>> No.3175485


>> No.3175489

fuck dresden codak

No, I don't know, I've never really read it.

i'm not a singularitarian or something but even I can acknowledge that computers will someday reach the same level as human brains

>> No.3175511

Habeeb it.

>> No.3175515

Hey man, Dresden Codak is an amazingly well-drawn comic.

>> No.3175519

It is, but I cannot stand that guy's character art

it's all the same pose always


>> No.3175520

0498204186 please call this guy :D

>> No.3175531

This generation doesn't actually understand computers better than the last. They can open their e-mail with the same proficiency that people used to be able to change their oil. Neither knew jack about what was actually going on under the hood.

>> No.3175553

So to live in the future, I'm doing it only to benefit white people only, when I live in a country that's only 25% white.


>> No.3175560

Computation is a field that thrives with each additional layer of abstraction that you put on top of it. Unlike, say, Physics where the goal is to reach the most fundamental rule set, we began computer science with the fundamental have been using it to build up increasingly sophisticated systems.

Sure, as individuals, there are many people who don't understand the potential of computers. But as a generation, we are realizing that potential at an accelerated rate.

>> No.3175576
File: 61 KB, 456x430, liveto300s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Every valuable human being must be a radical and a rebel, for what he must aim at is to make things better than they are. "
-- Niels Bohr

We are living in the first instance of human history where age extension beyond standard biological limits becomes more than some magic golden elixir and we can understand the processes that lead to our decay.

Our progress in technology and science as a human race is staggering, even with all the bullshit holding it back.
Take the last 20 years. Thousands of new medicines, gene therapy, dozens of vaccines, cloth weaves that are waterproof so that when you spill your beer you don't get wet, novel methods of synthesizing all sorts of stuff, plastics that are stronger than steel, new semiconductors.... Then there are advances in cosmetics, and in automobiles, aeronautics, and power generation (clean coal tech, nuclear materials tech). Major advances in smelting and refining procedures. Mathematical methods for brewing alcohols more efficiently and with better flavours. Sports gear is not even comparable. Modern paper lasts much longer, looks much better, and is much cheaper... then there is e-ink technology. DVDs. The compressor in your refrigerator uses a completely different design. So does your hot water tank.

You just take all this stuff for granted. Almost everything you wear, eat, sleep on, and masturbate to has been revolutionized in the last 20 years.

20 years ago, we had eight channels on TV. Eight. We'd just upgraded to cable, giving us four extra channels. Buying shelves for your house was a major expense... you couldn't just drop $10 at IKEA. Our car was a monstrous hunk of steel that got boiling hot inside in the summer, and had frost on the inside all winter. The rear windshield was held onto the frame by a sort of tar, which would melt and drip in the heat.

"This world is yours. Shape it or someone else will."

>> No.3175587

>stuff is different now, therefore we will all be immortal

>> No.3175597

As always, Inurdaes, you are ridiculously optimistic. You really need to lay off the weed.

>> No.3175602


Maybe if you have the mind of an infant. A normal person would look at all that and see it's not slowing down.

We understand more everyday, and you're trying to slow it down. Go live in Africa if you don't want progress.

>> No.3175606
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There is an entire universe of difference between 'life extension' and 'immortality'

Glad to see you didn't resort to ad hominems bro.

>> No.3175610

Who's slowing anything down? I'm not saying "stop researching longevity immediately!", I'm saying, "keep researching, bro, but to be honest I don't think we're gonna live forever."

>> No.3175620


Not working towards it means it will never happen. We need to educate people on this instead of saying it will never happen, because when it does, we need to be able to have a serious discussion on it.

>> No.3175623

I don't think biological immortality is possible for humans.

I have no qualms with brain implants, though.

>> No.3175622
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>"keep researching, bro, but to be honest I don't think we're gonna live forever."
We are not going to live forever, but it seems as we will live past 200 at least.

>> No.3175631


We would never be able to live forever in our bodies now, it would have to be in computer form. Otherwise overpopulation would be a problem. At least until local space travel became available.

>> No.3175668
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>We would never be able to live forever in our bodies now, it would have to be in computer form. Otherwise overpopulation would be a problem. At least until local space travel became available.

The deserts
The polar regions
The oceans

Over population is not going to be a problem for the next 100 years at least. And by the time it does become a problem we will have already gone forth and established colonies on many worlds in our own solar system, as well as having the materials with the strength that would allow shit like orbital O'Neill cylinders constructed.

>> No.3175702

>Stupid Luddites, they don't understand the glorious Utopia we will someday be ushered into. They are just naive and ignorant compared to my enlightened understanding of the future!

>Stupid transhumanists, they are scared of death and are cowards, unlike me! They are simply naive and ignorant compared to my enlightened understanding of the world!

Both sides: shut the fuck up.

>> No.3175709
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>my face when you described the dilemma perfectly