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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3140928 No.3140928 [Reply] [Original]

How much arrogance and pride do you have, /sci/?

Do you feel superior to dumb premeds/engineers (the ones who hate math and fuck up in upper div courses)? Or are you humble and enjoy science in a sagan-esque way and love sharing it with the ignorant and unmotivated public? What 'side' of science do you see yourself on?

>> No.3140946

I'm on the Sagan side. Science is beautiful and the world is beautiful. One reason I didn't give up yet is a sincere wish to uncover it's mysteries, however small or big.

>> No.3140950

i think you're doing it wrong guy.

Science is a cooperative effort of all fields of study. Do you feel retarded when you can't explain the physiological physics of blood?

Sounds like you're a teenager cause everyone knows that people are butthurt over how much engineers make and that they actually get shit accomplished unlike some of people in math that you call superior.

Enjoy being ignorant.

>> No.3140955
File: 207 KB, 900x594, A_Pale_Blue_Dot_by_PainlessJames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

>> No.3140952

Science is odiously glorified and the world is shitty.

>> No.3140953

Fuck Sagan, I'm a fuckin' balla, bitch.
Fuck dumbasses.

>> No.3140961

Not only do I feel superior, I know that I am. But I also enjoy science immensely and take great pleasure in telling random people about its glories.

Britfag. So I've never heard of Carl Sagan.

>> No.3140960
File: 13 KB, 195x234, gozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fracking motherfucking Christ just STFU

>> No.3140963

By all means, sharing science (and all knowledge) with the public. Writers of hard sci fi and pop science do a great service.

I think that people who are ignorant or slow shouldn't be derided, as long as they *want* to learn and are willing to learn.

What I can't stand is people who are content to wallow in their ignorance. New Agers, postmodernists, alt-med peddlers, creationists, theologians. I feel superior to them.

What I hate most of all though is people who do misleading science journalism.

>> No.3140965
File: 68 KB, 500x401, In Search of Giants with Dr. Brian Cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was partially inspired by Carl Sagan, you've probably heard of him


>> No.3140977
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>> No.3140982


Seriously? I'm an Australian economics student and not only do I know who Sagan is, I've read and watched fuckloads of his stuff.

How exactly are you working out you're superior?

>> No.3140988

The only thing shitty of the world is what we made of it. Everything else is perfect harmony.

>> No.3140996

Because of 30+ years of experience with the idiocy of the common man.

We have better science presenters here in England, so there was/is no need to import others.

>> No.3140999
File: 205 KB, 648x878, Kali_lithograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blah, blah. Quiet, you new aged scoundrel.

>> No.3141007

Chemistry is shit.

It's like, they show you how to cut wood, and they show you how to nail two pieces of wood together then they say "make a trebuchet. Go."

>> No.3141003

It was shitty when I got here.

>> No.3141011

>Possesses terrible diction.

>> No.3141015
File: 36 KB, 366x334, hoorh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just mad because after years of placing my trust in other people and society and only getting bigotry and hate in return I've broken free from the dunning kruger effect and become a machiavellian sociopath who will manipulate the fuck out of you instead of help advance science for the benefit of mankind.

I'm superior, I know it, you had your chance to gain my trust and you blew it because deep down you know I've got what you ain't, also fuck you.

>> No.3141016

I like to think of myself as the latter, and I genuinely dislike people who think they're above everyone else, but at the same time I feel kinda superior to engineers/psychologists/people in applied fields. Feels bad, man.

>> No.3141021

> Nope

Nice diction, yourself.

>> No.3141025

Yeah dude I hate having to think about how to do something slightly advanced given a set of basic principles.


>> No.3141030

>Do you feel superior to dumb premeds/engineers (the ones who hate math and fuck up in upper div courses)?

Fuck you, faggot. My premed ass > you.

>> No.3141034

I have sacrificed almost everything for knowledge and I reserve my right to flaunt it with an ego of gargantuan proportion. Ignorance in the face of my superior knowledge is faced with ridicule and buckets of rage. Most of all I get off on making fun of the Asians and Indians whose smug faces change to poorly hidden expressions of shock and anger when I tell them how much higher my GPA is or how much higher I scored on a particular exam. I record these moments in my lab book and read them out loud to myself when in private while pouring honey on my testicles.

>> No.3141032


Nietzsche wannabe detected

>> No.3141038

New poster. What a fine argument you make, "nyah well you said nope instead of no". That certainly showed him.

>> No.3141040

>implying he has a dark matter detector

>> No.3141041

Isn't it interesting that only people with sufficient admiration for the world and its harmonious laws and a passion for exploration actually got up to the point of making a leap in our understanding of who and what we are?

