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File: 252 KB, 1000x700, Floating_city_seasteading_org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3168168 No.3168168 [Reply] [Original]


>Milton Friedman's grandson Patri has a vision that might have made the economist proud: to build a floating libertarian nation 12 miles off the coast of California.

>Billed as "Burning Man meets Silicon Valley meets the water," the planned nation flotilla would be constructed on a variety of barges and water platforms within sight of San Francisco. It would include everything from homes, schools and hospitals to bikes for transportation and aqua farms for food.

Can a self-sustained, floating libertarian city succeed, /sci/?

>> No.3168170

Second Life is a gay waste of time.

>> No.3168172

Are you a gorean! do you fuck your master with pride?

>> No.3168174
File: 58 KB, 500x375, bioshock2cbigdaddyandlittlesister_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't possibly go wrong.

>> No.3168177
File: 268 KB, 1280x960, bioshock_driller1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see no problem with this plan

>> No.3168182


>> No.3168190

HA! I actually get that.

Floating libertarian city, how absurd. It'd cost a boatload and need subsidies to maintain its systems/infrastructure.

>> No.3168194

I think it's the absolute perfect plan and should be implemented at once!

After it's colossal failure in 10-15 years it can be used as an example for all future societies about how this neo-hipster shit just plain doesn't work!


>> No.3168195
File: 72 KB, 896x886, Vimana Clear Airship..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vimana Ancient tails about massive flying temple cities. Ran by Blue beings. The reason the beings were blue was because they ingested high amounts of silver (A soft metal) for some reason!

>> No.3168198

Yeah, it's nice to see my prejudice of libertarians as naive idiots confirmed.
If they don't somehow manage not sink into the ocean, or reenact Bioshock, i'll personally give some hints to Somalian pirates where they can find a whole bunch of rich and undefended white boys

>> No.3168199

>Backed almost entirely by venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who co-founded PayPal, the team plans to seastead, colonize the sea beyond the reach of existing nations.

>"I envision tens of millions of people in an Apple or a Google country," where the high-tech giants would govern and residents would have no vote. "If people are allowed to opt in or out, you can have a successful dictatorship," the goateed Friedman says, wiggling his toes in pink Vibram slippers.

I can see no problems with this.

>> No.3168210

I've read about this before. It's basically stories from 6,000 some odd years ago about flying cities. Imho I find this highly intriguing.

>> No.3168216

I think they should use dirigibles to hang a city in the sky. It would be better.

>> No.3168224

Why worry about how to suspend or propel a city in the sky. When one could make the city static and all other matter around it move for it instead!. such limited minds here really......

>> No.3168230
File: 33 KB, 320x239, 3AJD06SeaBritain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3168241

>Backed almost entirely by venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who co-founded PayPal
Does that mean I'm indirectly supporting that shit whenever I make a PayPal transaction?

>> No.3168247

So colloidal silver 6000 years ago.

>> No.3168250

Man, we're going back to feudalism ALREADY!?

>> No.3168269

A floating city would have very high maintenance costs. To be self-sustainable, it would need highly profitable industries, that would need a damn good reason to move themselves to a barge. The only industries I can see doing that are those that would be illegal anywhere else. If it exists, I predict it will be effectively run by drug cartels soon enough. And shortly after that the U.S. government will find a way to shut it down.

>> No.3168272

>>"I envision tens of millions of people in an Apple or a Google country," where the high-tech giants would govern and residents would have no vote.

How can people be so devoid of morality, reason and sheer fucking common sense that they would want to support a country run by a private corporation.

>> No.3168276
File: 29 KB, 374x250, 1280534680155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple country

>> No.3168281

http://www.kval.com/news/local/12648491.html Samething can happen today if you wash & eat enough of it.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baghdad_Battery Yep they had colloidal silver back then what about it?

>> No.3168283
File: 10 KB, 221x228, 1300040692931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, Milton Friedman was a dickhead who didn't even believe his own lies. He was just concerned at making his masters richer no matter what.

