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3092249 No.3092249 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to be a wage slave - I want to be a free man. Please show me the path.

>> No.3092264

go live with the aborigines

>> No.3092278

Fuck you, you commie shit. You will always be a slave to your brainlessness.

>> No.3092292

seek out "Aether"

>> No.3092296

I had similar ideas when I was younger, but it would never work out really.
The only way it would work is if you inherited a shitload of money, won the lottery, or got some sort of big break that sorted you for life.

Unless you are content living off the land with no electricity or creature comforts at all, and no material possessions.

>> No.3092312

>implying one can't be a wage slave for 10 years in the 1st world and then move to some 3rd world country where one could life like a king for the money one made in the 1st world

>> No.3092321

Steal stuff everyday.

>> No.3092324

Buy stocks.

>> No.3092343

Wouldn't want to, living like a king in 3rd world would probably be worse than living average in 1st world.

>> No.3092350

Except you could probably live without working at all, and open some huge business and buy stocks which would keep on giving and giving.

>> No.3092355

And you could buy almost anything you could, and even what you couldn't.

>> No.3092357

Move to the middle of nowhere. Grow your own food.

Bulgaria is a pretty cool place. Don't be hating.

>> No.3092358

change the world economy from monetary to resource based

>> No.3092365

>implying living like a king in somalia is better than living an average american life.

>> No.3092367

Bulgaria is a 2nd world country. 2nd world countries are members of the Warsaw Pact by the definition.

>> No.3092371


>Implying you will ever get rich from stocks

Even if you put say $10,000 into Apple in 2000, you'd now have $100,000. Considering that's one of the best performing stocks in recent history, how exactly does one live off of that?

>> No.3092373

>be high school teacher
>joke around with kids all day
>easy job
>teach fun stuff
>summers off
>work 7-2, afternoons off

Plenty of time to pursue your interests. Especially if you enjoy something like fitness and bodybuilding, just become a gym teacher and use the facilities or workout during class.

>> No.3092377
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If you don't like the system, impose your own will on the universe and change the system.

>> No.3092379

>10-fold increase in 10 years with no additional labor
Are you seriously using this to argue that it's not a good idea, or a workable way to live? If you can put a million dollars away, you can live off the interest indefinitely.

>> No.3092380

Don't listen to him, Bulgayria is the worst place to go

>> No.3092381


Put 100,000 in, or something.

>> No.3092385

Drugs are more accessible and human life is cheaper. Anything else I missed?

>> No.3092390

You can become a seasons slave - working like a prehistoric farmer, creating your own tools...

>> No.3092389

>implying most of /sci/ isn't shy

>> No.3092391

>Be a nomad.

>be a subsistence farmer

>Volunteer for charity
>live on government welfare

>bitch a ride aboard an old freight train across the midwest USA
>offer your labour to whomever and swiftly move on after a couple of weeks


>Be a homeless person

>> No.3092393
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>summers off

Every time I mention this all the teachers I know go into defensive mode and claim they do work during the summer, and are entitled to salaried payment for time they aren't working. I fucking knew they were collaborating together, trying to piss me off.

>> No.3092399

I dropped out of uni to work 20 hours a week in retail so I can play vidya and read whatever I want because I now have heaps of spare time.

>> No.3092409

Hey, if you're happy with the job and the paycheck in exchange, then more power to you. Be happy!

>> No.3092424

>Are you seriously using this to argue that it's not a good idea, or a workable way to live? If you can put a million dollars away, you can live off the interest indefinitely.

Seriously, just think for a second. Just for one fucking second. If you put that $10,000, what exactly are you going to be paying your rent/mortgage with? What about your living expenses? It won't be the investment, because otherwise it won't grow.

$10000 a year in any case is not enough to live off. If you had a ridiculous amount of money already then you could experience massive growth but the only way to get the sizable initial investment is either through work or a trust fund, plus this is the best case scenario for your stock. Chances are, it'll just lose money.

Stocks are not a way to simply avoid work. Venture capital could be, but again, you won't have enough money initially to actually be able to fund a start-up, unless it's something small like a web based service. But how are you going to find out about the start-up? Do you know anything about business?

Really, the vast majority of people will need a job. The best you can hope for is to own your own successful business.

>> No.3092436

Yeah and what about 10-20 years down the line when you decide you want a family, need a bigger house, holidays, home etc.

>> No.3092437

>$10000 a year in any case is not enough to live off.

Wrong. I live off the money that my parents gave me (they gave me around 250k dollars on a bank account and 360k invested) for 500 dollars a day, because I want to live off that money for as long as possible without working.

>> No.3092435

Oh, I didn't mean to suggest that you could stop working with only 10 G's. Unless you like being homeless.

>> No.3092439



Enjoy being poor, I guess.

>> No.3092440

The best answer is to find something that wouldn't be work for you - something you love doing. Even people who sit on their asses watching TV all day can make careers as critics - and don't tell me you don't love being a santimonious asshole about your opinion!

>> No.3092445

I also wanted to add that my parents aren't dead, and I will get about 3 millions invested when they die (and even before they do, they will give me more money when I run out, but I try not to exploit their loyalty to me much).

