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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3141264 No.3141264 [Reply] [Original]

f(4) = 65 536
f(5) = 33 554 432
f(1) = 2
f(2) = 16

f(x) = ?

>> No.3141274

"guess the sequence" is for faggots

>> No.3141280

5 is the correct answer

Not science.

>> No.3141292

<span class="math">
f(x) = \begin{cases} 2 & x =1 \\ 16 & x = 2 \\ 65 536 & x = 4 \\ 33 554 432 & x = 5 \\ 0 & x \notin \{1,2,4,5\} \end{cases}

>> No.3141288 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 109x127, zx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="math"> f(x) = 2^(x^2) [/spoiler]

>> No.3141296

Using interpolating polynomial;
<span class="math"> 65536+\frac{7}{6} (-4+x) (4784138+x (-7152799+2387385 x)) [/spoiler]

>> No.3141294 [DELETED] 

fuck latex

>> No.3141300

<div class="math">
f(x) = \begin{cases} 2 & x =1 \\ 16 & x = 2 \\ 65 536 & x = 4 \\ 33 554 432 & x = 5 \\ 0 & x \notin \{1,2,4,5\} \end{cases}

jsmath sucks

>> No.3141310

Wtf am i doin wrong with latex?

<span class="math">
f(x) = \begin{cases} 2 & x =1 \\ 16 & x = 2 \\ 65 536 & x = 4 \\ 33 554 432 & x = 5 \\ 0 & x \notin \{1,2,4,5\} \end{cases}

>> No.3141313 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 417x355, 12645648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, give up, faggot.

>> No.3141317

Who are these women you always post?

>> No.3141323

Unless you make some assumptions about the form of this function then there is no way to know what f(x) is.

>> No.3141324 [DELETED] 


>> No.3141328 [DELETED] 

i already posted the correct answer you fucking nigger. nothing else works. its this.

>> No.3141331

Infinite possible solutions.

>> No.3141337


<span class="math">
<div class="math">
f(x) = \begin{cases} 2 & x =1 \\ 16 & x = 2 \\ 65 536 & x = 4 \\ 33 554 432 & x = 5 \\ 0 & x \notin \{1,2,4,5\} \end{cases}

>> No.3141338

You think that a polynomial of degree four can't be made to fit through any four points? Fuck off EK.

>> No.3141340

Ok how'd ya figure it out?

>> No.3141336 [DELETED] 

no there fucking isn't you stupid fucking retard. post one solution other than mine, then.

>> No.3141342


Fucking latex, how does it work?

>> No.3141343


>> No.3141349


>> No.3141353

Hey, EK. Can you show us your breasts?

>> No.3141356

There are always infinite number of solutions in these problems.

>> No.3141358 [DELETED] 

lol, i admire your tenacity.

you are a full fucking retard. never respond to me again!

i noticed that f's 1-4 were all in the 2^x series, and guessed that 2^5 might be as well.
after a bit of wolframing, it wasnt difficult to figure out that it worked perfectly when x was squared.

>> No.3141360

Ok, I give up. Anyone care to explain, why this doesn't work?

f(x) = \begin{cases} 2 & x =1 \\ 16 & x = 2 \\ 65 536 & x = 4 \\ 33 554 432 & x = 5 \\ 0 & x \notin \{1,2,4,5\} \end{cases}

>> No.3141375

hello friends

how long would it take to adequately learn latex, and is it worth learning?

>> No.3141370 [DELETED] 

f(1) comes out as about -3 million, not 2, as it is supposed to.

i can, but i wont. never ask this again.


>> No.3141381


shut up
the guy is right,theres an infinite number of solution

2^(x^2) + (x-1)(x-2)(x-4)(x-5) is another solution

if you define a finite number of values for a function
there is an infinite number of polynoms that verify these values

>> No.3141382

You forgot to put the [ma th] [/ma th] tags.

>> No.3141388

yes there is

>you-never-said-the-functions-had-to-be continuous.tar.gz

i'll take my infinite number of piecewise linear functions and destroy this question.

>> No.3141384 [DELETED] 

enjoy: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Wiki/index.php/LaTeX:Symbols
(there are others as well)

>> No.3141390

Hey, Ek, can you solve this one?

2^x + 3^x = 50

And I'm not talking about Wolfram, or finding the roots, but solving it properly in a step-by-step method to arrive at the answer those other tools would give you.

>> No.3141392

I left them out to show you teh code instead of "unknown control sequence"...
Wait, did you just troll me?

>> No.3141396

Proof of infinitely many solutions;
<span class="math">f(x,r)=\frac{1}{120} (3 r (-5+x) (-4+x) (-2+x) (-1+x)+4 x (-133399128+x (233489354+x (-116785497+16695331 x))))[/spoiler]
<span class="math">f[/spoiler] satisfies the restrictions above for all <span class="math">r[/spoiler].
<span class="math">r[/spoiler] may take on any value in complex plane. Therefore infinitely many solutions.

>> No.3141397

Oh, yeah, and the answer is 3.3528. How do you do it, though?

>> No.3141399

check mate EK you massive faggot

>> No.3141400


You can fit any two points on a line right?
You can fit any three points on a parabola right?
You can fit any four points on a polynomial of degree four.
Etc, etc, etc.

Now tits or gtfo you dumb whore.

>> No.3141402 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 350x294, rageguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3141410

I have big latex symbol tables myself.
But I still don't see any syntactic erros in my statement.

