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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3126065 No.3126065 [Reply] [Original]

If you could ask an infinitely intelligent and knowledgeable machine one question, what would it be?

>> No.3126071

"I always lie. Is this statement true or not?"

>> No.3126072

"Where do you get your information from?"

>> No.3126073

How can I make you with the current available technology?

>> No.3126116

Is morality subjective, or are certain things universally good?

>> No.3126138


Seriously? Of all things?



>> No.3126145

People have asked this question forever. I'd like a definitive answer.

>> No.3126147
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Would you like to play a game of thermonuclear war?

>> No.3126153

Is there a god/thread

>> No.3126158

How can something which holds all information in the universe not be the size of said universe?

>> No.3126166

How can I become like you?

>> No.3126184

No possible answer.


Morality is subjective.

You don't.


Surely you faggots can do better than this.
The machine has its own database with knowledge obviously.

>> No.3126195

>presuming to answer for an infinite intelligence

>> No.3126197

How can I effectivily increase the maximum erect length and girth of my penis? Disregaurding erections.

>> No.3126203

how do i systematically change the presumptions and assumptions my brain makes so that I can configure my personality to anything I want?

>> No.3126209

What's your personality type? Take the MBTI online now http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp

>> No.3126216
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>The machine has its own database with knowledge obviously.
Then who filled it with ALL POSSIBLE KNOWLEDGE?

>> No.3126217


I started reading and I guessed where you would go with this;a slight smirk

I continued and chuckled at "erect"; then my initial belief of the point you were trying to make solidified

"length and girth of my penis.."
I lol'd hard at this point.

>> No.3126226

What are the fundamental equations describing our physical reality?

>> No.3126231

That level of self-modification might be unstable. What is the Nash equilibrium for a self-altering mind? Every change you make, your fundamental goals and values will change. Where does that stop, if at all? And do you (right now) want to start that process?

>> No.3126239

It's a trick question. Machines cannot have intellect.

>> No.3126248

Your Type is

>> No.3126250
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yfw it says you can't

>> No.3126260

How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?

>> No.3126262

Can an infinitely intelligent and knowledgeable machine create something even it cannot know??????????

>> No.3126272

Hey, even I can answer that. You just tunnel into another universe that consists of infinite energy expanding in all directions. Somehow regulate the flow of energy into this universe so ours isn't destroyed. BAM!

>> No.3126295

How can you upgrade yourself?

>> No.3126301



>> No.3126303


i'd assume that i have knowledge with how to tinker with every little bit, i could sort of, very carefully tweezer out the shit bits.

>> No.3126305

what can change the nature of a man?

>> No.3126311

Tell me, computer, who is the fairest one of all???

>> No.3126324

How would I go about making a duplicate of you?

>> No.3126328
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dunno lol

>> No.3126330

Who was phone?

>> No.3126348

What, exactly, is conciousness?

What, exactly, makes up matter?

>> No.3126364

That's easy.

"What would be the answer you would give to the best possible question for me to ask you in order to gain information which would lead to me reaching a state of near omniscience and immortality similar to yours in the shortest amount of time?"

You use the omniscience of the omniscient being to work for you, duh.

>> No.3126374

>intelligent and knowledgeable machine

Oh, a Turing Oracle, easy: Predict every moment in the future history of the Universe.

inb4 QM

>> No.3126379

How do I destroy you without you becoming aware of the fact that you to gave me the information?

>> No.3126382

what is the question of life, universe and everything?

>> No.3126385

So, what's my next question Mr know-it-all?

>> No.3126386

>he answers 'Yes'

>> No.3126395

The Answer is 42.

But it's too late to ask what the Question is now.

>> No.3126402

Let's break this down:
>What would be the answer you would give to:
>the best possible question for me to ask you in order to gain information which would lead to me reaching a state of near omniscience and immortality similar to yours in the shortest amount of time?
It doesn't matter what question would be the best possible to gain (etc) because there's a chance the best question is invalid or undoable, so the answer could be a useless 'you can't do that'.

Instead, reformulate your question focusing on the answer with the most gain, not the theoretical question with the most potential gain.

Also, the answer could be a simple "yes" if the best question was "should I do (etc) to gain (etc)?" because "best" could mean simplest and most straightforward.

>> No.3126409

What don't I know?

Ask it that.

>> No.3126410


>> No.3126414

What is the unified theory of everything like?

>> No.3126417
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In the old animated shorts, Gumby had perfectly round eyes, but in the movie version, they were oval. Why did they feel the need to make this little change to the character design? Also, how come all the merchandise shows him with red pupils, even though they were black in the movie? Even the Gumby in the Gameboy Advance game had red pupils. What's the mystery behind Gumby's eyes?

