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3131110 No.3131110 [Reply] [Original]

Why the military sucks:

1)They're immoral fucks who don't care about human lives.
2)Most officers are only powerhungry degenerates.
3)Godamn useless shit yo.
4)It's a fucking form of authority, fuck that.
5)It deals with war, do I have to continue?

>> No.3131125


6)It's a terrible use of technological innovation.

>> No.3131119

You could have atleast added some science points in your argument.

>> No.3131127

>They're immoral fucks who don't care about human lives.
If they didn't care about lives why would they kill people?

>> No.3131140

Why you suck:

1)you juge the morality of people without looking at everything involved
2) you make claims without offering any proof
3) you are useless as a source of unbiased information
4) you want other people to share your opinion without providing an argument for it
5) you remind me of my father

>> No.3131159

While I agree that war is bad and all that, I can't help but think that world peace and nuclear disarmement will bite us in the ass if aliens ever invade.

>> No.3131183

The military sucks because any scientific advances that they make are classified for ten years.

>> No.3131556

Things the US military has done:
1. Department of Defense invented the Internet.
2. Invented GPS
3. First to achieve supersonic flight
4. Invented Nylon.
5. Developed way to mass produce penicillin.
6. Trained astronauts.
Granted, they can be pretty brutal.

>> No.3131568

DuPont invented Nylon you retard

>> No.3131579

You're right, my mistake. My point was that they have contributed greatly science.

>> No.3133220


yeah but look at how much they consume. i mean in dollars, of course, but there's a lot of human capital in the military. i understand that applications breed inventions, but surely we could have come up with that stuff without killing everything too?

i have a friend who got a 1570 on the SATs. he should be a physicist but he's going to spend the prime intellectual years of his life chasing shadows in the desert. i know this makes me sound arrogant, but that honestly makes me sad.

>> No.3133225
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>> No.3133257

I wasn't informed anyone besides them was allowed to use super sonic flight.

Nor was I informed that anyone besides them was allowed to go into space.

I thought doing that shit got you a visit from the MPs.

>> No.3133266

My brother is an officer, fuck you asshole

>> No.3133273

If I were you, I'd want more than that for the BILLION dollar a DAY investment.

Where does all the money go? No-one knows, it's not properly audited.

>> No.3133282

>creation of the internet
>implying that the internet is not worth a billion dollar a day investment

>> No.3133344

I am in the U.S. Military
1. I do care about human lives, so much so that i joined the military in order to protect our american freedoms. Have you ever seen a guy that hates your very existence because of the country you were born in. If not, your welcome.
2. Most officers care a ton about their marines and the only they can progress through the military is by showing a genuine care for their troops.
3. Useless, wouldn't say that when we provided aid to japan and haiti after they were hit by huge earthquakes.
4. It is not a form of authority a guy in a military uniform cannot tell a civilian to do a good damn thing. That is what the police are for, you fucking retard.
5. It deals with war, no shit, i guess we should have just not formed a military and let our selves stay under the oppressive rule of the British in 1775. Maybe no one should have showed up to fight the Nazi regime and we should have let Hitler run free through the world to create his master race. Maybe...... Fuck it your just plain retarded. I wonder how people like you even remember to breathe. Do someone in the military steal your girl friend at some point in your life and show her a better time than you ever have? Did you fail the asvab with a score under 30? A fucking cat stepping on a keyboard can score higher than that. You are just generally a piece of shit. Enjoy your freedoms brought to you by... the military.

>> No.3133370

War isn't chosen by military personnel, it's chosen by the politicians elected by the American people. Military personnel aren't running into villages on self-motivated rampages, they're following orders that stem from the administration we put into power.

If you're being serious, you need to think a little harder before you undermine the service to which countless numbers of your countrymen have sacrificed their lives.

>> No.3133378

Pragmatism you fucking idiot. Look it up.

>> No.3133402


I ain't even trolled

>> No.3133400

i am not OP
i don't think (USA) military sucks,,,, but it is poorly used.
it appears to be used for social and economic policies and not matters relevant to US national defense
you are not defending freedoms when you join up, not even one bit: when is the last time a US soldier got killed in combat on US soil? what US freedoms will you be defending in afghanistan or iraq?
the reason so many other (Arab) countries hate the US is mostly because of the US solders being sent there. the only one that was jsutified was when the US rolled in to save what was left of Kuwait's bacon after Iraq invaded them by walking through at a slow pace

>> No.3133420


1) Using immoral means you feel morality is an actually argument. So, lol.
2) You mean all government employees. Power corrupts, no news here.
3) So you support it if they were use full? sigh
4) You mean government. Power corrupts still, no news here.
5) War can be a form of self-defense. Your emotion is showing again.

