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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3149348 No.3149348 [Reply] [Original]

So I got my PhD candidacy exam today. I get 27 hours to finish it.

I've been working on it since 10am this morning pretty much non-stop except to go to the bathroom and right now.

I'm just a little over half way done with it. It's due tomorrow at noon. I think it's going to be a long night.

Pic is how I feel right now

>> No.3149352

Good luck man.

It's the last written test you'll ever take.

>> No.3149377

lol is it multiple choice

>> No.3149381

think of it this way: this is literally the last test you will ever have to take seriously.

unless you decide to go back to school. but as they say, you're only stupid enough to go for your doctorate once.

>> No.3149428


>> No.3149444

where are you from OP?

>> No.3149451

Good luck, Dr. Anon

>> No.3149458

Gook luck, Anon.

This is it:
>The Final Countdown

>> No.3149462

PhD in what field?

>> No.3149466

get you some adderall, OP

>> No.3149800


>> No.3149813

>PhD in Genetics
>any jeans i want
>?? starting

>> No.3149814

> takehomeexam.jpg


>> No.3149825

post problems

>> No.3149828

Good luck, OP.

Though you really should probably get the fuck off of 4chan.

>> No.3149833


>XY starting

>> No.3149839


>> No.3149840

Good luck anon!

>> No.3149845

What happens if you fail?

>> No.3149855

You contract AIDS and die.

>> No.3149859


Everyone suggests this, but it isn't as easy at everyone makes it seem.

>> No.3149868

if i fail then I have to take an oral exam either with every prof or with the ones I do poorly on. If I fail that I'm asked to leave the program

>> No.3149875

Here is one.

You identify a gene on chromosome 12 that upon stimulation with drug X mediates direct conversion of fibroblasts to neurons. You now want to know how this gene is regulated, and so you map H3K4me1 sites, which correlate with the location of gene enhancer elements, by ChIP-seq in unstimulated fibroblasts. The ChIP-seq results reveal no less than 2500 regions that have high H3K4me1 signal on chromosome 12. You now need to figure out which one(s) actually regulate your gene. Describe how you would approach this problem, list the issues that you will need to consider, discuss how to address them, and present how you would prioritize candidate enhancer sequences for functional testing. You have unlimited amounts of money, access to the latest genomics technologies, and a bioinformatician at your disposal. However, your competitor has made a similar discovery and is about ready to scoop you, so you need to design a set of experiments that can be completed in a reasonable time frame to get you your answer, so knocking out the putative enhancers one-by-one in mice is not an option.

>> No.3149874


It depends on who you know. A lot of people with prescriptions sell it when they reach college to make money. Though, for obvious reasons, I would advise you not to buy from any undergrads from classes you TA (though I imagine if you're taking a candidacy test you're probably done with that).

>> No.3149891

what the fuck am i reading?

>> No.3149899



>> No.3149904

>Watch every season of CSI
>Replicate episode where lab miraculously compares the hair of an albino to the murder suspect using a rare genetic allele

>> No.3149905
File: 77 KB, 594x372, 2qv5vlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real science?

>scary isnt it? Back to philosophy and atheism threads for you

>> No.3149913

is there a tl;dr version of this?

>> No.3149920


the answer is 42

>> No.3149929

Sounds like you need essentially a good sorting algorithm and various test procedures that'll lump your regulators.

>> No.3149925

just finish the test and find some way for me to become immortal.

>> No.3149937


>The ChIP-seq results reveal no less than 2500 regions that have high H3K4me1 signal on chromosome 12. You now need to figure out which one(s) actually regulate your gene.

How do?

>> No.3149941

magic. I'm not going to post my answers before the tests are graded

>> No.3149948
File: 497 KB, 210x224, 1293214955731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lumped your mom's regulators last night.

>> No.3149951


>hurr durr, i got an A in high school biology, means i know what im talking about

>> No.3149953


bugger you

>> No.3149955

eh? You got all that from a general analysis of the problem?

>hurr I never learned basic logic and reasoning

>> No.3149966

yfw grading professor frequents /sci/, sees posted question and gets the wrong impression

>> No.3149969

>>3149937 You identify a gene on chromosome 12 that upon stimulation with drug X mediates direct conversion of fibroblasts to neurons. You now want to know how this gene is regulated, and so you map H3K4me1 sites, which correlate with the location of gene enhancer elements, by ChIP-seq in unstimulated fibroblasts. The ChIP-seq results reveal no less than 2500 regions that have high H3K4me1 signal on chromosome 12. You now need to figure out which one(s) actually regulate your gene. Describe how you would approach this problem ...

Woah, real problem. Okay let's see. ChIP just tells us which regions bind. 2500 regions is really freaking huge so you can probably rule out regions that aren't directly UTR of your gene (guess: order 100 sites left)...

