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3136301 No.3136301 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any good chess resources?

I want to improve my game so I have been reading as much as I can about strategy and such. Was just wondering if /sci/ had any specific things to read.

>> No.3136308

Not OP, bamping for interest.

Cmon /sci/ I see chess game threads all the time.

>> No.3136317
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http://chesstempo.com/ is pretty good for training, if i remember correctly
also, http://lichess.org/
play random people or the machine, practise makes perfect, and you can up your game. we even frequently have threads where you can post the links to each otehr IT and lay random /sci/tards (what this thread will inevitably become, unless saged to hell)

INB4 EK haters

>> No.3136321


i lol'd hard on that last one...

>> No.3136325


>> No.3136328

Yeah, I play a lot but I was looking for specific reading material that I could use for research.

>> No.3136354


Here's some things that actually might be useful, as once again EK fails to do.



>> No.3136367



This would be more despicable if EK weren't already confirmed for full retard

>> No.3136376
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well pardon-fucking-me.
..ya cunt.

>> No.3136388

Try out Chessmaster. Seriously, it's great for learning, has tons of resources and an interactive academy with narrated games, problems to solve and and introduction to chess theory. It will take weeks just to get through that. It's also got a good AI that tries to match your level and make you improve your skills from there. Learning wise, it's a great program, I highly recommend it.

>> No.3136391

chessmaster grandmaster edition

>> No.3136405
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>Not putting your chess in the fridge

Shogi is master race.

>> No.3136521

alrighty thanks.

>> No.3136535

OP here.

Chessmaster, grandmaster edition is actually on sale on steam right now. Just bought it.

>> No.3136578

get good at recognizing visual statistical cues.

You will have an edge because you will preclude the need to strategize.

>> No.3136583

play yahoo chess and cheat

>> No.3136597


also polgar is a fucking parrot. her parents raised her to be a chess champ. she started memorizing openings from age of 5. she played ten thousands of games (maybe one hundred thousand). you cant suck by practising that much. (also her mom is a chess teacher )

just tellin'

>> No.3136647

Playing chess doesn't make you smart anymore, everyone just memorizes moves, no thinking involved.

>> No.3136685

Use a chess database like http://www.chesslive.de/ or even better http://chesstempo.com/game-database.html to explore lines and what is successful, or at least defensible.

Join FICS. Use Babaschess, and run the analyzer after each game to find where your bad moves were.

>> No.3136696

you cannot memorise moves, there are too many combinations in chess. in fact, there are infinite combinations.
although similar situations often pop up, so you know what works and what doesnt.

>> No.3136692

That's good for openings or specialized lines, but only up to a point. You can only memorize so much. It will give you an advantage over those who don't memorize a lot. But if you like chess for the thinking, rather than the memorizing, you can get good at thinking instead. You obviously won't become a GM or even an IM without memorizing though.

>> No.3136717

Chess masters are well known for memorizing thousands of scenarios and situations/moves that could lead to such scenarios.

>> No.3136728

orly? i just thought they were very good at planning ahead several moves in advance.

>> No.3136729

oh my god, I don't care about anyone being a tripfag, the only reason it annoys me with you is that your just broadcasting yourself as a stupid whore

>> No.3136737

She's the ultimate troll, intentional or otherwise. You have to master the craft of ignoring her inanity. She can't ruin a thread on her own -- only if we respond to her.

>> No.3136740

if the game is not times, the game can go on indefinitely, therefore an infinite number of moves.

aww, u dont like me either?
oh well... :(

>> No.3136742

Just downloaded chessmaster OP, I recommend it, the lessons are really good

>> No.3136749

*not timed

>> No.3136748

I want to become good at chess but I feel so humiliated every time someone defeats me on Lichess. ;__;

>> No.3136754

humiliated why? its only a game, and its some random anonymous opponent, its not like it even matters. you can even better yourself and improve your skills by losing. see how the person beat you, analyse it, and use their methods in the future.

>> No.3136755

No, there is a finite number of combinations of possible pieces on the board.

>> No.3136761

lol fags

why don't you play a real game of strategy and tactic: Starcraft or Starcaft 2, its like chess but better

>> No.3136763

Anything by silman and your good to go.

>> No.3136767

true, but only for one move. keep in mind that there is a limitless number of moves, and the number of combinations in an entire game therefore IS infinite.
(also, we could both keep doing repetitive actions, like jumping our knights back and forth between 2 squares forever...)

>> No.3136773

You seem to be in the wrong place, so I'm going to take the liberty of recommending boards for you.

>> No.3136779

>strategy and tactic
>Starcraft or Starcaft 2
>better than chess
Nope. It's more about clicking speed and bum-rushing units against the enemy. There's no strategy at all.

>> No.3136781
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> comparing starcraft to chess strategy wise

>> No.3136780

You must be trying to be this retarded

>> No.3136789


lol apm might be useful but not much, strategy wins games, not clicking speed or cheesing

>> No.3136794

because Terran aren't rocking right now just because of cheesing right?

Not like 200 APM will consistently lose to 300 APM.

Not like the community laughs at you and calls you shit if you have less than 250 APM

>> No.3136805


lol terran

and no, 200 apm wont lose to 300apm, solid 150 apm is more than enough since most ppl with higher apms are just spamming.

and no, the community wont laugh at you

>> No.3136813

>there is a limitless number of moves,
There is a limited number of pieces. There are a limited number of pawn moves before all your pawns are non-pawns or captured. 50 moves without a capture or moving a pawn is a stalemate. There is not an infinite number of chess games.

>(also, we could both keep doing repetitive actions, like jumping our knights back and forth between 2 squares forever...)
That's a stalemate after the 3rd time.

