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File: 208 KB, 1280x1024, alabama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3139032 No.3139032 [Reply] [Original]


>future of the US.
why the fuck there are so many black people at the university?
Black people shouldn't be able to get into an University to being with.
a serious question:
why do black people are so violent?

>> No.3139042

Saged and reported.

>> No.3139046

something tells me you might not have the credentials to have a say in who or why ANYONE would get into a university...but thats just me.

>> No.3139057


holy shit /sci/ taking my post way to serious. how odd

didn't any of you two read the "A SERIOUS QUESTION" remark?


>> No.3139064


holy shit /sci/ taking my post way to serious. how odd

didn't any of you two read the "A SERIOUS QUESTION" remark?

>> No.3139077
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>> No.3139083
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>not a single white person in sight

>> No.3139090

>grow up in a white, rich, suburban neighborhood
>get your opinions from the internet
>learn to hate a race of people you've never even met just because that's the 4chan bandwagon

I wish more people grew up like I did, where I had no one, if not for my black, hispanic, and asian friends whom I learned, worked, and played with.

>> No.3139097

I'm really trying not to be racist here.

So can someone please provide me a video of something similar to this happening with another ethnicity?

That way we can show it is not just race-specific.

>> No.3139104


>> No.3139107

>grow up in a white, rich, suburban neighborhood

I love how people just assume this

>> No.3139111

a serious question:
why does op is so faggot?

>> No.3139124

Actually, I grew up in a fairly poor neighborhood, and this is what has attributed to me being able to clearly distinguish between black people and n1ggers.

I had some black friends and one or two n1gger friends.

Basically it goes like this, I know this seems completely racist, but n1ggers seem to exhibit a more tribal like behavior. Essentially, if you are on the inside you are protected, but if you are on the out group they act really hostile towards you.

I'm really not trying to be racist, but that is just how it is.

>> No.3139138


>> No.3139150

we're talking about American born. Obviously immigrants are going to have different values.

>> No.3139156


also, can't really control for media, culture, disproportionate poverty, etc.

But even if you did and found that black=violent, who cares? u scurred whiteboy?

>> No.3139162


Why the fuck do you post this in your links fucking nigger


>> No.3139187

It's an argument that we're not ready for, even in the 21st century, are we? It's difficult to put cultural behaviors into a context we can discuss without cries of "RACISM!" shutting everything down. To call someone a "racist" is just like accusing someone in the 17th century of being a "heretic". It destroys all further rational discussion. It's really too bad.

My theory is that it has to fall back onto ART for another generation. Shows like South Park and The Boondocks engage in critical cultural analysis in a context that everyone can take in more or less comfortably.

>> No.3139195


Fucking scum.

>> No.3139216

Probably has something to do with American born blacks being marginalized by society.

The reason why street gangs exist is because they serve a crucial societal function that is not being provided by the powers-that-be (official police). Same reason why the mafia was so big and powerful. Italians weren't really considered white back then.

>> No.3139218

Once the chinese take over the world they'll start using niggers as slaves again.

>> No.3139237

>Historically black university
>In Alabama

There's your answer.

In reality, its probably some glorified community college.

>> No.3139247

i do believe that.

>> No.3139271

>only read OPs post
>didnt watch the video

black people in universities: fine as long as universities dont know the person's race at all during the admissions process

>> No.3139283

It's the Alabama State University....

Shit places like that were never meant to be institutions of real higher learning. Niggers being niggers and having a brawl at a public place like that should be expected.

>> No.3139285

sci =/= new

>> No.3139300


Why the fuck do you post this in your links fucking nigger


>> No.3139301

so, i don't get it, blacks were given the same rights as whites but they became even less cultured and didn't contribute anything to society after the 60s. In fact, they probably made it worse since rap, gangster clothing, and smoking pot, became ever more popular and dragged down all the white kids with them.

>> No.3139303

This is fucking disgusting.

I would have assumed this was a public school in the middle of a nigger neighborhood if the title didn't tell me otherwise.

>> No.3139306

Someone didn't pass U.S History.

>> No.3139318

>blacks were given the same rights as whites but

>> No.3139347


this black guy even talks down upon the 'predominantly african american students' at the cafeteria brawl

>> No.3139404

>why do black people are so violent?

People have tendencies to act out the behavior that is expected of them. There is a wonderful little psychology study that proves this but i don't feel like looking it up. My point is, if you stop believing the stereotype that all black people are violent, than it might become reality.

>> No.3139420

If you are wondering why the average university would actually let them in it's very very simple to pay smart white/asian undergrads and grad students while raking in some money on the side.

