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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 671 KB, 1692x720, Scenery48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3103111 No.3103111 [Reply] [Original]

You will never live in the future of pic related.

The worst part is that this is a pretty close future, say, 100-200 years?

>> No.3103133

lucid dreamed this a week ago.

Ai'nt nuttin buta G thang

>> No.3103153

but if we live in that "future", some guys will also discuss about life in the futur and so on
all in all....most of the people are never pleased with their circumstances

Btw....i love to see what the year 2100 will look like

>> No.3103162

You mean a shitty unrealistic future city? I hope I never live in one.

>> No.3103173

Why are all the buildings impractically large given the available space?

>dem futuristic tables n chairs

>> No.3103244

>Implying I won't be reincarnated

>> No.3103295

If you are under 25 then there's a good chance you will gain immortality or greatly increase your lifespan.

>> No.3103316
File: 32 KB, 600x375, Summer_Glau_by_SmutBroker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather live in the Fireflyverse. Space Cowboys ftw.

>> No.3103331
File: 269 KB, 750x800, +Trans.humanism..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transhumanism ftw! Going into hybrid holistic medicines and posthuman concepts we can make it to the better future.

>> No.3103334

When are we supposed to achieve >1 year life expectancy increase ?

>> No.3103335

Looks pretty much the same.
There are two things that don't fit to modern day (aside from the little things)
Those couple of big ass skyscrapers, but they could be doable in 100 years, just look at dubai

The other thing is that absolutely huge light tripod thing, what the hell it's supposed to even be?
Definitely not doable, what are they 20-40km high?

>> No.3103338
File: 27 KB, 260x299, Transhumanist Technologies Countdown .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transhumanism is very cool

>> No.3103340

Wait, why are the students still using paper and pens?

>> No.3103350

Clearly they are in a history class. That is teaching them the history of how to write from 100 years ago. Also possibly a traditions class.

>> No.3103352

>i love to see what the year 2100 will look like

It will suck. Almost every practical technology we come up with to solve a problem creates a slew of other problems. This has always been the case and to assume this will suddenly change is more "science as a religion" than science.

>> No.3103357


>> No.3103359


What does Deepak Chopra bullshit have to do with people being technohpiles?

>> No.3103372

ignorant little bastard aren't you?

>> No.3103386

what is this from?

>> No.3103393
File: 222 KB, 314x393, 1296703535455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calm down sonny, no need to get mad.

Moreover, Deepak Chopra's hate for "western science" shows so I still don't understand the connection.

>> No.3103402

Western science is some cave man shit right out of fantasy stories. They talk more about shit they'll never figure out how to build. You pussy faggots can't even cure the common cold. Hell you can't even invent immortality rofl fucking newbie scientist

>> No.3103408

Am I the only one that believe in godlike AI that will make everything in that list possible ?

>> No.3103411
File: 23 KB, 235x288, stross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get out of here charles. Nobody will ever take you seriously.

>> No.3103413

Molecular Manufacturing & nano science is the key to unlocking that complete list not just AI alone.

>> No.3103417

>cure the common cold
We can but it's not worth it, the body does it naturally and without the danger of rapid evolution against drugs.
>can't even invent immortality
Who can and how to define immortality.
>Implying that you are not trolling.

>> No.3103426

By the time I'm 80 most people will be living to be 260.

>> No.3103430

I'd like to be a lot further forward in history than that. I see the age we live in now as barbarism, I do resent being born today.

I'd rather be around when biology and has become obsolete and "society" exists in a minimal level if at all. We're either heading towards it or extinction (well, probably extinction).

>> No.3103432

If science can't cure the monetary wall of bullshit & just create more stress on said monetary system as it already does. Once more another knot on the cave man science of the so called today.

immortality is making time obsolete to the human mind while the human mind is forever.

>you're below people like me. Know that.

>> No.3103439


Just felt like sharing this.

