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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 88 KB, 679x451, 1300418309494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3137987 No.3137987 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for a good review of all High School maths. Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Lower level calculus. Any recommendations?

*I don't want to watch videos so no khanacademy

>> No.3138002

high school maths books

>> No.3138001

well how much math do you know?

>> No.3138004

search the sticky, also this:
click yhe images to enlarge them, they have lots of maths info on them.

>> No.3138009

don't take advice from this idiot.

he still doesn't know trig properly

>> No.3138014

I've already passed them and did well but I figured a little review wouldn't hurt for College. I'm looking for an all-in-one type of back that reviews them quite nicely.

>> No.3138045

yeh i do.
even if i didnt, my own knowledge on a subject (or lack thereof) does not invalidate any links i post.

>> No.3138055

trig is unnecessary when can into complex analysis

>> No.3138071

This site isn't bad http://www.intmath.com/

>> No.3138120
File: 8 KB, 614x460, horizontal cylinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember me?


Ek you so stupid

>> No.3138129

I believe Khan Academy is good.

>> No.3138135

can be done without trig, and yeh, fine. i admit there was some cylinder equation to do with trig that i was unaware of until that thread. thanks for bringing it back up...

>> No.3138153

You failed at basic algebra too. However you're a biofag so I guess it can be forgiven

>> No.3138203

what, no i didnt.

>> No.3138214

it was a distance question

something about a tsunami wave

>> No.3138224

oh yeh...fuck.
god damn you and your memory, everything i get wrong gets fucking catalogued???

FYI, that exact thread came up again, and i answered it correctly the second time, so shove that in your crackpipe and smoke it.

>> No.3138233


>> No.3138251

why so mad fatty fatty tripfag?

>> No.3138262

why would it come up again when I solved it correctly the first time

I believe the first wave came in 71 seconds before the second



>> No.3138266
File: 50 KB, 619x619, notmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? im not even fat.
and no, not mad.

>> No.3138276

no idea, follow the green oval link i gave you.

>> No.3138287

73 seconds, not 71.

>> No.3138307

any other sites/books?

>> No.3138309


EK britfag? Or did you just pull that image off of someone else?

>> No.3138322

I am a britfag, and its a scene from the first series of 'misfits' (kinda like 'heroes' crossed with 'the inbetweeners' ...is a good show.)
i dont think i made it, its probably stolen.

>> No.3138329


Yeah, it's second season actually...

Was just curious if some of the quality stuff from here actually makes it over to USA or not.

>> No.3138332 [DELETED] 


Hey Ek

want to cyber

>> No.3138342

oh yeh...might be second season. kk i stand corrected.
i appreciate the offer, but no thanks.
also, why is your name 'EK is hot' if you dont even know what i look like?

>> No.3138344
File: 13 KB, 240x250, 1272567365471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EK is hot

>> No.3138345

Didn't you post your tits once?

>> No.3138353


Because you're a beautiful human being.

>> No.3138354

lolno, there was a rumour going round that i was going to post them for the 3 mil get on /sci/, but the rumour was false, and had nothing to do with me.
i didnt even attempt for the 3 mill get. i forget what it was...something crap i think.

>> No.3138356


I want to fuck you so bad

>> No.3138358

EK is a chick?

>> No.3138365

EK is fat and plain looking

there were pics a few months ago

>> No.3138376
File: 54 KB, 576x384, lolek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saved them btw

she's the one on the left

>> No.3138378

>thin and plain looking
also, there are no pics of me. only me and perhaps one other poster here even have any pics of me. and neither of us will upload them.
(if she has, i will fucking kill her...)

>> No.3138383

isnt me.
i expected the 'doubles get' one
long story short: some anon troll started the rumour that this fat chick doing a double get pose was me, but she isnt, but he still repeatedly spammed her pic in any thread i was in.

>> No.3138386 [DELETED] 

I'm bending you over and fucking you while pulling your hair and sticking my finger up you ass rite now,

>> No.3138399

What city is that? Doesn't look like London, nowhere in London is that nice-looking. Nowhere in the UK for that matter. Looks more Australian or coastal American.

>> No.3138403
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1272141482688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fucking cyber across /sci/

>> No.3138407
File: 57 KB, 840x789, EK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've known what EK looks like for a long time.

Ugly, as expected.

Pic related.

>> No.3138408 [DELETED] 

I stick my cock in your mouth now suck it hard bitch. FUCK YA YOUR JUICY SEXY LIPS.

>> No.3138412
File: 6 KB, 493x402, 1270788867226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, right on fucking time...

>> No.3138414


I think this proves my point that weirdos will fap to you anyway.

You now conclusively have no excuse for not posting a picture of your ugly face.

inb4 half-assed retreat into fallacious retardedness

>> No.3138416
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>> No.3138420

fat EK is fat

>> No.3138428
File: 85 KB, 500x500, 1267848606904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah! lol thats right, put it away.