>> No.3136822

People with no proof to their opinion always just say no.
Nobody is going to listen to you unless you can provide proof.

>> No.3136832
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>> No.3136833



Get out. Sure, tactics and reflexes, but there's nearly no strategy involved in Starcraft 2. If you want strategy outside Europa Universalis or Hearts of Iron, Supreme Commander is the only way to go.

>> No.3136842
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I'll just add chess to the seemingly unending list of stuff you don't know shit about.

>> No.3136847


Nice arguments there faggot.

>> No.3136867

>50 moves without a capture or moving a pawn is a stalemate. There is not an infinite number of chess games.
i didnt know this, i wonder if lichess is programmed to count such rules...

>> No.3136879

It doesn't matter, what you'r saying is the same as "If you has two coins, and you're allowed to flip them for as long as you want, there are an infinite number of possibilities on each flip."
Only difference is the amount of possibilities
With two coins there are 4
With a game of chess, there are about 10^(10^50)

>> No.3136883
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great counter argments, jackasses!
you see, philosopher actually had something decent to contribute, and explained why there can't be an infinite number of moves, wheras you guys just talk shit, flame/name call etc.
i bet you wern't even aware of the 50 move thing.

>> No.3136885
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>i didnt know this

Quelle surprise.

>> No.3136899

combinations* would have been a better word to use
See each move brings up a new combination of pieces and their position on the board, and there HAS to be a finite number of them within a game before checkmate or stalemate

>> No.3136907


Actually, that's like a basic chess rule...

The sad thing is, even if you got rid of this rule, chess wouldn't have an infinite number of possible moves.

You're still a monumental idiot.

>> No.3136913


>> No.3136914

except moving pieces around randomly without any captures or checkmates, so infinite moves.
so i would be correct, except for that 50 move stalemate thing if a pawn isn't moved.
and as philosopher said, there are a finite number of times pawns can move (as they cant go backwards)

>> No.3136922

Fuck off and die

>> No.3136923

Except that you would get the same combinations over again, so it is possible(mathematically) to memorize every situation in a game of chess

>> No.3136932

hmm, i suppose so...thats a lot of combinations though.

[sarcasm] yeh, thats really helpful to the thread, thanks for that. i bet you are a lovely person, i would love to get to know you. [/sarcasm]

>> No.3136944

Well really by our means of computing and data storage it's impossible for us since the number of possible combinations is larger than the number of atoms in the universe, but it's not infinite, and therefore hypothetically possible

>> No.3136952

Philosopher and I told you all these "assholes" told you. Yet you still argued and are now raging at them.

>> No.3136964 [DELETED] 

that is because i assumed that with an infinite number of moves, the number of combinations would have to be infinite, as it would be number of combinations in 1st move + number of combinations in second move...etc.
to infinity.
i didnt factor in that you could come back to the same board situation again, by repeating moves.

anyway, you've all made your point, its just that most of you probably could have done so in a more offensive way.
i'll leave now

>> No.3136966

that is because i assumed that with an infinite number of moves, the number of combinations would have to be infinite, as it would be number of combinations in 1st move + number of combinations in second move...etc.
to infinity.
i didnt factor in that you could come back to the same board situation again, by repeating moves.

anyway, you've all made your point, its just that most of you probably could have done so in a less offensive way.
i'll leave now

>> No.3136968

High level chess play is all based on positions of already played (i.e. grandmaster) games. Memorize openings and end game, get some general middle game strategy and study famous games played but grandmasters. You'll be good to go op.

>> No.3136970
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>infinite numbers of moves


>> No.3137005


EK's original post:
that is because i assumed that with an infinite number of moves, the number of combinations would have to be infinite, as it would be number of combinations in 1st move + number of combinations in second move...etc.
to infinity.
i didnt factor in that you could come back to the same board situation again, by repeating moves.

anyway, you've all made your point, its just that most of you probably could have done so in a more offensive way.
i'll leave now

>done so in a more offensive way
>so in a more offensive way
>in a more offensive way
>a more offensive way
>more offensive way
>more offensive

Hahahahha! Silly bitch, trix are for kids.

>> No.3137011

starcraft has strategy as much as chess

you memorize bullshit in chess
you memorize bullshit in sc
but in sc your building placement,unit control matters
chess just repeats itself no wonder why chess engines such as rybka open same way no matter what you do

>> No.3137063
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EK is shit-brains cumdumpster, wtf:
>you cannot memorise moves,
lolwut, then how do I recognize patterns if I don't memorize them

>infinite combinations
No way sherlock, even in chess 960, you have only 960 initial positions, and those positions change accordingly to rules for 50 moves or less. No infinite for you, lol dumbass.

>anyway, you've all made your point, its just that most of you probably could have done so in a more offensive way.
As if you haven't never being offensive before in this board, you hypocrite piece of slimy cunt.

Please, stop posting on /sci/, we beg you.

>> No.3137072

ITT: EK learns to untripfag, the hard way.

>> No.3137127


typical strategy in sc/sc2:

1) choose map with choke points
2) host game with/without friends
3) build harvesters
4) build one type of attack unit and rush enemy, be it marines, zerglings, tanks, dragoons, carriers, battleships, etc.

tell me another variation.

>> No.3137156


Lol at the idea that Polgar or anyone like her "memorizes".

It's not the same mechanism as memory recollection, it is a rewiring of the language centers of the brain so it can detect "visual vocabulary", in this case chess.

No memorization noobs.. but as an adult I'm sure it is damn near impossible to rewire that area.

>> No.3137190

Play chess alot. Practice makes perfect especially if you learn from every game.

Novice here, lets do this.

>> No.3137229
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>This is what bronze leaguers actually believe!

>> No.3137238
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>implying sc2 is as good as sc

>> No.3137244


Come, lets play!