His grandson is most likely a washed up douche that has been brainwashed by his family into believing his grandfather's bullshit and lies. Kinda like Rand Paul was brainwashed by Ron Paul.

And to live in an isolated place where entitled white people with a superiority complex won't help anyone in need without a profit motive sounds like hell. Like Utah or something, only more third world.

What are they going to produce in this "libertarian" utopia? You can't sell righteous smugness. These people are going to be dirty hippies only with guns.

>> No.3168298

libertarianism when you break it down is just a fear and hatred of people in general. While I respect and understand the position, libertarianism doesn't require you to live on an isolated flotilla in the middle of the ocean. Misanthropy does.

>> No.3168306

>You can't sell righteous smugness.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Perhaps it won't export anything, but just serve as a floating condo complex for wealthy libertarians.

>> No.3168311

White supremacists tried this many times in the south. The ATF didn't even have to raid. It ended in abandoned shanty towns, extreme poverty, drug running and raped kids.

>> No.3168318

They should take it one step further and move to space.

>> No.3168326
File: 27 KB, 551x511, m6whN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3168327

They should have taped those shitstorms, must have been fucking hilarious. Someone could have made a fortune on a reality show with hillbillies trying to establish a civilization

>> No.3168345

>hillbillies trying to establish a civilization

It's called The United States Of America

>> No.3168349
File: 211 KB, 393x591, 1301786090851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why waste their money?

I bet this place would have shitty water quality and no proper waste disposal. It would be filthy and disgusting and leave a trail of waste everywhere it went.
Why? No libertarian would support a public works infrastructure because it benefits other people more than them individually. They would be forced to pay taxes too.

As someone else said "neo-hipster shit".


>> No.3168352

pointless, there are better ways to use those resources

>> No.3168353


hurr durr

>> No.3168358

Meh, people have been doing this for centuries. Granted, they don't build floating barge cities, but "We're going to make our own country, with blackjack, and hookers!"? All the time. Last one the comes to mind is Israel.

The big problem is almost always how you boot the natives out, or kill them all off.

>> No.3168366
File: 19 KB, 413x395, ou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burning Man meets Silicon Valley meets the water

Hippies, weirdos, far left greenie activists and general anti-establishment types meet a bunch of really boring people in an environment hostile to humans?

fund it.

>> No.3168369

>devoid of morality, reason and sheer fucking common sense
feel free to explain your baseless assumption

>> No.3168376

People = Ethics
A Person can have Morals.

Morals is singular while Ethics is plural.

>> No.3168378

>libertards build city


>> No.3168381

yay darwin!

>> No.3168385

great, less resources and a lot more danger in space.

Might as well drink poisoned Koolaid and end it sooner.

>> No.3168388

Pirates. Pirates everywhere. Welcome to international waters, enjoy your anarchy.

>> No.3168394
File: 57 KB, 675x440, 1232018317489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forget the name of the "city" and it was hilarious.

looked it up:


"Elohim city"


>> No.3168396


No natives to worry about here.

Because they're on the god damn ocean.

>> No.3168401

>liberfreaks build floating city (somehow)
>liberfreaks do inflammatory things toward U.S. government / other goverments because they are "big gubmit"
>Suddenly Somalian pirates take over their island
>liberfreaks beg the U.S. government to help them
>nobody helps them
>liberfreaks all die

libertarians [0]
badass pirates [1]

>> No.3168402

Actually, there's more of both. The problem is those resources are much harder to exploit, due to being in fucking space.

>> No.3168406

If there are Somalian pirates 12 miles off the California coast, we have a very large problem.

>> No.3168410

America is already run by corporations. It's going to suck real bad when they squeeze so hard the country's heart finally stops.

>> No.3168414
File: 64 KB, 585x683, Latveria_Libertarian_Utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, surely Pirates wouldn't be interested in assaulting a floating Xanadu full of rich yuppies.

