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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 480x640, Beautiful Hong Kong young model Angelababy Yang Ying photos (107).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3099441 No.3099441 [Reply] [Original]

>Your college major
># of girls you've slept with

>3rd year Chemistry
They're all girls who work at massage parlors. I have some health problems that keeps me from being in a relationship.

>> No.3099443


>> No.3099448

>Aerospace engineering

And no, I'm not gay.

>> No.3099450

>Electrical Engineering
>He thinks i sleep with girls

>> No.3099451

1 guy, amirite?

>> No.3099452

>They're all girls who work at massage parlors

thats pretty sweet. what city is this, and how much does it cost? does it just look like a regular massage parlor? are all asian massage parlors like that? how do you fuck them? do they climb on top? how long does the sex last? they make you wear condoms right? are you afraid of stds?

>> No.3099454

Marine Biology

>> No.3099458 [DELETED] 


Only freshman though.

>> No.3099460

>Postmodern Quantum Mechanical Engineering
>1 or 0 men. Interpreting changes results.

>> No.3099464

It's not gonna change. Trust me.

>> No.3099462 [DELETED] 


>> No.3099467


>> No.3099470


>> No.3099474

Places like Los Angeles, HCMC, Hong Kong.
I usually find out online from guys who've already been there.
Sometimes you see girls standing around the bars at night club. I just talk to them and offer some money.

Price varies from $100-$150. They make you wear condom, but I always try to offer more to go without. TBH, I don't really care about std. I wish I would get AIDS and die already.

>> No.3099472 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 312x247, feelsbadman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're probably right

>> No.3099476 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 344x517, condescendingman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for sex

>> No.3099478

Slept with during undergraduate studies? Hmm...
I mean, there was one girl that I was really into and we hooked up a bunch of times...

>> No.3099481

>electrical engineering

>> No.3099483

Yea, I got drunk at a party and kissed some girls, but they usually bring friends along who don't drink and those bitches ruin everything.

>> No.3099485

>I wish I would get AIDS and die already.

No you don't otherwise you would have killed yourself already.

You're just a weak, insecure, coward

sorry, just being honest

>> No.3099493

>1st year Math
>0, but I'm gay so
>7, and 3 were relationships

>> No.3099494


>> No.3099496

>0, obviously


>> No.3099497

>women studies


>> No.3099498

What a shameful display.
I thought /sci/ was above such childish things as bragging about how many girls they've slept with

>> No.3099500

Math, freshman
But 8 guys

>> No.3099501

Undergrad only?

Grad studies (current)
>Law (finished my 1L!)
>up to 38

Did I beat the odds?

>> No.3099507


I've dated the second one since grade 11, so technically I have gotten laid more than guys who probably had 50 chicks by now.
But reading 1 makes you automatically assume the person had sex once.

>> No.3099508

I still remember the first time when I lost my virginity. This Korean girl was giving me a naked lap dance but wanted $150 for full service. It was way too much and I only wanted to pay $100.
We went back and forth and she got up immediately, put back on all her clothes and stood all the way on the other side of the room with her arms folded.

I can't even describe how I felt at that moment. It was funny but sad, really sad at the same time. I realized then how absurd life was and nothing I did matters.

>> No.3099512

Computer science



>> No.3099515

You don't know my life. Would you say the same if I was blind, deaf or schizophrenic?

>> No.3099521

>on the internet


>> No.3099524

A decade and we'll be able to fix many forms of blindness and deafness.
And we've already got treatments for crazies.
Quit feeling sorry for yourself, faggot

>> No.3099527

lol, you know there are blind people on the internet right? In fact, I remember there was one on /g/ a while back.

>> No.3099533
File: 403 KB, 300x168, 1232472433815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd year computer science

>> No.3099534

>believing what people tell you on the internet

Either you're a troll or have an extreme case of pseudointellectual

>> No.3099535

im still amazed that people can still be virgins coming out of high school... you dont even have to make much of an effort just find an equal counterpart...

>> No.3099538

pic related?

>> No.3099546

>live in a rich white neighbor
>go to a private school were none of the girls were idiots
>none of them wanted to have sex whether on the pill or condom or both because daddy would kill them and cancel their trust fund
>get more head than a headhunter

>> No.3099555

First year ChemE
1, Gf.

>> No.3099559

Computer Science
Hooked up with several girls in the past (gone as far as cunnilingus), but only have had actual sex with one, my current girlfriend of 2 and a half years.