>> No.3103447

You little bastards will make global wars a common theme & the extended ages wont amount to shit. I mean you should know we've been down this road what 20 times already?

>> No.3103454

We are still extremely primitive, as is the future in that picture.

I genuinely think we are right at the beginning of human history. Several thousand years from now, today will not even be explained from our point of view, this will probably be seen as almost a psychological prehistory.

I'd choose to be alive when "humans" are basically endlessly malleable intelligences in machinery drifting about in space. Any tasks required to maintain them will be made pleasurable by programming, indefinitely.

>> No.3103462

What.. i don't even...
As i said it can be done. You are just too big of an faggot so that we would care about you.

>> No.3103463

This. When all of these no longer exist:

- biology
- monetary system
- fixed personality
- society
- culture of any form

>> No.3103529

Ok hot shot I have 1 for you. By all means tell us the true origin of humanity without a doubt.

>can't wait for your caveman theories on the true origins & history of mankind in which you have 0 acces to knowing this knowledge lol.

>> No.3103542

>has clearly been shown up. & clearly has been stfu'ed

>> No.3103563

what did the red energy being say to the the black energy being?

(Racism, ect.)

>> No.3103575
File: 7 KB, 150x150, 13579..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkness is only the veil of light. For without darkness light would surely blind your commoner ass?

>> No.3103604

Godlike AI, as in AI with vastly superior intellect than that of any human. AI which would contribute significantly in all areas, including nanofactories, mathematics, theoretical physics et cetra.

>> No.3103608
File: 62 KB, 700x525, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3103612

IBM successfully generated the brain of a cat. Generating a human mind will take another 20 years & Laser GPU 3D chips. Current day cpu's not gonna make it. GPU is the future.

>> No.3103626

Are you an idiot?
By definition it's impossible to reach the future.

>> No.3103633


Legit source please. Most articles I read said it was a hoax or an exaggeration.

>> No.3103636

today is just tomorrow's yesterday

>> No.3103644


1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

>> No.3103664

I'm not talking about modeling the brain, fuck that shit, I'm talking about AI created from scratch, not a random dude that died in a car accident and had an organ donor card on him.

They did simulate rat's brain in 1/10 realtime, but the cat brain thing is a hoax.

>> No.3103670

>Doesn't realize they created the processing power, not the programs and structures of a cat's brain

>> No.3103687

>Doesn't understand every single invention is a imitation of nature.

>Example the Eiffel tower is modeled on the microscopic view of the mesh of the bone of a human femur (thigh bone)

>Doesn't understand that creating AI is basically attempting to make a imitational brain.

>> No.3103707

>implying that replica shouldn't be improved

>> No.3103887

>implying you'll create gAI

>> No.3103890

>implying I won't

>> No.3103904

What is a rocket an imitation of?

>> No.3103912

How about the interwebs ?

>> No.3103923

The propulsion part of a rocket is obviously a imitation of the comet.

>> No.3103931

How so?

>> No.3103932

Protein stamps on neurons comes to mind.

>> No.3105829

>Protein stamps on neurons comes to mind.

Please go use a knife as a dildo.

>> No.3105855

>The worst part is that this is a pretty close future, say, 100-200 years?
it won't happen. once peak oil occurs, all technological advancement will slow down, the cost of living will increase, and everything else will go down in the shitter. human civilization will recede into a dark age. be glad that you're living in the best of times.

>> No.3105862

future? we're in the future. Our economic system is completely collapsing, the populated areas of the world are due for a complete washout, and the tectonic plates are moving rapidly. Our future is hitting pause on human existence and restarting completely.

>> No.3105873
File: 9 KB, 228x221, feelsBad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3105876

do you have any idea how retarded you sound

>> No.3105878


cognitive dissonance, or you're retarded and don't know about peak oil.

