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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 77 KB, 507x337, Suicide-Gun-Point-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3170241 No.3170241 [Reply] [Original]

>that feeling you get when you meet someone smarter than you

>> No.3170255

and has witnessed the miracles of Jesus

>> No.3170248
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>and he's younger and more successful

>> No.3170260
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smart people get me hot.

>> No.3170259
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>someone smarter than me

>> No.3170263
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>that feeling you get when you meet somebody smarter than you, yet they still believe in a god or religion

>> No.3170270
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>That feeling you get when you meet someone smarter than you who still feels the need to turn their nose up at anyone who has faith in a religious belief system.

>> No.3170274
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>that feeling you get when you meet a girl smarter than you

>> No.3170275
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I don't have narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.3170277 [DELETED] 
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>basing your self esteem on your imagined intellectual superiority


>> No.3170290
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In this world there are always people smarter than you, faster than you, better looking, etc.
Get used to it or get out

>> No.3170297
File: 115 KB, 640x427, loathingcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feeling I get when I meet a cute guy that seems intelligent at first, but quickly learn he's 1). an agnostic slamming on religion and atheism for taking a position on the existence of gods or deities; and 2). your stereotypical "YOU CAN'T KNOW!!! ALL INFORMATION IN IT'S TRUE NATURE IS SUBJECTIVE AND UNRELIABLE IN THE END" philosophyfag

No thank you.

>> No.3170300 [DELETED] 

>either female or engineer

>> No.3170304

>that feel when it's this thread again

srsly you should feel glad to be in the company of people who can teach you something

>> No.3170305

You read that fast.

>> No.3170308
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>that feel when I never get into intellectual discussions with people until I've known them longer than a few months.

>> No.3170316
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>mfw pop-tarts

>> No.3170317


...that's not what philosophy is about, yo

anyone who argues that doesn't know shit, it's like a self-proclaimed "physicist" talking about "quantum consciousness"

>> No.3170318


>> No.3170322

>that's not what philosophy is about
My entire philosophy department would like a word with you.

>> No.3170327
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>mfw when i would prefer those guys over the athiestfags

>> No.3170325
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>That feeling when I don't use "smarter" as a metric, I am sure there's many people better than me in any subjects, but few that are better than me (who are my same age) in the areas that I study the most, and if I do meet someone better then that's just more motivation to study more

>> No.3170332

>that feel when I meet a boy smarter than me
Analyze his personality. He may have more raw intelligence or not have the drive to use it, etc
Either way, learn from/collaborate with him. I don't care about dickmeasuring - I just want the marks/results on paper showing I'm a genius REGARDLESS of how smart I am.

>that feel when I meet a girl smarter than me
Try to fuck her. Smarter than me or no, having her bent over on the bed, holding her down, drilling her vag, and pulling her hair as I cum inside her KNOWING she's smarter than me is almost as good a feeling as making her pregnant.

Also, collaborate - just like with the male.

>> No.3170334

what manga is that from

she's beautiful

>> No.3170335
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>That feel when you find out that girl you had crush on is smarter than you

>> No.3170345 [DELETED] 

How exactly do you guys gauge whether a person is "smarter than you"? I can never tell if someone is smart or dumb.

>> No.3170343
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>that feeling when the girl I have a crush on isn't as smart as I originally thought

>> No.3170346


Maybe you should do some reading.

>> No.3170349 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 270x214, yaominglinerawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I don't experience either of the two feelings because I avoid women altogether

>> No.3170353

I dunno that feel bro, not that I'm super smart its just that everyone around me is retarded. I assume that will change at college next year...

>> No.3170356

>I assume that will change at college next year...
You'd think that, but it's never true where ever you go.

>> No.3170358
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> mfw this thread every damn day
> mfw when I've never met anyone smarter than me

>> No.3170363
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>that feeling I get when I finally meet a girl that likes and admires me for my intelligence, but still friend-zones me for some artfag

>> No.3170365
File: 128 KB, 533x562, made you talk AT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have designed that comment to insult the broader categories of /sci/. It is almost as if you are trying to illicit some sort of response from people. Oh you dun trolled me.

>> No.3170370

have any of you actually met a girl smarter than yourselves?

>> No.3170372
File: 9 KB, 247x252, wmIwidJhUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you lust after a girl for 6months+ because she's intelligent, funny, pretty, finally get with her and realise a few months in that she's stupid, doesn't understand any concept just remembers information and yet you can't dump her because you spent so much time on it

>> No.3170378

well, at least we know which kids had tiger moms.

...seriously though, tiger moms are horrible and their children are jealous little shits.

smart girls are just about the only thing that consistently make me hard anymore -especially if they're smarter than me. but then, i'm an egalitarian. i want a queen, not a servant.

...correction. i want a queen... and many servants.

>> No.3170389
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>that feel when all the girl science majors at my college, attractive or nil, still act like they're in high school

>> No.3170390

Sorry op, haven't had that feeling.

>> No.3170392


No idea. Found it on /g/.

>> No.3170393
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Intelligence is bullshit. People just get adept at seeing others flaws while ignoring how foolish they are.

