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File: 131 KB, 238x245, capethi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3132717 No.3132717 [Reply] [Original]

Is capitalism ethical?

>> No.3132727

communism = the only ethical solution is that both look like the one on the right for the sake of EQUALITY

>> No.3132724

Oh look. It's the exact same thread with the exact same image.

>> No.3132731

This spam isn't.

>> No.3132732

Capitalism in and of itself has nothing to do with ethics.
Individual entities in a capitalist system may act ethically or unethically, same as any other economic system.

>> No.3132748

You are a complete tool and misunderstand what the term equality means in communism. It means equal opportunity, it still stands that that who does not work does not eat.

>> No.3132759

We determined yesterday that it's objectively unethical.

>> No.3132762
File: 22 KB, 500x250, fae47e74-770f-47c4-9989-a0da42af9fc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3132770

OP didn't get the memo.

>> No.3132774

>thinks the system isn't the sum of its parts, that is the individual entities

capitalism doesn't exist somewhere in space, it is an economical structure that people choose. OP wants to know if that choice is ethical.

>> No.3132781

>equal opportunity

HAHHAHAHA oh wait are you serious? is this really what babby communists are taught these days? its no wonder every college student is a socialist, the communist teachers rewrote the history they teach them

>> No.3132795
File: 179 KB, 652x837, ethicsmemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3132824

Fuck off you jew, you obviously do not even understand the concept of dialectic materialism.

>> No.3132833

It's the most ethical system possible, aside from anarchy.

Your wealth is determined by what you can take, either through intelligence, ability, or cunning. Everyone gets exactly what they deserve.

>> No.3132836
File: 9 KB, 450x225, batman-gotham-knight-previe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dialectic materialism

>> No.3132864

This, anarchy is the best though. Small anarchistic village like communities always work, people do everything together via mutual agreement and a collective sense of comradeship. Anarchy can never work on a big scale though, so first we must destroy nation states with terrorism.

>> No.3132871

short answer no

long answer


>> No.3132880

Everything can be ethical.

>> No.3132897

>implying ethics are objective
>implying ethics matter

>> No.3132915

>implying OP didn't get the memo.