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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3131709 No.3131709 [Reply] [Original]

I am fucking stupid and I know it, I feel inferior to everyone else. I used to be the ''bright kid'' in the first 3 grade school grades, but then I deteriorated like a motherfucker. I just can not grasp concepts which are easy to grasp, I can only imagine the general idea, but the details just won't go into my brain. And I know this, I know what I do not know, but I just can't concentrate even in short bursts so my brain can make logical connections between the dots.

What the fuck should I do ?

>> No.3131719

an hero obviously,

on a serious note though

make intellect less important to you

>> No.3131734

>I used to be the ''bright kid'' in the first 3 grade school grades, but then I deteriorated like a motherfucker.



LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "I am stupid" AND "we are stupid"


>> No.3131749

>implying that the rest of us regularly have trouble grasping new concepts and/or don't bother trying to understand

>> No.3131769

>make intellect less important to you
I can't, my whole self image is based on that I am smart, which I am not.
I...what ?

>> No.3131786

You aren't alone OP.

I know this feel

>> No.3131800

That feel.

Branch out, that's what I did. I was in the same situation, I was tops in every subject through school, now not anymore. Just find your niche. Mine isn't science or maths, it's language. I started struggling once I got to calc but then discovered that I'm really good at learning foreign languages.

>> No.3131801

I was the "bright kid" in primary school, and I deteriorated to Average, feels bad man. But at least be glad that you want to be smarter than others. If your that driven to become more educated, then you'll probably do alright

>> No.3131810

Stop being dependent on falsehood and hypocrisy and become one with the universe. You are an universal computer, or the 'core' of the universe. However, the core is useless by itself.


>> No.3131822

OP here, I am talented at languages as well I guess, I taught myself English and German at a very very VERY young age. But I would rather be ''talented'' at mathematics, however my interest in that subject only appeared in the last year of HS. And even that I do not know if it is a ''real'' interest or just something I wanted to force myself to like.

>> No.3131832

>then *

>> No.3131843

I know that feel
I HATED mathematics in school. However when I started my A levels I really wanted to become a physicist, so I had to take maths, then I began to enjoy it.

>> No.3131902

I've always had an innate gift for english literature, and the critical exegesis of texts.

But honestly, I want to be a scientific. Physics are mathematics fascinate me but I'm just not intelligent enough to pursue them.

Feels frustrating man

>> No.3131909


I want to be a scientist*

Forgive my typo /sci/

>> No.3131919

>but I just can't concentrate even in short bursts so my brain can make logical connections between the dots.
end the bad habits that inhibit concentration (e.g., porn)

>> No.3131921


>And even that I do not know if it is a ''real'' interest or just something I wanted to force myself to like.

just because something isn't easy, doesn't mean you can't be interested in. No-one can do maths easy, and if you wan't to be good at it, you have to study it. Hard. You can't just expect to automatically be good at something without working your ass off.

>> No.3131926

go outside and get some fresh air...

>> No.3131936

No, I won't forgive your typo. From now until this thread 404's, you'll be known as that idiot who once made a spelling mistake on the internet.

>> No.3131945

I also know this feeling. I was the smart kid.
Started philosophy and found I was great at it, although I lost out in all the other subjects. Quit philosophy so as to raise grades in all other subjects but it just never worked out so I went back. I suppose it's all about the type of smart you are as a kid being more general then developing into something more specialised, e.g. Fluid intelligence?

>> No.3131964

superiority complex is something you grow out of.

>> No.3131961
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>I just can not grasp concepts
>I can only imagine the general idea

But concepts are general ideas... I mean I don't know the specifics of how a car engine works but I know the concept of how it works...

>> No.3131978

I know how you feel bro. English, reading comp; no one can stop me. But I don't want to be a writer. I want to major in computer sci

>> No.3131988

then you need to give up your anal cherry

>> No.3131989


>> No.3131995

Analyzing and connecting small details is what gets me.
I do understand that, but for example when I was writing my most recent math test I knew how to solve everything, but I made silly mistakes in trying to solve it. I am just so shit at concentrating that it is beyond laughable and pathetic.
Good advice, seriously.
I do not masturbate that much, a few times a week I do.