See there is this great connection between admiration and discovery. It's a shame dumbasses like you will never get it, and will actually get in way of progress. Some of us actually appreciate life.

That's why I like Sagan so much. He understood this concept very well.

>> No.3141043

Been post-med for nearly 15 years, bro.

As someone said a long time ago, who I can't remember: 'a wise man knows nothing'.

But a wise man certainly knows more than most. Stupid people are simply too stupid to appreciate fully how stupid they really are. Wise men know how stupid they are.

>> No.3141047

>hurr look at me I'm a nihilisty ubermensch hurparderp, nihilists are supposed to care about nothing but I obviously care extremely hard about nihilism so I can't be a nihilist but I don't realize this durrhurr
Nope, I'm better than Nietzsche, I realize I'm not the only sapient being in the universe and that their suffering is significant, I just don't care.

>> No.3141051

How about you discuss the topic, instead of being a massive vagina?

>> No.3141059

Thank you, and yours, on the other hand, is quite horrendous. I suggest you revise it to befit a more astute and erudite demeanor.

>> No.3141061
File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo, my man, bravo!

>> No.3141068

How about you discuss the topic, instead of calling me a massive vagina?
I've already posted. If you want, I can friptag.

>> No.3141070

You reek of teenage stupid. Maybe you have some sort of mental disorder?

>> No.3141071

No, it was the pious. They believed that God bestowed harmony, not that harmony existed per se.

>> No.3141074

>he thinks stupid is a thing

>> No.3141076

I love you.

>> No.3141079

Commas. How do they work?

>> No.3141082

is it a plant?

>> No.3141084
File: 10 KB, 144x184, 144px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the only insult you are capable of devising? Rather disappointing, I must say. To think that one with such superior intellect would be so petulant and petty.

>> No.3141089


>> No.3141102

I do say, my dear boy, how ever are you to be so sure of who I am? You speak of my intellect as if I gave you any indication of it at all.

>> No.3141103

i wonder where people meet those smug asians/indians. most of them at my school are just normal people who do science and don't brag about it. at lot of times I think all that arrogance stuff is in our heads, like how blacks are always screaming about racist whiteys. also, there's usually nothing to be smug over, since all the asians are just average and on par with the whites. sounds like you've got an inferiority complex, douchebag.

>> No.3141108

None. It's a shame when narcissism motivates people in science/math.

>> No.3141109

>i wonder where people meet those smug asians/indians.

>> No.3141115

>I think all that arrogance stuff is in our heads, like how blacks are always screaming about racist whiteys

Do you mean like how we think of blacks as always screaming about racist whiteys, or like how blacks are always screaming about racist whiteys? I live in birmingham and I've never heard anyone screaming about it.

>> No.3141119

I always act like I know a lot about everything. Too bad I don't. I'm about to go fail a college math test tomorrow which is about integrals.

>> No.3141129

You do know that due to the dunning kruger effect, you are more likely to be a self-centered sociopath than you are to be an intellectually gifted man, correct?

>> No.3141130

Fucking commas, how do they work?

>> No.3141148
File: 8 KB, 300x282, 098w7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You most certainly did, my friend, and your attempts to belittle me only manifest perceptions of you pettily posturing on an anonymous forum, but I digress. Allow for me to develop this conviction from postulation to affirmation. The remark in question, that of which affirms your sense of superiority to others would be referenced here: "Not only do I feel superior, I know that I am. But I also enjoy science immensely and take great pleasure in telling random people about its glories."

>> No.3141169

I will allow the audience, if any such audience is left, to judge the merits of such controversy.

>> No.3141166

My post clearly indicated there was a time when I doubted my abilities and I "broke free" from the dunning kruger effect, realizing that the fact I realize I know next to nothing means I'm superior to the dolts who think they know everything.

>> No.3141183

This person is obviously being facetious.

>> No.3141190

Har de Har

>> No.3141201

By Jove, how embarrassing! You seem to have me confused with someone else. I am not the gentleman you have assumed me to be, but if it is of any consolation I too have made an embarrassing mistake! The crass and dull witted buffoon I thought I was replying to is the very same one you have supposed me to be! The vile sneak has trumped us both it seems. Embarrassing, indeed!

>> No.3141203
File: 39 KB, 416x504, AlbertEinstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I judge them harshly, forthwith.

>> No.3141222

Giving up on other human beings thanks to personal experience is comprehensible at an emotional level, but that doesn't mean that it's right- or that it leads to happiness.

And even if disposition is not related with successful research it's really helped me, at least, when it comes to enjoy life.