I'm sure everyone here has seen the differences in test scores between whites and blacks. This problem is only further exacerbated when they come to college.

Most black kids will place into the lower classes at a university such as college algebra and will have to keep repeating the course multiple times. College algebra is such a simple course too that you can let a master's student teach it and not have to worry about it and let some undergrad TA a recitation instead of paying for a full prof to teach that class.

Not like your school is actually going to look "blacker" because most of these kids can be sectioned off into one part of campus and although I don't have any statistics on me I can all but guarantee you that most of those kids will fail out of their major or knock up some chick or something so they don't graduate.

>> No.3139421

uhm, just because blacks are more likely to go to jail doesn't imply that they have less rights, it just means they are more likely to do something stupid which will put them in jail

>> No.3139428

>Well someone needs to tell this particular group that they president now and they are expected to stop throwing chairs.

>> No.3139435


You do realize that people's stereotypes are formed AFTER viewing the behavior of a group, right?

>> No.3139447
File: 555 KB, 1200x600, 1305418577297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try liberal but blacks are violent because they have higher testosterone levels. i know its standard procedure to millions of excuses and amazing coincidences to explain every single problem blacks have, as if you were living in some fairy tale narrated by MTV, but the reality is much simpler. the only reason you dont hear about it is because liberals censor it.

>> No.3139454
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>> No.3139455

Absolutely not true. Stereotypes generally are conditioned socially, with little or no interactions with the groups involved.

However, that's not to say that stereotypes can't be confirmed by observation and occasionally correct.

As an example, Jews are stereotypically conmen, but how many people have actually been ripped off by a Jew?

>> No.3139456

reminds me of this blog post


>> No.3139468


I was raised to treat everyone equal and that kumbayah ideal was also enforced by my school and most other authority figures, but I still have most of the same stereotypes as everyone else, never a miscommunication.

You can't explain that.

>> No.3139473

>Jews are stereotypically conmen
That's not even true.

Jews are stereotypically ruthless, selfish, and shameless in their business dealings. That's not the same thing as being a conman.

>> No.3139475

Original version here, complete with helpful pics.


>> No.3139477

>but how many people have actually been ripped off by a Jew?anyone who lives in the US

>> No.3139479

Stay classy, /sci/.

>> No.3139495

Going on /sci/ has made me questioned my thoughts about race, to be honest...I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know what's scientific and what isn't. I don't know what to believe.

>> No.3139507
File: 28 KB, 479x534, Iamproud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're getting somewhere.

>> No.3139521


Coming from a Baltimorian, this.

It's actually pretty hellish outside of Downtown.

>> No.3139522

I can easily explain that - you picked it up from some social interaction.

You probably had these biases long before you saw a nigger steal, saw a nigger beat someone up, etc

But it certainly is possible that you picked them up entirely from observation, I can't rule that out. I'm just saying that it's highly unlikely.

>> No.3139528
File: 78 KB, 765x405, HIDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy affirmative action, mates.

>> No.3139531

anyone who went to a public school in NYC will tell you this is the norm

>> No.3139538
File: 144 KB, 838x982, 1290310133631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The majority of us who hate niggers grew up around them like in the inner cities. Why the fuck do you think we vote so red near niggers but all the northern yuppie faggots are liberals? They don't have to deal with actual niggers.

>> No.3139545

Internets for you guys.

Cmon OP, quit being a racist while you're at it. It's not going to make you a better person and you're not a better person for being a bitch ass racist.

Seriously, you're on /sci/, show some fucking brains.

>> No.3139547


I would never base something solely on social interaction.

But I do take it into consideration.

There has to be some reason people think the way they do.
I don't instantly assume what they think is justified, but simply that there is a casual factor.

Also, I've had countless first hand observations of TNB.

Like one person said earlier, it's not really a race problem, it's a cultural problem.
I don't instantly write off anyone with black skin, I look at the way they dress, how they talk, and from there both induce and deduce how they are going to act.

So far it is a pretty successful model, it has great explanatory and predictive power, and an incredibly low margin of error.

>> No.3139566
File: 39 KB, 444x180, niggerscannotinternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did the nignogs get internet?

