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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3111368 No.3111368 [Reply] [Original]

I propose a scientific/technical discussion on the possible hyper-dimensional effects of DMT. As a fourth year aerospace engineering major, I have a lifelong goal of interstellar travel. However, i support the notion that we are going about it entirely wrong. I believe our current 3D concept of traveling from point A to B by building a more powerful engine is nonsense. I strongly entertain the theory of traveling space and time by instead reaching a higher dimension. Lets say someone was able to exist on the Xth dimension above the 4th (time), that person could then in theory manipulate the lower dimensions to appear anywhere at anytime. Thus making interstellar travel a possible reality. Please no discussion about how DMT is a "drug", I would like to think of it as a possible chemical stargate. Unfortunately, it is deemed as one of the most illegal substance on earth, therefor its study is highly underground and not openly discussed. For those unfamiliar with DMT, it is a compound that naturally occurs in small amounts in countless biological species. When extracted or synthesized into a high enough quantity, it can induce a spectacular 'experience' when properly vaporized and inhaled. Countless reports indicate achieving contact with forms of higher intelligence and visiting strange exotic worlds. I am curious as to what you /sci/ducks have to say about it, as I believe there may truly be something extraordinary going on.

>> No.3111394

You're right about the upper level dimensions being used for travel.

How you linked that shit to DMT I have no goddamn idea.

>mfw all of my why

>> No.3111409
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wow what they say about engineers is really true

>> No.3111433

what do you mean by all of my why? j/w

hmm, well im proposing that it may affect our "operating frequency", that may in turn unlock our ability to perceive these higher dimension. How to constructively use such a property is however beyond me. It just really makes me wonder when so many people report making contact with otherworldly entities and seeing strange spacial arrangements when under its influence

>> No.3111451

who's to say that we know everything about 'science'? we can barely get off our own little rock. Yes that is true, current science would label such a theory as delusional and ridiculous, just like when someone dared to propose that the earth was indeed round and not a flat plane balancing on the back of a turtle.

>> No.3111461

It's a chemical that fucks with the normal (evolutionarily optimal) operation of the circuit that is your brain. All of this exists in the physical universe surrounding you. No perceiving of extra dimensions.

Shit man, why don't you learn about the insanity of the place you ACTUALLY are in, rather than pretend to go on astral-plane journeys on drugs?

>> No.3111455
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>> No.3111467

>You're right about the upper level dimensions being used for travel.
oh god. your sci fi shit is at the same level of his dmt shit.
>It just really makes me wonder when so many people report making contact with otherworldly entities and seeing strange spacial arrangements when under its influence

Here's a hypothesis OP! Humans are fundamentally all very similar to each other-- it's much easier to posit that some drug acts on a part of the brain that when it interacts with said drug outputs a general kind of hallucination than to posit that it's a goddamn star gate that for some reason takes you directly to see alien machine elves.

because one is plausible and doesn't break the laws of physics.

and the other one is pseudo-scientific wish-fulfillment bullshit.

>> No.3111471

No, this theory is much more like saying the earth is a cube, after the science already reveled the physical nature of the Earth.

>> No.3111472

>we can barely get off our own little rock.

You can really make anything sound insignificant if you phrase it properly.

Highly-organized matter planning it's future actions and successfully jettisoning itself from a large body is nothing to scoff at. As far as we know, we're the only ones to have done it.

>> No.3111475

j/w, what makes you so certain of this? has it been scientifically proven as fact?

>> No.3111478

short answer: yes. Why would you think that substances that mess with your brain somehow open up more dimensions, rather than think that they just mess with your brain? Let's get some occam's razor in here guys.

>> No.3111482

protip: in science there are no facts, it's a method of eliminating bullshit by way of computation and experiment.

However, it is most likely the case.

>> No.3111487

well put relatively, not being able to send human life past our planet's moon is very insignificant compared to traveling many light years from it. i fully understand and respect the engineering miracles that our world's space programs have achieved. however, in my mind it is not of much importance to the exploration of the universe.

>> No.3111488

>who's to say that we know everything about 'science'?


>we can barely get off our own little rock.

Oh, I'm sorry, do you want some FTL travel to satisfy your idiotic fiction level consumer appetite for science?

>Yes that is true, current science would label such a theory as delusional and ridiculous

I wonder why? No math, positing that upper spatial dimensions, the fact that a mind can travel on it's own... all with only the anecdotal evidence of someone who just took hallucinogenic drugs can provide! Obviously, this is NOT delusional and ridiculous.

