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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3165466 No.3165466 [Reply] [Original]

Science and Religion.

They are the same thing correct?


>pic semi-related

>> No.3165468


>> No.3165472

Think about. They both argue the same thing.

>> No.3165479
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>> No.3165480

Science and Religion are both trying to answer the same questions about life.

>> No.3165483


>> No.3165486
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>> No.3165488

Prove me wrong?
Religion has their own beliefs and follwers.
As do those in the science community.

Religion is a allegorical interpretation of creation as Science is literal.

Differences, yes, but ultimately the same.

>> No.3165493

there is a difference between belief and knowledge. I know that evolution is a real phenomena , theists believe god created the universe.

>> No.3165498

Yes, but what is God?
An almighty power beyond our own that created everything from nothing.

Sounds like the Big Bang Theory right?

>> No.3165503

Not to a schizophrenic or observers of schizophrenics.

>> No.3165507

sounds like you don't understand Big Bang theory.

>> No.3165508

>They are the same thing correct?

No. It's not /sci/'s fault you can't read a dictionary or think for more than two seconds, so fuck off.

>> No.3165512

the big bang was an event, not an "almighty power" as you put it.

>> No.3165516

>An almighty power beyond our own that created everything from nothing. Sounds like the Big Bang Theory right?

Only to people that don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.3165518

the big bang did not create anything.

it was a period of metric expansion

>> No.3165519

Religion (from O.Fr. religion "religious community," from L. religionem (nom. religio) "respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods," "obligation, the bond between man and the gods") is derived from the Latin religiō, the ultimate origins of which are obscure. One possibility is derivation from a reduplicated *le-ligare, an interpretation traced to Cicero connecting lego "read", i.e. re (again) + lego in the sense of "choose", "go over again" or "consider carefully".

>> No.3165522


Basically. Science uses falsification whereby a scientific theory holds until it is disproved; if I saw a square circle then I am wrong to think that all circles are circular. If we are to be democratic, which I sometimes think we fail to be in a time when our knowledge advances without the help of a higher power daily, we should judge religion by the same standard. This means we should see any religious theory as potentially true until it is disproved. Of course many claim that we need to prove God exists to claim religion holds but why should this be necessary when it is not in science? It was accepted that the earth was fat until proved otherwise so why not accept that there is a God until proved otherwise.
The problem with people accepting this is that they see the counterarguments for the arguments that claim to prove God’s existence as a proof that he does not exist i.e. because a and b lead to d and a is wrong d must be wrong. This is not however the case just because a particular argument to prove something isn’t totally sound does not mean that there is no alternative argument that may be sound even if it has not yet been discovered. It could be that b and c lead to d instead of a and b. If this is allowed for science why isnt religion given the same respect especially as its theories have lasted much longer without being falsified.

>> No.3165526

explain me then

>> No.3165528

Stop thinking conretely and make analytic connections.

Facts =/= theory

People who believe in science have faith based on reason.

People who have faith in religion believe in reason.

Followers gonna follow.

Thinking critically, anything said in religion can be interpreted scientifically.

>God created the world in 7 days
>7 days
>time is relative
>on a cosmic scale is probable.
>maybe not 7 days exactly
>but demonstrates relativity of time and space

>> No.3165535

1. Wat
2. Religion is based on nothing, and science on experimentation, something is not true to proven false, quite the opposite in science
3. /thread

>> No.3165541

Why should be bend science to fit your bat shit cultural mythologies?

Once again
Science based on FACT
FACT = Opposite of faith

>> No.3165542

>the earth created before the sun or any of the other stars.

don't try to stand up for idiots.

>> No.3165546

religion is based on God

>> No.3165550



Religion has nothing to do with god. There are Atheist religions.

>> No.3165552

Even so. As of right now, scientists are trying to prove wrong how something came from nothing. Can't be plausible? However it's what stands since they haven't proven otherwise.

Well no the big bang isn't the source of energy the created it. But isn't that what scientists are still trying to find?
>isn't that what religion supposedly explains

>> No.3165554

>mfw i'm a Christian on /sci/ because i know that the two coexist quite comfortably

>> No.3165555

faith: belief that is not based on proof
science: conclusion directly based on proof

>> No.3165556

are you retarded?