>> No.3168416
File: 98 KB, 600x390, mexican-drug-cartel-armored-car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican pirates are more likely

>suddenly drug cartel submarines appear and amphibious armoured technicals armed with gatling guns and rocket launchers appear
>US: lol no. giv monies plox

>> No.3168419
File: 182 KB, 600x423, liber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3168424

then it's as good as there not being resources.

on Earth, there is easy access to resources compared to space. You don't have to blindly travel millions of miles getting dosed with deadly amounts of radiation only to start with raw minerals.

this fucking thing is Jonestown.

>> No.3168427

If they built this within sight of San Francisco, wouldn't it be in USA waters?

>> No.3168431

>blindly travel


>dosed with deadly amounts of radiation

All spacecraft are shielded as a matter of course.

>only to start with raw minerals

In contrast to Earth, where we routinely pull finished microwaves and radios out of the ground.

>> No.3168434

Two cartels go to attack. Kill each other.
The real threat would be North Korea arming pirates.

>> No.3168455
File: 241 KB, 319x475, 1233127543023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes because they won't want to give up their precious US citizenship or the benefits they receive with taxes.

The real shit will start when these rich assholes start off-shoring their money to this "island" probably still using American currency while refusing to pay taxes.

You can't just "make up a country" there are diplomatic relations that you must have to get things like tax exemption. This is going to be a disaster one way or another and these fuckheads are going to act like martyrs the whole way.

>> No.3168457

>claim government is bad
>create island near U.S., enjoying the tax-driven benefits of the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy


>> No.3168458

>All spacecraft are shielded as a matter of course.

not enough to leave the Earth's magnetosphere. This isn't fucking Startrek.

>raise the shields

lol, no.

>> No.3168470

>It's all hexagons

I am automatically moving there.

>> No.3168471

it's fucking cholesterol!

>> No.3168472

So you're saying that none of the Moon missions actually left the protection of Earth's magnetosphere?

>> No.3168477


Just disregard him.

>> No.3168479


>In contrast to Earth, where we routinely pull finished microwaves and radios out of the ground.

you're a fucking idiot. do you have any idea what it takes to refine ore and make it into a useable product? The amount of resources, entire factories and labor it takes?

Try building a microwave oven entirely in space. It'll take you decades, hundreds of lives and nearly a trillion dollars.

>> No.3168483

The time it takes and the funds required depends on the approach taken. It will be difficult to establish industry in space. It will still be done.

>> No.3168488

The Earth does not have infinite resources, some of the large asteroids have resources worth more than the GDP of the entire planet.

>> No.3168494

Well even if most industry takes places here interplanetary spacecraft assembly would definitely be done in space. And many industries would benefit from zero gravity manufacturing.

>> No.3168508

Sorry but your assburger's is showing.

Why has no nation on Earth resumed Moon missions since the 70s? Because it's a waste. Face it, you'll have to deal with Earth.

>> No.3168518

Of course it's a waste. There's barely anything of use on the Moon. Besides, it has 1/6 of Earth's gravity, which is about 1/6 too much. Unfortunately, no nation or private company has yet launched an asteroid survey/mining mission, but it will happen in the future.

Barring something unforeseen, such as a nuclear war or the return of Jesus Christ.

>> No.3168522

Are you trolling? or are you so stupid you think the spacecraft for the Mars missions will be put together down here? they will be assembled in orbit.

>> No.3168532

Why dont they just build an arcology like theyre doing in china?

>> No.3168537

>barely anything of use

I would not call large amounts of titanium and tritium 'useless'.

>> No.3168558
File: 626 KB, 1525x1946, Girls-Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OR they won't be assembled at all.

seriously, you think humans will go into space? It's going to probes and robots because it's 10,000 times safer and cheaper. As far as industry, lol no.

again, startrek is fantasy. understand?

>> No.3168568

I wouldn't either. Fortunately, near-Earth asteroids still have quite an absurd advantage in resource content.

>> No.3168574

Stop trolling and acting like a moron please. Nobody mentioned star trek but you, are you honestly so short sighted you think people are going to stop going into space?