>> No.3105887
File: 44 KB, 576x324, fnL2Q2r6qERwu0MmQHbodd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you can stay on your shitty futuristic planet while I will be living on on a O'Neill cylinder

>> No.3105889

i know about peak oil
i know that it is going to present serious economic challenges and require technological advances to provide necessary energy and societal changes to avoid unnecessary energy use

>> No.3105896

Future came and went while no one was looking:
>people able to make videocalls around the world for chump change
>LEO HEO and GEO saturated with satellites
>thousands of books available to all, informative and otherwise, free of charge
>tiny finger-size videocameras for chump change
>computational power STILL climbing exponentially, no matter any and all predictions of plateauing

Do you guys realize that even something like 4chan, a place where anyone could not only post text, but PICTURES as well, was unimaginable not two decades ago?

I guess I shouldn't have said that no one was looking. Everyone was certainly looking, but no one simply noticed.

>> No.3105903

>implying the USA does not have enough natural gas reserves to power the entire country for 200 years

>> No.3105908

No but Arab civilization will

and it will be hilarious

>> No.3105910

Its nice to know public schools will be just as shitty and underfunded in 200 years.

>> No.3105916


200 years is a pathetic amount of time. The environment will be fucked by then anyways. We're all ignorant stupid creatures who can't be patient and figure out new things. We are fucked. f-u-c-k-e-d. I don't care if we have enough oil for 500,000 years. We WILL be dead or suffering within the next 50

>> No.3105918

where's the proof that the looming energy crisis will definitely be resolved without sacrificing the status quo on technology, economy, culture, and society?

>> No.3105919

They are not underfunded they are mismanaged.

the school model is over 100 years old for Christs sake.

>> No.3105922

>implying arab civilization matters
>implying schools are shitty because they are underfunded

>> No.3105927

When someone makes a huge and improbably claim, such as "all human civilization will completely collapse and fall into an eternal dark age," the burden of proof typically falls on them.

>> No.3105929

>The environment will be fucked by then anyways
Fuck off back to San Fransisco.

also plan on living on the moon so I don't give a fuck

>> No.3105931

Because natural gas

and we can figure out fusion in 200 years

>> No.3105932

mismanaged or underfunded is a question of where you are from. If it isn't one, its the other.

>> No.3105933


Well when all of the ecosystems fail and there is absolutely no more food for your sorry ass you'll understand. We already did quite a number on the Bering sea, and mainly every other ocean on the planet. Oh, and the rainforest is fucked too..

>> No.3105936

Why, o great prophet of the end times, will this happen? Do you have any meaningful evidence pointing to this outcome? Any trends or data or at least qualitative evidence implying that civilization will collapse? Is it just divine inspiration, a message from god telling you to warn of the coming apocalypse? Or do you realize that you want to believe something so badly that you are ignoring all evidence and reality so that you can continue believing it is true?

>> No.3105937

>Do you guys realize that even something like 4chan, a place where anyone could not only post text, but PICTURES as well, was unimaginable not two decades ago?

90s baby detected.

We were doing that LONG before 4chan existed.


>> No.3105939

actually, the claim that human civilization will continue advancing without restriction on limited resources and energy is even more ridiculous and improbable

>> No.3105941

>We're all ignorant stupid creatures who can't be patient and figure out new things

its like we have ever invented anything.

this is a stage is our development.

You would not hate a person because he acts like an idiot when he is 6.

Because he is 6

>> No.3105943
File: 1.16 MB, 4173x1114, 100_0217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well when all of the ecosystems fail and there is absolutely no more food for your sorry ass you'll understand

lolwut. pic related.

>> No.3105944

False hope is good hope, it keeps people going. The carrot that leads the donkey can be made of platinum and diamonds as long as it can never be reached.

>> No.3105945
File: 231 KB, 1152x716, 1306034498491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I really hate stuff like
>Oh boy, I can't wait for when we transcend biology
>Things that I wish we were born after: *Biology *Religion *etc...
Biological systems are pretty badass. They work. Very well. Right now if you were to replace your arm with a robotic one, you'd get an inferior arm. Weaker, less flexible.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the most important technology of the 21st century will be bioengineering. AI and nanotech will be the flying cars and rayguns of our time, while biotech will play a similar role as the internet - huge effect, not really predicted by the sci-fi of the past.

