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3149242 No.3149242 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw melanin levels in a given sample of homo sapien sapien causes light to refract off of their epidermis at wavelengths that vary from other members of their species and thus are inferior or superior depending on the relation of those wavelengths with others.

>> No.3149277

black people steal

>> No.3149284
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>mfw you're butthurt about another thread and try to define race as skin color or imply that's it's physical appearance that causes notion of "Superiority"/"inferiority" and not repeating patterns of behaviro

>mfw you're approx. 14-15

>> No.3149289

white people rape and pillage

>> No.3149297


Everybody has raped a pillaged killed ect ect

Whites were just better at it and now folks mad.

>> No.3149299

>implying black people aren't doing the lion's share of the raping here

>> No.3149308

>I hate black people

>> No.3149316
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>There is a correlation between behavior and skin color but skin color isn't the cause. Therefore, skin color is relevant to the situation and distinction between peoples of various tones are justified.


>> No.3149317

Yes, the world we live in is strange.

>> No.3149320

>mfw melanin levels in a given sample of homo sapien sapien causes light to refract off of their epidermis at wavelengths that vary from other members of their species and thus are blamed for all the atrocities and injustices in the world

also dog breeds some are more violent some are less some are more intelligent some are dumber.

>> No.3149328

why are you talking about skin color indians are just as dark as black people. What you mean is race.


>> No.3149331

>implying that externally observable phenotypical traits that we identify as racial do not imply further genetic similarity among a given population that has evolved independently over a non-negligible period of time
>implying that said phenotypical traits do not correlate with cultural values devleoped within the population
>implying that all cultures are equal
>implying untenable liberal bias and a failure to understand reality

Judge each individual by that individual's actions but don't pretend that there aren't recurrent tendencies in particular populations and sub-populations. More often than not those tendencies will be cultural rather than racial but the two strongly coincide and make it reasonable in many cases to assume one in presence of the other.

>> No.3149341
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Hasty generalizations aren't fallacies because of confirmation bias.

>> No.3149357


>I hate reality

>Forty-eight women raped every hour in Congo, study finds


>1 In 3 South African Men Admit To Rape


Lesbians subjected to "corrective rape" in South Africa


>Rape, including child rape, is increasing at shocking rates in South Africa. Sexual violence against children, including the raping of infants, has increased 400% over the past decade


>Liberia's child rape victims


>> No.3149364


at what point do generalizations stop becoming hasty and start becoming legitimate pattern recognition?

>> No.3149365
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>cite places of political and social turmoil with poor economies
>black people are evil

>> No.3149366
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>ITT: stormfront

You guys aren't even trying anymore.

>> No.3149367


When I can stop walking down the street and finding many exceptions to your generalizations.

>> No.3149372

>I really hate black people

>> No.3149373

I would explain the overrepresentation of certain races in the prison system as due to subcultural values. Race coincides with subcultures because it is natural for humans to associate with those they find similar to themselves, and racial traits are very prominent in this regard. That is why you find small racially and religiously homogenous communities all over the place.

Race is itself not a cause, but it is often an indication. Often, but of course not always.

>> No.3149374

cite a place where black people are not in economic and social termoil.

>> No.3149379

Walk through the ghetto in the night OP if you believe you aren't as biased as the rest of us.

>> No.3149385

cite a place where imperialism hasn't been.

>> No.3149383
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The house across the street.

Check and mate.

>> No.3149384
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>some claims blacks rape a lot

>someone implies that's not true the one making that claim must simply hate black people

>offer evidence that black people do rape a lot

> claim turmoil makes people rape


>> No.3149393
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>implying race = skin color

>> No.3149395

>implying there is no such thing as mass-produced black youth culture that glorifies criminality and encourages anti-social behavior

>> No.3149398

Sage for obvious trollbait thread

>> No.3149399


Post hoc ergo propter hoc, eh?

>> No.3149416


Basing your concept on EXCEPTIONS is a hasty generalization favoring YOUR conformation bias.

Can you not see that?

also what street are you walking on?

>> No.3149417

cite a place were africans haven't lived in mud huts before imperialism.

>> No.3149431

>I really really hate black people

>> No.3149432
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>mfw 'sapien'
also, 9/10

>> No.3149453
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>> No.3149456

>I might hate black people, I'm not sure.

>> No.3149461

Keep racial shitposting out of /sci/

>> No.3149467

What this guy said. ^ x a million.

Race does not exist as a biological definition. Variation exists but one cannot categorize it as race.

Fucking people. Learn yourselves some goddamn biology.

>> No.3149483

Keep rational racial relevance inside /sci/


>> No.3149485

>I really really really hate black people

>> No.3149491

behavior aside, wtf are you talking about? those variations are the definition of race... or are you going to claim that there is no distinguishable difference between chinese and ethiopian people

you might not be able to isolate a clear set of genes and alleles that define any given "race", but there are obviously many genetic commonalities within some groups not shared by other groups... enough to make them clearly distinguishable from each other

>> No.3149493

Economically downtrodden peoples become animalistic towards each other. Therefore all of history's losers inevitably become evil, and history's winners say "See? That's why we had to conquer them, they're so eeeevil."

>> No.3149516

racism is correct because antiracist can't explain why all races should be the same to begin with.

>> No.3149523

freaks of nature don't count

>> No.3149534

There are obviously genetic differences between races. This is where the PC crowd gets a little overzealous. But on the other hand, the differences between the races cannot be _that_ extreme. Genetic analysis has shown us that people from different races are surprisingly similar, much more similar than you would have expected based on outward appearance. To assume that the differences in social success of different racial groups are due to genetics, is idiotic. Very presumptuous. Which is ironic since the same people accuse liberals of being similarly presumptuous when they say people are equal.

>> No.3149557

how similar are we talking here? because humans and chimpanzees are about 99% identical, so 1 tenth of one percent is an incredible difference in terms of genetics

>> No.3149570

Nature Genetics journal: Genetic variation, classification and 'race'


>inb4 jewish propaganda

>> No.3149577

also if TL;DR, the abstract sums it up well:

Analysis of many loci now yields reasonably accurate estimates of genetic similarity among individuals, rather than populations. Clustering of individuals is correlated with geographic origin or ancestry. These clusters are also correlated with some traditional concepts of race, but the correlations are imperfect because genetic variation tends to be distributed in a continuous, overlapping fashion among populations. Therefore, ancestry, or even race, may in some cases prove useful in the biomedical setting, but direct assessment of disease-related genetic variation will ultimately yield more accurate and beneficial information.