>> No.3168580

Man will never fly through the air, do you understand? Never! If man were made for flying, he would have sprouted wings. No, Montgolfiers are too unreliable to be of any practical use. We are creatures of earth, born here and bound to die here, too.

>> No.3168610
File: 20 KB, 412x346, ILLUMINATI-ALL-SEEING-EYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long would it be before the Jews, Freemasons, Illuminati, et al. infiltrate it?

>> No.3168611

space travel is an extreme luxury. Our problems are going to multiply as this century drags on. We don't have the resources, will or money now we sure as shit won't later.

Progress isn't linear or infinite. That's a 20th century myth. Welcome to entropy/reality.

LOL, lets point an asteroid right towards earth for no other reason than greed. What could go wrong?

>> No.3168617

flying costs thousands of dollars, space travel costs billions if not trillions.

>> No.3168624

since he wants to set up a corporate government I'd say day one.

>> No.3168628

>space travel is an extreme luxury

Now? Yes, it is. Are we talking about doing these things now? No, we're not.

>We don't have the resources, will or money now we sure as shit won't later

Wrong. We have both the resources and the money, but not the will. That is changing, as evidenced by SpaceX, Bigelow Aerospace, and others, as well as their stated missions. We sure as shit are going to space, unless Russia and China decide to start flinging nukes around.

>LOL, lets point an asteroid right towards earth

I don't believe anyone mentioned moving the asteroid, just mining it. It'd be better to shave pieces off it and move those, if it was necessary. If we absolutely had to move the asteroid closer to Earth, for some retarded reason, we have some Lagrange Points that could stand some extra company.

>> No.3168656

SpaceX, Bigelow Aerospace, et.al are just in it to milk the government of subsidies. We have lots of puppet corporations like that in power that lobby our government officials, get federal grants, research a little and close up shop. Look at Haliburton, Enron, and BlackWater. It's just a ponzi scheme.

>> No.3168667

I think /x/ would appreciate your theories more.

>> No.3168700

it's not a theory, that's how the US government works. Tax money goes in, subsidies go out. This particular subsidy just plays to your emotions of wanting a startrek fantasy world.

>> No.3168706


>> No.3168736

it's not a conspiracy when people are making trillions off subsidies from the Us government.

Look at the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Look at our for-profit prison system (lol). Look at the recent decommissioning of the space shuttle program only to be taken over by private companies and foreign countries.

Money is the goal, not research, exploration or progress.

>> No.3168740

And if they're rich enough, navies of small countries. And if they're rich enough, navies of large countries. Yea, welcome to the sharktank. You should have been grateful.

>> No.3168742

Seriously, /x/ would be perfect for this.

>> No.3168752

Stop it you fags. Humans are eventually going to colonize space, if for no reason other than the extra elbow room and novelty.

As for this floating city, the idea itself is ludicrous. For places with extremely limited space and resources you need centralized planning, i.e. a strong government. How are you going to have competing restaurants, sewer systems and hospitals on something that small?

The only reason libertarianism hasn't been laughed off the face of the earth is that the idea of "every man for himself, fuck the feds" is really useful to corporations who want more power in people's lives.

>> No.3168757

You are just spouting conspiracy theories now.

>> No.3168768

SpaceX have tested their manned capsule you know, it works and landed successfully.

And there are companies not working for the US government who are working on various space vehicles.

>> No.3168785

I'm sure they have unpaid monk like scientists who just dream of sending mankind into space and it totally has nothing to do with the retarded amounts of money the US government gives them.

Seriously, it's not like these companies create anything for sale, they are set up to take in grants, investments and subsidies.

>> No.3168788

Let him build it. Once it's finished and people are in I shall come with my soldiers, take it to my own and sell the population as slaves. No laws right.

>> No.3168794

SpaceX is producing the capsules for their rockets and they have a contract from NASA to supply the ISS, seriously what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.3168797

>libertarian state
>provides social services


>> No.3168806

so someone in their company lobbied to take this role out of the hands of the government and into a private company like SpaceX. It seems I'm right.