>> No.3126419

I think it is meant to be parsed differently:
"What would be the answer you would give to the best possible question for me to ask you"
OK, what kind of best?
>... in order to gain information which would lead to me reaching a state of near omniscience and immortality similar to yours in the shortest amount of time?"

They way you parsed it, I agree, it wouldn't be much use.

>> No.3126424


everything minus what you do know.

>> No.3126428

That's common knowledge, duh. That's why I asked for the question.

>> No.3126431

What are the equations for a unified field theory?

>> No.3126444

What do you do tonight, smarty?

>> No.3126447

Oh, then this guy understood you correctly?

The Question might interesting, but it's hardly the same as also having the Answer.

>> No.3126449


That was the intent, yes. I suppose if I had time to draft it up as a legal document I could add that the knowledge gained through me asking the question would have to make it absolutely true that I could gain said power within a certain timeframe, and that his omniscient knowledge of my own mind and my own intentions should be used to create an answer that would fit all of the above criteria rather than simply taking the words spoken at face value.

>> No.3126464


This >>3126428
was not me.

Now that I rethink it, it would be more like:

"Based on your knowledge of my mind and my goals, what would be the series of events I could undertake which would give me a 100% chance of achieving those goals in the shortest amount of time?"

>> No.3126480

Too self-centered - you assumed your goals are well-formed.

How about "Based on your knowledge of all possible states of being, what would be the series of events I could undertake which would give me the highest possible chance of achieving the state of being that I would prefer to all others, if I also had an understanding of all possible states?"

That way, your own limited understanding of what would be a good idea doesn't get in the way.

>> No.3126488


As Omniscience is one of those goals, that would really be the point where I could figure out whatever other goal is required.

>> No.3126493

But what if you got caught in a dead end, aware of a preferable existence but unable to achieve it? It's a risky thing not to cover at the start.

>> No.3126505


Total omniscience would include a way to achieve that preferable existence, or it by definition would not be total omniscience.

This is the problem with fucking with absolutes. It's a bit far even for a thought experiment.

>> No.3126507
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stupid questions. stupid questions everywhere.

- why do people ask questions regarding the machine itself? where's the profit?
- why do people ask questions, where they expect that there is no answer or no answer can be given?
like if you ask
>How can I make you with the current available technology?
>How can I become like you?
the answer might be you can't - so isn't that a bit risky.
- why do people ask questions which seem to imply the answer would magically upgrade their persona (like giving omniscience)?
- why do people ask useless questions like
>What are the fundamental equations describing our physical reality?
why do you expect, in the case that reality really can exactly be described by physics, that humans understand the math yet.

>> No.3126520

They're all attempts to realize ultimate goals - generally of knowledge, power, and happiness (possessing a highly preferred state). What's wrong with that?

And the questions about the machine itself are either recognizing it as a preferable state and attempting to copy it, or attempting to copy the machine itself and essentially "wishing for more wishes".

>> No.3126550

I would ask, "What is the answer to this question?"

>> No.3126557
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"This is it."

>> No.3126562

P = NP?

Oh, who am I kidding, we all know the answer is no.

>> No.3126570

where are my pants ?

>> No.3126572

I would ask it
"sup man?"

>> No.3126584

ask for a simple proof that P != NP ?

>> No.3126590

simulate Gauss

>> No.3126633

Truly, this man has his priorities straight.
And here I was thinking about asking why the fire temple music in OOT got changed after a number of cartridges had been made, even though it was before the earliest actual release date.
What a fool I was.

>> No.3126896


To which the silent whisper of information whirring about arouses within the incredibly vast machine, slowly accruing into an ominous symphony of technological marvel simply to reply:

"Nothin' much."

>> No.3126925

True or false: This statement is false

>> No.3127116

"Why did Alfred E Neuman win American Idol?"

>> No.3127158

"Is infinite knowledge, and therefore the ability to do anything that is doable, equivalent to goodhood?"

No, seriously, I would ask it how to make catgirls.

>> No.3127160

It is invalid.


You can't.

The meaning of your question is subjective.

Yes, seriously. Only one question each. Next!

No, thank you.

There is thread.

Most information in the universe is highly compressible.

You can't.

>> No.3127183


>> No.3127187


>> No.3127196

Is my theory of the universe correct? I really don't want to waste time developing the idea if it's not.

>> No.3127202

>implying that these questions aren't all stupid and easily answered by a finite intelligence

>> No.3127216

>"I always lie. Is this statement true or not?"

How could it be true in any situation?
If you always tell the truth, then saying you always lie is a lie.
If you always lie then saying you always lie is telling a truth.
If you tell truth and lie at various times, then saying you always lie is still untrue.

The statement can never be true.