>> No.3133422


My nigga! This right here

>> No.3133472

>5. It deals with war, no shit, i guess we should have just not formed a military and let our selves stay under the oppressive rule of the British in 1775. Maybe no one should have showed up to fight the Nazi regime and we should have let Hitler run free through the world to create his master race. Maybe...... Fuck it your just plain retarded. I wonder how people like you even remember to breathe. Do someone in the military steal your girl friend at some point in your life and show her a better time than you ever have? Did you fail the asvab with a score under 30? A fucking cat stepping on a keyboard can score higher than that. You are just generally a piece of shit. Enjoy your freedoms brought to you by... the military.

>MFW Americans have killed more innocent civilians in the past 50 years than were killed during World War 2.

Keep on chasing those Socialists though Americans.. oh wait, it's arabs now... whatever, keep on chasing whatever makes you feel like you are the good guys when clearly you are horrible at everything you do and your country in the last century is pretty much the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity.

Rounding up tens of thousands of innocent civilians during the Korean war, putting them in a valley and dumping agent orange on them was totally legit, right guys!

>> No.3133474

>it appears to be used for social and economic policies and not matters relevant to US national defense
Ignoring the fact that the taliban and al qaeda was responsible for 9/11, Bombings in london. Well your probably a conspiracy fag too, so you probably think america is responsible for 9/11. Here is snapshot of other events that have happened. In the U.S. since then.
10/14/2002 USA Arlington, VA 1 0 A woman is killed by Muslim snipers in a Home Depot parking lot.
10/22/2002 USA Aspen Hill, MD 1 0 A bus driver is killed by Muslim snipers.
8/6/2003 USA Houston, TX 1 0 After undergoing a religious revival, a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4″ butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.
12/2/2003 USA Chicago, IL 1 0 A Muslim doctor deliberately allows a Jewish patient to die from an easily treatable condition.
4/13/2004 USA Raleigh, NC 1 4 A Muslim man runs down five strangers with a car.
4/15/2004 USA Scottsville, NY 1 2 In an honor killing, a Muslim father kills his wife and attacks his two daughters with a knife and hammer because he feared that they had been sexually molested.

>> No.3133477

6/16/2006 USA Baltimore, MD 1 0 A 62-year-old Jewish moviegoer is shot to death by a Muslim gunman in an unprovoked terror attack.
6/25/2006 USA Denver, CO 1 5 Saying that it was ‘Allah’s choice’, a Muslim shoots four of his co-workers and a police officer.
7/28/2006 USA Seattle, WA 1 5 An ‘angry’ Muslim-American uses a young girl ashostage to enter a local Jewish center, where he shoots six women, one of whom dies.
10/6/2006 USA Louisville, KY 4 1 In an ‘honor’ attack, a Muslim man rapes and beats his estranged wife, leaving her for dead, then savagely murders their four children.
2/13/2007 USA Salt Lake City, UT 5 4 A Muslim immigrant goes on a shooting rampage at a mall, targeting people buying Valentine’s Day cards at a gift shop and killing five.
1/1/2008 USA Irving, TX 2 0 A Muslim immigrant shoots his two daughters to death on concerns about their ‘Western’ lifestyle.
7/6/2008 USA Jonesboro, GA 1 0 A devout Muslim strangles his 25-year-old daughter in an honor killing.
2/12/2009 USA Buffalo, NY 1 0 The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.
6/1/2009 USA Little Rock, AR 1 1 A Muslim with ‘religious motives’ shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center.
11/2/2009 USA Glendale, AZ 1 1 A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too ‘Westernized.’ (10-20-09)

>> No.3133482

>you are not defending freedoms when you join up, not even one bit: when is the last time a US soldier got killed in combat on US soil? what US freedoms will you be defending in afghanistan or iraq?
11/5/2009 USA Ft. Hood, TX 13 31 A Muslim army psychiatrist ( in contact with al qaeda) guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers after proclaiming that ‘Muslims should stand up and fight."
Do you even watch the news?