>> No.3099560

>computer Science
>Starting jounier so 2


one of them was when me and the girl are on her bunk... her friend comes out from underneath kisses my girl which was hot and demands for me to take her back to her dorm eventually my girl caves and tells me to go.. try to get back
>I'm going to study and sleep maybe tomorrow
>NEXT DAY HUGE FIGHT OVER HER ASSHOLE BOYFRIEND WHO CHEATED ON HER 7 TIMES I call her an idiot give her a hug and decide she can't commit don't want her

>> No.3099561

Material Science Engineer
Thank god for that Poli Sci minor

Bitches love Poli Scientists.

>> No.3099565

well i think head is just as good as a fuck. usually the supressed white daddys girls are the horniest ones, and its not like daddys checking for undefiled hymens

>> No.3099573

And here I thought /sci/ was filled with people who were more interested in the pursuit of knowledge than pussy.
I have lost much respect for you

>> No.3099574

you think too much, you probably get straight A's and shit...

>> No.3099580

>claims to be intellectual
>so blind he can't even see the point of life is enjoyment and procreation

>> No.3099582

>First year mechanical engineering

>> No.3099584


>> No.3099589

At least you follow my reasoning. Why push for sex when the bitch rips off your pants and wants to give head?

>> No.3099591

the point of life is not proceation. evolution would want you to do that

in the 21st century, the point of life is to try and live forever

>> No.3099596 [DELETED] 

>the point of life is to try and live forever
That's why we procreate, it's the closest thing species have to immortality. At least make something of you last as long as possible.

>> No.3099612

live fast die young, live slow die old, it doesnt really matter which lifestyle you choose, any guy with a functioning dick is gonna wanna get it wet once in a while.

>> No.3099613

the only part of you that matters is consciousness/your brain.

having kids is not living forever or even close

the closest thing we have to living forever is called scientific advancement since it is theoretically possible to end, fix, or otherwise stave off biological aging.

ironically having kids will hinder you from accomplishing this [because when it comes out it's probably gonna be very expensive]

>> No.3099622

>in the 21st century, the point of life is to try and live forever
[citation needed]

>> No.3099624
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>Bio chem

I love my girlfriend, we've been together for years and I really don't want to break up with her or anything nor do I think I could betray her, but I really, really want to start boning other girls before I get too old. I hope someday she'll just be all "sure, go fuck other girls, btw I won't fuck other guys" but I know it will never happen.

>> No.3099629

Cool story bro. This MIGHT be possible circa 500 years in the future. 21st century? LOL no

>> No.3099630

You could not be more wrong, hedonist scum.

>> No.3099636 [DELETED] 

>the only part of you that matters is consciousness/your brain.
A species genealogy is more important than either because it propagates where it's future generations go. Procreating keeps your genealogy going, the closest to immortality yet possible because it's still you being pushed forward to the end of time.

>> No.3099642

I don't see how we're going to achieve biological immortality when so many of you guys are majoring in math and working at banks after graduation.

The rich certainly doesn't donate. The movement barely has any funding.

>> No.3099644

>moore's law
by 2050 or sooner we could see an average lifespan of 120 or more.

>> No.3099645

>it's still you being pushed forward to the end of time.

The "you" diminishes each successive generation. Well, if you want to be utterly philosophical about it, the you is gone once you perish. The idea of procreation to further one's propagation into the future is pure romanticism.

>> No.3099647

The point of your existence is a combination of keeping yourself alive/conscious and maximizing pleasure/minimizing pain
That's not "you". "you" are a bundle of nerves in your brain. you are not genes. you are NEURONS. NEURONS. You only experience what those NEURONS receive as electrochemical impulses
procreation is to immortailty as a flee is to a quark star. they have NOTHING TO DO WITH ONE ANOTHER

>> No.3099643 [DELETED] 

>procreation is the closest we have to immortality
>having kids is not living forever or even close
Your reading comprehension is really fucked. And your innate ability to capitalize the proper words and letters asserts this notion.

>> No.3099654

The vast majority of rich people would be too old to reap the benefits of it and thus see no point in investing. Even if it did come out before they died, they would be stuck in old shitty bodies

About the only one who it might make sense for is someone like zuckerberg

>> No.3099656

>math majors
>working at banks


>> No.3099662

Life has no meaning except the meaning you apply to it.
Anybody who makes their meaning of life pleasure is a shallow, pathetic person.

>> No.3099653

>The rich certainly doesn't donate
Bill Gates has donated more to charity than the sum of all donations ever made by all the people you know and all the people your friends know.
You're just a butthurt poor loser.

>> No.3099669

Seems like Biology and natural selection flew way over your head.

Sorry buddy but the singularity/immortality won't be happening within our lifetime.