>> No.3105946

look at that picture
listen to this song
and think to yourself
>remember the people that gave up?
>yeah, neither does anyone else

>> No.3105947


No shitfuck, it's common sense. Do you understand how fucking lazy we've become? We are a bunch of ignorant idiots. Have you seen the oil spills? Population increases? Shortage of food? Greed? We aren't doing things right. Nothing lasts forever. Basically what I'm saying is fuck your face

>> No.3105949

You can grow food on the moon with the resources there.

its very possible to create a self sustaining base there.

So ill be fine

>> No.3105950

actually, you're the one who's worshipping some imaginary future that's being preached by the science fiction media and looney futurists

>> No.3105953



>> No.3105955

Oh my god Bioshock. If I had a hand that could shoot bees I could solve all of my problems in like 1 day tops.

>> No.3105961


How fucking stupid are you? You do realize with nuclear technology, oil, emissions, and the amount of shit we waste, that we are MORE than capable of completely wiping this planet out of existence, and we are. That's the difference between now and then, no one had nuclear power plants in egypt. Remember japan?

>> No.3105962
File: 43 KB, 494x537, EMPRAH ROOSEVELT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy teenager detected.

Watch and be enlightened: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leTNfwfH0Jc

Neither apocalyptic doom nor rapturous utopia is guaranteed. The future of humanity can really only be said to be uncertain, at this point in history.

>> No.3105968

Fact: Other than temporary setbacks, humanity has never faced a disaster seriously enough to completely halt advancement forever.
Fact: Advancing technology leads to increased efficiency of resource use (goods produced/resources consumed).
Fact: Long-term, technology has always advanced throughout human history
Fact: Efficiency and recycling have led to much more efficient use of existing resources

Conclusion: We are going to run out of resources and everything will collapse and never function again

>> No.3105972

increasing entropy, dude.

>> No.3105975


Yes yes yes yes I understand all of this, nothing is ever certain. ALL i'm saying is that at the rate we're going, ESPECIALLY AMERICA, this planet is on a path of destruction. You cannot deny that one bit at all.

>> No.3105978

>hurrdurr people are lazy so civilization is doomed to completely disappear
cool argument bro, i liked the part where you ignored presenting facts and data in favor of unsubstantiated subjective claims
i am not saying were going to reach the singularity or immortality or utopia or anything stupid, i personally believe society will continue as it always has until technology reaches unimaginable levels, but assuming that progress will continue, as it always has, despite issues and problems that have happened innumerable times that slow it down, is much more reasonable than any claims that mankind is doomed

>> No.3105979

So what you're saying here is that everything is gonna get fucked and there is no way we can change the world fast enough to avoid it....

So... Why worry dude? At least you'll get to say 'told you so' at the end of it all.

>> No.3105984

That's like being in a car heading for a wall at 60 miles an hour and screaming that you're doomed when the driver is stepping on the brake and the car is beginning to slow down with half a mile to go.

>> No.3105997


Hurr Durr What facts do you need dumbass?Look around you, our planet is fucked.Everyone in japan is dying due to our advanced technology.


I'm not worried about it, it just pisses me off that people are so ignorant. Things don't change if you don't change them. If everything wasn't so corrupt and fucked then we would have a chance of fixing things, but that won't change until the government collapses.

>> No.3106000

but you're making an assumption on the closeness of the wall

>> No.3106003

>Everyone in japan is dying due to our advanced technology.
Fuck. Hate that feel when you spend 15 minutes arguing with a retard only to realize that he's a troll.

>> No.3106008


Not a troll, should have said "advanced"

>> No.3106009

So are you. And when the driver hasn't catastrophically crashed after 6,000 years of driving, I'm going to assume he knows when to stop.