>> No.3149984


Oh wait, would it work to just do the sequencing under Drug X condition and not Drug X conditions? Assuming that methylation is causing silencing via these histones... the difference between the two signals would be a good first order approximation for what the drug is doing. Is it that simple?

>> No.3149998

if so, you'd have a good idea about what signal is cis/trans regulating your gene (categorize that way). I'm not sold that methylation is the only way... I'd prefer to know what the mode of action of the drug is. But the question's about epigenetic regulation.

Follow up experiment is then one or two knockouts of promising regions.

Thanks, OP this helps me understand why I care about binding.

>> No.3150008

OP here fyi methylation doesn't always silence. H3K4me1 is the mark of an active enhancer and we're talking about enhancers so they are orientation, distance, and location independent.

but you're on the right track

>> No.3150014

Careful guiz, you might make /sci/ think real science is complicated

>> No.3150020

Wow, I actually understand this, which I guess I should since I'll probably be that bioinformatician in the question. Best of luck, OP.
Also, lol. >You have unlimited amounts of money,

>> No.3150027

>>3150008 fyi methylation doesn't always silence.

They keep telling me that, but I'm not buying it. Makes my head hurt. You want me to believe that some spooky binding far away from the TSS of my gene is causing stuff to happen? refs/textbook?

>> No.3150054

At the end of it, make sure you demonstrate how you would patent the detection sequence and sue your nemisis when he discovers the same method independantly

Also, you'll donate half of your riches to the school.

>> No.3150074


OP OP OP, I have a question. How does histone modification relate to methylation at CpG sites? At all?

>> No.3150088
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>> No.3150093

I thought anyone mad enough to charge into a doctorate will still have to write scientific research materials on random bullshit he studies.
You know, writing the stuff you find on JSTOR or PubMed rather than using it for once.

>> No.3150094

As much as I am thrilled to have actual science being discussed on /sci/, I'm gonna say that OP really should work on finishing his test so he can advance to candidacy. After that you can fuck around some, so long as you get sufficiently good at hiding from your adviser.

>> No.3150105

shhh. we're trying really hard to distract OP. Plus they're probably a woman. Genetics is a womanly field.

>> No.3150114

>27 hours? Man, I better get on 4chan and tell everyone about it.


Get back to work, son. What are you going to tell your friends and colleagues? Missed a deadline because of 4chan?

>> No.3150116

>You have unlimited amounts of money
Pay off someone else to do it.

Also be sure to mention how you'll donate half your money to the school you're taking this test from. Also hope you get an advisor to busy with his own shit to bother you.

>> No.3150121

Both of these. Back to work, bitch. *whiplash*
ALSO - take a pic of yourself after you pass the exam and put it as a >mfw
We'll remember ya.

>> No.3150131

One last thing.

Eye of the Tiger and Good fucking luck!

>> No.3150185
File: 89 KB, 416x500, timepanties2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying /sci/ isn't a valid source for scientific research.

>> No.3150196


>implying anyone can work for 27 hours straight

taking breaks are recommended maybe even a nap

>> No.3150207

At last someone from /sci/ is about to graduate.

>> No.3150220

If OP is anything like me he probably slept for ridiculous amounts of time one or two days before this test. He should be okay.

>> No.3150238

This fired my curiosity. OP are you a woman? If OP is a woman, should she tits or GTFO?

>> No.3150247

i'm not

>> No.3150256

good luck op! for the remaining hours just play this song in a loop , or just save it for the very last moments

>> No.3150265

I got a better song for you OP


>> No.3150283

i didn't know you could get a doctorate in genetics.
sci/ can only math apparently

>> No.3150295

>You have unlimited amounts of money, access to the latest genomics technologies, and a bioinformatician at your disposal.

Here's the real problem.

OP, would I be fucking myself if I chose Genetics over Biochemistry for grad school? Or is there enough overlap that I can be OK with it?

>> No.3150304
File: 4 KB, 252x184, 1292545562668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3150306


This is not /b/, we don't do that here. Further, this is a safe for work board and posting nude images can get you banned.

I know it's summer, but please keep the /b/ stuff out of /sci/, it's not appreciated.

>> No.3150321

Relax, I only meant that as a joke, and I'm really curious about the likelihood of a woman that's a candidate for Phd lurking in 4chan.

Anyways, I just saw a trap pic at the other thread.

>> No.3150333

OP will undoubtedly fail.

27 hours straight work is stupid.

>> No.3150336

well fuck you I only have 2 questions left!

>> No.3150338


gj op that's the spirit
go fail harder nerd

>> No.3150341

How many questions? And are they all essay questions?

>> No.3150342

yes they're all essay and I have to answer 10 of 13

>> No.3150386

>direct conversion of fibroblasts to neurons

this is terrifying.

>> No.3150415

no, it's real life


>> No.3150442

Yes but that implies I can turn my skin into neurons. I suppose it would have an application in treating leprosy possibly. Then again I don't know anything.