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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 450x302, mechanical-engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3131795 No.3131795 [Reply] [Original]

>Grow up thinking that engineers are super street smart alpha bros who lost their v-card at 14 in a grade school bathroom and aced almost every single math test.
>Take tour at engineering uni.
>Skinny or fat unfit aspies everywhere, shitloads also wear glasses and are ''neat freaks'', prob never seen a vagina.
Jesus fucking Christ , my whole worldview has been shattered in a day. I really do NOT want to go study engineering now, what should I go study now ?

>> No.3131799

You were thinking of mechanics

>> No.3131815

seeing as you call it uni im guess you are british

If so check out loughborough uni. Some of the best engineering courses in the country and free gym/sports clubs for all seeing as it is where all the national sports teams come from. Great union too

>> No.3131825

You should study the liberal arts

>> No.3131834

>Make career decision based on the how cool it sounds rather than how well you yourself will do in that field.

It's best you don't become an engineer, that field involves actually using your brain.

>> No.3131856

Experience also counts, I imagined going to class and being all like ''sup brah, mmmm mirin them pecs, what did you get on your calc. ? ''
''87 yo, I would totally get a 100 but my bitch was keeping me up all night''

Instead I will get
''Yo, did you do well on your test''
''I uhh uhh hmm ....yes ..kinda''

>> No.3131867

This. Enjoy your blue-collar job, OP.

>> No.3131876
File: 46 KB, 480x368, whores-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just had to look up what the liberal arts are. Apparently its an american idiom that includes the subjects sciences and math

>science and maths an art

>> No.3131883

I was confused as well, though technically sciences are an art.

>> No.3131895


OP you are doomed. If you are constantly thinking about poon instead of enhancement of humanity, then you are nothing more than a primitive ape.

You know what wild animals do all day? Fuck and eat. Doing anything other than hardcore science puts you in the category of "Primitive male". Counting how much "poon" you get is only relative to the poor and fat people who dream of vagina because they can't get it.

TL;DR don't do anything for vagina, there are 4 billion broads in this world willing to suck your dick.

>> No.3131906

underage b&

also, faggot

>> No.3131963

Aspie virgin detected. There is nothing wrong with getting poon and counting how much you get.

>> No.3131972

There's a problem when that's your main focus.

>> No.3131976


It's extremely sad to count how much poon you get. If that's the only thing going for you in your life then you are fucking doomed.

>inb4 someone implies I can't get poon 24/7

>> No.3131987

bazinga (in a good way)

>> No.3132009

OP here, obviously that is not my main focus and it should not be anyone's main focus for that matter, but it is pretty good to do so.

>> No.3132016

> but it is pretty good to do so.
To count poon? No. There's being well-rounded, and there's Jersey Shore.

>> No.3132019

mech enginner student here, I DO count the pussys I get

>> No.3132023

I dunno man, whenever I'm visiting my engineering friends at their schools they've always got mad hot girls and go to some crazy parties. Engineers ARE alpha bros, and most of them are nerdy / ugly as fuck.

>> No.3132020

>To count poon? No.
Ugh yes, sex is healthy and a natural way to relax and enjoy something. The more you have it the better, it can be put aside however when some bigger matters are at hand.

>> No.3132029

>mech enginner
there's your problem

>> No.3132030

The "counting" is the main problem here. It reflects a very pathetic mindset.

>> No.3132056

Not really, that is just your opinion and nothing shallow about it.

>> No.3132072

What the fuck, the only people who lose their virginity at 14 are trailer/ghetto trash fuck ups.

>> No.3132076
File: 3 KB, 123x126, wtfisgoingon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Not really"

words of an ignorant brofister who should never attend university

"Nothing shallow about it"

implicitly stating it's shallow. We never mentioned shallow, therefore your subconscious knows it's shallow and you're rationalizing it. Anyways, if you had anything useful to contribute to this world you wouldn't be so concerned with pussy.

>> No.3132091

rotational physics with a focus on beef patties is for you OP

>> No.3132114 [DELETED] 

You sure got had a stupid view of the world sir, im glad you changed.
If you are getting into a field just to "look cool" and get "some pussy" then you are doing it wrong.
Engineeres can get pussy(or ass...mostly ass) if they dont fail as a human being, it has nothing to do with the major, it has everything to do with the person doing it.

>> No.3132129

sounds like you saw the electrical engineering department, OP. you've gotta do aero/mech if you want to be a bro.

>> No.3132134

You sure had a stupid view of the world sir, im glad you changed.
If you are getting into a field just to "look cool" and get "some pussy" then you are doing it wrong.
Engineeres can get pussy(or ass...mostly ass) if they dont fail as a human being, it has nothing to do with the major, it has everything to do with the person doing it.

>> No.3132145

>you've gotta do aero/mech if you want to be a bro.
Does this apply to women?

>> No.3132249

>bases the value of a specific profession on the personal appearance of the people studying it rather than the subject matter
Aren't you a little young to be worrying about college, son? At least maturity-level-wise? Because you come off like you're about 12 years old.

>> No.3132256

>Engineeres can get pussy(or ass...mostly ass)
I laughed.

>> No.3132780

Woo! Loughborough.