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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3162629 No.3162629 [Reply] [Original]

This is 4chan. You do not have an IQ higher than 120.
Have a nice day.

>> No.3162635


>MFW my IQ is 136
> :D
>MFW IQ is a broke metric and inherently worthless
> :D

>> No.3162639
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>> No.3162657

I qualify for MENSA membership.
Just Saying

>> No.3162660

By 120 did you mean 60?

>> No.3162663

and yet you waste time on 4chan impersonating some dumb whore? yeh, that sounds likely.

>> No.3162664

fuck you!

>> No.3162670

That's real unkind.

>> No.3162676

You're an unpleasant person.

>> No.3162679

Well that's not nice now, is it?

>> No.3162683
File: 52 KB, 450x300, 4938_0b7d..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just called me a dumb whore. its a fucking justified reaction.

>> No.3162684

EK is a wonderful man. Don't ever say otherwise
also, I'm listening to audiobooks. I'm allowed to be here at the moment.

>> No.3162688

>bawww someone on the internet called me a name, I must throw a fit about it

>> No.3162693

>bawww someone on the internet doesn't like being called names, I must thow a fit about it

>> No.3162694


how can you tell he/she is throwing a fit? do you have clear line of sight?

surely simply stating 'fuck you' coming from a lurker/troll does not necessarily imply a fit

>> No.3162697

i used an exclamation mark, so it would appear more emotive than if i had not. but yeh, i dont really care. i just thought seeing as i'm here now i should state my objection to it.

>> No.3162698

She throws fits over everything. She's a hypersensitive little cunt.

You're almost as witty as the original.

>> No.3162699

I am the original, he just doesn't know it.

>> No.3162702

But I do!


>MFW you have no idea what you're talking about and denounce IQ to sound "hip and edgy".

>> No.3162707

>mfw IQs are not used for any practical purpose
>mfw their only purpose is to show IQ
>mfw scales mean a 136 can be a 155

>> No.3162710


Troll post is a troll post.


Seriously EK get your shit together and quit being trolled erry day, erry thread.

>> No.3162712

lol, fine i'll do my best.

>> No.3162711



>> No.3162729

oh wow... a tripfag who drops info to try to impress people on a normally anonymous board, and tries to act nonchalant about it by adding "just saying"

you must be really desperate for recognition

p.s. IQ tests don't mean much, and even less when you take some random uncertified online test, which makes your claim even more pathetic

/former mensa member... paid for the test, got a free year's membership, never renewed it (thus pre-empting the blah blah blah you're just jealous of my iq replies... i was off their test's scale and i still claim it means shit)

>> No.3162730


>MFW IQ is correlated well with neurological traits

>MFW all IQ test subtests are very strongly correlated with full scale IQ, even if the tests are seemingly unrelated.

>MFW IQ is correlated strongly with socio-economic status and various other factors

>MFW IQ is correlated with achievement test performance at 70%

IQ is a strong measure of your general intelligence (assuming it is comprehensive enough to avoid inaccuracy).

This board's mistrust of psychometric testing is juvenile and unscientific. It parallels with the ideologies of anti-intellectual movements, such as creationism and a.ti-psychiatry.

>> No.3162735

I have an IQ of 120 with a standard deviation <span class="math">\infty[/spoiler].

>> No.3162741


>> No.3162743

Just did the hometest of mensa.
>98% score.
Should i go for the real thing? What are the benefits of joining?

Its the dutch one.

>> No.3162750


Adding onto this, IQ tests are valuable for diagnostic purposes. The notion that they "mean nothing" is ludicrous and would get you laughed at as a medical or academic professional.

I personally believe that gifted programs are highly valuable and that achievement tests are not proper to use in assessing intelligence due to the high prevalence of learning disorders. It would be unfortunate to see these programs no longer use psychometric testing to gain their members.

>> No.3162751

>not imaginary shit made up by psychologists
haha oh wow, human intelligence can not be measured with tests.

>> No.3162755
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>benefits of joining

>> No.3162759

>OP post: 1/10 troll
>Subsequent posts: 6/10 troll for tripfaggotry

Can we all admit this, and move on?

>> No.3162762

if you're really curious, go for it
you should get the first year's membership free so you'll get to see if it's worth renewing later

all it really is though is meeting a group of other people who happen to be able to pass the same test... so the meetings are a bit awkward and inherently pretentious

if you travel though, there is a global network of members who will offer you a place to stay for a few days in loads of different countries

>> No.3162763

>Mfw I don't care if you are trolling. My IQ makes me feel special.


>> No.3162764


All data disagrees with you, it isn't very rational to follow blind intuition to form your worldviews.

>> No.3162772

How about you stop being a fucking aspie and use simple logic. Intelligence and creativity will never be able to be measured by some shitty test problems. Get your head out of your ass and get laid.