>> No.3106016


We run our way of life around green paper....

And yes, in 6000 years, we have crashed. Ever hear of the roman empire? See how it worked out for them

>> No.3106017

sorry, but pointing out a troll doesn't invalidate the premise

>> No.3106022

>Ever hear of the roman empire? See how it worked out for them
they fell victim to entropy

>> No.3106031

The premise is that everyone in Japan is dying because nuclear technology is destroying the world. Do you see that as valid?
The fall of Rome only affected a limited area of the world and only one of many civilizations, even if western society undergoes serious turmoil it will be a long shot from the collapse of all human civilization and fall into a permanent dark age that never again reaches current levels of technology.

>> No.3106032


Welcome to America.

>> No.3106034

I'm gonna study this shit for a living, bitches.
>mfw I'll be finding immortality and curing cancer in one fell swoop.
Suck it, kids who did better than me accedemically in high school

>> No.3106038
File: 70 KB, 289x189, 1305921037161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ever hear of the roman empire? See how it worked out for them
>they fell victim to entropy
>the roman empire
>fell victim to entropy

Jesus christ you're retarded, go eat a pile of dick.

>> No.3106039


Have you heard of nuclear fallout? Have you heard about the the radiation found in milk in the west coast of the united states? If one powerful country collapses it will have a domino effect on everyone else. We're too interconnected now.

>> No.3106042


I'd love to see the frustrated look on your face while zipping around the galaxy in a neon colored spaceship of dreams and happiness


>> No.3106053


Oddly enough, Australia is surprisingly self sufficient, and being a happy island well distanced from other places it has a decent shot at survival when people start farting nukes for profit and fun.

Also, there are many groups of humans fairly cut off all over the world.

Long story short: someone would survive. Life might not be as easy for them, but since I'm pretty sure I would be dead, and therefore beyond caring, I'm not going to worry too much now.

>> No.3106057
File: 7 KB, 200x200, doubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3106062

Not going to address the drooling retardation of your nuclear views, but ok, let's assume the US collapses. Obviously China goes down the shitter immediately, and Europe will be soon to follow. Stir and let sit for five years and every country is India. So we start to rebuild, and it takes a long time, generations even. 50 years later, maybe half the population is living in abject poverty and only a very small elite still has the time and resources to focus on advancing technology. Guess what? We're still advancing. Even if society completely collapses, even if there are wars and revolutions and plagues and famines like fucking Revelation, science and ultimate knowledge will keep advancing. I'm not saying your apocalyptic fantasy is remotely realistic, it's just you projecting what you want onto the world and trying to come up with an explanation as to why it's inevitable so you can believe in it. But even if shit like that does happen, it's not going to halt all progress forever, and we aren't going to collapse into a centuries-long dark age, you're retarded for even thinking this.

>> No.3106063

What is that man wearing?

>> No.3106066

When the Roman Empire dwindled (it never stopped, it continued with the Byzantine and Holy Roman Empires), humanity didn't disappear. In fact, despite all claims of the Dark Ages being called such for a lack of advancement, society did continue all around the world outside Europe. There has been no human extinction because of societal behaviors. On that matter, we can only say that some genocides have occurred, but that was intentional on the part of the aggressors. The Chinese? They have been going strong for most of recorded history and haven't even stopped between regime changes and political transformations. There is no metaphorical crashing. Humans and most other species survive. This is what our biology is good at. It is what happens on and on and on. Future events are just armchair speculation unless you have some evidence for your claims beyond some philosophical squabbling and nit picking.
Nuclear power is a bogeyman for technophobic primitives.

>> No.3106074


Although you disregarded the "drooling retardation of my nuclear views", who is going to maintain the nuclear facilities once we're living in abject poverty? You do realize if those facilities are abandoned or destroyed that everyone is fucked right? Think kid, think.

