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3127727 No.3127727 [Reply] [Original]

Do male and female humans think differently inherently? Or is it only because of societal norms and pressures that genders think a certain way? Intellectually are the genders equal?

>> No.3127731

They have significantly differently-structured brains. It is not possible for them to think the same way.

>> No.3127742

Intellectually yes, the genders are equal. Anyone on here that claims different is a total idiot, immense research has been done on the subject.
There is however a societal difference. Different things are expected of women, and so they often lack initiative.

>> No.3127743


>> No.3127765
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While I won't argue that they are intellectually similar or disimilar due to ignorance on the subject, it should be noted that the brain structure of each gender is quite different. Women and men even activate their brain regions in completely different ways (men tend towards one hemisphere, women activation is more even on both sides).

>> No.3127769

This might be offensive, but who is more likely to think in a different way? Two people of the same gender and different races, or two people of the same race but different genders?

>> No.3127781


So why does society currently have the goal of treating both sexes the exact same? Not saying one should be treated worse or considered superior, but if there are inherent biological differences in the way each sex thinks, shouldn't we accommodate to that?

>> No.3127791

Black and white dichotomies is the purview of politicians, not scientists.

>> No.3127793

Male intelligence tends to vary quite a bit more than female intelligence. Often times (but not always) you see that the top intellectuals are male, but there are also a great amount of males who are incredibly dumb.

>> No.3127795

Genders, most definitely.

Genders evolved differently to have different strengths (men, strength, women, child rearing, I won't go into intelligence, it does seem quite even when the girl actually gets out there though). Races on the other hand are the results of segregation to different environments, most changes are to cope better with the current environment in terms of temperature, sources of food, etc., so most races might vary in skin colour, maybe strength and size a little, etc., but for the most part remained quite similar.

I don't even think there is enough time for significant racial differences to compound.

Basically, genders are the RESULT of differences being advantageous (being able to shift some strengths in one direction, others in another for a more efficient set of organisms), while racial differences are minor alterations to an already existing prototype so to speak.

>> No.3127803


Well I wasn't really talking about intelligence but moreso, just thinking differently. Not necessarily in a better way but a different way. Do men and women have different ways of thinking that are due to their biology?

>> No.3127816

each sex undergoes different selection pressures, which breeds different phenotypes, yet artificially these differences are constrained to features within the range of those that are reproductively compatible so as to create a filtering device and ensure one does not waste time courting an organism that can't form a functioning zygote

anisogamy and its consequences were figured out over a billion years ago

though I should say, there are many exceptions to sex-based artificial similarities, I suggest you research the angler fish and the spoon worm as prime examples, and it actually relates to the size or presence of a penis

>> No.3127819

Here's why: people are dicks.

Gender, race, height, etc. should not enter the equation. You, as an individual, either have the capacity to perform adequately in certain roles, or do not. Unfortunately, most people do not see it this way, so we have to help tip the balance with rules and regulations. Sometimes it can go a little to far (giving scholarships to a less worthy individual because she has a vagina), but these things are the lesser of two evils.

Maybe one day society won't have to force this stuff in some Star Trekkian type world, which does occasionally serve to be unfair anyway, and we'll be able to just judge individuals as they are. Until then we have to have these imperfect systems.

>Basically, even if men and women or race to race are quite different, those differences are not enough to justify complete dismissal, so give them a chance. But we can't give them a chance without some help otherwise things will remain racially or genderly biased.

>> No.3127829


I agree with this. First and foremost people should be judged on an individual basis.

>> No.3127830

Hormones and a broken society that make females narcissistic attention-whoring monsters.

>> No.3127844
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This might sound a little fucking stupid, but it honestly saddens me that should we ever go into space/meet an alien life, Carl Sagan won't be around to see it.

>> No.3127841
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>Implying anyone will ever take such a logical and rational approach to society and eventually one day into space

>> No.3127843

Different races do not have differently-structured brains. Two healthy men (or women) of two different races (particularly if they have similar brain sizes) will have pretty much the same brain to work with. AVERAGE brain size varies by race, but there's a lot of deviation from the mean, and structure does not vary by race.

>> No.3127848

Politics. Fashion. Society is not rational.

>> No.3127859

what about the fact that inevitably, the biggest assholes will likely be in space?

>> No.3127868

There are a number of good books about the ways in which men and women think differently, use language differently, interact socially differently. It's a fascinating subject. To understand the human mind, IMO, you have to understand it in terms of male and female, not just in terms of a "generic-sex human".

>> No.3127873
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>Earth finally united
>War, famine, poverty all behind us
>Into space with FTL ships
>Start war with aliens for their resources

>> No.3127882


>> No.3127885


>> No.3127895
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>> No.3127914
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I'm ok with this.

>> No.3128006

Yes, this is true. However, you're leaving out that males have a higher standard deviation.

>> No.3128016


Yeah, they do inherently think differently but that doesn't mean one is worse than the other.

>> No.3128041

males want to inseminate females
females want their offspring to survive
everything else is cultural and changes based on location

>> No.3128082

well as a psychologist (insert comments i could care less) there has been an ongoing debate on what really facilitates the development of a personality which is essentially the representation of thought process. and the two variables considered are genetics vs social environment.

basically, the genes we have lay a groundwork and predispose us to the potential for certain things. so for example, a child who is predisposed to be intelligent and is raised in an environment that supports and coddles intelligence and learning, has little to no allostatic load during early stages of development and healthy diet etc will most likely be intelligent.

whereas that same child raised in an environment where he was exposed to high levels of cortisol in prenatal development, mom is a drunk and doesnt give a fuck about him, his schools are crappy and teachers and parents dont give a fuck about education will most likely result in a child who appears less intelligent.

that all being said, it is evident that both girls and boys play the same, observe and interact with each other and the world relatively equally when in early stages of development. however when societal pressures are induced and really taken note of by the individual their developmental path changes and so do thought patterns and perspective taken towards specific situations.

tl;dr: no. yes. yes if there was 100% equality, no because there isnt.

>> No.3128120
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Men and women naturally think differently. People of different races do not (that's a product of different cultural upbringing).

>> No.3128160

Yes, they inherently think differently. Men are smarter than women as a whole.

>> No.3128183



society is what either promotes or inhibits thoughts. there is no intrinsic, inherent difference between men and women other than the society and culture they're brought up in.

women when observed and objectified perform poorer on math tests as an example. however when not they perform the same as men.

there are tons and tons and tons of research articles on this, if you have access to ebsco just look up some scholarly journals discussing it in psyarticles.