>> No.3099666 [DELETED] 

>procreation is to immortailty as a flee is to a quark star
This isn't a viable comparison because "procreation :: immortality" is not the same thing as "flea :: quark star." How one is unintelligent enough to even make that distinction makes no rational sense, even for people with mental defects.

Life giving life has nothing to do with each other? Nice logic.

>> No.3099672 [DELETED] 


>> No.3099671 [DELETED] 

You are making philosophical and artistic definitions of what "you" means, which aren't empirical nor falsifiable enough definitions to be valid for this discussion.

>> No.3099682

That's pretty simple-minded. What makes you think that "you" is neurons? If you put your thoughts into a book or a piece of music, isn't that you? If teach your children your values that will be passed along and influence untold generations of humanity, isn't that you too? That's the only real immortality.

>> No.3099683

Immortality = Your consciousness persisting infinitely.

Procreation = Something else which has nothing to do with your consciousness
exponential growth bro

also all you need is some longevity

>> No.3099679 [DELETED] 

The "you" is a biological entity capable of life, procreation, and behavior. You can easily recreate yourself through all three combinations.

>> No.3099684

Ok who let the philosophy major into /sci/?

>> No.3099688

GTFO troll

punctuated equilibrium...

>> No.3099690

Same person who let the sex obsessed retards who like to brag about how many girls they've slept with in.

>> No.3099691
File: 146 KB, 500x406, brain2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophers get out.

This is YOU as defined by science. The exact point of localization of YOU is not known, but it is proven to be not outside of this.

>> No.3099692

>anyone who makes the most out of their one life is shallow and pathetic


>> No.3099697

>he thinks natural selection applies to intelligent species
newsflash bro : that shit stopped mattering the second we figured out how to make fire and pointy sticks.

>> No.3099695 [DELETED] 

>Your consciousness persisting infinitely.
If you're going by that definition, immortality has nothing to do with consciousness then.

>Something else which has nothing to do with your consciousness
By this definition then, procreation is impossible to achieve for any reproductive organism.

>> No.3099702

High school education, but pornstar.


>> No.3099705

>he thinks women aren't still attracted to physically fit men with muscles who are somewhat intellectual who can provide and defend her.

Rofl. Evolution is still going on all around you.

>> No.3099706

>Thinks hedonism is "Making the most out of your life".
Wow. Just how stupid are you?
Do something productive, you pathetic sack of shit

>> No.3099708

>calling me a pathetic sack of shit when he will contribute nothing of value to society

Cool story bro

>> No.3099710

Eunuch Studies

>> No.3099712

And where is your proof of this?
A person who dedicates himself to the creation of knowledge will contribute nothing of value to society?

>> No.3099715

What makes you think hedonism and "doing something productive" is mutually exclusive?

>> No.3099717

My neighbor is blind and spends tons of time on the internet. She just has a program that read out what the pages say. How can /sci/ not think of that???

>> No.3099720

>he doesn't understand natural selection

>> No.3099721

>he is a worthless troll

>> No.3099724

Hedonism is a waste of time by definition.
Perhaps if you were only a part-time hedonist it would be possible, but certainly not if you took your selfish, shallow pursuit of pleasure seriously.

>> No.3099726

0 , the stars are my lady ;_;

>> No.3099730

>humans can create materials nature never has
>humans can leave their biosphere to go to other planets and moons
>humans can literally fabricate life and genetically modify bacteria

>> No.3099731

Sexual selection is a part of natural selection, yes?

>> No.3099734

human attraction is largely cultural. fat people used to be attractive

>> No.3099737

nope. there were less fat people back then than there is now.

>> No.3099740


>> No.3099745
File: 31 KB, 443x443, 1306006835831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The exact point of localization of YOU is not known, but it is proven to be not outside of this.

>> No.3099749
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having any respect for /sci/ or any 4chan board.
>thinking /sci/ had mostly science threads.

>> No.3099750

>thinks consciousness is outside of the brain
herpderp must be in the heart

>> No.3099751


No, they liked a healthy bit of weight as opposed to starving or diseased women. Health has always been a factor in attraction, and morbidly obese land whales tip that scale way too far.

>> No.3099754

Why do women LOVE famous men even if they're ugly?
>artificial selection 1
>natural selection 0

>> No.3099756 [DELETED] 

Can I include encounters where I did not sleep with the women but still had sex?

>> No.3099780

Yes.There are more fat people than ever before, mostly because the number of people alive is increasing. Which means that at any given time, there will be more fat people than at any point in time before it.


>> No.3099782

Probably gonna make somebody mad with this...
Major: Digital Entertainment and Game Design (pretty much video game design)
Girls: ... last time I tried to count, over 50. I lost count after that, and I'll be damned if I can name them all...