>> No.3168810


While I don't think they can make it work due to the high price of maintaining a such a place. I support the attempt.

the only real industry I could see such a place sustaining is online gambling, data havens, maybe even bank accounts for tax evasion.

>> No.3168813


>rich and undefended white boys

You really hate white people don't you?

>> No.3168827

No you are just a delusional conspiracy theorist on the internet. NASA were going to do this whether spaceX existed or not, the shuttle was going to be taken out of service eventually.

>> No.3168832


Floating? Maybe.
Self-sustaining? Probably not. Being in int'l waters means they can mine shit from the seabed, and I guess you could build a tower down to the bed to create a series of refinery floors and stuff like that, but all that requires a large amount of energy that you're simply not going to draw from tidal or solar or nuclear power. And all that just to be considerably worse off than a landed nation.

>> No.3168840

>>3168788 No laws right.

>> No.3168847

>implying this island won't be exclusively populated by snooty, misanthropic white people.

>> No.3168853

>... they discover more about Snow Crash and its connection to ancient Sumerian culture, the fiber-optics monopolist L. Bob Rife, and his enormous Raft of refugee boat people who speak in tongues.

>> No.3168858

Wouldn't it be way better to try and strike a deal with Brazil or Mexico for a scratch of land?
Not that ot's likely to succed, but it's fucking more possible than a floating country.

>> No.3168871

it's not a conspiracy theory. it's business.

These companies aren't out to do this out of the kindness of their hearts. They want to make money. They aren't the government, they have only one motive: profit. It's a private company. Look at their investors, look at who runs them and look at the amount of money they are getting from the government. They aren't selling any products right now, they are "researching". It's no different than a weapons company.

>> No.3168876

>Implying they signed that treaty.
>Implying it is impossible to NOT follow this convention

>> No.3168883

But are they trying to make actual nation or just big boat?
Because if they declate it to be independent then those laws should conser me, or woud they?

I guess that if it's just a big boat then the standard, don't kill and pillage are valid

>> No.3168884


>implying this island won't be exclusively populated by snooty, misanthropic white people.

>implying your bigotry translate into reality

>> No.3168891


>online gambling, data havens,

Why the fuck doesn't Africa do this?

They always bitch about needing and industry, well their you go.

>> No.3168893

SpaceX successfully tested their spacecraft and are building more, go back to /x/ where you belong.

>> No.3168901


Because when you have violence rampaging through your country on a regular basis and have no consistent electricity, supporting an advanced telecommunications industry is very difficult.

>> No.3168903

If corporations wanted a happy unified Africa it would have happened. Right now it's more profitable for arms dealers to continue the rampages and dictatorships instead. Plus its a lot easier to make backroom deals with dictators on dumping toxic waste off of their shoreline than a democratic republic.

>> No.3168904



>> No.3168906


You act like violence and lack of infrastructure are akin to weather patterns, but more to the point the entire country doesn't have to have great infrastructure at first, just the areas housing the servers.

>> No.3168919


Problem's not necessarily with the source, but with the supply lines. Lines get cut, we suddenly have a problem again. Since we're unlikely to get a thorium power plant that an African company can both afford and can be installed on-premises within the next few decades, how about we focus on something more pertinent for Africa, like achieving even inconsistent electricity for Africans.

>> No.3168930


>If corporations wanted a happy unified Africa it would have happened.


pro-tip your nation can be both profoundly corrupt and stable, so even if what you are claiming(africa is a just hole due to corporate oppression) was true that still doesn't explain why the nations have zero infrastructure.

Mexico, Russia, even Italy are all pretty corrupt places and even they manage to keep that lights on.

Blaming African shity-ness on corporate corruption gives me a pretty clear picture about your knowledge of the world and your critical thinking ability.

>> No.3168941


No I'm acting like violence, disease, and destruction are rampant throughout Africa, which is fairly accurate except for a few exceptions like Botswana.