>> No.3139568

Race does not limit or stop someone from doing anything, but their cultural attitudes towards education and economic responsibility do. American black culture is very hedonistic and money-oriented, and education is actively lampooned. Because of their cultural stigmas against higher education, we simply see less blacks in positions that require higher education. The opposite is true of asian families for the most part: cultural values traditionally support economic responsibility, humility, filial piety, education and personal development. Again, race is not a factor here. Culture is the ONLY important thing to consider. Here's an example. Consider Neil deGrasse Tyson. He's a family friend of mine. I have had the opportunity to enjoy dinner with his family. He is very well educated, straight-forward, and very eager to educate. His family is very polite, extraordinarily intelligent, and exuberantly expressive in a contained and cultured way. Compare him to members of the Bloods, or individuals of struggling families in the inner Bronx. Everyone involved here is black, or at the very least, not white. Yet, they all live in socioeconomic positions across the spectrum. Why is this? It's the cultural values that they have been raised with, and the cultural values that they actively use in their daily life. Neil values education and economic responsibility while his racial counterparts in the Bloods or inner Bronx support highly competitive socioeconomic lifestyles: crime, stealing, leeching off the system, violence, drug use, disdain for education, etc. You'll find that this trend is true across all racial groups, but is only really influenced by cultural and personal standards.

>> No.3139574
File: 143 KB, 838x983, Niggers are disappoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3139581


Thank you for the explanation. But a lot of people on /sci/ bring up stuff like tests, IQ scores, how intelligence is genetic, etc. All this stuff that supposedly proves certain races are smarter than others. Does that have any legitimacy? Anyone who says it doesn't is usually criticized for being "unscientific".

>> No.3139582
File: 319 KB, 1311x3150, liberal retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times are you and them going to keep blaming whites? Especially for bullshit that happened hundreds of years ago we weren't even alive to have jack shit to do with? Fuck you.

>> No.3139586
File: 28 KB, 300x400, 1276258920644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, sage'd and reported. Black people should go to Uni. People who start fights should not.
>inb4 all blacks start fights

Secondly, am I the only one who thought they were dancing at first?

>> No.3139592
File: 272 KB, 2272x1704, nigger backyard stolen bicycles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers fucking ruin everything, just look at Detroit ESPECIALLY the kind of people who run Detroit.

Link SERIOUSLY related - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOSNI7l0bQ

>> No.3139593

yes you are, you sheltered liberal faggot

>> No.3139600

>Secondly, am I the only one who thought they were dancing at first?
it's obvious that this is not a common sight for you and therefore you have no right to say anything about it.

>> No.3139605
File: 70 KB, 390x390, racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I understand all the excuses nigger cocksuckers make for stealing, arson, and maybe sometimes even murder if there's something to gain but rape is never acceptable. There's no excuse for it. Please explain yourselves, you nigger nuthugging cocksuckers.

>> No.3139608

Seriously, I couldn't see anyone being hit, just a bunch of people jumping up and down and stomping like some retarded ritual. Glad I don't live in America if this is commonplace, your country is fucking backwards.

>> No.3139618

is it our country? or the people?

>> No.3139641

its cuz theyre poor no wait cuz they were enslaved no wait cuz white people think theyre mean and its a self fulfilling prophecy! yea thats it

>> No.3139708
File: 61 KB, 531x513, 1275276828909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you retards find it so hard to believe that social conditions might affect a persons behaviour?

>> No.3139713

if they have more testosterone why aren't they the master race?????

>> No.3139716

why do we have to suffer because of this?

>> No.3139720

No one said you did, but you almost seem to be mocking those who try to help them with terms like "liberal pussy."

Maybe it's genetic. Maybe it's social. Probably a chunk of each. But plenty of people on 4Chan seem to baselessly take one extreme. Get the fuck off it, this is a science board, not /new/.

>> No.3139722

i guess the awful social conditions here is that they are surrounded by tons of other negros right? theyre going to a state university paid for by our taxes.

>> No.3139725

>why the fuck there are so many black people at the university?
Lots of blacks in the South, lots of blacks at a Southern university.
>Black people shouldn't be able to get into an University to being with
No shit, why do you think affirmative action exists?
>why do black people are so violent?
Their culture is less civilized so animal behavior sometimes comes out

Contrary to what most people in this thread think, I believe this post should be on /sci/ since it's an opportunity for anthropological study.

>> No.3139731

it lowers cognitive ability you massive idiot

>> No.3139743


Either we believe it does or it doesn't, is that right?

How about we believe in the facts and know that such "conditions" are being used as an excuse for the entirety of a particular behavior, rather than merely one-of the factors?

>> No.3139773

Oh, I think the explanation is much simpler than that.

Put De Grasse among them for a minute and they'll think he's a faggot.

>> No.3139778

And which were the social conditions in the cafeteria that explain this behavior?

>> No.3139781

Bitch I ain't no NERD!

>> No.3139788
File: 59 KB, 636x1333, International_PISA TEST scores by race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumber than spics who come here with little to no english skills

>> No.3139812

then why aren't tall people [who are tall because of tesosterone] stupid instead of actually smarter than everyone else?