I had a few (5) long-term relationships, but several of this number comes from hanging out at a frat house constantly between the ages of 18-20, then spending 3 years stationed in Germany. A solid 30 or so of this number comes from either one-night stands or hooking up with the same girls repeatedly from bars/clubs in Germany (just sex, no relationships). Add in a couple whorehouses here and there and we're set. Oh, and that's just the ones with which full intercourse was had, not counting head...

And then I grew up. It was fun, but time for this guy to settle down and have a family. I think in the last 4 years I've been with....6 or 7, mostly trying to have actual relationships.

I don't now nor did I then consider myself a man-whore. I discovered the female orgasm with number three on this list, and was obsessed with learning how to make it happen more. So when we broke up, I just started getting any woman I could into bed to figure out how to bring them to orgasm, since each girl is wired different when it comes to what gets them off and I grew up surrounded by women, always hearing how they were terrible lovers, couldn't get them off, etc... so I wanted to learn all I could about how to give a girl orgasms. I couldn't stand the thought of being thought of as a bad lover.

>> No.3099783


Number of fat people per 1000 people is increasing though, at least in the Western World anyway.

>> No.3099785

All people do is satisfy urges they have. These urges are founded in instincts. Someone who fancies them self better than a person who prioritizes the pursuit of recreational pleasure is a hypocrite. Their alternative, be it hunting for knowledge or bettering society, still satisfies the base drive of either discovery or altruism, respectively.

The fulfillment of urges is pleasurable. It doesn't matter how you get your brain to secrete dopamine and serotonin.

>> No.3099797

>Been in school for 8 weeks now, had sex with 12 different girls

Best 8 weeks of my life, and there was only one girl I only spent one night with, the rest were multiple nights.

>> No.3099830

>he thinks natural selection applies to intelligent species
>newsflash bro : that shit stopped mattering the second we figured out how to make fire and pointy sticks.

Okay /sci, i dont care how well engineering and mathematics pays. There is no excuse to be this dumb when it comes to biology,

>> No.3099852


>> No.3099862

Pre-med, focus in chemistry

and op i don't think prostitutes should count.

>> No.3099885
File: 344 KB, 500x375, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comp Sci

>> No.3099888
File: 27 KB, 320x320, Warrant+-+1989+-+Dirty+Rotten+Filthy+Stinking+Rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll buy bitches when I'm rich.

>> No.3101126

>Life sciences preparation (community college)

Just slept together, literally, and felt each others junk.

>> No.3101134

0 girls

>> No.3101135

>electrical engineering
>over 30

>> No.3101143


>> No.3101145


>mfw we don't even know what "YOU" is.
>Imperative statements without proofs are not science.
GTFO cancer of science.

>> No.3101146


>20 years old


>I can smell the mad from here.

>> No.3101154

Psych major math/stats double minor


Been with the 10th for about a year, fuck eryday

>> No.3101198


It's even funnier when you consider that this major consists of 90% of women.

>> No.3101222


That's nothing, I got cock blocked by Lupus this year, no joke. Yes, the disease.

>> No.3101446

>It doesn't matter how you get your brain to secrete dopamine and serotonin.

Actually, if you do it in a way that increases serotonin and dopamine production in other people, that's better.

This can be anything, from sex to transport infrastructure improvements.

>> No.3101453

>Electrical Engineering
feels batman

>> No.3101472

>environmental policy (fuck yeah hippie social sciences)
>8 girls slept with
>3 relationships

>> No.3101474

also, any sauce on OPs girl. She is the most beautiful thing i have ever seeen.....

>> No.3101480

>2nd year in chemical engineering

Well, it's not like we don't have girls (even hot ones) here, contrary to the popular belief.
I'm making a vow: this summer I'm getting my shit together, become a better man and next fall I'm gonna score high. LETS DO THIS

>> No.3101483

2nd year chemistry

I'm not going to start paying for sex from a prostitute until I get a lay from at least one non-sex worker.

>> No.3101496

>Posting on 4chan
>Having sex with women

Pick one

>> No.3101536


So much for the idea that social science people are alphas while physical science guys are betas

>> No.3101547

3rd year chemistry
1 (long time ago)

>> No.3101559


Alpha as fuck.

>> No.3101563

>1st year ChemE


>> No.3101571


am in a relationship

>> No.3101574

computer science
like, 16 guys

>> No.3101577

Second year Bio-Engineering

>> No.3101604

>Computer Science

>> No.3101632

>Implying you'll still be that cocky when we have jobs and you don't.