>> No.3168943
File: 355 KB, 1680x1003, minecraft underwater base incomplete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can a self-sustained, floating libertarian city succeed, /sci/?

In Minecraft, yes. Pic semi-related.

>> No.3168948

Except Africa does have quite a bit of infrastructure. Still shitty 3rd world status, but there have been paved roads, electricity, and telecommunications for the past several decades--in the big cities.

>> No.3168953


Africans can't have electricity because they can't maintain their infrastructure.

The moment those that build it are gone it crumbles, because not only can they not maintain the systems, the governments running the nations are so profoundly corrupt they don't allocate the resources needed to keep them operational.

Africa still may get stable power though, thanks to Chinese capitalism and African natural resources.

>> No.3168956

Libertarian who acknowledges this shit is a failure reporting in.

This plan would cater to Socialist-Technocrats more than Libertarians and the costs of maintaining the floating city would make it fail.


>I have never actually read any Libertarian literature or Friedman, and i don't actually know Rand Paul's political views. But my Left-Wing friends and Michael Moore movies told me that Libertarianism was a 100% Ayn Rand loving movement that believes altruism should be banned and only the profit motive matters.

>> No.3168963


Yeah the MAJOR cities have power, but that's it. You can't expect anymore reliability than that and even then black outs and brown outs are common place.

Just look up the average times spent with out power in these places yearly you'll get the idea.

I spent time in Africa last year while I was in the peace core, and the phrase "nothing works" isn't the slightest bit of an exaggeration.

>> No.3168974


The Africans are kinda pissed with the Chinese for erecting buildings made with floorboard cruft at the moment, so I don't think so. IF stable power comes, it'll come because thin-film solar panels end up working, like the guys who are literally printing solar panels out in California.

>> No.3168993
File: 25 KB, 403x414, 1307131272570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People ITT actually think this plan is relevant to most Libertarians, and not just the dream of a group of few Anarcho-Capitalists with money.
>People don't even know that the goal of the plan isn't even to be a "Libertarian society", but to "Experiment with other systems of Government", and a society in such a small place would have to be centrally-planned in some way ( can't have free enterprize in a small floating city with very limited space) - even if voluntary - and would be more like a Technocracy than a Free-Market.
>In other words, it's a fucking Technocrat experiment. Most of /sci/ would fap to this.

>> No.3169001

>peace core

>> No.3169005


Who' pissed at the Chinese?

The Africans? As in the African people?

Hahaha, They have no say in what goes on in Africa. Only the African leadership does, and they are getting a lot of incentives for allowing the Chinese to come in and set up shop.(extract raw resources)

Also it's only a matter of time before the Chinese become THE controlling interest in Africa.

No I don't think the Africans will be stopping the Chinese anytime soon.

>> No.3169011


in other words, libertarianism is not sustainable model of society and even the libertarians themselves admit it.

Main thing is, you can sleep well at night.

>> No.3169013

The key feature of a technocracy is that technical experts are in power.

A system where then wealthiest or highest-ranking corporate officers have the power is not a technocracy.

>> No.3169017


Chrome spell checker foils me again.

>> No.3169027


>libertarianism is not sustainable model of society

Not on a small boat at sea no,

democracy isn't either

>> No.3169062

You do know pirate ships had democracy before most nations did right?

>> No.3169100
File: 48 KB, 600x226, 20081210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrome doesn't highlight 'corps' as misspelled. Besides, what kind of person would actually go with 'peace core' after allegedly investing so much time on their behalf in Africa? Either an idiot, or a libelous lying liar who lies.

>> No.3169116

a tsunami would fuck shit up

what defenses could be implemented against a large wave hell bent on flipping over a floating city?

>> No.3169119

>democracy isn't either
Bitch, please. Pure democracy ONLY works in small groups, and pure communism only works in even smaller groups where everyone personally knows everyone else. That's why we have elected representatives, and don't vote personally on everything.