>> No.3106083 [DELETED] 

>>3106074Most nuclear facilities have safety and shutdown systems far more advanced than those of the one in Japan. Why don't you think, kid? Nuclear power has advanced tenfold over the days of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl because of those events and in spite of them. If anything its idiots who don't understand/fear nuclear power that keep it from getting interest and funding from politicians which in turn keeps safety and research at a minimum. Nuclear power is far cleaner and far more efficient than pollutant heavy methods of power like coal or natural gas.

>> No.3106087

>Holy Roman Empire
nope, that empire wasn't roman by any sense of the word. it was just a germanic kingdom that slapped "roman" to its name.

>> No.3106090


I think nuclear technology is one of the greatest steps in man advancing into the future, but collectively we're far too primitive right now to have that technology. We need to grow up first.

>> No.3106091

Most nuclear facilities have safety and shutdown systems far more advanced than those of the one in Japan. Why don't you think, kid? Nuclear power has advanced tenfold over the days of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl because of those events and in spite of them. If anything its idiots who don't understand/fear nuclear power that keep it from getting interest and funding from politicians which in turn keeps safety and research at a minimum. Nuclear power is far cleaner and far more efficient than pollutant heavy methods of power like coal or natural gas.

Stop trying to lead away from other points to focus on your nuclear drivel. Respond to the actual arguments being made, kiddo.

>> No.3106092

>You do realize if those facilities are abandoned or destroyed that everyone is fucked right?


>> No.3106096

Thank you, you finally decided to give me what seems in your head to be a basis for your reasoning. Well, first of all, there isn't going to be some massive immediate collapse in which society falls apart overnight. Even if something apocalyptic were to happen, it would happen over years or at the very least months, allowing shit like nuclear safety to be dealt with. Also, assuming there's an energy crisis of some sort, which I think is your logic because you mentioned resource depletion, nuclear plants are going to be extremely valuable facilities. Just because society collapses doesn't mean basic economic principles will stop being valid, and with a high demand for power and a limited supply nuclear plants are going to be very valuable, certainly valuable enough that they are, at the very least, kept running until they stop functioning. Maybe it'll still be power companies, maybe it'll be the remnants of the government, maybe it'll be roving gangs of bikers, but someone's going to control the power plants and that someone is not going to let them melt down randomly. Sure, there might be failures, but just like Japan is not an irradiated wasteland with thousands dying of radiation poisoning every day, there isn't going to be some huge-scale series of meltdowns wiping out life on the planet.

>> No.3106100

but there weren't any large-scale pollution and industrial disasters back then

>> No.3106101
File: 69 KB, 516x550, 1264251789927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's assume the US collapses. Obviously China goes down the shitter immediately

>> No.3106102
File: 46 KB, 569x571, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3106105

>Just because society collapses doesn't mean basic economic principles will stop being valid
but who's going to enforce the "basic" economic principles? why use fair trade when you can use force?

>> No.3106111
File: 71 KB, 1248x702, bioshock-plasmid-electro-bolt-needle-injection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit yeah. Nothin' like a fist fulla' loitnin.

I feel like I want to reinstall it and replay it now.

>> No.3106112

>Have you heard about the the radiation found in milk in the west coast of the united states?
no! i have not heard of this
i'm sure you have a source for such a claim

>> No.3106116 [DELETED] 

Run by an Italian pope above any German prince. German princes were granted land and power by the Vatican, the spiritual institutional power that followed Rome's power in the Byzantine. Maybe you don't see it as the continuance of Roman values, but if Constantine was Roman, the church that arose from his system was distinctly Roman as well. Its not a hard concept to grasp.
That is your opinion. I am not expressing an opinion. I am simply stating that people fear nuclear power for a variety of reasons. I am not for or against nuclear power. I have no opinion on it.
So what's true for Joe Shmoe 1,000 years past is no good for modern day common people? They don't go to work, eat their food, and live their lives? That's
Economic "principles" are inferrences from studying human behavior. They are not moral laws taht people enforce. Get that through your head: economics is a study of what occurs naturally. No one enforces currency. No one enforces prices. No one enforces supply and demand. It occurred and continues to occur and then clever people figured they could study it to gain awareness. Jesus. Force, if anything, demands equal force. Societal breakdown is temperamental and unmaintainable. That isn't science, that's speculation from political theorists and lazy philosophers.