>> No.3165560

But don't people put faith in fact?

>> No.3165566

>mfw he thinks scientist believe in big bang as a god

and atheist = not religious

lrn2 epistemology

>> No.3165568

point half-proven.

>> No.3165571

i think aliens are angels and demons and god is an if not an state of perfect existence then a extra dimensional being.

so since science can prove aliens exist then why even acknowledge the fruity debate between science and religion rather than build on the understanding that each could go hand in hand

>> No.3165573

explaining inflation on a troll thread in /sci/ is futile.

>Facts =/= theory

Of course not. What do you think we compare our theory to? We need data. Facts are the data we test theory against.

>People who believe in science have faith based on reason. People who have faith in religion believe in reason.


>Thinking critically,

You're not doing that.

>anything said in religion can be interpreted scientifically.

That stupid shit you did isn't "interpreting scientifically". There's nothing scientific about it. It's called stretching a metaphor to fit reality. "Time is relative" doesn't follow from your "God created the world in 7 days". The connection was made by you. By the way, you forgot the second observer to compare those "7 days" to. With a single frame of reference, the word "relative" kind of loses meaning.

>> No.3165574

No, it's a fact, there is literally no way for it to be false, therefore it is not faith


>> No.3165578

>he's never heard of buddhism

>> No.3165584

It was a fact that the earth was flat back in the dark ages. Guess what, THAT FACT WAS FALSE.

>> No.3165585

people believe facts because of evidence.

people believe in god because of faith.

>> No.3165586

>or jainism
>or taoism

>> No.3165587

According to your true until proven false,

my sandwich now cures cancer at it's discrestion until proven otherwise, I have faith in it

>tries to get it taught in public schools

>> No.3165597

No one who actually had an education believed the world was flat in the dark ages.

We figured that shit out in 330 B.C.

>> No.3165598

If it's false then it wasn't a fact...

Why do we entertain this?

>> No.3165600

evolution and the idea of matter-begetting-matter can't be considered science because it is only held to be fact, but it is not known for sure to be fact. i'm not saying that Christianity = science, but i am saying that evolution =/= science.

>> No.3165603

A major difference between science and religion is that science keeps changing it's beliefs.

And yet people still believe.

Almost any fact that was made today can be easily proven wrong tomorrow. It can be as unreliable and unstable as religion acclaimedly is.

>> No.3165604

you forget the part where a bunch of guys write hundreds of storys about your sandwich spanning several thousand years.

>> No.3165605


>> No.3165607

Science gets more correct over time. Religion stays stupid forever.

>> No.3165608

ITT: hipster faggot decides that science is for aspie retards

>> No.3165609

Science follows the scientific procedures and methods that control and adjust variables to figure out what is the underlying cause for certain results and is developed through the use of theories, proof, and laws.

Religion is people with influence spreading their beliefs, often expecting people to follow them.

Science and religion do connect and agree in some cases, but they are different.

Zen teaching: "All is One and All is Different"

In the end, both are meant to appease those seeking answers.

>> No.3165610

actually, it's a common misconception that people believed the earth was flat.

>> No.3165614

Tell that to Brahe.

>> No.3165621

>in the end, they are the same

>> No.3165622

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls and other gullible fucks.

>> No.3165623

how is religion stupid? because it forces one to believe without perfect proof? where is your proof that the Big Bang really happened? you have faith that this theory is correct just like we have faith that God did create.

>> No.3165626


Also being consistantly wrong (religion) =/= slowly improving (science)

Next time you have a disease, try not getting any medicine, becuase it "might be proven wrong tommorow"

And you mean kinda like how every time religion is wrong, (In the bible the earth was created before the stars) it changes into a metaphor?

>> No.3165631

One problem is though, that some religions tend to believe they have all the answers, meanwhile science knows there is still much to learn about our world. Science is somewhat more willing to change its theories given enough results, but religions are much more opposed to changing their beliefs. Not all belief systems are that way, but more often than not they are.