>> No.3141405
File: 32 KB, 400x366, 6594034-cow-pig-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfsw i realise EK knows nothing about mathematics

>> No.3141413 [DELETED] 

xLOG3+xLOG2 = LOG50.
log3+log2 = (LOG50)/x
*use calculator*

>> No.3141417

You wrote 7*6 not 7/6.
I took the time to fix it for you EK;
I know how writing out equations can be hard for people in your position.

>> No.3141424

xlog(2) + xlog(3) =/= log(2^x + 3^x)

You can't take them separately.

>> No.3141427 [DELETED] 

i mean x = log50/(log2+log3)
then *use calculator*

>> No.3141431

You don't know much about math?
How many different aswers there would be if there would be only two points?

It btw helps to copy the function correctly:

>> No.3141436
File: 9 KB, 259x194, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and yes, imad you arrogant stupid whore.

>> No.3141441

Here's some help: log(a+b) = log(a((b/a)+1)) = log(a) + log((b/a)+1)

>> No.3141451

<span class="math">
derp = \begin{cases} hurr \\ durr \end{cases}

>> No.3141460 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1067x599, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, your not claiming that. exact solutions or GTFO.

>> No.3141470

<span class="math">
penis = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} penis & penis \\ penis & penis \end{array}

>> No.3141475 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 225x224, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love it...

>> No.3141479


Have you still not realized that you were wrong EK?

>> No.3141486

f(x) = 2 if x <= 1
= 16 if 1 < x <=2
= 65 536 if 2 < x <= 4
= 33 554 432 if 4 < X

>> No.3141490

<div class="math">
derp = \begin{cases} hurr \\ durr \end{cases}

>> No.3141487 [DELETED] 

alright, fine. but OP only needed one solution and i provided it.

>> No.3141496

It works perfectly with my normal latex,
it works perfectly with jsmath on their official homepage,
but it fucking doesn't work on /sci/.
How do I make a distinction of cases ifor a function here?

>> No.3141499

Get rid of the \\, then.

>> No.3141502

How do I separate my lines then?

>> No.3141504

Two different operations of [ma th] [/ma th]

>> No.3141507
File: 3 KB, 128x61, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I need the whole block to be surrounded by an opening {
liek in the pic

>> No.3141514

<span class="math">
derp = \begin{cases} hurr \\* durr \end{cases}

>> No.3141520

At least I'm not the only one failing.
But I'm sure I've seen a working version of this on /sci/ some days ago.
So it's not impossible.

>> No.3141521

<span class="math">
derp = \begin{cases} hurr \linebreak{1} durr \end{cases}

>> No.3141524

<span class="math">
derp = \begin{cases} hurr \newline durr \end{cases}

>> No.3141529

You give me the impression that you don't know what an exact solution is.

An exact solution is not <span class="math"> f:\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z} [/spoiler].
OP did not specify the a restriction on <span class="math"> f(3) [/spoiler].

You could try something like this;
<span class="math"> derp = \left\{\begin{matrix}
\\ herp


>> No.3141534

<span class="math"> \begin{equation} derp = \begin{cases} hurr \\ durr \end{cases} \end{equation} [/spoiler]

>> No.3141540

<span class="math">derp = \begin{cases} hurr \textrm{\\} durr \end{cases}[/spoiler]

>> No.3141545

use \atop
<div class="math">derp=\left\{{hurr \atop durr}\right\}</div>
And use greasemonkey with the script that gives you the latex preview button in 4chan, so you don't have to post to test

>> No.3141546

<span class="math">derp = \begin{cases} hurr \newline durr \end{cases} [/spoiler]

>> No.3141549

Cool, thank you.
Does it also work with more than one linebreak?

<span class="math">derp=\left\{{hurr \atop {durr \atop penis}}[/spoiler]

>> No.3141553

<span class="math">derp=\left\{{hurr \atop {durr \atop penis}}\right\} [/spoiler]

>> No.3141554


f(x) = (2^x)^x

Thread over.

>> No.3141564

More than one? Indeed!
<span class="math">\newcommand{\aaaa}[1]{{{#1} \atop {#1}{#1}}}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\bbbb}{\displaystyle{{{S \atop CI} \atop ENCE}}} \bbbb[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\cccc}{\aaaa{\bbbb}} \cccc[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\dddd}{\aaaa{\cccc}} \dddd[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\eeee}{\aaaa{\dddd}} \eeee[/spoiler]

>> No.3141571


oh shit, it's triforce tiem again

>> No.3141580

Nice, thank you, dude, although I don't understand your latex code.

>> No.3142049


Read the thread before posting. That is a legitimate solution, but there are infinite more.

>> No.3142061
File: 229 KB, 286x496, how does it work bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3142077
File: 57 KB, 840x789, 1306628698477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK solve this

If a cell had a cell cycle of 4h 18 minutes how long (in minutes) would it take for the cell to divide into 8 cells?

>> No.3142664

Dear EK,

You're ASSUMING the domain and range are real numbers. You're ASSUMING that f isn't a piecewise function. Your answer is one of MANY correct answers. Here, I'll show you another one.

Let A={1,2,3,4,5} and B={0,2, 16, 65536, 33554432}. We define f: A->B by the following relations:

f(1)= 2
f(2)= 16
f(3)= (0)
f(4)= 65536
f(5)= 33554432

So what is f(x)? I bet it isn't 2(x^2) you stupid bitch.