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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.83 MB, 3450x3339, Ascension_Island_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3170851 No.3170851 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/.

Today i come to you with a proposal.

For a long time /sci/ has deplored the state of the world. The depressing reality of vital programs being cancelled because of politics, because the government would rather spend trillions on pointless and self destructive wars than ushering in a new era of spaceflight or solving looming Energy and medical crises.

What if we could escape all this?

What if we could create a place where the scientist would not be bound by the flippancy and pettiness of the media and mass politics and could get down and dirty in the business of making the very best of their massive brain?

I propose Ascension island.

We create a company. Officially for spaceflight at the start and use the island's position at the equator in order to set up a base there.

We then import people.

Like minded and intelligent.

We import people until we outnumber the current population of ~600 people, already quite technical. Airport personell, European space agency monitoring staff. There are no natives, there will be no contention, no argument.

We sieze the reigns of our own island. We have a technocracy. We create a place where research materials are easily available and information can be freely shared and built on.



>> No.3170867

Resources. How will you get them? Water? Food? Will there be a Wal-Mart?

>> No.3170870
File: 56 KB, 757x541, andrew ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'
'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'
'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...


A city where the artist would not fear the censor,
where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality,
where the great would not be constrained by the small.

And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city, as well.

>> No.3170872

>Like people before, and like those in the future, man will always carry a nearsighted periphery of short term goals

>> No.3170880

I insist we rename the island 'Atlantis'.

If so, then I'm game.

>> No.3170888

I think "Ascension" is a beautifully fitting name for a spaceport.

>> No.3170892


We'd be set back 2 centuries because of the lack of resources. Particularly, the lack of multi-billion dollar 22nm wafer fabrication labs.

>> No.3170895
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That's true too...

Alright, but we need to build one of these things nearby and call that Atlantis then.

>> No.3170906
File: 64 KB, 550x279, venus-project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of the Venus project?

If so I'd like to bring that up. Theres is an activist arm to the Venus project called the zeitgeist movement. It currently has a little over 500,000 members many of which would be considered a valuable asset. Many are also extremely dedicated and would drop everything to help out the movement but sadly the leaders are making things difficult. Rather than utilize the already large amount of assets to begin bringing the idea to reality they instead believe they should continue with simply spreading the word. I think if they would simply realize they have what it takes to start production of the Venus project they could easily be living in what they've been dreaming about for so long which is quite similar to your proposal. I think if you went there and started arranging some kind of collaboration between a group of around 50 dedicated individuals you could very easily get the ball rolling and inspire others to join.

>> No.3170908

The soil is volcanic, fertile. We can become self sufficient very easily in terms of food.

Technology wise we'd have to import for the most part at the start. Make use of the world economy. Send a boat to the US for essential supplies. For money we'd play the stock market and become a tax and communications whilst maintaining investment in the natural resources of the island. God knows what we could find in the rocks there.

>> No.3170912

not science....

>> No.3170913


We could become a data safe-haven for storage of sensitive or illegal in some areas computer data.

>> No.3170920

people already live on ascension island....

>> No.3170919

>venus project

no, keep those deluded faggots away

>> No.3170925

Not permanently. They're all RAF/ESA people.

an alternative would be the Pitcairn islands. Massively fertile, Tiny population (50 people) All British settlers that have only been there for ~100 years.

>> No.3170931

I think we should get started then with the creation of the company since we currently own no capital and have barely any monetary value other than ourselves. However I feel that /sci does not have what it takes to organize such a project. I would be happy if I was proved wrong though.

>> No.3170977

why not use a land within a nation and start building a commune there ?

>> No.3171003

This. sadly /sci/ will never get this or any project off the ground.

>> No.3171015

no, stop Fresco is a troll and senile. His ideas won't take off anytime soon.

Economist here. Please humour me a little with your plans on human quality of living.

>> No.3171024

No we must wait for america to fester and die. And then we shall take america over. There will be an ethnic cleansing of the religious and we shall finally civilize these lands

>> No.3171106

it's like those doomed /co/ comic book or /v/ video game projects that never get off the back of a napkin

except if you screw up here, people die or lose lots of money

>> No.3171109

kind of like the idea for the libertarian floating city earlier. Same problem, pirates yo. Get a military.

>> No.3171200

no ones going to do it for you OP . i rather hear from you the results of your actions not your empty speach

>> No.3171207
File: 19 KB, 268x265, 1298038687405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading about Ascension Island
The TRS may have just been accelerated by five years.

>> No.3171246

how about sci buys a campus
/sci/ college

>> No.3171251

>organize an immigrant takeover scheme
>local authorities realize what's up and close borders
>"suppress" internal dissent
>soldiers come to assist "suppression"
>immigrants labeled domestic terrorists
>exported to home countries where they are jailed for suspected terrorism

Just no.

>> No.3171266

mfw i actually own undeveloped farmland in Wisconsin
mfw i have no face

we could make a commune....

>> No.3171272
File: 140 KB, 3119x1873, 1294921702594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many billions of dollars would be required to purchase the aforementioned Ascension Island?

>> No.3171313


Considering it is owned by a first world country, they likely wouldn't give it up for any amount.

>> No.3171316


How is that...?

>> No.3171319
File: 12 KB, 320x296, 1289451022379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3171320

What if I say... asked really nicely?

>> No.3171328


yes we could . and that would be fun

>> No.3171326


Then they would nicely tell you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.3171334
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 1304482326428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw we really fucking could
>mfw we really fucking should

>> No.3171357

How many people do you think would go?

I would strongly consider it....

>> No.3171374

the plan then ?

>> No.3171378


Well, is the person with the land even still in this thread?

>> No.3171402

yeah i left for a while

nah... commune is out in the sticks
give me 10-20 years to get the money to give it soe basic infrastructure (running water, electricity, maybe internet)

wouldn't be realistic....

>> No.3171416


Hmmm... that sucks.

But anyway...

So, I've been in a couple of different threads on various boards who have all proposed various ideas about the same basic premise.
Essentially, that current life is not as good as it could be.

I think the most successful of these was to create a small commune, have it become profitable, then purchase an island, and immigrate there.

>> No.3171422


not necessary . we could bring that with ourselves .

electricity = wind generators for example

>> No.3171437

It's simple. Robots do all the labour.

>> No.3171459

with no money, the first years will be about building houses and farming to be self-sufficient