>> No.3165640

>Next time you have a disease, try not getting any medicine, becuase it "might be proven wrong tommorow"
the ability to make medicine out of creation was given to man that we might combat the sickness that we brought upon ourselves.

>> No.3165641

turning away from the trolling, there's a lesson we can learn from this

How do we get actual people of faith to understand that science is not faith?

>> No.3165651


>implying we brought on microorganisms

And what about genetic defects? how did we bring those on ourselves? Seems like a fuck up in design

>> No.3165652

They are about as similar as female humans are to male humans, but if you don't see a difference there either, then what can I say? LOL

>> No.3165656

Hubble' Law
The Abundance of Primordial Elements
The Structure and evolution of the cosmos

>> No.3165659

They are much more different than male and female, you chauvinist pig, you

>> No.3165662

brought it on ourselves through improper diet and the expansion of knowledge.

>> No.3165657

I don't take medicine. If you want to live a healthy life, just take vitamins and minerals.
>vitamins and minerals create a healthy immune system
>the human immune system at it's healthiest can easily defend from cancer

Personally, I have never read the bible literally. I don't think it was created for that purpose. I believe it was created to give people the gratification of knowing where they came from in layman's terms. No one can truly comprehend the vastness of space, or the even the reality of reality. But everyone can cope with knowing "something's big out there".

But this isn't based on fact; rather my own beliefs.
>it'll get disregarded.

>> No.3165666

Ahh I can see the news reports from the future:
"Science proves the existence of God: 50 percent of world's population An Heroes."

>> No.3165667

genetic diseases aren't fuckups, they're deliberate. we only look at them as mistakes.

>> No.3165668

>genetic defects
>caused by unproper diet

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.3165673

But both human. And in order to sustain life, they must both coexist.

>> No.3165677


Ironic fuckin trips.

>> No.3165680

This thread is too fucking stupid

>vitamins live forever
>knowledge is bad

I feel like I'm being trolled by the roman catholic church

>> No.3165681
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>> No.3165682
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>> No.3165689

I'm sorry I just thought it would be funnier to respond that way. I know religion and science are much more different than that.

>> No.3165693

i am not even kidding. folks do not realize how important a proper diet is.

did you know someone who follows a proper diet does not even have the need for toilet paper? its because the pooper functions as self cleaning mechanism when tended to properly.

>> No.3165699



>> No.3165702

There's no proof that vitamins do shit. What about all the mormons who survive without any kind of medicine? They dont even treat their kids when they get sick!

>> No.3165704

people who trust scientific facts are just as bull headed are bible thumpers

I'll agree to that

>> No.3165705

I would love to see the research in this.

>> No.3165706



>> No.3165708

And if the mother didn't drink, smoke, and obeyed a healthy diet...

>> No.3165716

then she would still pass on huntington's

>> No.3165719


Where besides your asshole is this coming from?

>> No.3165720


>> No.3165722


Actually that's correct. I've been sticking to a proper diet for the last 10 years of my life and I've noticed my bowel movements are much smoother and come out much cleaner than they did when I was younger.

>> No.3165726

that's genetic. And if the first person in the long chain of ancestry lived a healthy diet, it wouldn't exist.

>> No.3165728

Just because you poop better doesn't mean it prevents genetic defects

Also science =/= religion, use a dictionary

troll line, /thread, ect.

>> No.3165730


Oh yea right. Everyone knows documentaries are just biased propaganda bullshit anyway.

>> No.3165736

And everyone knows that the science industry is controlled by the government.

go figure.

>> No.3165738

does anyone have any links to sites that show you dont need TP to poop if you eat good stuff?

>> No.3165742

Galileo was a heretic who should have been burnt at the stake. The geocentric theory still holds true you ignorant fucks.

>> No.3165746

troll a little harder.

>> No.3165752



>> No.3165753

What does it mean if i have to use extra buttpaper when i shit? I thought i was following a good diet... but now i am not so sure

>> No.3165754

>scientific proof, open to peer review
>controlled by the government

fuck off conspiracyfag

>> No.3165762

Seriously, it makes perfect sense if you're a scifag anyways.