>> No.3132003

>go and ask for a job
>in a burger joint

>> No.3132007



>> No.3132008

it's probably too late now, but mental activities like playing chess, doing puzzles, writing fiction could make you a bit sharper.

>> No.3132022

better get use to the idea of psychic noise, chakras, chi and the fact that you can't depend on anybody to tell you about them correctly.

>> No.3132032

Not all scientists are geniuses. Most of them are curious about how stuff works though. As long as you're curious and prepared to work hard, you can get a career in science. Sure it HELPS to be awesome at math and such, but it isn't absolutely necessary. With enough practice, anyone of normal intelligence can do it.

>> No.3132037

OP, start doing loads of those online "IQ"-tests that checks if you can see the logical pattern to follow... Keep on doing them and you'll be a god at connecting dots in no-time!

Sorry bout my bad English, I'm a lurker not a poster!

>> No.3132044

You could start by telling us on what subjects you "lost" yourself, OP.

>> No.3132051

When I was younger I used to play chess with my grandpa but only a bit because my brain can not concentrate that much on one specific thing, I have zero diligence basically.
My friend told me to try an use stimulant to see if my concentration improves and I will do so but obviously I can not be dependent on expensive drugs my whole life.

>> No.3132085

You have gained a short attention span, go train your discipline

>> No.3132156

That and a hint of depression/depersonalization it seems.

>> No.3132347

basically what happens to anyone who uses the internet a lot.

>> No.3132368

Adderol my friend, Adderol is the answer to your ADD

>> No.3132390

I read about this ADD crap, some things seemed strikingly similar to what I am experiencing but I lack the hyper activity.

>> No.3132407


I'm a fucking genius and I know it, I feel superior to everyone else. I used to be the "bright kid" in the first 2 school grades, but then my awesome grew exponentially out my butt. I grasp everything as quickly as your mom grasps my penis, I think you get the idea. Your mom wants my cawk.

>> No.3132421

Hyper activity is just one of the symptoms so you might have ADHD without being hyperactive per say.
Look in to visiting a doc for ADHD testing and maybe you will find a cure for your "dumbness", I personally know lots of bright people with ADHD in college

>> No.3132424



"ADHD-PI is different from the other subtypes of ADHD in that it is characterized primarily by inattention, easy distractibility, disorganization, procrastination, forgetfulness, and lethargy - fatigue, but with less or none of the symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsiveness typical of the other ADHD subtypes."

>> No.3132433

it looks like your just a fucking idiot.

>> No.3132440

I was the smart kid in elementary school, I was in the school's gifted program, but I became more average in middle school and I'm very average in high school. Most of my teachers think I'm really smart, but I'm not. I SUCK at math, totally awful at it now. When a teacher is doing it on the board I can't help but zone out. I get As in history and english because they're easier and I find them very interesting, but math and science kills me. I feel like a dumbass because most kids can do it so easily.

I don't think I have a problem though I think I'm just lazy and unmotivated. I'm kind of depressed so I don't really think trying hard in math or science will make my life any better.

>> No.3132458

Try writing things down. Read something, take a list of the important information in the text, then take a list of what you don't understand. Then look up the information one by one.

You can understand really complex concepts by breaking them up to smaller pieces, and doing it one by one.

>> No.3132474
File: 24 KB, 400x299, Life_Story_Icebreaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary: So fucking smart they let me skip 2 years because I was a math wizard and could read and write fluently and make up 3 page stories with a real plot while the others were still learning their ABCs

Spent the entirety of my early childhood playing SNES and later N64, basic computer knowledge

High school first 2 years: Get smacked in the fucking face because I'm the youngest guy there, no fucking idea about socializing, become outcast & ridiculed, yet not mobbed. Shake it off by making constant jokes, teachers are annoyed and worried.