>> No.3106117


>> No.3106118

No one needs to enforce the principles. It doesn't matter if force is used to control power plants. The point is, someone will control them and keep them running, because whoever does gains power and influence because of it.

>> No.3106119

Run by an Italian pope above any German prince. German princes were granted land and power by the Vatican, the spiritual institutional power that followed Rome's power in the Byzantine. Maybe you don't see it as the continuance of Roman values, but if Constantine was Roman, the church that arose from his system was distinctly Roman as well. Its not a hard concept to grasp.
That is your opinion. I am not expressing an opinion. I am simply stating that people fear nuclear power for a variety of reasons. I am not for or against nuclear power. I have no opinion on it.
So what's true for Joe Shmoe 1,000 years past is no good for modern day common people? They don't go to work, eat their food, and live their lives? That's
Economic "principles" are inferrences from studying human behavior. They are not moral laws taht people enforce. Get that through your head: economics is a study of what occurs naturally. No one enforces currency. No one enforces prices. No one enforces supply and demand. It occurred and continues to occur and then clever people figured they could study it to gain awareness. Jesus. Force, if anything, demands equal force. Societal breakdown is temperamental and unmaintainable. That isn't science, that's speculation from political theorists and lazy philosophers

>> No.3106123

>huffington post
>the health risk "is about as close to zero as you can get,"

>> No.3106126

>imyplying war is not a basic economic principle
Iraq war. Current involvement in Libya. Falklands war. Add your own.

>> No.3106131

Of course not, when the future comes around it will be the present.

>> No.3106135

Source of that pic. Is it from a movie?

>> No.3106138
File: 120 KB, 473x600, healthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll survive. Maybe not America, but Humanity will survive. A few brilliant minds will drag the rest of us kicking and screaming into the future, just like it has always been done.

The sooner we get over ourselves and start collectively working on becoming a Type I Civilization, the better.

>> No.3106139

>So what's true for Joe Shmoe 1,000 years past is no good for modern day common people? They don't go to work, eat their food, and live their lives?

joe shmoe in rome back then spoke and wrote latin but today almost no one does. he also probably never imagined that rome would fall and have civilization in europe reset back to zero.

>> No.3106143

>Add your own
in the dark, grim future of humanity, the surviving human population will start cannibalizing each other once food supplies begin to dwindle.

>> No.3106149

Yes, and of course people back then couldn't speak or read English. So yeah, of course most modern people in America can't write Latin. You misunderstood my point and retorted with a retarded non sequitur of your own.


>> No.3106152

>huffington post
uh oh, already in trouble
>turns out it's a pretty informed and non-alarmist article, stating that the comparative risk is beyond negligible, like a hundredth of a banana

huffington post i am not dissapoint

>> No.3106166
File: 27 KB, 184x184, 1261714888751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating human flesh

That's a terrible idea, even during a famine.

>> No.3106184

okay, how about this?


so you're saying the average modern human living in a civilized society is comparable to someone living several thousand years ago?

>> No.3106189

but why waste good meat?

>> No.3106194

It's not. There is no meat more filled with garbage and poison than human, even in agricultural areas.

Humans aren't even worth rendering down into fuel.

Seriously, you're better off eating at a landfill.

>> No.3106214

now THERE'S the sensationalist bullshit i know and love!
they mention radiotoxicity, then go on to make it sound like two or three atoms of iodine-131 are suddenly thousands of times worse than they actually are because of bio-accumulation. herp de derp de derpity dum

>> No.3106215

Enjoy your prions and AIDS.

>> No.3106216

What anime is OPs pic??

