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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 518x472, Astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3161438 No.3161438 [Reply] [Original]

how are astronauts able to stay at the same speed as the spaceship when they are floating in space when its going thousand of miles per hour

>> No.3161442

the same reason that if you jump out of a train at high speed, you are moving as fast as the train is until you hit the ground.

>> No.3161448


>> No.3161450

Unless an object is stopped by an opposing force it continues to move at the same speed forever

>> No.3161452


Fuck off EK

>> No.3161454

Don't you talk to ma woman that way!!

>> No.3161458

newton's first law of motion

>> No.3161464

fuck you!

>> No.3161465


White knight faggot detected.

>> No.3161469

>implying there's something wrong with being a nice person

>> No.3161473

>ma woman

yeh, it was kinda white knightey tho...

>> No.3161478


Fuck off EK

>> No.3161481

>implying i do.

>> No.3161477
File: 71 KB, 413x303, strangethread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3161474


>Implying EK doesn't deserve it.

>> No.3161484

Fuck you EK. You do.

>> No.3161483

shit pic dude http://criggo.net/images/3423342.jpg is better and its without that lined shit too :D

>> No.3161492

Ek I haven't seen you post in ages, why the sudden bout of faggotry?

i'm referring to the other threads you're posting in right now as well

also fuck off EK

>> No.3161501

Because they are left floating in space while it is the Earth that goes round.

>> No.3161503


This I don't get. I haven't lurked that long here on /sci/, maybe half a year or so. Still, I've seen a lot of people telling EK to "fuck off", but I've never seen any post by EK where he/she wouldn't have tried to be helpful.

Has EK been a dick, said something really stupid, or what is the deal here? I mean people make mistakes.

>> No.3161508

sorry, wheres the faggotry on my part?


i sometimes get stuff wrong, so they complain about that.
apart from that it is the haters who are dicks, not me.

>> No.3161510
File: 250 KB, 682x949, 1300736366047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is summer in here. Fags, think they are cool with their "known" fag name on /sci/... Pathetic

pic related, it's how tripfags are seen by others

>> No.3161516

summerfags shouldnt even know who i am, so they won't be amongst the haters...yet, at least.

>> No.3161517

you have instantly become the biggest faggot in this thread and have just proven that you've only been here a week.
leave, go fuck yourself and never come back

>> No.3161525


Well, as long as one can admit ones mistakes afterwards. Being a /sci/entist's not about being right the first time, amirite?

I'd hate this to be yet another board where immature idiots search for mistakes in others posts, just to be able to tell them they're stupid, so they can feel superior.

>> No.3161530

Makes a lot of retarded troll posts and generally shits up the board with faggotry and pseudo-science.

>> No.3161552

fuck you and your lies! i might make the occassional troll post, but i NEVER post pseudoscience or any bullshit like that.

>> No.3161576
File: 27 KB, 453x482, asda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i NEVER post pseudoscience

>sex is healthier than masturbation
>men cannot get an erection unless they're sexually aroused
>the size of the vaginal cavity is independent of arousal
>the main energy source in anaerobic conditions in the brain is glucose

>> No.3161577

>See retard thread
>Last post is derailed summerfagotry
>Lets see what this is all about
>Read the thread, instant shit from post one
Oh /sci/ learn to sage

>> No.3161582

thats just me being incorrect, its not the end of the word, hun. and certainly isnt pseudoscience.

>> No.3161585
File: 16 KB, 452x287, adSTFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i never actually said that first one, you liar.
citation or STFU.

>> No.3161598

You know, calling people "hun" whenever they remind you how much of a fucking failure you are doesn't really give off the impression of self-confidence you're hoping for. It just adds affectation to the list of things wrong with you.

>> No.3161599

>never post pseudoscience

Cool story, I have seen your retarded pseudo-science bullshit all the time, I am beginning to think that your protest of posting pseudo-science is based on you not knowing what the word means, another one of your 'mistakes' perhaps, hmm?

>> No.3161609

up the shut fuck all of you.

>> No.3161615

Yeah, I think you're right. You claimed that sexual intercourse was -as healthy- as masturbation, which is equally false, by the way. Infectious diseases and all.

>> No.3161617
File: 54 KB, 571x570, coolstorybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post one example or stfu.

>> No.3161619

if you ignore friction

>> No.3161623

i took into account infectious diseases, and I said equally healthy (apart from sexually transmitted disease)

also, i believe i was asking a question in that thread, not stating facts, so it isnt me being wrong, a question cant be wrong, just the anwer, perhaps.

>> No.3161630


What? You were out of real arguments? Make the next post about grammar, oh please do!

>> No.3161632

>until you hit the ground
also, disregard air resistance.

>> No.3161634

ANYWAY, back on topic:

You share momentum imparted on you and the shuttle during orbit. What would be slowing you down while you were floating outside the ship?

>> No.3161643

>i took into account infectious diseases, and I said equally healthy (apart from sexually transmitted disease)
You didn't, actually. After people had to inform you that ejaculations do indeed have health benefits, you claimed that it would be just as healthy to ejaculate through sex as through masturbation, provided that one would take safety precautions, and as I said, this is plainly false. Your misunderstanding here, I suppose, is that you can't wrap your head around the difference between the subgroup of sexually transmitted diseases and infectious diseases in general. You can prevent the former with condoms, but you can't prevent all of the latter, unless you literally avoid all physical contact, i. e. masturbate.

>> No.3161650

fine watever.
>hurr durr, EK was slightly wrong, everyone give over 9000 fucks pl0x.

now get back on topic and stop being a faggot.