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File: 256 KB, 592x461, 1925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3122667 No.3122667 [Reply] [Original]

Why were women so much cuter in the 1920s-30s? It seems to have changed abruptly from the 40s-50s onward. What happened?

>> No.3122671

Fashion. The cute look was "in" in the 20s and 30s.

More mature-looking actresses and models were preferred in the 40s and 50s.

>> No.3122675
File: 130 KB, 600x600, Brie serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3122701


We need to bring it back. I watch movies from the 20s and 30s and the women are so much more appealing than modern women, it's ridiculous.

>> No.3122704

because of nuclear bomb changed their gentics
thats why asians are asian

>> No.3122709

because of the I'M A WOMAN AND I HAVE RIGHTS bulllshit or something

>> No.3122710

60s chicks were hella-cute, especially the brittish ones. Plus I really dig fashion from the 50s, so I tend to think that the girls who are fashionable are pretty cute. Now, the real let down was the 70s, where hippie subculture went mainstream and dropped the values.

>> No.3122711

But what were asians before they were asian (a la nuclear bomb)?

>> No.3122713

Fucking baby boomers.

>> No.3122714


>>60s chicks were hella-cute, especially the brittish ones.

Agreed, thought it was hit and miss in terms of hairstyles.

>> No.3122720

because 20's-30's movies were silent

>> No.3122721

they were chameleons

>> No.3122726
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>> No.3122728

Because women today are obsessed with this manufactured orange barbie doll whore look. Back in the day women had class.

>> No.3122736


entirely the fault of men who encourage it by obsessing over shitty plastic playboy models and vapid whores like megan fox

>> No.3122738

I wonder what men in the future will say about women in the 2010s.

>> No.3122744


Yeah, the hairstyles were all pretty absurd. Mainly those that make the girls look taller by adding volume. But, on the other hand, a 60s short haircut (slightly longer than a bob) that flips out, well that's practically a cure fore ED in an of itself.

>> No.3122747



>> No.3122758

Well, if /sci/ is to be any indication, then the serious lack of functional silicon (chip) implants would likely render them to be serious turn-offs.

>> No.3122765

>Why were women so much cuter in the 1920s-30s?
Poor quality cameras.

Everyone looks better in slightly blurred high-contrast black and white.

>> No.3122798
File: 507 KB, 913x465, women timeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3122812

But even if you replicated such conditions today (i.e. photoshopped the fuck out of an image) the results would not be the same or even similar based on clothing, hair, and makeup styles. There's more to it than just the recording equipment.

>> No.3122818

most women today dress like whores

and dont try to deny it we all know its true. its hot as hell but at the same time, sort of unappealing.

>> No.3122819

>Implying we don't have makeup and better lighting to make up for the increased definition. No, it's something more than that. It's the shape of their faces, and the way they moved and acted.

Back then we had normal sized girls all around. Not the skinny bitches and the whales we have clogging the streets now.

>> No.3122833

It was the puritan led provocative whore backlash that hated the roaring 20s and got a stranglehold on society around the same time they tried prohibition.

>> No.3122868

It's a matter of diet.

These days, most of what we eat is pre-packaged garbage loaded with strange chemicals, and even fresh meats and produce have trace amounts of synthetic growth hormones and fertilizers in them. A person growing up eating this sort of food will develop differently than someone living in a time before these substances were present in the food supply.

>> No.3122872

A society's general concept of beauty changes with time. This goes well beyond just clothing fashions, and women do their best to conform to this sense of beauty. For example "snow white" was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom because her skin was so pale, but today having a tan is considered attractive. Today it is also considered attractive for women to have some moderate muscle tone, which was not the case only thirty years ago.

Part or all of the general concept of beauty from the 1920's matches your personal concept of beauty. I can't say what, as its subjective, I don't find women from the 20's particularly attractive, 1950's was best IMHO.

>> No.3122886

Before everyone complains about Baby Boomers ruining fucking everything

The percentage of Americans who engaged in premarital sex in the 1950s was roughly 90%

Today, the percentage of Americans who engage in premarital sex is 90%

Pot smoking in the 1950s? 50%

Today it's 48%

The late 1960s and early '70s didn't really change anything, people just started talking about it more, which upset a lot of really naive Christian folks

>> No.3122896
File: 21 KB, 288x216, batman smelling a marshmallow,jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Developed/mature sophisticated red/black haired women in their mid twenties > all others.

>> No.3122911

None of this whore-like BLONDE shit for us.
I like your style.

>> No.3122920

Indeed. Fuck blondes.

Or rather, don't.

>> No.3122921
File: 21 KB, 320x240, batman holding a marshmallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro, now I just need to find a women in her mid twenties who's willing to fuck a 19 year old.

>> No.3122927
File: 115 KB, 1600x1065, Bianca Beauchamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a girl in my biology classes who fits this description quite well, though she's only 20ish. She seems mature, smart, dresses 'pretty', not whorelike, long reddish hair, quite and has a very soft voice. She also wears glasses when she needs to watch video lectures from fair away and it actually makes her better looking. I want to bone her so hard.

>> No.3122929
File: 248 KB, 960x648, 1316980572_3426e540db_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 3 fer Ya kiddo.
definately over 40

>> No.3122933
File: 22 KB, 394x493, 1274541879779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's showing her ankles in public

>> No.3122955
File: 20 KB, 347x458, 1281865794904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vIt seems to have changed abruptly from the 40s-50s onward.
Someone forgot about the only evidence for a higher power

>> No.3122978

styles for women changed a lot depending on whether there was a war going on. if stuff was rationed, the popular styles were more plain. in times of peace, they became more flamboyant

>> No.3122994
File: 152 KB, 500x669, dolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ww2 maybe, women went very quickly from care free betty boop figures to responsible mother figures, which is odd because it was the social changes after ww1 that led to flappers and the decline of victorian values.

Or maybe my view of the past is warped, maybe it was only a tiny proportion of the population who ever acted like this and conservative women never really went away.

>> No.3123004


they had to - the guys were away, the girls had to grow up and run shit at home. as soon as the war was over, it was back to normal, kindof. apart from korea. and veitnam. and the gulf, etc etc