>> No.3092453
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>mfw no one will pay me to do what I love

>> No.3092454

> (they gave me around 250k dollars on a bank account and 360k invested)
Yeah, that works. But do you realize that $500 a day is $182,500 annually?

Either you're burning through your inheritance, or you're making shit up.

>> No.3092473
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You don't love science?

>> No.3092472

People live for 15$ a day.
That's how you should do it.

You're all that's wrong with this world.
Living on what you haven't earned.

>> No.3092470

>people who sit on their asses watching TV all day can make careers as critics

This is what undergraduates actually believe.

>> No.3092475

      If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?

      How are you supposed to earn a living if all you do is work?

Ahh, the paradox of being a free man.

>> No.3092477

Sell your stuff, become a subsistence farmer somewhere with rich soil. Then you'll learn what it truly feels like to be a slave and appreciate how incorrect your current world view is.

>> No.3092476

Dude, that's what a TV critic IS.

>> No.3092486

Moderately. Anything I can work at for a living will always be second choice because no one's paying me to be a complete fucking hedonist.

>> No.3092487

It's not hard to find well-paying work you can enjoy unless you're going through existential depression. Which you are. Get therapy, find a nice job, then wait around for the singularity.

>> No.3092488

I meant 500 dollars a month. I've already bought all the shit I need, and play vidya all day long, as well as read and watch documentaries. Most of the money goes on the food and Internet connection.

>> No.3092493

You mean I have to DO SHIT if I want food and vidya? Fuck that. Where's my free lunch?

>> No.3092495

I don't have any reason to need any of those things.

>> No.3092497

What about rent? Have you inherited a house?

>> No.3092504 [DELETED] 

Bought. Well, my parents bought it to me (it makes a part of the 'invested' money)

>> No.3092501

See all that stuff you need, it'll need to be replaced sooner or later.


Yeah..... just now

>> No.3092502

I love the selfish, stupid babies who'd rather starve on the streets than adapt.

>> No.3092509


>> No.3092522

It should be: How are you supposed to *make* a living if all you do is work?

The point being that you're expected to *earn* a living

>> No.3092523

I'm asexual
>bigger house
see above
I live an hour's drive from a lovely beach.

>> No.3092526

Believe it or not, this:
is the answer.

Unfortunately, /sci/ will be collectively unable to come up with realistic ways in which to do this. They'll sit around and watch Zeitgeist and complain about how shitty the system is, but not one ounce of effort will go into actually improving things, or even coming up with ways to do so.

>> No.3092532

You guys are faggots. I'll rather be a slave than be homeless and shit.

And if you just want to quit your job to play video games all day long then you're a massive faggot with no purpose in life, please kill yourself so we immigrants can atleast take your place.

Man the fuck up.

>> No.3092534

I'd rather that the people who buy into Zeitgeist do nothing, actually.

>> No.3092539

If they don't have a job, they already HAVE moved aside to give you room in the job market.

>> No.3092538


You sir, live the worst life ever.

>> No.3092541
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>> No.3092543

OP, it's simple. If you don't want to be a wage slave, all you have to do is save 10-20% of each paycheck, and never spend it. Within a year you will have thousands of dollars and it will continue to grow.

With that kind of money in the bank you have a lot less to fear. Eventually you could start your own business. Or keep working for the man, and if you lose your job, it's no big deal, you don't have to worry about how you'll pay the rent.

>> No.3092545


Don't you want to have kids? a continuation of yourself? Don't you have a desire to explore the world, besides your 'lovely beach'. Actually have a partner?

I mean, really, what is the purpose of your life?

>> No.3092551


Dude, every half sensible person does that..Or are people much more retarded in America?

>> No.3092556

Far too many people don't understand debt. I doubt it's a uniquely American problem, but it's certainly a problem here.

>> No.3092561

Relevant SNL skit:

>> No.3092623

Why? It's not like I'm a factory worker in China.
Life itself doesn't have a purpose so I don't see why I should look for purpose. I'll die and be forgotten regardless of whether I stack shelves or do medical engineering. I don't need a partner if I can masturbate and cook my own food. What experience can one attain from exploring the world other than reinforcing ethnocentric assumptions about cultures which differ from the one they were raised in?

>> No.3092639

>What experience can one attain from exploring the world other than reinforcing ethnocentric assumptions about cultures which differ from the one they were raised in?
>exploring the world only reinforces ethnocentric assumptions
You can't be serious.

>> No.3092643
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I can't decide whether to laugh or cry.

>> No.3092648

I have about $600,000 and I don't work.

It does not really take much if you are smart about it.

>> No.3092665

holy shit this is the funniest thing ever, screencapping this shit for later lols

> I don't need a partner if I can masturbate

i cried a little

>> No.3092676

Not the guy you're replying to but I knew a gay who visited the US and he said he learnt that the non gay Americans were stupid. Another example is a chrisfag chick in my dorm who keeps photos of her with sickly looking Africans on her wall so she can brag about how much of a help she is to those children.

>> No.3093183


If you don't want to be a 'wage slave', then get a job that pays a salary

or find a lonely rich woman

>> No.3093204

Read about Paul Erdos. That's all.

>> No.3093217


And how did you acquire it