>> No.3170401
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>that feel when the super smart cute girl you lust for goes out with that good looking jock who is majoring in philosophy.

>> No.3170408
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>that feel when that's my physics professor

>> No.3170417
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>The feeling when people contrast intelligence with being articulate.
>That feeling when intelligence is broader than simply IQ
>That feeling when i am so evenly intelligent i feel like an aspie sherlock holmes

>> No.3170419

>only met one person genuinely smarter than himself
>both his parents are phds so that might be a contributing factor

>> No.3170421
File: 260 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2010-01-03-22h35m27s0[citizen_kane].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jocks in philosophy
And they wonder why I switched majors.

>> No.3170425

oh my fucking god, this.

if there are any general places where people are expected to be both social and intelligent, please post them here!

some people have success with the bar scene. others... not so much.

fucking lolled.

>> No.3170441


>> No.3170454


Think about it this way, if intelligence could be a simple measurement like IQ. There are 50ish or so points that separate a mentally retarded person from an average IQ, the mentally retarded person will never understand the average IQ.
Now think about a gifted person, someone who has 50ish or so points above the average IQ. The average IQ person will never understand the gifted person. This is why throughout history, geniuses and exceptional people are frequently persecuted, punished and exiled.
It can be deeply scary thinking that you may literally be 'forever alone' on certain levels, but it also carries a sense of duty. It is up to you to help improve and guide the less intelligent people.

>> No.3170459
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>> No.3170470

geniuses are all mentally insane by definition

>> No.3170483

Basically all elite universities are like that

>> No.3170497

>am i deep and edgy yet?

>> No.3170511

Intelligence is little more than what you personally think is intelligent which means it's your opinion and opinions are like asses everyones got one and they all smell like shit. I can haz smart mao?

>> No.3170524

>Intelligence is subjective

Is processor speed subjective too?

>> No.3170527
File: 21 KB, 400x267, mygoditsfullofstars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feeling I get when I meet someone who can teach me so many things

To avoid people smarter that yourself is to condemn yourself to ignorance.

>> No.3170532


>Implying intelligence is even comparable to computation.

>> No.3170534

>that feeling when I don't have to listen to people that aren't smart talk to me for a little bit

>> No.3170542

>Implying brain activity isn't even remotely comparable to computation.

>> No.3170551


>imply that you understand brains, like, even a little bit

>> No.3170554

Someone may want a shitty computer, and think it's good enough, but that doesn't render the distinction between more and less efficient computation any less meaningful.

>> No.3170552

>feels as good as making her pregnant

>> No.3170569

Oh, then by all means enlighten us. Perhaps you something a bit more concrete than "Intelligence is little more than what you personally think is intelligent which means."

>> No.3170579
File: 119 KB, 390x390, 1301449629935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you only arguing this so you cannot be proven to be stupid? Because you realize neuroscience has come a long way, and we actually can understand brains fairly coherently.

watch this documentary, might learn something new:

>> No.3170588

>Meet people smarter than me
>Be chill, considerate, collected, and don't be an idiot
>They keep me around, and I learn a bunch of stuff from them
>Now I'm too valuable to get rid of

>> No.3170602
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>that feeling when ppl think I'm smart for solving trivial math problems

>> No.3170626

>that feel when people around you in class think you're smart, when in reality you're slightly above average and they're just fucking retarded.

>> No.3170635

>mfw all my friends are geniuses and I'm jelly

>> No.3170672

>smarter than everyone


>> No.3170676
File: 430 KB, 3200x2400, 1306462282283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when constantly graded in the 140's on IQ tests, but can't do math for shit.

What do people like me even do in life? Become faggy pseudo-intellectual writers?

>> No.3170686 [DELETED] 

>mfw IQ tests don't mean shit in terms of academic performance

What are we talking here? You suck at algebra? Bombed out of Calculus? Just how math-tarded are we talking?

>> No.3170697

Ask yourself if you really tried your best to learn it the first time around.

Unless you have 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyscalculia', buy an elementary algebra self-teaching book, and do all the problem sets--over and over again if necessary--until you understand.

Proceed from there. Even many very smart people still have to put in the time and effort to learn thing.

>> No.3170698
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Dropped out of highschool my junior year. I was proficient with the math I was being tought, I just never did the work and now I suck dick. My dream is to go into computer programming and maybe even AI research, but it seems like I'm so far behind I might as well not bother.

>mfw any math harder than basic algebra

>> No.3170701 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 189x189, costanzacartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding non-proof based math difficult

I hope yall are trolling.

>> No.3170707

It's not that it's difficult it's just that I haven't done anything but algebra, and that was years ago.

I've been fucking around on Khan Academy. I guess I should probably visit the library and see what books they have.

>> No.3170714
File: 10 KB, 200x264, schaums-outline-elementary-algebra-3ed-barnett-rich-paperback-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're about to be called a moron by the whole board.

Ignore this.

Start at the very beginning with Khan Academy--the VERY beginning; even if it makes you feel stupid.

Buy Schaum's Outlines for the problem sets while you follow the lessons.

>> No.3170828
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>> No.3170863
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>that feeling when yourmom is smarter than you

then again, she believes Brussels is a country, even though she lived there for a year