>> No.3106219

This. Humans were not domesticated to be meat-bearing animals.

>> No.3106223

Are you dense? See? I answered your stupid question with an obvious question.

The average human of then and now are identical give or take a few unnoticeable mutations (also a slew of contaminants present in our system and some low level radiation, if you want to get more in depth). Homo sapiens are homo sapiens. Societal behaviors change somewhat, but there are common threads of behavior and culture. Biologically, our survival instincts still exist in the same regard as ever, just adapted to different circumstances. If you see the questions in life posed to humans now as different than those posited then, you are making a fallacy from your point of observation in time; you are retroactively trying to remark that society now is more complex and that the philosophical questions of our technology is different than theirs. The difference here is that modern communications are more open, whereas people who had the same doubts back then (oh no! aqueducts are scary!) were simply without a voice. So its more easy to have that opinion show up and present itself as a "new concern."

>> No.3106232

The issue is as old as Hinduism and Buddhism and Daoist thought; there were strains of skepticism for progress and potentially environmentally dangerous advancement. The detachment from reality is tantamount to devaluing such advancements as unnecessary since spiritual concerns are highest and environmental damages are in direct conflict with nature. Many native american groups are religiously oriented towards it and so much more for the sake of the encroachment of white men on sacred land. These patterns of skepticism and doubt of advancement and certainly in the case of Western religions, out right denial and hatred of science and philosophical thought, simply for their own belief in doomsdays and apocalypses. They always need to tie their end times with some sort of enemy of theirs. Good and evil battling over the theory of evolution.

Some things change and some things are new, but there is always familiar patterns to study. The reoccurences of people decrying scientific advancments as our doom are a patterned cultural element in their own right. Without patterns there would not be any way to draw conclusions, since all that you observe and study and experiment with would be discord and chaos. Patterns may or may not exist, really, but they aid humans in drawing conclusions about the systems they observe. So when you say "humanity is going to end in disaster because of X," my only thought is that unless direct evidence presents itself, it is an unlikely thing to occur.

To be perfectly honest, if humanity was going to peter out into oblivion, it would have to be sudden and unexpected and by chance; if we can see something coming we can correct for it. Unexpected? Nothing can be done about it. So much by chance that it is impossible to account for; therefore, such an ending to our species would be beyond your mind or mine, and would be a complete waste of energy to argue about in any case. Its speculation. It can't be disproven.

>> No.3106243

but people generally are more educated now than back then, so the new concerns of modern people are more valid than the irrational fears of the people in ancient times.

>> No.3106263

If we did live in that time we wouldn't appreciate it anymore than the world we live in now..

>> No.3106265

Really? This coming from people who don't understand radiation and nuclear power enough to even keep from being scared of some milk? They don't even realize there is radiation all around them. People truly are ignorant now as they were then. Generally, they know more, but plain ignorance has simply replaced superstitious ignorance. Magical thinking is still alive and well today, just not in an overtly superstitious worldview.

>> No.3106337

I dunno, man. Unlike their ancestors, Europeans these days can stomach milk without getting the milky diarhoonies. We are entering a new age as "Homo dairiensis."

>> No.3106346

I am likewise curious as to the origin of OP's image.

>> No.3106514
File: 826 KB, 1024x768, Desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryogenics is my hope...

>> No.3106525
File: 39 KB, 279x366, 654984w6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean Cenegenics?

>> No.3106573

yup, we can ALREADY preserve the brain via cryonics. just imagine what it'll be like in 50 years, even in the unlikely situation that some form of longevity isn't invented.

>> No.3106604

Pretty sure that's from Bioshock, the game.

>> No.3106949

The image he's referring to is the OP's picture, not the plasmid one.

>> No.3107081

source for image


>> No.3107110

>we can ALREADY preserve the brain via cryonics. just imagine what it'll be like in 50 years, even in the unlikely situation that nobody ever finds a way of waking them up again
Fixed that.

>> No.3108978

From which anime that pic is from?