>the reason so many other (Arab) countries hate the US is mostly because of the US solders being sent there.
> the only one that was jsutified was when the US rolled in to save what was left of Kuwait's bacon after Iraq invaded them by walking through
> at a slow pace
Wrong again. I have been to both places a majority of the population does not hate us. The news and media paints a picture that they do.
They actually have a good religion that teaches them forgiveness and love, it is the extremists that believe we are infidels that need to be purged.
Sorry bro but not a single point was made by any of your statements, would you like to try again?

>> No.3133535

heh muslim snipers

>conspiracy conspiracy

>> No.3133557

Step away from your ego for a minute. This isn't about you or your brother, it's about criticizing a human institution. If you instantly throw a tantrum as soon as something you have an emotional investment in gets criticized you're doomed to be wrong about a lot of things. I mean, at least TRY to be objective.

>> No.3133563

why isn't islam and muslims banned in america?

>> No.3133573

He was a random black convert that knew jack shit about Islam and likely followed Nation of Islam(KKK for blacks) and wanted to incite a race war of blacks against whites.

More importantly, why aren't blacks banned from America?

>> No.3133580

Check out a book called Killing Hope by former CIA officer William Blum.

It will wash over that military indoctrination of yours and make your realize why you are really overseas fighting "Communists" and "Terrorists" despite all evidence just points out the fact that your are antagonizing the situation.


Book is backed by former heads of the CIA, former Foreign diplomats, New York Times Bureau Chief and many others.

One of the best books in the world on US foreign policy.

>> No.3133597


Because Europeans totally proved they can be civilized, like back when they collectively murdered 100 million people within a 28 year span. That's almost 10,000 people a day. I hate to break it to you but I think that's considerably worse than anything the US has done, past or present.

>> No.3133599

So your saying government spending in technology is a good thing?

Hell yes.

Not like we can develop these for independent purposes outside the military.

Not like even shit that's underfunded like NASA ends up having its practical applications.

Not like using that 900 billion dollars of discretionary money spent on the military to make a beefy-NASA wouldn't be more beneficial than finding out new ways to kill farmers somewhere.

>> No.3133627

>worthless disgusting yuro trash
>start two world wars
>take a backseat in the cold war
>think they can ever be civilized

If only the USSR nuked them all. We should have never protected them.

>> No.3133632

I'm not 3133266 but you're missing his obvious point. The OP is sitting at a keyboard right now spending some free time criticizing his brother's work. Meanwhile his brother is making it his life's work to eliminate threats from terrorist organizations that make it their life's work to kill anyone in America. Therefore the OP is an ingrate of the highest order. Therefore fuck the OP........ you see?

>> No.3133694
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The military, in all forms, is basically an upgraded gym class for rednecks with down syndrome.

You sound frustrated.

>> No.3133697

It's the doubles

>> No.3133743

>Meanwhile his brother is making it his life's work to murdering sandniggers that make it their life's work trying to not die.

I shouldn't even have to fix this for anyone...

>> No.3133805

>The OP is sitting at a keyboard right now spending some free time criticizing his brother's work.


>Meanwhile his brother is making it his life's work to eliminate threats from terrorist organizations that make it their life's work to kill anyone in America.

Nope. For one, publicly stated goal =/= actual goal; read declassified documents sometime, you'll see what I mean (and no, this is not some '9/11 was an inside job' bullshit). And even if they were honest about their aims, we're free to criticize them if they get poor results. Which they do. And if I tell someone not to do something, and they do it anyway, and then it turns out poorly, they have no right trying to guilt-trip me into thanking them. So fuck 'em and fuck you for defending them.

>Therefore the OP is an ingrate of the highest order.

I'm not grateful for the vast majority of military actions over the past century because the vast majority were carried out in the wrong way for the wrong reasons. I am not a pacifist, but I am someone who wants a good return on my investment. I'd also like a minimizing of human suffering if I could get it, but I've long since given up on that pipe dream. Meanwhile the entire debate is soured by emotional bullshit: jingoism, "my brother/daddy/grandpa was in the military HOW DARE YOU", etc. I don't give a fuck about your feelings. I give a fuck about results, and the results so far are a bankrupted empire that has to worry about terrorist attacks BECAUSE of our frequent military intervention. They don't hate us for our freedoms, they hate us because we bomb the fuck out of them.

Sometimes war is the best of the worst - all your options are terrible, but war is the least terrible of them. But my country is waaaaay too fucking trigger-happy, and that only continues because people take pride in that bloodlust. You and yours are the problem here, not the OP.