We'll be rolling it in when we're making money, girls this age aren't that worth it anyway they just get wet for anyone older than them, with a foreign accent, or they go off and sleep with someone else because they're ruled by their wants and desires at this age and never think about consequences.

>> No.3101637

not in college still in 8th grade
9 girls

fucking faggots here on /Sci/ are all fucking nerdy gays, i do lots of sport and i have whatever girls i like

>> No.3101644

>Food science, mostly microbiological aspects

Bitch was crazy...

>> No.3101702

>quantum physics

eh, no one gets laid at MIT...

>> No.3101775

>Second year Business/U.S. History double major.

>> No.3101856

>6 men

>> No.3101867


We've shared some good times but then she was all like "no we can't be together because (insert cliché reason here)". So now I'm alone and I can't be arsed to find another girl since I still love her...

>> No.3101882

2nd year Computer Science

>> No.3101895
File: 17 KB, 257x222, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd year Financial Management

Had a few chances but completely fucked them up
>mfw I fucked them up

>> No.3101897


But I'm also much older than the average college student because I was in the military for 6 years beforehand.

>> No.3101904
File: 31 KB, 500x461, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i fucked them up to. it's okay bro

>> No.3101914


>> No.3101932
File: 37 KB, 501x350, why_howabout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your worst story from this year?

i was making out with a chick on my bed and she obviously wanted to do more, and realizing this i went on autopilot full retard mode and told her i was tired and to get out so i could go to bed...

>her face when

>> No.3101941

>Mechanical Engineering

the second girl ended up being pretty kickass and now we're engaged. so the sex isn't with various people, but that doesn't mean it's not still good.

>> No.3101944


basically the same thing that you described.

>> No.3101974

>No college except for several certificates such as vocational business admin

>dozens at the age I was when I went to college
>well into the hundreds now

Of course I've probably literally spent more time at the bar then most of you have spent breathing.

That and I got to enjoy the entire "sex is power" trip back when feminism ended up creating the perfect storm for penises everywhere.

>> No.3101990


>> No.3102016

>over 9000

>> No.3102278

feels good, dunnit?

(captcha: yourpro are)

youngsters will never know the glory of the Sexual Revolution except watching reruns of That 70's Show

>> No.3102407

One's an ex-girlfriend, the other is my current girlfriend.

>> No.3102415


Been with the same girl since I was 15.

>> No.3102617



>I'm not gay either. Riddle time, go.

>> No.3102623

>2nd year Math
>im gay

>> No.3102650

Oh wait. People will assume I just haven't had sex. That isn't the case either.

>> No.3103067

>>Civil and Petroleum Engineering (double major)
>>4th year
>>15 girls
>>12 guys

Yeah, so?

>> No.3103120

So you had sex with animals (rocks?)?

>> No.3103136

says 0

/sci/ says

I actually lolled hard.

Also, straight girls are my favorite :D

>> No.3103137

Dude, are you me?
Anyways. Power managment, 2. One in college one before.

>> No.3103139

Senior Computer Engineering
0, straight

I think I'll wait till marriage

>> No.3103178
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>> No.3103183

>2nd year Astronomy

Been in a relationship with 3 of them

>> No.3103223


Think I have something going with this chick though, if I'm lucky the number might up by one in a near future.

>> No.3103234

>Software Engineering
>CAPTCHA: University clipme

>> No.3103238
File: 670 KB, 1920x1080, ontario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Computer Science

>she's still my gf
>we'll probably get married
>I'll probably cheat on her if I ever get the opportunity, so I can know what other girls feel like

>> No.3103242

>Political science freshman (year just ended)

Just had a threesome last week.

>> No.3103243


Not bad, I guess. Both didn't know how to science, though.

>> No.3103248

>graduated highschool, waiting to start first year math

>> No.3103251

Computer Science + Math
not motivated enough to get laid

>> No.3103273

3 years as a life sciences major: 0
2 years education major: 3

>> No.3103375

but methinks 'twill be on the rise now that things didn't work out with long-time (ex) gf

>> No.3103445

Computer science
>2 GFs
>1 prostie

No other CS will be this awesome.

>> No.3103453

>know everything about a human
>16 in one year

>yup that was the right choice.

>> No.3103468

Mech. Engineer.
#4 (2 young, 2 milfs)

2nd year.

>> No.3103472

>4 (All in high school though ;_;)

>> No.3103473

Engineering Engineer.
>7 gays
>1 straigts
>3 trannies

Am pretty happy doing engineering.

>> No.3103476

> Engineering
> Before college: 1
> During 3 years of college: 0


>> No.3103486

4th Electrical Engineering
1 girl

>> No.3103507

Yes, I am a straight girl. Well done.

I lolled too, but seriously, wtf