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3174430 No.3174430 [Reply] [Original]

what stops piss and shit coming out the same hole?

>> No.3174437

This thread is now about 2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.3174436

you know what, OP?
I have no goddamn clue

>> No.3174446

A Brita filter.

>> No.3174443
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OP here, i'm ok with this. I fucking love 2001 and have more images where that came from.

But pleease someone answer my question

>> No.3174450


Allowing urine to enter the intestines and kill needed bacteria was probably detrimental to our retarded fish-frog ancestors that were unable to procreate

>> No.3174456

someone explain to me exactly what the fuck happened in that movie

>> No.3174457

i think he wants to know just how the fuck it's split between liquid and non-liquid

>> No.3174469

yes, this

something to do with human evolution being catalysed by some sort of extraterrestial presence (the monolith). Stanley kubrick made the film to be interpreted however the viewer pleases i believe, although it's based on a book.

>> No.3174470

for girls it does come out the same hole

>> No.3174471


>> No.3174476


>> No.3174480

the mouth?

>> No.3174483

because if it did, we wouldn't be what we are.

>> No.3174484

In man, feces and urine don't aren't produced the same way and through the same place. Feces are the result of digestion in the stomach and other processes in the intestines. Urine comes from the blood filtered through the kidneys. Feces go out of the anus (end of intestines) and urine goes out of the penis (kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, penis). They are never in contact with each other.

It's about the same for women.

>> No.3174492
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>> No.3174493

It does for avians. For mammals the digestive system is too far evolved along its current direction to be changing excretion methods in a hurry.

>> No.3174497

Water, ions and nutrients absorbed in the GI tract leaving non-digestable matter aka faeces.
Some of these (of the water etc) excreted by the kidneys via bladder and urethra.

Shit don't come out of your urethra because the faeces is made of non-digestible stuff which never enters the bloodstream and the kidney.
Piss don't come out your ass because urea is produced in the liver then filtered by the kidneys exceptionally quickly.
Interestingly a small amount of urea is present in your faeces, but as urine is defined as the liquid excreted by the kidneys...

>> No.3174505

Alright children, gather around.

Everything you eat and drink passes through your stomach to the small intestine where it is broken down and absorbed. Whatever isn't broken down and absorbed is passed through to large intestine which absorbs most of the remaining water (diarrhoea is what happens when this absorption is blocked). Whatever is left comes out of your anus as shit. Shit is made up of everything you've eaten and drunk that your body simply couldn't use, along with bacteria and some other secretions from the intestines.

Now all those nutrients that get absorbed get passed around in your blood and get used by cells here and there in the body. The waste products from that usage are also passed around in the blood until they reach the kidneys which filters the blood. The kidneys drain into the bladder which is where piss is collected until it can be pissed out.

Any questions?

>> No.3174501

not why

i guess your phone just works because it works, huh?
that's how it works, by working?

>> No.3174500

Girls pee out their butt. You know it's true.

>> No.3174508

I'm no bio-major, but I'm assuming somewhere in the digestive tract, water would be absorbed in the intestines and travel throughout the blood stream. Then, the blood stream would be filtered for all the urine-y stuff through the kidneys and end up in the bladder to be pissed out.

>> No.3174509

Sorry, I assumed the resident of /sci/ were too clever to be asking how. Seriously read wikipedia to find out how. I attempted the why question even though it can't be answered.

>> No.3174510

the more i know

>> No.3174520


Well urine is just a way for unneeded materials to exit the body. It's usually formed inside the bladder. The blood travels throughout the body and pulls unneeded materials and toxins with it towards the kidneys. In the kidneys, the blood is recycled (not sure if that's a good term) and the toxins are brought through the ureters, still traveling by liquid. They travel down to the urinary bladder in order to signal a response from the host... and then you pee.

I believe a lot of the moisture is removed in the stomach and travels through the bloodstream to get to the kidneys. In order for them to exit through the same hole, you would need the ureters to feed back into the intestines. Putting these toxins back into the intestines would most-likely result in some type of ulcer, eventually leading to death.

>> No.3174522

piss and shit come from totally different sources.
go look at some human anatomy to see.
Piss is filtered from blood and water is added
poop come right from the mouth through about 30 feet of gut.
most simple animals are "monopores" meaning "one hole" shit and piss come out the same hole but still have different sources.

>> No.3174523


Whoops, got beat to the punch.

>> No.3174525

>Shit is made up of everything you've eaten and drunk that your body simply couldn't use

That means it's possible to eat all the right things so you're body uses 100% of it and you never need to shit. tell me how!?!!!!!!!

>> No.3174531

I wish biology teachers explained stuff with words like shit and piss.