>just like when someone dared to propose that the earth was indeed round and not a flat plane balancing on the back of a turtle.

What the fuck are you talking about? Fucking greeks knew the earth was round, and approximated it's length pretty well.

They didn't even have satellites.

>> No.3111503
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well, our current understanding of the laws of nature and computation may not be advanced to the point of such understanding. i firmly believe in the scientific method, but i am interested in possibly breaking open such boundaries

>> No.3111507

Turns out they are. I bet even the wiki article on DMT is riddled with mechanisms of action of this drug, but you aren't of sufficient cleverness or education to understand any of it.

>> No.3111508


Martyr's Cloak Fallacy. Just because in the past when people have proposed something radically different and ended up being venerated, does not mean you will. For now, YOU will be required to provide proof.

>> No.3111514

my bottom line is that I would like to see interstellar travel become a feasible reality. in doing so, i am just trying to offer one idea of possibility. do you see any of our current technology achieving this goal? i do not, and therefor would like to see some radical thinking going on. just because the dmt theory does not follow in accordance to our conventional and human created fields of science does not mean that it cannot be a possibility

>> No.3111524
File: 38 KB, 351x450, Russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't break any boundaries by simply wishing them away.

See for instance: all technological advancements whatsoever.

>> No.3111535
File: 175 KB, 640x480, artgallery-psion005-abstract-digital-art-fractal-Psytrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

j/w, have any of you actually the DMT experience?

>> No.3111534


No, you like to get high. Deep down you feel guilty about it, and this is the bullshit justification for it. Sorry bro, your method of thinking is flawed, but you're so emotionally bound to it you'll never change your mind. Bummer, you've become a useless thinker.

>> No.3111531

You're right, but you HAVE to realize that your "theory" is on the level of science fiction right now. There is absolutely 0 evidence for what you are saying. You have no proof, just a story.

>> No.3111536

>just because the dmt theory

Theory? It's not even a hypothesis. You can't categorize your ideas in scientific terms if you're just going to disregard, uh, SCIENCE.

>does not follow in accordance to our conventional and human created fields of science does not mean that it cannot be a possibility

No, of course it doesn't. However, it's also not science, so go to /x/.

>> No.3111542

you accidently the whole experience!

>> No.3111547

Yes, also peyote, mushrooms, salvia, a couple of acid analogues and acid. Why?

>> No.3111554

no, i'm just an engineer trying to figure out something currently deemed impossible. maybe your lifelong dream isn't to travel the universe and witness all of the beauty it has to offer, but mine is. i just dont see any conventional thinking getting us there so i propose dmt as something of interest.

>> No.3111566

sorry, perhaps this does belong in /x/. i only posted this here because i wanted some educated insight

>> No.3111572

Yes, but you yourself said that conventional thinking won't help you, and this place is where conventional science supporters congregate.

>> No.3111577

No, you think conventional methods of thinking are hard (they are), so you get high. This is all justification for it, and you know it.

Conventional methods have brought us from the stone age to 4chan. It's hard and it's labor intensive, so it takes a long time. You aren't FIGURING IT ALL OUT when you're drooling on yourself under some blacklights, the circuit that is you is malfunctioning due to a foreign agent you introduced.

>science, it works bitches

>> No.3111596

you sir, are a fucking moron that deserves to remain a virgin the rest of your arrogant 'mr.scientist' life lol. i will stick to my belief that there is more to this world than we think we can even begin to understand. hmm so how do you propose we may achieve interstellar travel?

>> No.3111605

I don't think that's possible bro, if God wanted us to do it, he would have given it to us by now.

>> No.3111624

he did, in the form of natural botanicals, we just havent yet figured out how to harness their power

>> No.3111625

>your arrogant 'mr.scientist' life lol.

this is what idiots tell to each other to feel better about themselves.

"those physicists are SO elitist man." "for real man, so arrogant, they think they know everything."

>I will stick to my belief that there is more to this world than we think we can even begin to understand.

Good for you? No one cares about what stupid shit you believe.

>hmm so how do you propose we may achieve interstellar travel?

Maybe it's one of those things that "we can't even begin to understand!"

>> No.3111628

see that's what I'm saying, we don't know because god doesn't want us to know, as the good book says, the only way we can reach a higher plane is through our lord and savior Jesus christ, hallowed be his name, amen.

>> No.3111650
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Our observations are limited by the tools we use to measure whatever it is we are observing. Using different tools we can observe things we never thought existed.

In the same sense, what we perceive is largely dependent on the sensory organ we are using to perceive with.

Our brain is not exempt from this.