>> No.3138430

So its confirmed.
Ek is a man.

>> No.3138435

now a cynic, might have thought that you samefagged the creepy cyber guy, just in order to make that point.

...i'm a cynic, sugar.

>> No.3138446
File: 14 KB, 225x281, Euler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What on earth am I reading?

>> No.3138451
File: 28 KB, 377x421, gandalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like I can read minds...

>> No.3138453

No wonder the cybersex guy deleted his post.
Holy shit.

>> No.3138456

So... you masterbate in the middle of the streets?

>> No.3138459 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 366x366, TrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cybersex guys face when

>> No.3138466

oh lol, yeh he did.

..wait, did he miss the part where the chick in the photo isn't me!?

>> No.3138472

fucking EK derails another thread by niggering up this board with his niggerish nonsense

>> No.3138476


>edit: did he miss the part where I lied about the chick in the photo not being me


>> No.3138479

Except it is.

>> No.3138481

what is this i don't even.

no, i think you will find that 'creepy cyber guy' is the one who derailed the thread.

>> No.3138490

enabling EK is enabling

>> No.3138503

It's ok EK, you are not as ugly as your personality.

>> No.3138504

Diogenes the Cynic from Athens was, at his times, the archetype of cynics and he masterbated in public for the little story.

Cynic much, sugar.

>> No.3138519
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>> No.3138528

lol, hahha. u faggots have no clue. there are multiple rumours going round, you guys are supposed to be scientists and rely on facts and evidence, and you just make shit up.
i am suspected of being: >>3138376
and 'elizabeth kagume' or something like that (some girls facebook, with initials EK, so people presumed she might be me)
all 3 are different people, therefore i cant be all of them, which means most, if not all, of you are all wrong.
i find this quite amusing actually, it is like the 3 'theories' are like the jews, muslims and christians guessing at the origin of the universe. as in this paralel, atheists are right, and EK really has just never posted pictures of herself.

>> No.3138530

This whole picture debate could be cleared up if EK just took a picture of her hair, even a strand of it, since that beasts hair is greasy enough to distinguish itself if EK is indeed telling the truth.

>> No.3138541

could do... i have nice hair apparently.
however, 'give them an inch...'
and all that.
best just let them all guess at whatever they want, being incorrect wont cause any harm, i'll leave them to it.

>> No.3138543

except you did, and it is this girl right there.
I know that cause you became extremely butt-hurt after that picture was posted

>> No.3138550

i wasnt butthurt, i was just informing you that you were wrong.
the same 'butthurt' could be claimed at the elizabeth K facebook thread, and by your logic that proves i am her as well.

>> No.3138552

im with this guy

>> No.3138556


Perhpaps you don't understand EK, and women in general.

They do what they want and justify with shitty rationales and blatantly fallacious logic.

She's not going to post a pic, for various reasons, not least of which because she is an ugly hambeast.

And since she doesn't want to, she won't and will just puke out shitty reasons why she won't.

>> No.3138564
File: 20 KB, 492x363, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3138569

Isn't it fascinating how tripfags supposely use tripcodes to clarify some posts and their identity, but when it's time to clarify involving a pic, it's a different game.

>> No.3138571

I think you will find that pretty much every girl is unwilling to post images of themself on 4chan, hambeast or not.
how pretty i am has nothing to do with it.

>> No.3138572

pick one

>> No.3138579

ah yes, a 4th 'theory'
you can be the mormons in the >>3138528 analogy
atheists still win. umad?

>> No.3138578

>girls unwilling to post pic
/soc/ would like a word with you fatty

>> No.3138577
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1303533011426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3138587

lol, some do. and it isnt hard to find examples, but they are still very rare compared to ALL girls.

>> No.3138592

only non fattys do. the rest just tripfag for attention

>> No.3138594

Hey OP:

This might not be exactly what you're looking for but take a look.


>> No.3138597

Im pretty sure there is only one theory for all those theists, and this one theory is:
Fail analogy.

>> No.3138599

only non fatty on /soc/?
i doubt that.

>> No.3138604

different gods
or, well, yeh the analogy breaks down somewhat, but the similarity still stands as its: 'a false belief system, based on faith and not evidence'
and applies to all of the haters call outs on various people i may or may not be.

>> No.3138607

thanks for staying on topic

>> No.3138611

For fuck's sake, it's not a thread about EK. Stop posting.

OP, I suggest you to go to a school Coop or library. Personnaly, I find most websites' formulas confusing, are they too complex for nothing or not clear enough (for average students).

>> No.3138612



>> No.3138619

yeh, sorry got carried away.
back on topic now, etc. or, actually i'll just casually exit the thread.
good luck OP.