>> No.3127222

Your little theory? The answer is always No. No theory in the history of man has been Truth. And you think yours might be?

>> No.3127223

How do I make a past/future moving time machine with available technology?

>> No.3127235

>implying answering a question is identical to receiving proof of veracity

>> No.3127240

>belittling somebody on an anonymous image board
Does it make you feel all big and bad?

>> No.3127255

how do i travel faster then light?

>> No.3127264

By entering a universe that obeys different physical laws.

>> No.3127271

ITT: People not informed that OP's machine is an asshole.

>> No.3127282

LOL this. It was never indicated that the machine is truthful, or benevolent.

No theory is Truth. Anyone with delusions of possessing Truth should be informed of this. It's good for them. Benevolent, even.

>> No.3127315
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Implying the computer doesn't have a finite amount of knowledge due to having a finite amount of storage and a finite amount of time to gather and process information.

>> No.3127340

Does P=NP?

>> No.3127526

if N = 1

>> No.3127883

Is it not possible to use the conventions of written English to avoid asking a question without a satisfying answer?

E.g.: "If it is not possible to construct a machine like you (in which case tell me how), how can I maximize my happiness?"

Obviously the actual questions would need more qualifiers and details, but only the syntax is important here.

Note that the first question is addressed to /sci/ and not the theoretical machine.

>> No.3127897
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Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.3127915
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>> No.3127920

you mean the same way we figure out which of 3 gods always lies?

>> No.3127925


what? explain please.

>> No.3127931

If you were to explain to me, in a manner that you know I can understand, how the universe works and what my place in the universe means comparitively and absolutely, what would you do and say?

>> No.3127943

Will you help me find happiness?

>> No.3127966
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Do free will exist?

>> No.3127978
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>> No.3127979
File: 87 KB, 401x317, brain_waves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learned about transformers today in school and how they induce current from an energized coil of wire into another coil with out even touching via magnetic field. This results in a current of high or lower voltage in the secondary coil depend on how it's set up.

My question is there any reason why a device couldn't be made using electromagnetic fields to induce a brainwave state?

I know there are "binural beats" that try to do this by means of two separate frequencies in each headphone combining in the head to set it into a particular frequency.


>> No.3128217


ffs everyone in this thread is stupid because they can't answer the first fucking question in it.

obviously the answer to it is 'no, you do not always lie' - the fact that then the statement is infact a lie does not fucking matter.

>you do not always lie
>not always lie
>always lie

>> No.3128512

Why didn't life evolve into peaceful beings that were immortal and were extremely intelligent?

is evolution masochistic and sadistic or some shit?

>> No.3128519

Hard determinism is wrong.
no point to living if you are a hard determinist, might as well kill yourself.

>> No.3128786

I would ask, "What is the exact scientific process toward achieving clinical immortality?"

>> No.3128789


even a peaceful immortal being would enjoy a nighmarish "dream" now and then just as "humans" enjoy horror flicks

also an immortal godlike being would have dreams so realistic you could easily get lost in one thinking it were real life


>> No.3128828

Silly people, the most beneficial answer is to ask it how to build another god-computer using practical and achievable methods that can answer an unlimited amount of questions about life, the universe and everything.

>> No.3129620


>> No.3129656

the answer is no. if you dont always lie that that statement might be true

>> No.3129666


Just because you don't like it, it's wrong? Seriously?

>> No.3129681

I beat portal 2. U mad?

>> No.3129689


ever heard of google?

You see, black and white television was prevalent in the 50's, and we noticed that the red beads on Gumby and Pokey's eyes were not prominent enough. They faded into the rest of the light gray of their bodies, so we changed to little black discs on the eyes of Gumby and a darker eye for Pokey. The expression was much clearer and sharper on TV. So that is the reason we changed them.

>> No.3129694

"Do you know Cleverbot?"

>> No.3129710

Well, this doesn't answer either of my questions, actually. Far be it from me to accuse you of heinous fraudulence, but admittedly, I do get the feeling that you're not really an infinitely intelligent and knowledgeable machine, but merely a fallible impostor.

>> No.3129735

What is the most important question with an answer that I do not know yet that I can ask, and what would it's answer be?

>> No.3129744
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Who was phone?

>> No.3129820
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Why can't we do more than 299792458 m/s and why is max speed ridiculously slow on the universal scale?

>> No.3129862

Will my consciousness exist forever?

>> No.3129899

Why my conciousness is tied to my particular body.

>> No.3129907

What created the first particle of matter?

>> No.3129909

lottery numbers

>> No.3129916
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>> No.3129920

Why must I scream?

>> No.3129921



>> No.3129923


>> No.3129943


We already know half the reasons we can't go faster than light speed.