I think the greatest feats of thinkers like Einstein and Sagan are not only found in how they contributed to their fields, but in how they also managed to have fulfilling lives and a deep love of the universe and what's inside it.
Whether it was playing the violin, filming documentals or rewriting physics, these people are dudes I'd want to have a drink with and be friends. They definitely weren't dicks and that makes them not only more admirable, but I believe- happy.

>> No.3141231

I would prefer to relish in the defeat of my adversary, though; I suppose beggars can't be choosers, yet there may be aspects of speciousness to this supposed "rectification", which you have presented before me.

>> No.3141242

Tolstoy wrote about a person like you in Father Sergius. Lets say the main character is you. You become a great general and fool around with the Tsar's wife to foster and grow your massive ego. But then a priest comes to bless your platoon of men and within his eyes you see that he does not esteem you like every other man does, nor does he hold the Tsar in any higher regard. This is because the priest is a vessel of faith and has no ego, which makes him ultimately superior to everyone on those grounds. *You then set out to become a priest with full dedication and go as far as chopping off your thumb to resist temptation. But it is not until you become a homeless man that you realize what it means to live without ego and are able to do so -ironically getting to where you were going but enjoying an entirely different reward.

>> No.3141256

What's with all the pseudo-scientists? Sagan isn't that great, if you were anywhere near halfway good at math/science you'd recognise the true intellectual powerhouses - newton, gauss, euler etc

>> No.3141261
File: 16 KB, 478x350, DiogenesJLGerome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3141263


You're the first person on this board I've ever seen that actually notices this.

And I've been here since last summer.

>> No.3141265

Our foe is a mighty one indeed if he is able to sprout the seeds of doubt in the mightiest example of comradery -that which is forged by a common enemy.

>> No.3141269
File: 14 KB, 225x281, Euler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I very much so agree.

>> No.3141306

I have no affinity or mutual allegiance with you. I passionately oppose most everyone on this forum.

>> No.3141314


look up turing or tesla, many great thinkers were greatly antisocial. Heck, isn't it rumoured einstein and newton had aspergers?

You're amazingly naive, stop glorifying sagan and hawking as if it entitles you access to a secret society that somehow puts you above the 'uneducated public'.

Sagan was great and all, but he didn't accomplish that much, and he acted like a dick time to time too.

>> No.3141319
File: 11 KB, 300x393, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats worse, is when they try to affect their vernacular with such linguistic garbage to make what they're saying completely nebulous and devoid of real science.

>> No.3141327

>Do you feel superior to dumb premeds/engineers

god you're an idiot.

>> No.3141335

both. i hate the people who are ignorant enough to not think science matters to them, and goes around all jealous calling smart people nerds and claim they have no life just cause they find pleasure in other things than to drink til they womit and doing stupid things. (yes i do get laid on a regular basis, and this is the only reason i can find for going out at all, else i prefere just hanging out with friends having a few bears)
i love sharing my knowlege with people who are interrested in science, even if they don't understand it, i love making them see how increadible science makes the world, and i love making/helping people who are interested, understand different aspects of science.
(allso i think it's worth noting that there are several branches within science, it's allmost impossible to have a specialized understanding of anny more than a few (usually related) branches, and so everyone is a noob at something)

>> No.3141350

He calls the people who built his world, and the ones that gave him health and a lifespan dumb.

>> No.3141351

Of course you can be smart and a douchebag. I'm not saying there's correlation. I'm just saying Tesla (which I truly admire, I have him to thank for the fucking remote), was not happy.

And sure Sagan was a dick sometimes, we all are. People are polar and if they weren't, life wouldn't be challenging.

As for the 'uneducated public' part, I think I belong right there. I've dropped out of Computer Science and Music, currently not very hyped about being in Business, so trying to think of myself as part of an intellectual elite would be, well, retarded. I just like the thought of people trying to make scholastics more accessible. Hell, I haven't even ead them, but the goal of their work is definitely cool.

>> No.3141354

Me again, I forgot to mention I am not degenerating the contribution that other fields gave, for upon for example certain advances in math, engineering was further empowered.

>> No.3141367
File: 11 KB, 226x166, 1269176188275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well at least I'm not some kind of quasi-hipster.. "Oh, look at me! I'm playing with numbers, it's a really obscure formula, you've probably never heard of it! I only picked this field because the prestige, I've no joys in my life but trying too hard".

>> No.3141393


>> No.3141446

I tried to come up with something to respond with, but dear fellow you are correct.Also, happily the pompous faggot has left, even though he has infected me with his manner of communication.

>> No.3141456
File: 134 KB, 443x603, Griffith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is narcissistic personality disorder in here.

>> No.3141476

OP here. I was just trolling you guys. I'm actually really dumb.

>> No.3141482

ITT: insecure premeds and engineers who think OP was targetting them

nice way to buy into the stereotype