Hallucinogenic drugs change the method in with the brain perceives things, and can reveal a whole realm of experience that exists right in front of us.

You may call it other dimensions, interstellar travel or even heaven/hell. It is mere speculation.

We just don't know enough.

>> No.3111651
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This is a basic feature of any difficult discipline, and unfortunately it isn't going to get any better anytime soon.

People have to protect themselves from feelings of inadequacy and thinking that they've made a simple breakthrough discovery is the cognitively cost-effective way of doing so.

Theft over honest toil, as Russel said.

>> No.3111657
File: 50 KB, 679x516, Argument-pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess where you are.

>hmm so how do you propose we may achieve interstellar travel?

It's a complex, difficult problem in a field I'm not really a part of, I study molecular biology. I can tell you the radiation at any speed that will get you anywhere is going to be a real bitch. Also, what about micrometeors and other shit out there a ship travelling at high speeds would have any likelihood of crashing in to? It's difficult to figure out. I think we'll be able to, but it's going to take creativity in the confines of the scientific method and rationality, since it's the method we have that works.

>> No.3111658
File: 71 KB, 250x250, george costanza with glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when people like OP are engineers who will design the structures we live in and the machines we use for transportation.

Welp, looks like we'll have feeble cities in the near future.

>> No.3111663


Yeah we do. While your zooming across the galaxy, we see you drooling on the couch.

>> No.3111671

=] ill be sure to say hello for you all once i get there

>> No.3111665

He's an aerospace engineer.

He's going to get fired from the first job he gets and freeload for the rest of his life.

>> No.3111682

I don't have knowledge to discuss about these things but i read an interesting book that had nothing to do about drugs but on what is the difference between civilian sciences and military sciences

>> No.3111691

Whatever it is, the fact remains that it is a profoundly unsettling experience, one that shakes your very conception of what reality is to the core. Surely that must account for something, right? But then again, some people like to cling to the consensus reality, and are afraid of what may lay beneath.

>> No.3111693

>>3111671and i'll be sure to say hello to you when i successfully revive you with a stomach pump from your acid-induced comma.

>> No.3111696

If this is OP, you do realize that the way you've described your DMT experience up to now is very similar to how primitive shamans and witch doctors described theirs, right?

Just saying, mysticism has no place in something as objective as science.

>> No.3111697

>Hallucinogenic drugs change the method in with the brain perceives things, and can reveal a whole realm of experience that exists right in front of us.


Your brain doesn't experience shit, it interprets whats coming out of your sensory organs.

If it exists "right in front of us", devise an experiment that will shed some evidence on it. IF YOU PUBLISH IT AND IT'S METHODOLOGICALLY OK, WE'LL BELIEVE YOU. Otherwise you're just another moron spouting non-sense on the internet.

>> No.3111725

>Whatever it is, the fact remains that it is a profoundly unsettling experience, one that shakes your very conception of what reality is to the core.

So is ego-death with enough acid. The same might be said for any near-death experience you survive (an OD, hard trauma, etc).

>Surely that must account for something, right?

Actually, it doesn't!

>But then again, some people like to cling to the consensus reality

Perhaps... and this is just a guess here, because that is the only objective reality we can ever fucking find!?

>and are afraid of what may lay beneath.

"Afraid", "lay beneath". No one is "afraid", you dumb mystic shit, we just have far more reasonable explanations than your wishy-washy subconscious desire for reality not to be mundane bullshit. We're very reasonable. Give us evidence, s'all we need.

>> No.3111736
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You need citation for me to state that hallucinogenic drugs change your perception of things?

>> No.3111738

You what causes hallucinations as well? Bleeding in the brain. Profound indeed.

>> No.3111748

Way to ignore the

>and can reveal a whole realm of experience that exists right in front of us.

>> No.3111816

OP you do realize that your dreams are mostly DMT induced, that every night when you go to sleep your brain releases a small amount of DMT, right?
If you want to find out why DMT does what it does to you look at why you dream what you dream - it's, in most cases, your subconscious coming to light, or "what may lay beneath" as you put it (ie. it's your own experience you created, not some other dimension).

>> No.3111832
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A realm of experience caused by the change in perception?

What are you getting at? you want me to provide evidence of people's experiences on hallucinogenic drugs?

By what methods can I show you this in order to convince you? Conduct an experiment? How is that possible without both the subject and the experimenter both under the influence?

Seriously, come off it.

