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3134597 No.3134597 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/

tomorrow (saturday) is my gf's birthday and I need ideas for a gift

we both graduated college in december and are getting paid about $4000 a month each (in contrast to being fucking poor since forever ago) and are living together. we are both very careful with our money as we are saving up for grad school life starting this august and she needs a new car in about a year or two because her 2002 malibu is about to die.

she's not your typical girl. she hates shopping and will only buy things that she absolutely needs. she kind of hates wasting money on unnecessary bullshit. she does like traveling, but that's not an option for this birthday.

I want to get her something completely unnecessary that she will enjoy. Something she would never have bought for herself. i know she's gonna hate me for spending the money but i think she deserves something good for a change and i can now afford to buy it.

I am thinking of putting an upper limit of $1000. (not a typo)

If it helps, she's an engineer. So no bullshit teddy bear crap or even jewlery.

>> No.3134614

Kindle if she like to read.
Lifelong Subscription to SG is she's bi

>> No.3134622

thinkgeek.com if you dont know already.
No fucking doubt.
They have everything cool.

But her birthday is tomorrow so...

You could rent a bugatti for the day from a supercar renting company. Almost every major city has something like that.

Or if shes not into cars..


an animal?
chikz love animals.

>> No.3134626

The kindle is a good idea.

oh fuck dude.
Take her and yourself to a sensory deprivation tank place.

Look up isolation tank and your nearest big city.
Those are awesome.

>> No.3134633

Flowers, dinner.

>> No.3134641

op here

already has a kindle

what? srsly?


looking into this

>> No.3134645


take her values into consideration but flatter her with subtle and traditional things (i.e diamond rings =/= subtle).

I would go with a really nice dinner somewhere. Treat her like a Queen for a day, she'll appreciate that.

>> No.3134666
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In re: animals

Get her frogs, bitches love frogs. Depending on your city, you should be able to find a breeder and put together a tank. If not, tell her that her present was delayed but it's coming. In the meantime, get your ass to a nursery and find some orchids, moss, and bromeliads to plant into a tank with organic dirt. Use clay pellets and a false bottom below the dirt for drainage. Get a full spectrum UVA/B lamp that produces minimal heat. Ensure that the top is glass or plastic, not screen as it releases too much humidity.

She needs to feed them dusted fruit flies (flightless) every day or so, but that takes 2 seconds and is fun to watch. The flies can be cultured with almost no effort at home to provide a constant food supply.

Male and female D. azureus dart frogs will pair bond and sleep under the same leaf together. They're adorable, hop around, look pretty, and really require surprisingly little upkeep. I got an ex a pair of the pictured frogs for Christmas one year, she went nuts. They're still alive and have bred her two clutches of froglets.

Go for flowers like lillies, birds of paradise, and proteas. Don't do baby's breath, it's too funeral/hospital-y. Get Italian russet as decorative greenery instead.

Other ideas: A spa day is always nice. If you live near your university still, get the code to a lecture hall projector and play her favorite movie. Melt good chocolate with some whole milk and dip strawberries, belgian butter waffles. Bring a bottle of sparkling white or a dry red. Watch movie and munch.

>> No.3134674

>saving up for grad school

You are doing it wrong. Grad school is supposed to be free dipshit (unless you are a retard (engineer)).

>> No.3134678

yeah. free and live with a $1500 stipend, fuck that. i said "grad school life". of course no one pays for tuition

>> No.3134697

>a $1500 stipend

Wtf am i reading? sounds like you picked a really sucky school. Do you live in the country or some shit?

>> No.3134714

I do hope you mean $1500/month.... Otherwise, LOL.

>> No.3134719

More advice from me, who is apparently the devil.

If you're going for utility, gloves are always nice. Some longer length (just past wrist onto forearm) leather gloves lined with rabbit's fur are always appreciated by women.
Is there a play or opera coming to town? You might want to get tickets.
You can pay for SCUBA lessons at a nearby dive shop. She likes to travel and SCUBA is a great way to enrich travel experiences.
Obnoxious items, even if she won't buy them for herself, are always appreciated. A nice Vera Wang, Betsy Johnson, etc. dress that flatters her would be appreciated. Similarly, designer sunglasses not only look good but they do protect the eyes. Be sure to look into their protection ratings before buying though.

>> No.3134743
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>> No.3134747

OP, a fucking ring, she is a keeper, get her before she runs away from you

>> No.3134758
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>tomorrow (saturday) is my bf's birthday and I need ideas for a gift


>> No.3134788

Good comp parts? The two of you can send the evening building a comp together. Maybe a nice bike?

>> No.3134793

buy legos ,after all shes an engineer

>> No.3134802