>people are made of stuff from this earth
>vitamins and minerals come from the earth
>only natural that earthly subtances would make us healthier
>thus earthlings

>> No.3165763

Well I see this thread quickly digressed from troll-initiated argument fodder to posts about proper diet and clean poop. Nice job folks.

>> No.3165764

what? but why?! D:

>> No.3165767

sounds like loose stools, or you hve big buttcheeks.

have you gone on a diet recentlY? too much caffine causes it too

>> No.3165770

ahahaha Government controls everything. That's why it was created.

>> No.3165775


Are you on your period? I find that when I'm on the rag I shit a lot.

>> No.3165781

inb4 poison mushrooms

>> No.3165782

must be caffine.

nope im a guy

>> No.3165785

You may be following a good diet, but have you given thought about the possibility that your arse is so dirty because of all the stuff you keep inserting there?

>> No.3165787
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>> No.3165801

caffine is terrible. a good modern diet consist of fish, well cooked cow, a couple fruits and veggies with water.

follow this diet and you wont get shit all over everything anymore

>> No.3165809

>a good modern diet
>modern diet

hipster faggot

>> No.3165817


>> No.3165822

a hipster would eat some fucking weird fruit that no one's heard of. hipsters are rarely "modern" because it's too fucking common. i don't think you know what "hipster" means.

>> No.3165828
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Why is everyone going on about poop now?

>> No.3165834

hipsters are finicky weirdos with issues. 'nuff said.

>> No.3165836
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Because shit matters.

>> No.3165839

>hipsters eating what health professional recommends

Lol no.

>> No.3165842

either way you were way off with your assumption of who i am.

i say modern just to say it, i dont give fucks.

>> No.3165852
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if you don't give fucks, then why argue to defend yourself?

>> No.3165871
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i have argued nothing, you have me confused with another poster.

also i enjoy how this thread went from a shit thread to a shit thread..

also, is a holly a type of oak tree?

>> No.3165897


>> No.3165904
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You must be young or stupid or unschooled.

>> No.3165906
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I'd say this thread went pretty well.

>> No.3165907

Good show ol' chaps. Glad we could have a respectful but rousing intellectual discussion full of interesting ideas and topics, between civil-minded, level-headed people of calm demeanor and sane mind.

>> No.3165913

I read this entire thread and all I got for it was a lower IQ.

>> No.3165926

It should have expanded your concepts of perception.

>> No.3165928

You must be old or ignorant or unwise.

>> No.3165929

thanks man it was fun talking with you too.

>> No.3165939


>> No.3165951
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Put in the same place religion and science...

This is the proof that your mind is inconsistent

>> No.3165955


still disagree, then you have failed to accept facts.

>> No.3165985
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One word : Faith

No faith in science. You do not believe without proof, just by faith.

>> No.3166002


>> No.3166005
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>> No.3166046
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Don't mixing everything please and learn to use and understant words.

Try to find the main difference between " I believe in God " and " I believe in sciences "...

Of course, me, as a biologist, i believe in sciences as a tool to improve the human condition for example.

I do not believe in the Reason which would come to save us by magic.

Please, stop mixing everything

>> No.3166156

but wasn't religion first established to improve the human condition?
>10 commandments
>people generally oblige by them even if not religious

>> No.3166184
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>> No.3166206


Don't show this, this make me cry...

>> No.3166207

>implying christianity is the only religion

>> No.3166217


In Europe, in middle age, yes it was the big big big big big majority.

>> No.3166233

actually, it was the muslims who SAVED knowledge and continued going about with mathematics and science. Not all of it, but for them it was an interest.

For the christians, it was pointed as useless, and if it was contradictary of the doctrine blasphemy.

>> No.3166257

though i do think this chart is kind of bullshit psuedo-thinking, with people posting it or awknowledging it as a direct correlation without thinking of any other context of that time...nor the fact that back then life kind of was horrible and most people died when they were children, or if they were lucky in thire 40's so i do feel that religion kind of held a porpouse and i strongly doubt that the majority of you would fare better.

But yes, Christianity did do quite a bit of harm to science.