>> No.3139821

not the guy you were talking but i was raised the same way. i was never taught about race or racism until i learned about it in school. then i got to high school which was more than 50% blacks. based on what i see. explain that you fucking faggot

>> No.3139840


please don't think all blacks act like African Americans.

>> No.3140028

Neanderthals had large lovely and probably advanced frontal lobes leading to peaceful well reasoned behavior. Every race on the earth has has neadrathal dna except blacks (Africa, Australia, and some black island tribes). They are missing critical advancements in there frontal cortexes.

FYI melanin by itself has been an accurate indicator of aggressiveness in animals.

>> No.3140043

I got off the computer for like 5 hours and I see this and the bitcoin thread are on top with 1983679173698173896713896798176981367 replies


>> No.3140183

Absolute truth. This was me before I experienced diversity.

>> No.3140185

>200 million replies and 44million images hidden, click to reply

>> No.3140219

i don't think black people are inherently violent or inherently stupid, it's just a result of their own semi-fatalistic and overly introverted culture.

"the white man is keeping me down! that's why i can't get a job! not because i didn't put any work into the job hunt!"

"man, the rap music really speaking my language, fuck the poh-lice!"

anyone inherently hating black people is just racist. and this coming from a guy who goes to a university that's like 60% black. They can be incredibly industrious when they want to be, they just don't want to be because of the collective culture. it's like a stigma against success, seen as being "too white"

>> No.3140228

and what's worse, that one black guy who puts some work in to get a job gets ostracized from his black friends for acting like whitey. so he finds some white friends and becomes the token black guy, which kind of sucks because everyone is this sort of forced-nice to you, and watches what they say very carefully.

the first step to fixing all this? fire everyone at BET and burn the place down.

>> No.3140253

Fuck yeah, I'm statistically more likely to get better PISA scores than most other groups.

Feelsfuckingnothingman.jpg because it has no use in daily and individual life.

I could see blacks don't like edumacation and it may be genetic, but that doesn't matter in looking at people. Ideally, you see them as people, as individuals rather than assigning characteristics based on trivialities.

>> No.3140266

>why do black people are so violent?
because we are thugs

>> No.3140274

>why do black people are so violent?

back to /new/, kiddo

>> No.3140297

You nailed it. It really is horrible and it's sad to see a culture so utterly self-destructive.

What African Americans need (I say this not to be politically correct so much as to differentiate from actual from africa africans. Whom if they managed to immigrate are usually pretty clever with a strong work ethic and probably not even much connection to the culture from back home) is a cultural revolution. However, no one really seems to be trying to make that happen. I mean, when was the last time you heard anyone make this argument in any sort of media setting? Hell, last I can think of is... Bill Cosby, and you know how he's viewed by modern african american culture.

>> No.3140322

Is the low IQ a result of the culture, or is the culture the result of low IQ?

>> No.3140360

Lets face it.

An uneducated low social class is actually quite useful in a capitalist society.

I mean, if we had an average IQ of 125, who would make the blue collar jobs?

>> No.3140363

fuck off, /sci/ is not /new/

If you have a scientific argument about race go right ahead and say it but this is obviously not one.

>> No.3140370


>> No.3140405








>> No.3140528

Damn yo wat r ya muthafuckin niggas n hoes talkin' all racist and shit u shut ur mutherfuckin mouth stupid bitches all dese hatin people need 2 grow up.....grow da f up b on sum grown man/woman type stuff.......ya act real childish and shit......

>> No.3140576
File: 16 KB, 400x297, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do white kids keep shooting in their school? Is there some violent genes in them to do so?

>> No.3140599

Black people are savage because they are adapted to living in Africa which is a savage land where being learned and intelligent will generally not help you pass on your genes as much as being a brute.

>> No.3140613

Why are there so many white serial killers?

>> No.3140618

Homosapiens came into existence in Africa.
The ones who stayed in Africa adapted to Africa where th most successful strategy was to be savage, uneducated, uncivilised brutes.

The ones who moved out of Africa adapted to Europe or Asia where the most successful strategies were to be civilised and work together to develop technology and gather knowledge.

That's why Africans are barbaric even nowadays incomparison to most of the rest of the world

>> No.3140637

Blacks kill other Blacks which have no value, Whites kills other Whites which do have value. That is why there aren't any.

>> No.3140640

because blacks are to stupid for strategic thinking, hence getting caught before they are able to commit their 3 murder.Unless oyu include all those gangbangers.

>> No.3140847

niggas gonn' nig

>> No.3140857


>> No.3140902



Africa was more like it DIDN'T require them to improve on anything.

Africans should get their own museum for being walking examples of prototype humans.

>captcha: you madersi