>> No.3111851

We change our perceptions of reality using instruments that CAN do so. Your brain interacting with a DMT molecule is a laughable excuse for "extra-sensory" perceptions. Perceptions of what, something any sort of laboratory instrument couldn't detect?

protip: think x-rays/heat/any other wavelength of light we can't see. We have machines for that. We exist in this physical reality, and QFT has proved this to an insane degree of certainty.

Get on it.

>> No.3111881

I agree there should be a better way than use a more powerful engine to get places. Manipulating the 4 dimensions seems to be the only available options we currently have. Worm holes for example would be something to look into, but is more a physics field than an aerospace one.

>> No.3111888


>radical new thinking for interstellar travel
>use ancient shaman technique that have been around for thousands of years and gotten us nowhere near the moon, let alone beyond

>> No.3111939


I can tell you don't even think about what you write as you are writing it... let alone have the ability to devise such a complicated experiment.

But, let me explain it... you said:
>Hallucinogenic drugs change the method in with the brain perceives things, and can reveal a whole realm of experience that exists right in front of us.

Which means, to prove truth in that statement, you need to devise an experiment that can perceive this realm without the need to rely on varying anecdotal evidence provided by groups of burned out hippies with heads full of hallucinogenic drugs since you claim this realm exists objectively regardless of whether we see it now and the drugs just "tune" humans into its existence.

>> No.3112000

I feel bad because i used to be one of you idiots and then i started to study real science and now this is making me realize what a huge douchebag i was.

>> No.3112007

for fuck sake time is not 4th dimension.

>> No.3112014



Unless this is the context

>> No.3112024 [DELETED] 

No clue what you're trying to say here but it's almost certainly retarded.

>> No.3112044

Bad part about these drugs, everyone that takes them feels like a one eyed man in the land of the blind.

Psycehdelics give to many people a bad case of unwarranted self-importance.

>> No.3112062

I think what did it for me was the blissful feelings of peace and the weird visualizations and what not i never did DMT but i've done acid and shrooms a bunch and I do think it made me somewhat better a person because they do wonders for introspection and self acceptance but as far as science goes they're shit but all these weird theories did get me into majoring in physics so i can't be too mad

>> No.3112068

it's all in your head you stupid fuck

>> No.3112088

DMT only gets you to the 4th dimension?
Man up and try datura to crank your ass up to dimension eleven

>> No.3112128


hhhang on I hit brain just dimension and

totally amazing hammer

in my head thirty seven head abort

>> No.3112194


Lol op is this what you want to be when you grow up?

>> No.3112681

bumping so others can laugh at the fail

>> No.3112697

>Lets say someone was able to exist on the Xth dimension above the 4th (time), that person could then in theory manipulate the lower dimensions to appear anywhere at anytime.

>implying people dosed up on DMT can in any way manipulate anything in the third dimension (besides making puke appear on themselves and having minor seizures)

>> No.3112949

bump lolol

>> No.3112997

1) intimate understanding of the interrelations between gravity and electromagnetics/standard model

2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive

3) mastery of fusion or some unknown high output energy source

This is how i see things happening unless science somehow begins to get a handle on consciousness as something which can be understood through deconstructivism

>> No.3113240

OP, add me on msn:

>> No.3113283

OP your "hypothesis" has no basis whatsoever other than you claiming that its true

>> No.3113290
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I'm a big fan of drugs and even I don't think DMT takes our mind to some other "dimension". Psychedelics cause your brain's operations to become more self-referential, DMT especially so. A DMT trip is basically just your brain looking at itself looking at itself looking at itself... nothing interdimensional about that.

>> No.3113342
File: 40 KB, 526x350, SpiceMustFlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, when you consume this substance you go all trippy and are able to open up stargates?

Huh. Sounds familiar.

>> No.3113345

>Which means, to prove truth in that statement, you need to devise an experiment that can perceive this realm without the need to rely on varying anecdotal evidence provided by groups of burned out hippies with heads full of hallucinogenic drugs since you claim this realm exists objectively regardless of whether we see it now and the drugs just "tune" humans into its existence.

Smoke one bowl and tell me you weren't different 5 minutes ago.

Take DMT and you will believe OP. For hippies, all they saw were trippy patterns of color but if you can make sense out of the nonsense you'll see that it's really a bunch of different kinds of "waves" flowing right infront of you.

But of course the problem is only the person experimenting will be able to see what happened and collecting data from personal experience is BS.

FYI /sci/ you can buy melatonin at CVS, Wal-Mart, which induces sleep and is connected with the DMT reaction in your brain.

>> No.3114591
File: 88 KB, 454x454, MINDTRIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dmt is awesome.

get it, see aliens, profit.