Next 2 years in high school, 7th & 8th grade: Start playing WoW. Enough said. Sold my soul to this game. Grades plummet. I never learn, yet I'm still an average student. Obviously don't socialize and go straight home to play WoW. Considered a computer wizard although I only know basic programming and never ran GNU/Linux as a primary OS because it's too much hassle.

9th & 10th grade: Reduced hardcore raiding. Still never learn, now it comes back to bite me in the ass. I suck at math and physics. Bad grades although I SHOULD be smarter than everyone else. Get depressed.

>> No.3132483

11th & 12th grade: Apply self. Always learn the entire night before tests the next morning because I could never get myself to do it earlier. Grades are good to average. Still don't get any pussy. I'm good looking, in shape, strangely considered very intelligent although I know I don't know enough. Realize I've wasted a good 4 years of my life with WoW that I should've spent socializing or acquiring knowledge. Neither A-student nor have any friends.

Final year: Graduate with 2.4 "Abitur". Mad at self for bad grades and being anxious.

Always liked economics, think about getting a masters in it. 1 year has passed since then. I still have no idea what to do with my life. If fear I will never find my place in society.

PS: Reading over this sounds like I'm an angst ridden emo faggot depressed overprivileged white teenager crying about how hard life is.

>> No.3132505

This describes me perfectly, kinda scary to be honest. But I live in Europe anyway so they most likely will not give me any meds for cure. Guess I will have to start using meth.

>> No.3132537

try khanacademy.org

it's not too late op.

>> No.3132567

>Always liked economics, think about getting a masters in it

Do yourself a favor and stop thinking like this, why don't you work on getting that undergrad, hsfag.

>> No.3132631
File: 64 KB, 1162x926, 1287367651700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all under attack
how can you defend yourself or even recover from damage that you dont ever realize is being done to you on purpose
its in the water
in your 'vaccines'
in your foods
and there is a never ending line of devices and activities being dangled out before you to distract you
to keep you unaware
that someone has taken control of this planet and wants to stay in control
to them you are property
they dont want you aware
at this point there so many under their control its a numbers game
a 'percentage' of the population will get cancer from causes that are deliberate
they dont want those who are not producing more wealth for their benifit to live any longer than they must tollerate
they own the media and and use this to lead the mindless as they see fit
most of you have no concept of what propaganda is and have no realistic hope of ever unraveling the massive lie that is your daily reality

>> No.3132714

Well that's great, thanks to this thread I realized that all of my most mentioned weaknesses are part of the symptoms of ADHD - PI (not being able to concentrate on conversations, procrastinating, easily distracted, chaotic, losing stuff all the time). And I've got every single symptom of it, and most of them have played a very negative role in my life.
So, are there any good medicines to help with that which don't require a transcription? Or how would I go about getting a diagnosis?

>> No.3132740

>not being able to concentrate on conversations, procrastinating, easily distracted, chaotic, losing stuff all the time

Wait, they classify this as a disease? I thought it was because my short term memory is shot.

>> No.3132771


Well apparently, I never thought it was one either..

It's been posted before but: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADHD_predominantly_inattentive

Maybe there's hope for us!

>> No.3132787

Meh, I don't need hope. I have thus far accomplished my goals without medication, don't really see a need to change. Though my fiancée would probably be happier with me if I misplaced things less often...

>> No.3132970


Getting a diagnosis is can either be annoyingly difficult, or painfully easy.

If you get a good doctor and tell him/her all the right things he/she will write you a script and you'll be on your way, checking in periodically to measure progress and such.

Or Murphy's law will kick in and you'll spend forever and a dollar to get it, or not get it at all.

But this could be helpful:

>> No.3132984
File: 2 KB, 126x95, youfool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are there any good medicines to help with that which don't require a transcription?
>which don't require a transcription?
>a transcription

>> No.3132995


I hate you EK. In fact, I wish there were a hell, simply so you could burn in it.