>> No.3162779

10/10 OP

Sci just went full retard trying to defend itself.

>> No.3162783

>trolls trolling trolls
I think OP is right, hardly anyone with an IQ above 115 here, not that IQ means anything but just saiyan.

>> No.3162797

It's likely that there is many with IQ's above 120. The average IQ of an introverted person is much higher than average, as is the IQ of someone who has a strong interest in science an math. Most people with an IQ below a deviation above average are going to dislike intellectual topics due to cognitive dissonance, among other things.

>> No.3162914


I'm interested in science and math, so i won't come back to /sci/

>> No.3162957

I have an IQ of 150, fucking idiot.

>> No.3162961

Correct and possibly correct.
Thankyou, I will.

>> No.3162964

I probably don't have an IQ over 120. But I don't give a fuck. I am still getting to do my research and I at least think it is interesting and my advisor at least thinks I am making progress towards something useful.

>> No.3163074

If my IQ is lower than 120 then why don't I ever get laid?

>> No.3163093

>implying IQ is a legitimate form of the measurement of intelligence

>> No.3163097


This is 4chan. You have nothing better to do that browse 4chan. You are already a looser.

>> No.3163100
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>> No.3163105


IQ means jackshit if you are still here on fucking 4chan instead of working on your next scientifically worthwhile project. You are probably 16 or older. Many accomplishments have been made at those ages. None by you.

>> No.3163111


Wait, you think are are somehow better than a whore?

>> No.3163144



>> No.3163165

- Idiots who believe dumb people are dumb because they were born that way
- Idiots who believe IQ measures anything more than performance on IQ tests
- Idiots who cling to their supposed intelligence because it's the only thing they can reasonably claim they have going for them

>> No.3163176

>Advancing humanity

>> No.3163177

Sorry, stupid people really are born that way. It's been proven time and time again. People like you victimize them for something beyond their control.

And high intelligence is also something that people are born with, and that frequently causes others to force handicap and punish someone for. Again, completely beyond their control... And it's a resource.

>> No.3163180

Seriously, GTFO my /sci/.

>> No.3163182
File: 37 KB, 300x375, poolclsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idiots who cling to their supposed intelligence because it's the only thing they can reasonably claim they have going for them

by the way, sage? in /sci/? really?

>> No.3163195

> my verbal IQ is 135 and my performance IQ is 155
> IQ is the average of those two
> you can only take that average if they difference is 10 or lower
> mfw i therefore have no IQ

>> No.3163200

>by the way, sage? in /sci/? really?
It still serves as communication, even if it has little actual function (preventing the post from bumping the thread).

>> No.3163201


>I'm autistic or have a learning disorder

>derpy herpy herpa derpa hurr

>please fuck my face

>> No.3163204

Studying maths and physics at university atm.

>> No.3163205


Ugh, gosh.

Autists have a deficit in perceptual reasoning. My bad.

>> No.3163215


Serious question:

Are you of east-asian descent?

There's an average of a 10-14 point difference between the WAIS perceptual reasoning index and verbal reasoning within this population. It is also backed up with neurological data.

>> No.3163216

Well, as our math prof says, every mathematicians is a little bit autistic.
Even though that autism is pretty much limited to being very meticulous about university notes and computer folders etc..

>> No.3163221

West-European... As far as i know, no eastern (or anywhere non-west-european) family for the last 7 generations.

>> No.3163224

I had an IQ of 135 before the inflation, according to a medical textbook from the 70s. Not that it matters; my time is spent between 4chan and anime.

My friend on the other hand, has an IQ of 110~ and is a published scientist, with awards from symposia and what have you.

Plus, I am guessing I might have lost a couple dozen points since I took the test.

TL;DR IQ is not an indicator of general intellect. Only a simpleton would elevate it such.

>> No.3163226

And with that, i don't mean that 8 generations ago there was someone of eastern descent or so, i just don't have a clue.
Both my father and mother's family names have a west-european origin, too...

>> No.3163232

86 but I'm being honest

>> No.3163235

Indeed, personally i consider IQ more of a "potential". How well it determines your intelligence depends on how you use it, as well as some external factors.

Even though my IQ is rather high, i don't feel it's something to be proud of. You're born with it, but by no means does that imply you deserved it.

>> No.3163262

Same goes for all other traits. Deserving in not the issue, it's measurement. And by that IQ prevails.
>my IQ is rather high
[citation needed]

>> No.3163282

I have a rather high IQ score. Take it from me, it doesn't mean much. It's mostly a measure of how much autism you have.

>> No.3163291

gi'da gi''da diddy gi''da 180, SBIT, dddddddd....

>> No.3163305

Too bad none of you are intelligent enough to not reply to this troll.
You waste your so-called "intellect" on nonsensical arguments over a pseudo-science.