>> No.3174537

And if I had to guess a probable cause for this developments, OP, would suggest large energy needs require large intestinal surface area, and seqestering of urea to prevent inflammation and diarrhea.
Considering the amount of urea in large, higher animals, the osmotic load is massive. If this was present in the GI tract, would be exceptionally conter-productive in terms of water absorption. Not to mention possible inflammatory effects of some bacterial ureases (which turn urea into ammonia, massively inflammatory and one cause for gastritis). Having a liquid excretion organ allows for selective reabsorption, which happens to be the kidney's forte.

>> No.3174538
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OP here
thanks guys you've been so much help :D

>> No.3174544

It's called an IV drip.

Even if you could somehow only eat what the body would absorb, there are probably equilibria at play that would prevent complete absorption, plus the secretions and bacteria would still be there.

Not sure if you could entirely avoid all anal leakage with an IP drip though... any bedside medfags care to clarify?

>> No.3174547

this man does pose an interesting question
is there a way to simply eat only what your body will use, thereby eliminating the need for shitting, at least?

pissing I can see coming anyway, but shitting should be avoidable, yes?

inb4 the answer is basically popping proteinpills and other shit

>> No.3174555
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>That means it's possible to eat all the right things so you're body uses 100% of it and you never need to shit.

A slight problem with your stomach; the human body is programmed to eat food. It would take some kind of Buddhist training to overcome this biological urge.

>> No.3174561

a valid point
snacks would be hard to avoid

>> No.3174565


Systems of the body are perfect. There is never 100% efficiency, ergo if you figured out exactly how much your body needs and distributed the necessary items, there would still be shortfall because the system is bound to lose nutrients before conversion.

>> No.3174569
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>> No.3174574

there is no way to compensate for that energy loss by simply adding a little more, or would the body just ignore that?

>> No.3174577

Yes but you only eat what you can absorb. Then in the future we invent a way to absorb it directly into out skin instead of interrupting conversation.... oh wait thats an IV drip as well. All my inventions have been done already :(

>> No.3174583

Not sure why people would prefer not eating. Joy to be had in cookery and cuisine.

>> No.3174587

>is there a way to simply eat only what your body will use, thereby eliminating the need for shitting, at least?

Absorption of nutrients in the intestine is less than 100%. There will always be some waste.

>> No.3174590

Why can't we just feed ourselves intravenously all the time.? the dinner table would be a row of this upside down bag things. No more long cooking hours, no more fast food. no more looking down at your plate for too long causing you to miss the best part of doctor who

>> No.3174593



This is where you would probably need to contact a professor (just find an e-mail of someone in the field related and tell them your a student with a question). That question is probably a lot more complex than it seems.

>> No.3174614

GI secretions would be messed up. You'd have a horrible leak. Lack of motility in stomach would cause deficits in certain satiety hormones, may cause constant hunger. No sloughing off of instestinal or gastric mucosa could lead to massive bacterial buildup causing problems such as infection or exaggerated inflammation, worse case some autoimmune problems.

>> No.3174623
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eating is serious business

>> No.3174650

We could.

But we evolved with taste, which is part of what makes us want to eat which is what makes us survive. Being fed intravenously will keep you alive but we prefer to taste because it's coded into our search for pleasure.

>> No.3174664

so, can we create an unshittable food and an unpissable liquid?

but still fulfill out need for food? and give us satisfaction?

>> No.3174671

Speaking of taste, research found bitter taste receptors in smooth muscle of lungs. Causes bronchodilation, being tested for asthmatic purposes.
Crazy, am I right fellas?

>> No.3174686

Does gelatin create shit? Because gelatin will fill ya up real quick with very little substance.

>> No.3174687

It would be pointless for all intensive purposes. Food works, and has the upside of being tasty (in some cases). Might be helpful in starving nations due to logistics, but who cares about them?

>> No.3174720

but then you dont need to shit nor piss anymore

therefore, you can do anal without worrying your dick get smeared in shit

>> No.3174716


> for all intensive purposes
> intensive purposes


>> No.3174732
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>trying to bring engineering into this

>> No.3174735
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>intensive purposes

>> No.3174790

Never been to /v/? Those sorta phrases are a diamond dozen.

>> No.3174818

>implying /v/ isn't a doggy dog world

>> No.3174844

what the fuck is that?? don't u mean a 'dog eat dog' world?

>> No.3174849

>dogs eating dogs
you have som weird fetishes, man

>> No.3174854

I could care less

>> No.3174861

well that's a blessing in the skies

>> No.3174866

i fucking
love you people

>> No.3174867
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Now that's just irritating. At first I thought it was an American thing, therefore hilarious. But now I keep hearing it and it's tearing me apart.

>> No.3174872

who axed you?

>> No.3174880

i just took it for granite

>> No.3174899
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>> No.3174911

Can God create a food so unshittable that even he cannot shit?

Is God willing to prevent shit, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh shit? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

>> No.3174916

oh god
that is the best proof of god being a duchebag i've ever seen