This has been a daily reminder.

>> No.3133022

Remember when you misspelled male? Better yet, remember when you didn't know how the male reproductive system didn't work?

>> No.3133047
File: 10 KB, 376x327, 13645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot yesterdays reminder, faggot.

i aint even mad.

>> No.3133175
File: 12 KB, 164x200, monocle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your trip is "Inuyasha".

You aren't exactly inspiring confidence in your personal opinions.

Also, why is it every-time I see an EK post, no matter what it actually says, the rest of the thread becomes nothing but "HAT EK FUCK SHIT COCK GRR"

I've really never seen EK do anything to warrant such rampant hate.

>> No.3133179

Become a plumber.

>> No.3133180

Because Ek is a faggot.

>> No.3133184


This is /sci/, it's full of engineers.

There must be more to it than just faggotry.

>> No.3133185

Full of wanna-be engineers. No. Tripfags are known to universally be attention-seeking faggots. If not, why use a tripcode?

>> No.3133190


Well, in a thread using an OP tripcode is easy to understand.

Between threads I can see it mainly as used to associate a person with previous posts so that in a discussion you don't need to spend a thousand words explaining all of your viewpoints, as people who have read your shit before can instantly guess where you stand on a subject. Saves time.

>> No.3133191

You're also fat.

>> No.3133197

Shit, I might be guilty with this.

>> No.3134447


Actually, I didn't forget.

It's possible you forgot to check a thread it was in, or it 404'd before you could see.

Once again you show your lack of basic common sense and human insight.

Die slowly.

>> No.3134462

1. Learn everything you can about one obscure area of science.
2. Post threads about it on /sci/ and rip people that don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
3. ???
4. Profit

>> No.3134483


Oh fuck yes.
All the time.

Anyone want to talk about fluid dynamics in plastic mediums?


>> No.3134508

Give up. Those with any intelligence are few and far between so rest assured it isn't the end of the world. Just enjoy your banal existence.

>> No.3134546

This is devastatingly startling to me.

When I was younger, someone wasn't automatically told that they weren't cut out for what they wanted to do/give up. In fact, they were instructed to simply study harder, read more and practice more. At the core of it, that's the bottom line.

There will always be people who will be able to naturally grasp material quicker than you, OP. It's not because you're inferior to those people; it's just the way the world works. There are people I'm sure you know who are not as swift as you are. Does that mean they should give up? No; it simply means they need to read more, study more, etc.

You can do anything, absolutely anything, you put your mind to, given the right circumstances and barring nonsensical blockades in your path. I firmly believe this, and you should too.

What has happened to us in this generation, man? We're all so pessimistic, agitated/irritated, depressed, angry, melancholic, etc. What happened to just fucking WORKING hard? What happened to paying dues? Fucking Christ.

>> No.3134659

OP, this is what I would do:

1. go to a physician(s) to find out of there is something physically wrong with me (be thorough)

2. assess my psychology; if you're not really motivated to do something you're not going to excel at it even if you are talented

3. if you can take care of those two things and put yourself in a situation where you can concentrate, move forward with studying whatever you love, but recognize you're not going to be getting the same love, affection, and admiration of your peers as it did the first time around when you weren't behind

my (non-professional) assessment of you is that you are being weighed down by expecting to excel at everything in circumstances now where that is not going to happen (immediately), that may be depressing you a bit which inhibits your willingness to focus on problems for extended periods (maybe you're thinking "what's the point in figuring this problem out if so many of my peers are already ahead on these matters--it's not going to impress anyone" etc. etc.). you may also benefit greatly from the basics of good health i.e. regular sleep schedule, good dieting, exercise, etc. etc. small problems in these basic areas can have disastrous effects on some people. bottom line is that you're probably quite talented but that talent is not being realized for one of these kinds of reasons.